English for Art & Design: Art history precourse (1993)
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English for Art & Design: Art history precourse: 1 | References and other readings: 2
H. D. Adamson. (1990). “ESL students’ use of academic skills in content courses”. English for Specific Purposes, 9, pp. 67-87.
Adrian Holliday and Terence Cooke. (1983). An ecological approach to ESP. In Alan Waters (Ed.), Issues in ESP, (pp.123-43). Oxford: Pergamon.
Tom Hutchinson. (1987). English for Specific Purposes: A learning-centred approach. Cambridge: CUP.
Ann Johns. (1981). “Necessary English: A faculty survey”. TESOL Quarterly, 15(1), pp. 51-7.
Ronald Mackay. (1978). “Identifying the nature of the learner’s needs”. In Ronald Mackay and Alan Mountford (Eds.), English for Academic Purposes, (pp. 21-42). London: Longman.
Ronald Mackay and Maryse Bosquet. (1981). “LSP curriculum development— from policy to practice”. In Ronald Mackay and Joe Darwin Palmer (Eds.), Language for Specific Purposes, (pp. 1-27). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
John Munby. (1978). Communicative syllabus design. Cambridge: CUP.
René Richterich and Jean-Louis Chancerel. (1980). Identifying the needs of adults learning a foreign language. New York: Pergamon.
Peter Strevens. (1977). “Special-purpose language learning: A perspective”. Language Teaching and Linguistics Abstracts, 10(3), pp. 145-63.
H. G. Widdowson. (1987). “English for Specific Purposes: Criteria for course design”. In Michael Long and Jack Richards (Eds.), Methodology in TESOL, (pp. 96-104). New York: Newbury House.
Other readings (not referenced):
Robert Baumgardner. (1988). “Review of English for Specific Purposes: A learner-centred approach, by Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters”. English for Specific Purposes, 7, pp. 137-46.
Malcolm Benson. (1991). “University ESL reading: A content analysis”. English for Specific Purposes, 10, pp. 75-88.
Robert Berwick. (1989). “Needs assessment in language programming: From theory to practice”. In Robert Keith Johnson (Ed.), The second language curriculum, (pp. 48-62). Cambridge: CUP.
F. Chambers. (1980). “A re-evaluation of needs analysis”. ESP Journal, 1(1), pp. 25-33.
Alan Cunningsworth. (1983). “Needs analysis— A review of the state of the art”. System, 11(2), pp. 149-54.
Alan Davies. (1981). Review of Communicative syllabus design, by John Munby. TESOL Quarterly, 15(3), pp. 332-6.
Richard Drdek. (1979). “Participle power— seeing, hearing, writing: Composing. In Judy Schwartz (Ed.), Teaching the linguistically diverse (pp. 110-38). Rochester, NY: New York State English Council.
Mary Lou Figueroa. (1984). “Art education and bilingual education: An inquiry into a relationship”. Master’s Project. Philadelphia: Tyler School of Art.
Charles Jansen. (1986). Studying art history. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Ann Johns. (1991). English for Specific Purposes (ESP). In Marianne Celce-Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, (pp. 67-77). Boston: Heinle and Heinle.
Ann Johns and Tony Dudley-Evans. (1991). “English for Specific Purposes: International in scope, specific in purpose”. TESOL Quarterly, 25(2), pp. 297-314.
John Munby. (1984). “Communicative syllabus design: Principles and problems”. In J.A.S. Read (Ed.), Trends in language syllabus design, Anthology Series 13, (pp. 55-67). Singapore: SEAMEO Regional English Language Centre.
M. K. Phillips and C. C. Shettleworth. (1987). “How to arm your students: A consideration of two approaches to providing materials for ESP”. In Michael Long and Jack Richards (Eds.), Methodology in TESOL, (pp. 105-11). New York: Newbury House.
Marcia Pointon. (1980). History of art: A students’ handbook. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Pauline Robinson. (1991). ESP today: A practitioner’s guide. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Maxine Schmidt. (1981). “Needs assessment in English for Specific Purposes: The case study”. In Larry Selinker, Elaine Tarone, and Victor Hanzeli (Eds.), English for Academic and Technical Purposes: Studies in honor of Louis Trimble, (pp. 199-210). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Noel Schutz and Bruce Derwing (1981). “The problems of needs assessment in English for Specific Purposes: Some theoretical and practical considerations”. In Ronald Mackay and Joe Darwin Palmer (Eds.), Language for Specific Purposes, (pp. 29-44). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Marguerite Ann Snow. (1991). “Teaching language through content”. In Marianne Celce-Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, (pp. 315-28). Boston: Heinle and Heinle.
Christine Tan San Yee and Kam Chuan Aik. (1988). “ESP— State of the art at Ngee Ann”. In M. Tickoo (Ed.), ESP: State of the art. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
English for Art & Design: Art history precourse: 1 | References and other readings: 2