Sleepwalker at Wellesley: 5000+ articles in 96+ countries
Art Design Publicity at ADC | 25 August 2014 | Re-release: 29 October 2021 | Updated 14 December 2021

Tony Matelli. Sleepwalker (2014). Installed at Wellesley College (2014). Overall: 70 in. x 48 in. x 26 in. Courtesy of Tony Matelli and Marlborough Chelsea. Photo: J. Kennard.
The following is an international media/Internet coverage compilation concerning Tony Matelli’s discussion-generating Sleepwalker sculpture installed at Wellesley College. (The 2021 re-release mainly deletes dead links and taken down news videos, within a modified organizational layout.)
If you haven’t done so already, we recommend reading the overview article "Media Push and Pull: Tony Matelli’s Sleepwalker and the "Creepy Statue" Controversy (2014)", previously published in Sculpture magazine, and other articles in our special Sleepwalker focus.
Below, the compilation starts in Boston where the media coverage first occurred, and then continues nationally, across the US by media market, and internationally.
A. Boston-area media outlets stir up the sensation (2014)
Massachusetts - Boston area 2014 - spotlighted blog post - the madness beginsBrown, Bob. (03 February 2014). Tighty Whitey Wellesley. The Swellesley Report (local blog) (website). [1416] "... nothing says hot art exhibit like this lifelike guy in his tighty whiteys..." Kim Min Su, ADP editor: This local blog first announced the placement of the sculpture, the student petition, and the sculpture’s social media accounts. Congrats to the Swellesley Report for such sensational coverage! |
See more Boston area coverage
Brown, Bob. (04 February 2014). Nearly naked, sleepwalking zombie sculpture triggers debate at Wellesley College. The Swellesley Report (local blog) (website). [1417] |
Brown, Bob. (05 February 2014). Wellesley scantily-clad statue story goes viral. The Swellesley Report (local blog) (website). [0583] Brown, Bob. (05 February 2014). Before Wellesley College’s tighty whitey man: Headless, armless, naked Walking Man. The Swellesley Report (local blog) (website). [0585] Brown, Bob. (05 February 2014). Wellesley Sleepwalker not going anywhere anytime soon. The Swellesley Report (local blog) (website). [0584] Brown, Bob. (05 February 2014). Near-naked Wellesley sleepwalker statue now has own Twitter, Facebook accounts. The Swellesley Report (local blog) (website). [1421] Brown, Bob. (06 February 2014). Naked truth about Wellesley College. The Swellesley Report (local blog) (website). [1420] Brown, Bob. (06 February 2014). Big follow-up to Wellesley Sleepwalker statue: Madeleine Albright’s jewelry collection. The Swellesley Report (local blog) (website). (Mention.) [1419] Brown, Bob. (13 February 2014). Protecting the Wellesley Sleepwalker. The Swellesley Report (local blog) (photos) (website). [1418] Brown, Bob. (01 April 2014). Sources: Wellesley commissions more near-naked Sleepwalker statues (April Fool’s). The Swellesley Report (local blog) (website). Brown, Bob. (07 May 2014). Wellesley College Sleepwalker statue sticking around until July. The Swellesley Report. (Section unknown) (website). [4756] |
Wellesley College communications Undated. Various communications: "Tony Matelli" (search). (Wellesley College website).
Your attention, please. petition (national):
![]() Petitioned by "A Wellesley student". (Updated 05 February 2014). Petitioning President H. Kim Bottomly and Lisa Fischman, Davis Museum Director: Move the "Sleepwalker" Inside the Davis Museum. [1780]
The Wellesley News - Wellesley College student newspaper One of the liveliest sites to read about Sleepwalker is the student-produced Wellesley News. (05 February 2014). “Sleepwalker” elicits strong reactions from the Wellesley community. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College student paper) (Arts section) (Paragraph and request for comments.) (website and hard copy). [0586; K1-119] Krause, Zoe. (05 February 2014). Letter to the editor. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (Opinions section) (website and hard copy). [1249; K1-120] Hills, Victoria. (12 February 2014). Senior uses Twitter to remold sculpture dialogue. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College student paper) (Features section) (website and hard copy). [1027; K1-014] Hills, Victoria. (12 February 2014). Wellesley is a college, not a safe space. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (Opinions section) (website and hard copy). [1401; K1-015] The Wellesley News staff editorial. (12 February 2014). Preventing sexual assault must be a campus priority. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (Editorials section) (website and hard copy). (Mention.) [1402] Verback, Claire. (12 February 2014). Letter to the editor. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (Opinions section) (website and hard copy). [1403; K1-012] Liss-Schultz, Claudia and Egeland, Anna. (12 February 2014). Letter to the editor. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (Letters to the editor section) (website). [1404] Narayanan, Sruthi. (12 February 2014). Reactions to "Sleepwalker" beg administrators to wake up. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (Opinions section) (hard copy). [1414; K1-013] (12 February 2014). News in brief: CG (College Government) asks students to email complaints concerning sleepwalker statue. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (News section) (website and hard copy). (Mention.) [1405; K1-016] (12 February 2014). Senate report: SAAFE (Sexual Assault Awareness for Everyone) voices concerns to CG (College Government) about Sleepwalker statue. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (News section) (website and hard copy). (Mention.) [1406]. Ahmad, Myra. (13 February 2014). Art installation sparks controversy on campus. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (News section) (website and hard copy). [1407; K1-004] The Wellesley News Staff Editorial. (19 February 2014). Students and administration should communicate better. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (Editorial section) (website). [1408] (19 February 2014). News in brief: “Sleepwalker” sculpture working group convened last week. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (News section) (website). [1409] Tonti, Lauren. (19 February 2014). Wellesley Memories Night: Alumnae talk love, drugs and Wendy Wellesley. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (Features section) (website; hard copy). (Mention.) [1410; K2-005] Williams, Emily. (19 February 2014). Fossil Free Wellesley holds march to show continued student support for divestment. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) ( section) (website). (Mention.) [1411] Chen, Xueying. (19 February 2014). Admins discuss ‘Sleepwalker’ controversy. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (News section) (website; hard copy). [1415; K2-004] (26 February 2014). News in brief: Wall Street Journal publishes letter to the editor by Bottomly. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (News section) (website). (Mention.) [1412] (26 February 2014). Senate report: CG (College Government) urges students affected by the “Sleepwalker” to seek available resources. The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) (News section) (website; hard copy). (Mention.) [1413; K2-002] |
Boston area The mainstream Boston newspapers, TV and websites quickly reported on the Sleepwalker controversy, and they facilitated Sleepwalker to become a national, and international, sensation. TV ABC (06 February 2014). Statue of man in undies causes stir on Wellesley College campus. WCVB (ABC 5) (Boston) (MetroWest section) (website). (Also on the day a TV news broadcast with the title "Sleepwalker art causing controversy on college campus") (YouTube). [1252; 1061] Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WCVB (ABC 5) (Boston) (National news section) (website). [0123] |
(07 February 2014). Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation. WCVB (ABC 5) (Boston) (Embedded video of news report — see above — by WCVB which is linked on several American TV stations, and a link to a transcript) (Section unknown) (website). [0645] (07 February 2014). Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation. WCVB (ABC 5) (Boston) (Paragraph and link to WCVB video of TV news report, which is also on several TV affiliate websites across the USA) (Section unknown) (website). [1267] CBS CBS/AP. (05 February 2014). Sculpture of man in underwear turning some heads on Wellesley College campus. WBZ-TV (CBS 4) (Boston), WBZ (1030 AM) (News radio), and WBZ-FM (98.5 FM) (Sports radio) (Local news section) (website). (A second article was released on ca. 06 February 2014 with the title "Daily talker: Should near-naked Wellesley statue be removed?" Also a page with an embedded video of a TV broadcast by WBZ-TV was released on 06 February 2014— with the title "Artist Defends Statue On Wellesley College Campus". [0132; 0150; 0845] FOX Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFXT (FOX 25) (Boston) (Section unknown) (website & broadcast). (On 05 February, broadcast at 6AM. On 06 and 08 February 2014, other AP versions were released.) [0397; 0562; 1187; 0396] FOX25 Boston / Gail Waterhouse. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue on Wellesley College campus causes controversy. WFXT (FOX 25) (Boston) (With embedded news report) (Section unknown) (website). [0574]. NBC Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WHDH (NBC 7 Boston) (Section unknown) (website). (A second updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0162; 0055] Caputo, Tim / WHDH. (06 February 2014). Nearly naked sculpture draws attention in Wellesley. WHDH (NBC 7 Boston) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, video of news report), which is on several TV affiliate websites across the USA.) [0430] Amanda Grace / WHDH. (07 February 2014). Sculptor: Wellesley Sleepwalk should bring empathy. WHDH (Boston) (NBC 7) (Section unknown) (website). [1037] PBS |
WGBH News. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). The Sleepwalker Is ’No Piss Christ’ (Arts editor Jared Brown interviews Tony Matelli). WGBH (PBS 2) (Paragraph and embedded video of TV broadcast: see video above) (Arts section) (Mention) (website). (Also, on 14 February 2014, WGBH released "’The Sleepwalker’: Strong reaction to Wellesley statue" with the video and a modified caption. Further, on 03 April 2014, an article "Arts this week: Heartbeat of home, Matelli exhibit, rich girl" was released with a mention.) [0839; 5077; 2175] CABLE NEWS NECN / Josh Brogadir. (06 February 2014). Meet the new ’man’ at Wellesley College. New England Cable News (Newton, MA) (3.6 million subscribers in 1050+ cities and towns in all New England states.) (Includes embedded video of TV broadcast.) (Section unknown) (website). [1063] WellesleyChannelTV (13 February 2014). "Sleepwalker" at Wellesley College awakens art conversation. WellesleyChannelTV (local TV) (Youtube). [5080] (27 February 2014). "Inside Wellesley" - Davis Museum Director talks Tony Matelli. WellesleyChannelTV (local TV) (Youtube). [5078] Southern New Hampshire in Boston DMA Associated Press. (Updated 06 February 2014). Statue of man in underwear causes stir on Wellesley College campus. WMUR (Manchester, NH) (ABC 9) (Local news section) (website). (Two additional article versions were released. One on 06 February 2014 with the title "Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy"; and a small article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0648; 0598; 0649] RADIO Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WRKO (680 AM) (Talk radio) (Boston) (Local section) (website). [1122]
[Matelli] is somebody that actually cares deeply about how this has impacted the community here."
(19 February 2104). Segment: WGBH Arts Editor Jared Bowen gives Boston Public Radio hosts Jim Braude and Margery Eagan his opinions on films Winter’s Tale and Monuments Men; on stage: Death of Salesman, Witness Uganda and Absence; and Tony Matelli’s show at Wellesley College. (Matelli segment: 11:40-23:18). Boston Public Radio (BPR) | WGBH news. (SoundCloud). [2-5119]
Jared Bowen: "I don’t think anyone has had this much publicity for art in a really long time."
Margery Eagan: "... and congratulations to the artist Tony Matelli for provoking such a big controversy!"
Boston Public Radio Staff. (20 February 2014). Alex Beam Talks Robot Rights, Water Politics, And Wellesley College’s ’Sleepwalker’. WGBH (89.7 FM) (Boston) (Section unknown) (website). (Mention.) [0805] Dolloff, Matt. (05 February 2014). There’s a creepy half-naked “Sleepwalker” sculpture on the Wellesley College campus. WODS (103.3) (Top 40 music / Classic hits / Soft adult contemporary) (Boston) (Section unknown) (website). [1024] ( 15 April 2014). Segment: WGBH Arts Editor Jared Bowen reviews Heartbeat of Home, the new exhibition by Tony Matelli and the Lyric Stage Co. Rich Girl (Matelli segment: 1:55-6:50). WGBH News (SoundCloud). [2-5118] Southern New Hampshire in Boston DMA Associated Press. (ca. 12 February 2014). News highlights. WGIR (AM 610) (talk radio) (Manchester, NH) (News highlights section; photo with caption in 50 photo gallery) (website). [1235]
NEWSPAPERS Boston Globe and (04 February 2014). Art show at Wellesley. Boston Globe (Photo of Josh sculpture by Matelli and caption). (Metro section) (hard copy; e-paper). [1057; 1039] (ca. 05 February 2014). Near nude statue of man creeping out students at Wellesley College. (subsidiary of the Boston Globe) (Your town section) (website). (photo gallery with captions x 11). [0135-0145] Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (subsidiary of the Boston Globe) (Travel - Destinations section) (website). [0152] Reiss, Jaclyn. (05 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in his underwear at Wellesley College sparks controversy. (subsidiary of the Boston Globe) (Wellesley - Your Campus section) (website). [0128]
"If the statue was at any other college it would already have been decorated and dressed in any number of different ’outfits’ with pictures of it all over the web. At wellesley they sign a petition."
Reiss, Jaclyn. (05 February 2014). Statue of man in underwear causes stir at Wellesley College. Boston Globe (Metro section) (website). [0131] Reiss, Jaclyn. (05 February 2014). Statue of sleepwalking man triggers controversy at Wellesley College. (subsidiary of the Boston Globe) (News - Local Massachusetts) (website). [0130] Reiss, Jaclyn. (06 February 2014). Artist says Wellesley College statue represents man who is ‘hopelessly lost’ (Q&A). Boston Globe (Metro section) (website). [2180] Reiss, Jaclyn. (06 February 2014). Q&A with Tony Matelli, artist behind Wellesley College’s scantily-clad sleepwalking statue. (subsidiary of the Boston Globe) (Wellesley - Your campus section) (website). [0030] Shanahan, Mark & Goldstein, Meredith. (ca. 06 February 2014). Wellesley’s ‘Sleepwalker’ gets a Twitter account. (subsidiary of the Boston Globe) (Celebrity section) (website). [0146] (ca. 08 February 2014). Photos of ’Sleepwalker’ at Wellesley College from social media. (Your Town section) (website). [2182] Smee, Sebastian. (15 February 2014). Threshold states and dark wit in standout show by Tony Matelli (art review). Boston Globe (Arts section) (website). [0727] Schneider, Nathaniel S. (19 February 2014). US policymakers in a daze over Syria. Boston Globe (Opinion - Letters section) (website) (Mention!). [0513]
Reiss, Jaclyn. (20 February 2014). Wellesley College president: ’Sleepwalker’ will stay where it is through the spring. (subsidiary of the Boston Globe) (Wellesley - Your campus section) (website). [0831]
Reiss, Jaclyn. (01 March 2014). College letting "Sleep Walker" stand (summary). (News section) (website). [2183]
Reiss, Jaclyn. (02 March 2014). College letting "Sleep Walker" stand. Boston Globe (West section) (website). [2179]
Vennochi, Joan. (20 March 2014). "Millie" fight creates a chilling effect. Boston Globe. (Opinion section) (website) (Mention). [2178]
Wellesley town newspaper Mayblum, Jordan. (05 February 2014). Sleepwalker at Wellesley: Why isn’t that guy wearing any clothes? The Wellesley Townsman / (Section unknown) (website). [0570] Mayblum, Jordan. (06 February 2014; Updated 07 February 2014). Scantily clad sculpture on Wellesley College campus gets national exposure. The Wellesley Townsman / (Section unknown) (website). [0760] McGagh, Ken (Daily News staff). (14 February 2014). PHOTOS: Sleepwalking into a storm in Wellesley. The Wellesley Townsman / (Section unknown) (Six-photo gallery and paragraph previewing 16 February 2014 article.) (website). [0834] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. The Wellesley Townsman / (Section unknown) (website). [0514] Other newspapers Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [0287] Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Sentinel & Enterprise (Fitchburg, MA) (Police section) (!) (website). [170] Mayblum, Jordan. (05 February 2014). Sleepwalker at Wellesley: Why isn’t that guy wearing any clothes? The MetroWest Daily News (Framingham, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [0730] Naughton, Michael. (05 February 2014). Wellesley College ‘Sleepwalker’ sculpture creates controversy. Metro (Boston) (Local section) (website). [0576] Naughton, Michael. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College president, students react to ‘Sleepwalker’ naked man sculpture. Metro (Boston) (Local section) (website). [0745] Naughton, Michael. (06 February 2014). Artist Tony Matelli surprised by ‘Sleepwalker’ sculpture reaction at Wellesley College. Metro (Boston) (Local section) (website). [1328] Associated Press. (06 February 2014). At Wellesley College, man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Worcester Telegram & Gazette (Mass.) (Section unknown) (website). [0172] Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Sun (Lowell, MA) (Story section) (website). [0887] Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Valley Dispatch (Dracut, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [1038] Newsfix. (ca. 08 February 2014). Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College. Boston Herald (Video and paragraph) (website). [2005] Bergeron, Chris. (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. MetroWest Daily News (Framingham, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [5073] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. The Milford Daily News. (Milford, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1353; 1023] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Avon. (Avon, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1389; 1390] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Bolton. (Bolton, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1391; 1392] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal. (Boston) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1338; 1366] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Braintree Forum. (Braintree, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1393; 1394] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Brookline TAB. (Needham, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1004; 1352] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Bulletin. (Falmouth, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1431, 1432] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Cambridge Chronicle & Tab. (Somerville, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1397; 1398] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Cape Codder. (Brewster, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1395; 1396] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Cape Codder. (Chatham, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1343; 1371] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Carver Reporter. (Plymouth, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1375; 1378] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Chelmsford Independent. (Chelmsford, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1361; 1319] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Country Gazette. (Foxborough, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1433; 1434] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Enterprise. (Hanson, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1385; 1386] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Essex / Cape Ann Beacon. (Danvers, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1429; 1430] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Framingham Tab and Metrowest Daily News. (Framingham, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1435; 1436] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Hamilton / Hamilton-Wenham Chronicle. (Danvers, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1437; 1438] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Hanover Mariner and Patriot Ledger. (Marshfield, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1381; 1382] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Harvard Post. (Harvard, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1362; 1334] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Holbrook / Holbrook Sun and Patriot Ledger. (Randolph, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1439; 1440] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Holliston / Metrowest Daily News. (Holliston, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1441, 1442] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Hopkinton / Hopkinton Crier and Metrowest Daily News. (Hopkinton, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1443, 1444] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Lexington Minuteman. (Lexington, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1357; 1196] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Lincoln Journal. (Lincoln, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1445; 1446] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Malden Observer. (Somerville, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1359; 1217] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Marblehead Reporter. (Danvers, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1364; 1336] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Marion / The Sentinel. (Plymouth, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1449; 1450] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Marshfield Mariner and Patriot Ledger. (Marshfield, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1451; 1452] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Medway / Country Gazette and The Milford Daily News. (Medway, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1453; 1454] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / MetroWest Daily News. (Ashland, MA) (News/ Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1387; 1388] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Middleborough / The Enterprise. (Middleborough, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1455; 1456] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Milford Daily News. (Milford, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1379; 1380] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Milford Daily News. (Wrentham, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1342; 1370] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Natick Bulletin and Metrowest Daily News. (Natick, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1457; 1458] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Needham Times. (Needham, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1459; 1460] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Northborough-Southborough Villager. (Northborough, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1345; 1373] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Northborough-Southborough Villager. (Southborough, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1341; 1369] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Norwell Mariner and Patriot Ledger. (Marshfield, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1463; 1464] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Patriot Ledger. (Quincy, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1344; 1372] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Plainville / Country Gazette. (Plainville, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1465; 1466] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Plymouth / Old Colony Memorial. (Plymouth, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1467; 1468] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Register. (Barnstable, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1339; 1367] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Register. (Dennis, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1425; 1426] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Roslindale / Roslindale Transcript. (Needham, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1473; 1474] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Salem Gazette. (Danvers, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1475; 1476] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Sandwich Broadsider. (Sandwich, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1477; 1478] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Scituate Mariner. ((Marshfield, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1337; 1365] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Shrewsbury Chronicle. (Shrewsbury, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1479; 1480] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Somerville Journal. (Somerville, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1481; 1482] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Stow / Beacon-Villager. (Concord, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1483; 1484] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Swampscott Reporter. (Marblehead, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1335; 1363] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Wakefield Observer. (Danvers, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1355; 1028] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Walpole Times. (Walpole, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1358; 1213] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Waltham News Tribune. (Waltham, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1489; 1490] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Wareham Courier. (Plymouth, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1491; 1492] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Watertown Tab & Press. (Somerville, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1493; 1494] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Westborough News. (Westborough, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1360; 1308] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Weymouth News. (Weymouth, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1383; 1384] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / The Whitman Times. (Whitman, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1340; 1368] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Winchester Star. (Winchester, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1495; 1496] Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Yarmouth / The Register. (Yarmouth, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1085; 1501] Parrish, Amy. (05 March 2014). Controversial statue draws attention to Wellesley College. Hometown Weekly (Medfield, Dover, Sherborn, Westwood, Walpole and Needham, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [2191] Southern New Hampshire in Boston DMA Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Concord Monitor (Concord, NH) (Section unknown) (website). [0247] Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Foster’s Daily Democrat (Dover / Rochester, NH; Sanford, ME) (News section) (website). [0492] Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. - (Portsmouth Herald, New Hampshire; Exeter News-Letter, NH; Hampton Union, NH; York County Coast Star, Kennebunkport, Maine; York Weekly, York, ME) (News section) (website). [0179] Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Nashua Telegraph (Nashua, NH) (News: State/New England section) (website). [0290]
College and university newspapers, etc. Bidgood, Jess (excerpt). (07 February 2014). Shorts (right): A petition takes aim at a statue in briefs. The Tech (MIT) (Cambridge, MA) (News section) (Mention) (website). [0804] Turchi, Megan and Bologna, Jamie. (08 February 2014). Wellesley Sleepwalker statue draws visitors, controversy. Boston University News Service (student-produced content) (website & audio: YouTube). [2-1930; 2-1885] Dickerson, Sarah. (17 March 2014). Yes, You Can Be Avant-Garde and Ignorant: A brief commentary on “controversial” art by Sarah Dickerson ‘10. Wellesley Underground ( ("Alternative" alumni website) (section unknown) (website) [2-5107]
Merrell, Gus. (13 February 2014). This Week In. The Heights (Boston College, independent newspaper) (Metro section - general announcement of show) (website). [0807] Augst, Hannah. (04 April 2014). The naked man. (Cambridge, MA) (university student-produced articles) (Section unknown). [2-5267] PATCH NETWORK Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this naked man doing at Wellesley College? (Wellesley, MA) (News section) (website). [0578] Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Acton, Andover, Arlington, Attleboro, Back Bay, Barnstable-Hyannis, Beacon Hill, Bedford, Belmont, Beverly, Braintree, Brookline, Burlington, Canton, Charlestown, Chelmsford, Concord, Danvers, Dedham, Dover-Sherborn, Falmouth, Fenway-Kenmore, Foxborough, Framingham, Grafton, Hamilton-Wenham, Hingham, Holliston-Hopkinton, Jamaica Plain, Lexington, Lynnfield, Malden, Marblehead, Marlborough, Martha’s Vineyard, Medfield, Medford, Melrose, Milford, Milton, Natick, Needham, Newton, North Andover, North End, North Reading, Northborough, Norwood, Peabody, Plymouth, Reading, Roslindale, Salem, Sharon, Shrewsbury, Somerville, South End, Stoneham, Stoughton, Sudbury, Swampscott, Tewksbury, Wakefield, Walpole, Waltham, Watertown, Wayland, Wellesley, West Roxbury, Westborough, Westford, Weston, Westwood, Weymouth, Wilmington, Winchester, Woburn, Wrentham) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1521; 1568; 1573; 1579; 1581-82; 1590; 1611; 1616; 1618; 1624; 1637; 1653; 1674; 1684; 1690-91; 1708; 1715; 1718; 1735; 3186; 3221-36; 3238-45; 3247-62; 3264-73; 3280-85; 3785; 3787; 3842-44; 4432-47; 4449-59; 4461-75; 4477-82; 4484-95; 4497-4509] Masterson, Danielle. (26 February 2014). Nearly-naked statue controversy has fallen asleep. (Wellesley, MA) (News section) (website). [1513] In southern New Hampshire Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Amherst, Bedford, Concord, Exeter, Hampton-North Hampton, Londonderry, Merrimack, Milford, Nashua, Portsmouth, Salem, Windham) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1525; 1572; 1697; 2854-62; 3851-53; 3883-91] Masterson, Danielle. (07 February 2014). Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art. (news and localized information portal: Needham, Newton, Wellesley, Watertown) (website). [1512; 3875-77]
OTHER MEDIA Annear, Steve. (04 February 2014). Wellesley College art exhibit has some students creeped out. Boston magazine (Arts & Entertainment section) (website). [0014] Annear, Steve. (06 February 2014). Artist responds to Wellesley College students’ concerns with sculpture. Boston magazine (Arts & Entertainment section) (website). [1250] Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Boston (LGBT - National news section) (website). [0524] Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE New England (Boston, MA) (LGBT - National news section) (website). [0491] Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Provincetown (LGBT - Entertainment, Culture news section unknown) (website). [1317] Donnelly, George. (06 February 2014). Wellesley students have had enough of this guy. Boston Business Journal (Morning Edition section) (website). [0755] Landry, Lauren. (05 February 2014). Should Wellesley College’s ’creepy’ statue of a nearly naked man stay or go? Bostinno (Section unknown) (website). [0580] Landry, Lauren. (06 February 2014). Wellesley’s near-naked statue will tweet at you now. Bostinno (Section unknown) (website). [0579] Orfanides, Effie. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College: Almost-naked realistic statue of man creeps out students. (Boston) (Arts & Entertainment - Celebrity section) (website). [0029] (11 February 2014). Gaining perspective: The Wellesley debate. "Hollaback! Taking A Stand Against Street Harassment" website ( (Boston) (Local news - Moteworthy section) (website). [2-5106] Finneran, Tom. (14 February 2014). Tom Finneran: The Whiny Women of Wellesley. GoLocalWorcester (Worcester, MA) (Politics section) (website). [1041] (28 February 2014). Race in America: What if this statue was black? Blackstonian (Boston area) (Justice, Police, Crime, Law and Public Safety section) (website). [1214] Fagerberg, Jerard. (25 March 2014). 5 Boston characters more disturbing than the Staten Island creeper clown. (youth lifestyle / entertainment website) (Boston) (Ridiculous section) (Mention). [2-2181] (Undated). Boston’s Best 2014: Artistic Statement - Sleepwalker. The Improper Boston (website) (Mention). [2-5110] Springfield-Holyoke area TV Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSHM (CBS 3) (Springfield, Massachusetts) (Sections unknown) (website). (A second updated article was released 08 February 2014.) [0153; 0038] Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WGGB (ABC 40 and FOX 6) (Springfield / Western Massachusetts) (With embedded video of TV news report) (Section unknown) (website). [0115]. Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike man-in-underwear statue causing controversy at Wellesely [sic]. WWLP (NBC 22) (Springfield, MA) (Section unknown) (website). On 06 February 2014, another article was released— a paragraph and an embedded news report with the title "Creepy statue controversy" by Tim Caputo / WHDH in Boston.) [0429; 1311] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Daily Hampshire Gazette (Northampton, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [0251] Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Wellesley College man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Republican (Springfield, MA) (Section unknown) (website: (Also 5-photo gallery) [0096; 1261] Also: Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Atlantic Broadband website (HQ: Quincy, MA; operating areas: DE, FL, MA, MD, PA, SC) (News section) (website). (Also, "Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir" by AP on 05 February 2014, on their domain.) [0505; 1291] Also see cross-border Designated Marketing Areas that also include parts of Massachusetts: the Albany, NY area and Providence, RI area. |
B. Wellesley College Sleepwalker becomes a national sensation: US national media coverage
See the coverage

(05 February 2014, 03:38PM EST, hosted AP version). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Associated Press (website). [0005]
(05 February 2014; 3:37PM, EST). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Associated Press (Big story section) (website). (Also released via their domestic news section (three times on the day), state and regional section [0006; K1-096-99]
UPI. (05 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. UPI (Odd News section) (website). [1193]
UPI / Stanton, Kate. (06 February 2014). Near-naked statue of man in his underwear turns heads at Wellesley College. UPI (Blog section) (website). [0674]
(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (ca 9 photos and captions on offer) (Section unknown) (website). [4674]
(Undated). Surreal art. (1 photo and caption in 36-photo gallery that is on offer) (section unknown) (website). [2465]
USA national coverage
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Undies Sculpture: ’I Find It Disturbing, But in a Good Way’. ABC News (national) (Weird news) (website). (Also, TV broadcast on 06 February 2014 on Good Morning America. on 07 February 2014, a photo and caption was included in a 17-photo gallery entitled "This Week in Pictures: Feb. 1- Feb.7, 2014".) [0094; 0559; 2206]
(06 February 2014). Underwear man statue debuts at art exhibit. ABC - World News Now program. (Video of TV news report — see above) (YouTube). [5084].
Al Jazeera America
(06 February 2014). "Sleepwalker" statue on Wellesley campus causes controversy (segment including interview of Tony Matelli). Consider This program, Al Jazeera America (Section unknown) (website). (Also, on TV news broadcast on 06 February 2014.) [2471; 0557]
CBS/AP. (05 February 2014). Sculpture of man in underwear turning some heads on Wellesley College campus. CBS News (national) (US news) (website). (Another article was released on 07 February 2014 with the title "Artist defends statue of underwear man at Wellesley College" with a video of an embedded news report by WBZ in Boston. Also, a photo of the Sleepwalker was in their 24-photo "photos of the week" gallery. [0133; 1349; 1350]
(06 February 2014). Wellesley College statue of underwear man upsets students. CBS - This Morning program. (Video of TV news report) (YouTube). [5085]
(06 February 2014). What do you think of this statue? CNN (Early Start with John Berman & Christine Romans) (website). (Embedded TV report.) [0571; 0556]
Moos, Jeanne. (07 February 2014). One creepy statue. CNN (New Day program) (Transcript of broadcast). [K1-032]
(06 February 2014). "Sleepwalker" statue stirs controversy at Wellesley College. On Erin Burnett Outfront program on CNN (website text and TV broadcast by reporter Jeanne Moos). (Section unknown) [0677]
Art Design Publicity context: R.J. Preece saw Moos’s report embedded in news coverage on CNN Europe; this is how he first learned about the story.
Moos, Jeanne. (06 February 2014). Segment: With artist Tony Matelli. Erin Burnett Outfront program, CNN. (Section unknown) (website; see transcript). [0108]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of sleepwalking man wearing only underpants causes stir at Mass. college. FOX News (national) (US news) (website). [0010]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Nightmarish sculpture of sleepwalking man causes fear at women’s college. Fox News Latino (Lifestyle section) (website). [0782]
(ca. 06 February 2014). Red Eye TV show report. FOX (embedded video on webpage) (national). (Also on 06 February 2014, TV broadcasts on Fox’s On the Record With Greta Van Susteren and Fox & Friends. [1207; 0558; 0560]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Sleepwalker statue has female students upset. (Segment: TV presenter Doug McKelway interviews Christina Hoff Sommers of the American Enterprise Institute). FOX News. (Video of TV broadcast) (YouTube). [5089]
Willingham, A.J. (06 February 2014). Statue of guy in his undies: Creepy or evoking? HLN TV (OMG section) (website). [0147]
(07 February 2014). Gut check: Do you think Wellesley should remove the ‘sleepwalker’ statue? MSNBC (national) (Education - society section) (Short paragraph with online voting interface) (website). [1287]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. NBC News (national) (Weird news) (website). On 06 February 2014, a second article was released with the title "College caught with pants down on art exhibit" in their pop culture section. On 07 February 2014, an embedded video of TV broadcast by Tim Caputo/WHDH entitled "Provocative statue causes controversy" was released. On 08 February 2014, an updated AP version of the 05 February 2014 was released.) [0036; 0103; 1775; 0480]
Associated Press. (ca. 05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Today morning show (NBC - national) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, 9AM broadcast) [0457; 0561]
(06 February 2014). Students want "sleepwalker" art off campus. NBC - Today show ( (with embedded video of TV broadcast) (website) (Section unknown). [2-5330]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. America Now (TV program) (Section unknown) (website). [1183]
(06 February 2014). All-female college terrified by creepy underwear man statue. The Daily Buzz (morning news program in "over 175 TV markets" in the US). (Video) (YouTube). [2-5101]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. NPR (National Public Radio) (website). [0304]
(ca. 05 February 2014). Underpants clad “Sleepwalker” sculpture causes stir at Wellesley College. FOX radio (News section) (website). (Also, embedded FOX News Red Eye broadcast on video.) [1207]
(06 February 2014). Naked man statue ruffles feathers at female college. Elvis Duran and the Morning Show (Syndicated radio presenter) (Paragraph and photos) (Section unknown) (website). [1222]
Lee, Jolie (USA Today Network). (05 February 2014). Statue of man in underwear raises eyebrows at Wellesley. USA Today (News section) (website). [0100]
Lee, Hailey. (08 February 2014). An insider’s perspective on Wellesley’s ‘Sleepwalker’ statue dispute. USA Today (College section) (website). [1777]
See newspapers like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post in the U.S. state listings.
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (Section unknown) (website). (Also on the day, they released "Creepy underweared ’Sleepwalker’ giving Wellesley students nightmares" by Timothy Hill.) [0242; 0984]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. InterPacketNews (Philadelphia-based) (Section unknown) (website). [0506]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. TWC Central (Time Warner Cable Media - news) (Section unknown) (website). [0060]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (high-traffic news blog) (Offbeat section) (website). [0482]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. (Entertainment section) (website). [2210]
Ross, Chuck. (05 February 2014). Students at women’s college upset at nearly nude statue of a man. The Daily Caller (Section unknown) (website). (On 06 February 2014, another article was released entitled "Separated at Birth: Politico’s Mike Allen" by Betsy Rothstein, who compares him to Sleepwalker. On 07 February 2014, Robert Shibley wrote an article "Wellesley students: Please censor art to protect our feelings".) [0729; 2-5108; 2-1348]
UPI. (05 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. (Section unknown) (website) [1202].
Burke, Minyvonne. (06 February 2014). Sleepwalker statue: Half-naked man in only underwear freaks out female students at Massachusetts college. HNGN (Headline & Global News) (Section unknown) (website). [1010]
Chilson, Morgan. (06 February 2014). Wellesley sculpture: Nearly naked sleepwalking art creeps out students. (Home - The Wire section) (high-traffic news blog) (website). [0748]
McCollester, Darren / Getty Images. (06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (hosted news section) (photo and caption). [2-3469]
Altabe, Joan. (07 February 2014). When our gender experience affects the way we look at art. Examiner (Arts & Entertainment section) (website). [0021]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Huffington Post (Section unknown) (website). [0278]
Jeltsen, Melissa. (05 February 2014; Updated 11 February 2014). Hyper-realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college. Huffington Post (College section) (website). (Embedded HuffPost Live video in article above). [0013]
Mahmood, Sarah (Editor-at-large, Wellesley College). (06 February 2014). Why Wellesley should remove lifelike statue of a man in his underwear. Huffington Post (Blog section) (website). [0151]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (both by HuffPost Live). Huffington Post (HuffPost Live section). (website). [2019; 2158]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college (video)"; "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live). Huffington Post (7 videos each on HuffPost video section; Business section; Entertainment section; Entertainment (Celebrity) section (all except Newsy video); Green section; Healthy Living section; Politics section; Style; Taste section; Tech section; Travel section; "Voces" section; Weddings section; Women section and World Section.) [1758; 1760; 1769; 1992; 1999-2000; 2002-4; 2008-11; 2012; 2022-6; 2028-32; 2039-41; 2043-4; 2050; 2058-61; 2082-9; 2090-2121; 2-2356; 2-2361; 2-2366; 2-2369; 2-2373; 2-2380; 2-2382; 2-2384; 2-2217-20; 2-2231-33; 2-2390; 2-2393; 2-2395-6; 2-2400-01; 2-2412; 2-2425; 2-2660-61; 2-2668; 2-2815; 2-2822; 2-3358; 2-3364; 2-3410; 2-3443; 2-3455; 2-3461; 2-4955]
Kingkade, Tyler. (21 February 2014; Updated 24 February 2014). Wellesley will keep creepy, lifelike man statue on women’s college campus. Huffington Post (College section) (website). [0832]
Warren, Roz. (02 April 2014). Undermining ’Underpants Man’. Huffington Post. (Post 50 section) (website). (Reprint of text by Roz Warren posted on on 22 March 2014.) [2176; 2014]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (Offbeat section) (website). (Also, on 05 February 2014, they released a NEWSY video and caption with the article title "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" in their news section.) [0998; 1764]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (Web services) (Section unknown) (website). [1208]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college (video)"; "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live). [2122; 2051; 2-3471; 2-3692; 2-5124-26]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV Boston news report)". (Jobs - Job interview section) [2071; 2125; 2-5127-29]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV Boston news report)". (Jobs - What It’s Like section) [2037; 2054; 2006; 2-5130-32]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college (video)"; "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US campus" (Embedded video and caption). ("on" section) [2132; 1994; 2133-4; ; 2-5133-35; 2-5335]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation" (video of WCVB TV Boston news report). (5 videos each on section) (Jobs - Advice section; Jobs - salary negotiation section; Jobs - Job Search section; and Jobs - Resume section) [2015; 2027; 2033-34; 2038; 2049; 2062; 2064; 2069-70; 2076; 2080; 2127-29; 2123; 2126-7; 2-5136-38]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college (video)"; "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live). (7 videos each on section) (Autos section; Real estate - green living section; Real estate section; Real estate - home improvement section; Real estate - interior design section; Real estate - space makeovers section) [1773; 1996-8; 2001; 2007; 2013; 2020-1; 2035; 2042; 2045-7; 2055; 2063; 2066-8; 2135-44; 2147; 2-5140-51]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "Sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US campus". (Embedded video and caption) (Autos section). [2-5334]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (internet portal) (news section). (Also, separate photo and caption on another webpage.) [2-5264-65]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (Odd news section) (website). [0500]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Yahoo! News (News section) (website). [0075]
(06 February 2014). La imagen que causa escalofríos en una universidad de EEUU. (La Mecha section) (website) [2437]
(06 February 2014). No se confunda: son esculturas, aunque usted... no lo crea. (USA) (Internet portal) (article with photo gallery) (Hombre - Tendencias section). (Also on the day, "Son esculturas, aunque usted... no lo crea" was released, 3 photos and captions in 31-photo gallery, in their Hombre section. On 08 February 2014, "¿Realidad o ficción? Las mejores esculturas hiperrealistas", 3 photos and captions in 28-photo gallery, in their Internacional section, was released.) [4676-77; 2-5309]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas. (Embedded video and caption) (News & Screen sections). [2-5273-4]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Las fotos de la semana. (1 of 119 photos) (Noticias - EEUU section). [2-5314]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (Section unknown) (website). [1006]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (Section unknown) (website). [0499]
Alter, Charlotte. (06 February 2014). Man up, Wellesley: You’re a generation of sheltered children. Time magazine (Living - Feminism section) (website). [1019]
Evans, Zenon. (07 February 2014). Is Wellesley’s underwear-clad statue too scary for free speech? (Hit & run section) (website). [1143]
Grossman, Samantha. (05 February 2014). Very realistic statue of a guy in his underwear causes a brief controversy at Wellesley College. Time magazine (Newsfeed - Bizarre section) (website). [1014]
Hemingway, Mollie. (05 February 2014). Wellesley students demand removal of underwear-clad statue. The Federalist (Section unknown) (website). [1020]
Marcotte, Amanda. (06 February 2014). Wellesley students complain that a statue of a man in his underwear is “sexual assault”. (Section unknown) (website). [1021]
Miss Cellania. (07 February 2014). The weird week in review. (pop culture magazine) (based in Palm Coast, FL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2-5266]
Torres, Alec. (07 February 2014). All-girl campus terrorized by shambling humanoid. National Review magazine (Section unknown) (website). [1040]
Bicker, Phil. (26 February 2014). 30 most surprising photos of the month. Time magazine (Surprising Photos section) (website). [5074]
Kareska, Christopher. (06 February 2014). “Sleepwalker” sculpture draws criticism, selfies. (Art news and gossip section) (website). [0746]
Weiss, Glenn. (17 February 2014). Choices for a Sleepwalker at Wellesley College. Arts Journal (Section unknown) (website). [1033]
Green, Treye. (05 February 2014). ’Sleepwalker’ statue of man in underwear frightens students at Wellesley College. International Business Times (USA) (Media & Culture section) (website). [0568]
Jacobs, Peter. (05 February 2014). There is a terrifying statue Of a nearly naked man on Wellesley College’s campus. Business Insider (Education section) (website). [0101]
Frezza, Bill. (14 February 2014). Art, free speech, hypocrisy, tightie-whities, and teenage tantrums. Forbes (Op/Ed section) (website). [1231]
Olson, Laurie Kay. (ca. 08 February 2014). Need this new ummmm invention? Creepy sleepwalking statue. (Section unknown) (website). [0785]
"Absolutely! I don’t think anyone saw it coming. I know I didn’t."
(05 February 2014). Lifelike statue of man In tighty-whitey undies gets erected at all-girls college! See the pics HERE! (Section unknown) (website). [1066]
Berman, Taylor. (05 February 2014). All-female college terrified by creepy underwear man statue. (Section unknown) (high-traffic website). [0012]
Broderick, Ryan. (05 February 2014). Incredibly life-like statue of a man in just his underwear is scaring students at Wellesley College. (LOL section) (website). [0581]
Ecarma, Jordan. (05 February 2014). College students petition to remove statue of man in underwear. (Section unknown) (website). [0738]
LaSane, Andrew. (05 February 2014). This realistic statue of a half-naked man installed at Wellesley College has students feeling uncomfortable. (high-traffic; lifestyle website) (Art and Design section) (website). [0732]
Matthews, Natalie. (05 February 2014). Great thing of the day: The nearly naked man statue at Wellesley. Elle magazine (Culture news section) (website). [0575]
Ryan, Erin Gloria. (05 February 2014). Creepy half naked man statue causes fracas at all-women’s college. (lifestyle) (arts and farts and crafts section) (website). [0577]
Spence, Todd. (05 February 2014). You won’t believe that this statue isn’t a real person. ("funny videos, funny clips & funny pictures") (section unknown) (website). [2-2467]
McCollester, Darren /Getty Images. (05 September 2014). Wellesley College sculpture causes a stir. (entertainment news website) (Silicon Valley, California) (2 photos and captions) (Section unknown). [2-3468]
Vitto, Laura. (05 February 2014). Put some clothes on, creepy sleepwalker statue. Mashable (Watercooler section) (website). [0087]
(06 February 2014). Wellesley College sculpture petitioned for removal: Is the half-naked underwear statue art or just offensive? ("Korean drama, movie, and celebrity news") (based in New York) (Trending News section) (website). [2-0740]
Bender, Kelli. (06 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Half-naked statue causes stir at women’s college, gets twitter account. People magazine (News section) (website). [1044]
(06 February 2014). Wellesley College statue Of underwear man upsets students. ("Celebrity news, fun & more!") (Embedded video with caption) (Section unknown) (website). [2-2194]
BIgFurHat. (06 February 2014). Intolerant jerkwads at Wellesley College uncomfortable with art. (high-traffic blog) (News section) (website). [1509]
Free Britney. (06 February 2014). Sleepwalking, half-naked guy statue at Wellesley College is hilariously creepy. (celeb - entertainment) (high-traffic blog) (News section) (website). [1034]
Levine, Daniel S. (06 February 2014). Sleepwalker statue scares students at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, sculptor is excited. The Celebrity Cafe (Section unknown) (high-traffic website). [0736]
Lowensohn, Josh. (06 February 2014). Half-naked male sleepwalker statue gets a frosty reception at all-girls college. (technology - science - art - culture) (US & World section) (website). [0739]
(ca. 06 February 2014). Near nude statue of man creeping out students at Wellesley College. Live Leak (citizen journalism website) (Section unknown) (photo gallery). [0118]
Gallagher, Conor. (06 February 2014). This creepy underwear statue Is upsetting to everyone with eyes. Nerve (Current events section) (website). [0126]
Shorey, Eric. (06 February 2014). Statue of guy in his underwear freaks out students at Wellesley College. NewNowNext (lifestyle website) (Section unknown) (website). [1016]
(07 February 2014). Wellesley College complain about The Sleepwalker. (Art Beat section) (website). [1351]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). Creepy Sleepwalker Statue in Underwear Triggers Controversy At US Womens College (EuroNews video); Sculpture of HalfNaked Man Turns Heads At Wellesley College Video (video); Sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US campus (Embedded video and caption). (entertainment - video website) (Section unknown). [2-5332-33; 2-5345]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live). (website) [2148; 2151; 2150; 2149; 2078]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college (video)"; "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live). (website) [2163-6; 2065; 2-2223; 2-2234]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live). (website) [2170; 2169; 2168; 2167; 2081]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live). (website) [2152-4; 2073; 2-2235; 2-2238]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live). (website) [2052; 2155; 2017; 2156; 2075; 2-5139]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live). (website) [2056; 2160-2; 2077]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of Man in Underwear Causes Stir at US Campus" (by (cooking recipes website). [2-5337-42; 2-5346]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live). (website) [2173-4; 2172; 2171; 2079]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live). TV Guide (website) [2057; 2018; 2157]
Crowe, Justin. (ca. 08 February 2014). Realistic naked man sculpture lurking on all-women campus. (Portland, OR-based). [2188]
Lilly, Elizabeth. (10 February 2014). Tony Matelli defends placement of Sleepwalker statue on Wellesley campus. Paste magazine (Design - news section) (website). [0019]
Kitsos, Costas / Wilson, Mark. (13 February 2014). 14 God awful photographs that you took. (tech / design) (Section unknown) (website). [0419]
UPI. (05 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. ArcaMax (lifestyle news) (Weird news / Entertainment) (website). [1197]
You’re a generation of sheltered children.”
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Odd news roundup: Man-in-undies statue at Mass. college causes stir. Cherokee Tribune (Section unknown) (Mention) (website). [1002]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. Hispanic Business (News section) (website). (Also on the day, they released a UPI wire entitled "Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students" in their news section.) [0592; 1198]
Santiago, Solmarie. (06 February 2014). Man in undies sculpture at Wellesly [sic] College stirs up controversy. Latin Post (Section unknown) (website). [0737]
Angelowicz, Ami. (05 February 2014). This naked man sculpture is creeping Wellesley students the hell out (and we can see why). (high-traffic; women’s lifestyle website) (News section). [0747]
Cueto, Emma. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Statue at Wellesley potentially triggering for sexual assault survivors on campus. (women-oriented blog) (Section unknown) (website). [0734]
Erikson, Jenny. (05 February 2014). Creepy ’art’ on campus freaks out college students & you’ll see why. The Stir at (mother-oriented website) (based in New York) (News & Views section). [2-0749]
Hoover, Hayley. (05 February 2014). All-Women’s college refuses to remove triggering naked man statue, because art. ("style and substance... by blending fashion, beauty and feminism... a little pop culture") (Section unknown) (website). [2-2192]
Illuminati, Chris. (05 February 2014). Check out the lifelike sculpture of a man in his underwear freaking out an entire college. (men’s website) (College section) (website). [0527]
Ruddick-Sunstein, Ellyn. (06 February 2014). Freakishly realistic statue of man In underwear appears on college campus, sparking fierce controversy. (high-traffic; women’s pop culture blog) (Section unknown) (website). [1242]
Brodey, Sam. (06 February 2014). Creepy art at Wellesley is freaking people out. (Arts & Entertainment section) (website). [0752]
Levinson, Sean. (06 February 2014). Sculpture Of random, nearly naked man at all women’s college leaves students confused. (high-traffic; genY) (World section) (website). [1260]
Bickard, Scott. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College students protest sculpture Of lifelike, walking underwear man. University Herald (Students section) (website). [1026]
DeSantis, Nick. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man in underwear causes a stir at Wellesley College. The Chronicle of Higher Education (The ticker - breaking news section) (website). [1064]
Kruth, Susan. (11 February 2014). Shibley on Wellesley’s reaction to ‘Sleepwalker’. Foundation for Individual Rights in Education ( (Section unknown) (website). [2-0751]
Farah, Stephanie. (12 February 2014). Bizarre sculpture sparks controversy at Wellesley. (Higher education website) (Performing arts section). [2-2189]
Also see the following university publications in the compilation including The Wellesley News and: Brown Daily Herald (Brown University, Providence, RI), The Columbia Chronicle (Columbia College Chicago, IL), Cranbrook Academy of Art: Alumni News (Bloomfield Hills, MI), Daily Pennsylvanian (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia), The Dartmouth (Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH), The Foghorn (University of San Francisco), The Heights (Boston College), NYU Local (New York University, New York City), The Phoenix, (Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA), The Quindecim, (Goucher College), The Tech (MIT), as well as above: Mahmood, Sarah (Editor-at-large, Wellesley College). (06 February 2014). Why Wellesley should remove lifelike statue of a man in his underwear. Huffington Post (Blog section) (website).
Higbee, Jonathan. (05 February 2014). Wellesley students upset over realistic statue of man in underwear. Instinct magazine (gay men’s magazine) (Section unknown) (website). [2-1036]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE (LGBT - national) (National news section) (website). [0944]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (conservative and political opinion website) (U.S. news section). [0183]
(06 February 2014). Statue terrifies Wellesley students. ("Driving a stake through the heart of the lunatic left.") (Section unknown) (website). [2-1035]
Madrik, Susie. (06 February 2014). Q&A with Tony Matelli, artist behind Wellesley College’s scantily-clad Sleepwalking statue. (political video blog) (based in Los Angeles) (introduction with link to Jaclyn Reiss’s interview.) (Entertainment section). [2-5271]
Barclay, Douglas. (07 February 2014). Terrifying half-naked statue is causing a scene at an all-girls college. Rare (Conservative news, political and lifestyle) (Section unknown) (website). [1230]
Dreher, Rod. (07 February 2014). Pasty pen*s person scares puritan wimmen. The American Conservative (Section unknown) (website). [1326]
Greenfield, Daniel. (07 February 2014). Wellesley students denounce white male privilege of statue. (conservative) (high-traffic) (Section unknown) (website). [1025]
"I changed my mind. Liberalism isn’t a mental illness. Actual mental illness is more reasonable than this.
Huyett, Ian. (07 February 2014). Women’s college petition: Remove art that causes bad thoughts. The Libertarian Republic (Section unknown) (website) [1060].
MacNeal, Caitlin. (05 February 2014). Bizarrely life-like statue of man in underwear spooks Mass. women’s college students. Talking Points Memo (political news) (Livewire section) (website). [1003]
Saunders, Joe. (06 February 2014). Feminists at Hillary’s alma mater flip out over man-in-underwear statue. - BizPac Review ("Conservative news") (Section unknown) (website). [0796]
And he’s not even real."
Schoenkopf, Rebecca. (05 February 2014). Wellesley women don’t know much about art but they know what they don’t like. Wonkette ("This is why we can’t have nice things" section) (website). [0091]
You are acting like the Taliban..."
Smith, Michael. (06 February 2014). Wellesley all girl college screams at nearly nude statue it’s a man! Guardian Liberty Voice (has a "libertarian"-oriented philosophy) (Entertainment section) (website). [1030]
"Despite the potential humor behind the statue and its purpose served of evoking a “response,” the students do not like the statue and many have been either scared or ’freaked out’ by the lifelike sleepwalker."
UPI. (06 February 2014). Weird News: Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. GOPUSA (not part of RNC, but conservative messaging) (Fresh Ink section) (website). [1138]
Urist, Jacoba. (24 February 2014). Wellesley ‘Sleepwalker’ uproar: Have women’s colleges outlived their purpose? The Daily Beast (politics and news website) (Women section) (website). [2184]
Weber, Katherine. (07 February 2014). "Sleepwalker" statue of nearly-naked man frightening female students at Mass. college. The Christian Post (North America section) (website). [1043]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Century Link website (communications and data services) (HQ: Monroe, LA; operating in 37 states) (News section). [0488]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Charter Communications website (cable TV, internet and telephone services company) (HQ: Stamford, CT; operating in 29 states) (Top News and Strange News sections). [0486; 1259]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Verizon website (broadband and telecommunications company) (News section). [0490]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Mediacom website (Cable TV and telecommunications provider: AL, AZ, CA, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MD, MN, MO, MS, NC, OH, SD, TN, VA, WI) (Section unknown). [0510]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Xfinity website (cable TV, internet and telephone company) (News section). [0493]
Brown, Bob. (04 February 2014). Tighty whiteys on Wellesley College campus: A most startling way to start my day. Network World (News for network and IT executives) (Section unknown) (website). [0582]
(05 February 2014). Sleepwalking Man In Whitey Tighties Statue Creeps Out Women’s College. One Minute News (Location unknown) (video report; YouTube).
(05 February 2014). 内裤男雕像太真 女大生不舒服. (Sina US) (Internet portal) (Mountain View, CA) (International section) (website). [2-1973]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-inundies sculpture causes stir. Publishers Clearing House website (direct marketing company) (Strange section). [0496]
Horgan, Richard. (05 February 2014). Wellesley College students petition to have New York sculptor’s statue removed. Media Bistro (media industry website) (Fishbowl New York - Scandalous section) (website). [5071]
唐嘉麗. (06 February 2014). 校園展裸男雕像 衛斯理女生請願. World Journal (newspaper) ( ("largest Chinese-language newspaper in North America") (section unknown) (website). [2-3375]
Associated Press. (ca. 08 February 2014). Creepy statue of sleepwalking man-in-undies causes stir. RYOT News ("news + action") (based in Venice, California) (news website) (Oddities section). [2-0228]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Üniversite Bahçesinde… Haberturk Amerika / Amerikadan Haberler (news website) (Section unknown). [2-3694]
50 states and District of Columbia - regional and local coverage
C. Sleepwalker across the US - AL-CA: Eight miles high in regional & local coverage

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Also see cross-border areas: Atlanta, GA area; Columbus, MS area; Columbus, GA area; Meridian, MS area;
Birmingham area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WBMA (ABC 58) (Birmingham, AL); WCFT (ABC 33) (Tuscaloosa, AL) and WJSU (ABC 40) (Anniston, AL) (Section unknown) (website). [0350]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WBRC (FOX 6) (Birmingham, AL) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0403; 1075]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WVTM-TV (NBC 13, Birmingham, Alabama) (Sections unknown) (website). (Article version also published on 06 February 2014 with title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News. A second updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0165; 0166; 0074]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Sleepwalking in the snow (Today in pictures). (powered by The Birmingham News, The Huntsville Times and Mobile’s Press-Register).(Photo and caption in 18-photo gallery) (website). [0773]
Huntsville, AL area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WAFF (NBC 48) (Huntsville, AL) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP version was released on 08 February 2014.) [0407; 0531; 0406]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Sleepwalking in the snow (Today in pictures). (powered by The Birmingham News, The Huntsville Times and Mobile’s Press-Register).(Photo and caption in 18-photo gallery) (website). [0773]
Mobile, AL area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WKRG (CBS 5) (Mobile, AL) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.)[0377; 1074]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Real or fake? WPMI (NBC 15) (Mobile, AL) (Section unknown) (website). [0908]
Associated Press. (ca. 06 February 2014). Sculpture of man sleepwalking in underwear causes controversy at women’s college. WEAR (ABC 3) (Pensacola, FL - Mobile, AL) (Section unknown) (website). [1284]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Northwest Florida Daily News (Fort Walton Beach, FL - Santa Rosa County, FL) (Section unknown) (website). [1131]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Sleepwalking in the snow (Today in pictures). (powered by The Birmingham News, The Huntsville Times and Mobile’s Press-Register).(Photo and caption in 18-photo gallery) (website). [0773]
YellowBrix service. (05 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. Magnolia State Bank (Bay Springs, MS; Flowood, MS; Greenville, MS; Greenwood, MS; Hattiesburg, MS; Heidelberg, MS; Laurel, MS; Lucedale, MS; Petal, MS; Taylorsville, MS) (Section unknown) (website). [1201]
Montgomery-Selma area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSFA (NBC 12) (Montgomery, AL) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article on 08 February 2014.) [1184; 0520; 0444]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KTUU (NBC 2) (Anchorage) (National news section) (website). [0633]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Juneau Empire (Section unknown) (website). [1154]
Also see cross-border area: Albuquerque-Santa Fe, NM area.
Phoenix area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KPHO (CBS 5) (Phoenix) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional articles published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article on 08 February 2014.) [0358; 1073; 0357]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTVK (Channel 3) (Independent) (Phoenix) (National news section) (website). [0197]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College sculpture: Man in underwear causing stir. KNXV (ABC 15) (Phoenix) (Section unknown) (website). [0342]
Fox (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir. KSAZ (FOX 10 Phoenix) (Section unknown) (website). (A second updated article released 06 February 2014.) [0044; 0045]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTAR (News/talk 92.3FM) (Phoenix) (Odd news section) (website). (Also, on 05 February 2014 an article entitled "Underwear-clad statue creeping out Massachusetts college" by Carter Nacke was released.) [0302; 2202]
(06 February 2014). CREEPY: Statue Of a sleep-walking man is causing a stir at Wellesley College because it reminds students Of sexual assault…. KZZP (Kiss 104.7 FM) (#1 hit music) (Phoenix) (Quinn and Cantara Morning Show section) (Paragraph and link to 05 February 2014 article "Realistic statue of man in his underwear at Wellesley College sparks controversy" at by J. Reiss) (website). [0343]
(06 February 2014). CREEPY: Statue Of a sleep-walking man is causing a stir at Wellesley College because it reminds students Of sexual assault…. KESZ (99.9 FM) (Adult contemporary) (Phoenix) (Quinn and Cantara Morning Show section) (Paragraph and link to 05 February 2014 article "Realistic statue of man in his underwear at Wellesley College sparks controversy" at by J. Reiss) (website). [0379]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). School’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Arizona Republic / (Phoenix) (Gannett Company) (Offbeat section) (website). [0088]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff) (Weird news) (website). [0263; 1282]
Tucson area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KMSB (FOX 11) (Tucson) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0286; 0540]
WHDH. (06 February 2014). Nearly naked sculpture draws attention in Mass. KVOA (NBC 4) (Tucson, AZ) (website). [2207]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KGUN (ABC 9) (Tucson, AZ) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1807]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KWBA (CW 58) (Tucson, AZ) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1817]
Cassidy, Julianne. (05 February 2014). Half-naked man statue outrages women’s college. KQTH (104.1 FM) (Tucson) (website). [2-5269]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KMXZ (94.9 FM) (Adult contemporary) (Tucson, AZ) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1814]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KQTH (104.1 FM) (news/talk) (Tucson, AZ) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1806]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KTGV (106.3 FM) (Rhythmic oldies) (Tucson, AZ) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1821]
Yuma, AZ
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KSWT (CBS 13) (Yuma, AZ) (Section unknown) (website). [0051]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Baja Broadband website (cable TV, internet, telecom provider) (HQ: Alamogordo, NM; operating in AZ, CO, NV, NM, TX, UT) (News section). [1283]
Also see cross-over areas: Greenwood-Greenville, MS area; Memphis, TN area; Monroe, LA area; Shreveport, LA area; and Springfield, MO area.
Fort Smith area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KHBS (ABC 21) (Fort Smith, AR) and KHOG (ABC 15) (Fayetteville, AR) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0615; 0669]
Jonesboro area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KAIT (ABC 8) (Jonesboro, AR) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article was released on 08 February 2014.) [1185; 0537; 0314]
Little Rock area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KATV (ABC 7) (Little Rock, AR) (Section unknown) (website). [0326]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Little Rock, AR) (Section unknown) (website). [1119]
Yellow Brix service. (ca. 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. People’s Bank and Trust Company website (Oklahoma City; Ryan, OK; Malvern, AR) (News section). [1199]
Also see cross-border areas: Medford, OR area; Reno, NV area; and Yuma, AZ area.
Bakersfield area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KBAK (CBS 29) and KBFX (FOX 58) (Bakersfield, CA) (Offbeat news, and photo gallery, 3 photos) (website). [0918; 0917]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KERO (ABC 23) (Bakersfield, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [0756]
WHDH. (06 February 2014). Creepy statue controversy. KGET (NBC 17) (Bakersfield, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [1313]
Chico-Redding area
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Chico Enterprise Record (Chico, CA) (Story section) (website). [0886]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Oroville Mercury-Register (Oroville, CA) (Nation section) (website). [2200]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Paradise Post (Paradise, CA) (News story section) (website). [0891]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Red Bluff Daily News (Red Bluff, CA) (Story section) (website). [0903]
Eureka area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Humboldt Beacon (Fortuna, CA) (Story section) (website). [0237]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Times-Standard (Eureka, CA) (Weird news) (website). [0184]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Tri-City Weekly (Eureka, CA) (Weird news) (weekly) (website). [0175]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Redwood Times (Garberville, California) (Weird news) (website). [0057]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Times-Standard (Eureka, CA) (News section) (website). [2185]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Tri-City Weekly (Eureka, CA) (Humboldt County community news, entertainment & classifieds lifestyle section) (website). [2193]
Fresno-Visalia area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KFSN (ABC 30) (Fresno) (Strange news section) (website). (A second article was released on the same day in their "Watercooler" section with the title "College campus sculpture of man in underwear causes stir". Another article was released on 06 February 2014 with the same title in the Trending section.) [0334; 0201; 0347]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KMPH (FOX 26) (Fresno) (Section unknown) (website). [0925]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Fresno Bee (Fresno, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [0272]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Merced Sun-Star (Merced, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [0294]
NEWSY (video). (ca. 06 February 2014). Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus. Visalia Times-Delta and Tulare Advanced-Register (Visalia, CA) (Gannett Company) (video and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [1771]
Los Angeles area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KABC (ABC 7) (Los Angeles) (Strange news) (website). [0348]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTTV (FOX 11) (Los Angeles) (Section unknown) (website). (A second version was released on 06 Febuary 2014 with the title "Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir".) [0388; 0389]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir. KCOP (My13) (Los Angeles) (Section unknown) (website). [1188]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes stir at college. KFWB (AM 980) (News talk) (Los Angeles) (Section unknown) (website). [0303]
Associated Press. (ca. 05 February 2014). News highlights. KFI (AM 640) (News radio) (Los Angeles and Orange County) (Photo with caption in 50-photo presentation) (website). [1248]
Associated Press. (ca. 06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit causes a stir. KYSR (98.7 FM) (Alternative rock) (Los Angeles) (Photo gallery of the sculpture; 7 photos; and intro page) (website). [1240; 1247]
(ca. 15 February 2014). News highlights. KMYT (94.5 FM) (jazz) (Temecula, CA) (Photo and caption in 50-photo gallery) (website). [1855]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies statue at Mass. college causes stir. The Orange County Register (Section unknown) (website). [1155]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [1135]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Ventura County Star (California) (Local news) (website). [178]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Daily Breeze (Torrance, CA) (Nation and World section) (website). [2203]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Los Angeles Daily News (Los Angeles) (Nation and world section) (website). [1778]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Whittier Daily News (Whittier, CA) (Nation and World section) (website). [1783]
Associated Press. (ca. 09 February 2014). Framework: The week in pictures: February 3-9, 2014. Los Angeles Times (1 photo and caption in 61-photo gallery) (website). [0819]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Agoura Hills, Aliso Viejo, Altadena, Arcadia, Baldwin Park, Banning-Beaumont, Belmont Shore-Naples, Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Calabasas, Cerritos-Artesia, Claremont-La Verne, Culver City, Diamond Bar-Walnut, Eagle Rock, Echo Park-Silver Lake, Encino-Tarzana, Fountain Valley, Glendora, Hermosa Beach, Highland Park-Mount Washington, Hollywood, La Canada Flintridge, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel - Dana Point, Lake Elsinore-Wildomar, Lake Forest, Long Beach, Los Alamitos-Seal Beach, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Marina del Rey, Mission Viejo, Monrovia, Montrose-La Crescenta, Moorpark, Murrieta, Newport Beach-Corona del Mar, North Hollywood-Toluca Lake, Northridge-Chatsworth, Pacific Palisades, Palm Desert, Palos Verdes, Pasadena, Rancho Santa Margarita, Redlands-Loma Linda, Redondo Beach, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, San Marino, Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks, Sierra Madre, South Gate-Lynwood, South Pasadena, Studio City, Temecula, Venice-Mar Vista, West Hollywood, Westwood-Century City, Woodland Hills) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1517; 1526; 1531; 1550; 1561; 1564; 1610; 1640; 1643; 1673; 1677; 1679; 1681; 1720; 1725; 1729; 1737; 1832; 3558; 3561-62; 3566; 3568; 3571-72; 3575; 3578; 3580-81; 3586; 3588; 3591; 3593; 3596-99; 3603; 3606; 3611-12; 3614; 3617-18; 3621; 3623; 3625-26; 3634-35; 3641-43; 3645; 3647-48; 3650; 3652; 3654; 3657-58; 3778; 3788; 3809; 3817; 3820-22; 4299-4300; 4302; 4305; 4307; 4311; 4313; 4316; 4321; 4324-25; 4329; 4332; 4335; 4338-40; 4345-48; 4353-54; 4357-58; 4363-66; 4368; 4371-73; 4376; 4378; 4380-81; 4390-92; 4401-02; 4404; 4409; 4413-14; 4416; 4418-19; 4424; 4426; 4429-31]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Los Angeles (LGBT news focus) (Los Angeles, CA) (National news section) (website). [1746]
Monterey-Salinas area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KSBW (NBC 8) and KSBW-TV2 (ABC 8) (Monterey, Salinas and Santa Cruz) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0619; 0653]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KION (CBS 46) and KCBA (FOX 35) (Salinas, CA) (News section) (website). [0639]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Monterey County Herald (Monterey, CA) (News story section) (website). [0885]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Santa Cruz Sentinel (Santa Cruz, CA) (News section) (website). [2195]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Capitola-Soquel, Healdsburg, Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Watsonville) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1552; 1570; 1700; 3590; 3656; 3807; 4337; 4408; 4412; 4428]
Palm Springs area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KESQ (ABC 3), KPSP (CBS 2), KDFX (FOX 11) and KUNA (Telemundo) (Palms Springs, CA) (News section) (website). [0606]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KMIR (NBC 46) (Palm Springs, CA) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1831]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. The Desert Sun (Palm Springs, CA) (Gannett Company) (Section unknown) (website). [1274]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Palm Springs (LGBT news focus) (Palm Springs, CA) (National news section) (website). [1749]
Sacramento area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KCRA (NBC 3) (Sacramento, Stockton and Modesto) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0605; 0658]
Associated Press. (09 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. KXTV (ABC 10) (Sacramento) (Gannett Company) (Section unknown) (website). (Mention.) [1301]
(ca. 15 February 2014). News highlights. KWSX (1360 AM) and (1280 AM) (talk radio) (Modesto - Stockton, CA) (Photo and caption in 50-photo gallery) (Photos section) (website). [4671]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 12 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA; Sutter & Yuba counties) (website). (Strange news) [0199]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Modesto Bee (Modesto, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [0267]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Reporter (Vacaville, CA) (Story section) (website). [0884]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Sacramento Bee (California) (Wire - Entertainment) (website). [0058]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Vallejo Times Herald (California) (Local news) (website). [0127]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Benicia, Citrus Heights, Davis, Dixon, Elk Grove, Fair Oaks-Carmichael, Rosemont, Roseville, Suisun City) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1547; 1614; 1687; 1713; 3564; 3583-84; 3637; 3651; 4303; 4312; 4319; 4322; 4327; 4330; 4396-97; 4420]
San Diego area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KFMB (San Diego) (CBS 8) (Section unknown) (website). [0378]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KUSI (Channel 18) (San Diego) (Independent) (Section unknown) (website). [0416]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KFMB (AM 760) (San Diego) (Section unknown) (website). [0306]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KFMB (100.7 Jack FM) (Adult hits) (San Diego) (Section unknown) (website). [1179]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. U-T San Diego (News section) (website). [0495]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Carlsbad, Coronado, Del Mar-Carmel Valley, Encinitas, Imperial Beach, La Jolla, La Mesa-Mount Helix, Lemon Grove, Oceanside-Camp Pendleton, Poway, Ramona, Rancho Bernardo-4S Ranch, Santee) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1615; 3569; 3574; 3577; 3592; 3594-95; 3602; 3620; 3631-33; 3646; 4309; 4315; 4320; 4328; 4341; 4343-44; 4351; 4375; 4387-89; 4410]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE San Diego (LGBT news focus) (San Diego, CA) (National news section) (website). [1751]
San Francisco area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College campus sculpture of man in underwear causes stir. KGO-TV (ABC 7) (San Francisco) (Watercooler section) (website). (A second AP version was released on 06 February 2014 with the title "College man-in-undies sculpture causes stir" in their "Trending" section.) [0777; 1285]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTVU (FOX 2) (Oakland, CA) (Section unknown) (website). (Also an article, updated 06 February 2014 by Rick Couri with the title "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" was also released. Also, on ca. 06 February 2014, they released a NEWSY video and caption with the article title "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus") in their news section.) [0424; 0993; 1762]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Piden remover ’Sonámbulo’ del colegio. KDTV (Univision 14) (Spanish language) (San Francisco, CA) (8-photo gallery with caption) (Photos section) (website). [0809]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Creepy sleepwalker statue creates uproar at women’s college. Website for Oakland Tribune, Alameda Journal, The Daily Review, The Argus. (Weird news section). (A second article was released on 06 February 2014 with the title "This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College".) [1032; 0904]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes stir on Massachusetts college campus. The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [0256]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek, CA) (Section unknown) (website and hard copy). (A second article was also released online on 05 February 2014 and updated 06 February 2014 with the title "Creepy sleepwalker statue creates uproar at women’s college".) [0219; K1-103; 1191]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Creepy sleepwalker statue creates uproar at women’s college. San Jose Mercury-News (Weird news) (website and hard copy). [0781; K1-117]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Ft. Bragg Advocate-News (Fort Bragg, CA) (Story section) (website). [0906]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Marin Independent Journal (Novato, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [1142]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Mendocino Beacon (Mendocino, CA) (Story section) (website). [0910]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. (content from the San Jose Mercury News) (Story section) (website). [0888]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. San Francisco Chronicle (via (Section unknown) (website). [0200]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Ukiah Daily Journal (Ukiah, CA) (Story section) (website). [0894]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Willits News (Willits, CA) (Story section) (website). [0893]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Alameda, Albany, Belmont, Berkeley, Burlingame-Hillsborough, Campbell, Castro Valley, Concord, Cupertino, Danville, Dublin, El Cerrito, Foster City, Fremont, Gilroy, Half Moon Bay, Lamorinda, Larkspur-Corte Madera, Livermore, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Martinez, Menlo Park-Atherton, Mill Valley, Millbrae, Milpitas, Mountain View, Napa Valley, Newark, Novato, Pacifica, Palo Alto, Petaluma, Piedmont, Pinole-Hercules, Pleasant Hill, Pleasanton, Redwood City-Woodside, Rockridge, Rohnert Park-Cotati, San Anselmo-Fairfax, San Bruno, San Carlos, San Leandro, San Mateo, San Rafael, San Ramon, Saratoga, Sonoma Valley, South San Francisco, Union City, Walnut Creek) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1529; 1537; 1571; 1574-77; 1587; 1613; 1636; 1668; 1694; 1703; 3559-60; 3563; 3565; 3567; 3570; 3573; 3576; 3579; 3582; 3585; 3587; 3589; 3600-01; 3604-05; 3607-10; 3613; 3615-16; 3619; 3622; 3624; 3627-30; 3636; 3638-40; 3644; 3649; 3653; 3655; 3777; 3818-19; 4301; 4304; 4306; 4308; 4310; 4314; 4317-18; 4323; 4326; 4331; 4333-34; 4336; 4349-50; 4352; 4355-56; 4359-62; 4367; 4369-70; 4374; 4377; 4379; 4382-86; 4393-95; 4398-4400; 4403; 4405-07; 4411; 4415; 4417; 4425; 4427]
(06 February 2014). Near naked sleepwalking statue stirs campus controversy. (women’s website) (San Francisco) (Section unknown). [2-5111]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE San Francisco (LGBT news focus) (San Francisco, CA) (National news section) (website). [1752]
Parton, Kimberlee. (12 February 2014). A man wandered, naked. The Foghorn (University of San Francisco) (Opinion section) (website and hard copy). [0533; K1-006]
Santa Barbara area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KEYT (ABC 3), KCOY (CBS 12), and KKFX (FOX 11) (Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura) (News section) (website). [0618]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Tribune (San Luis Obispo, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [0181]
D. Sleepwalker regional & local coverage across the US: CO-IA: Is this a sculpture, or is it "sexual assault"?

Is this a sculpture, or is it "sexual assault"?
See the coverage
"Another Wellesley alum, a clergywoman [told me]: ’Although I don’t particularly like the statue and am glad it is not a permanent addition to campus, I don’t think it should be removed to protect the students. But then, I have never been raped or physically abused.’
Neither have I.
But what if I had been?"
Colorado Springs, CO area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KRDO (ABC 13) (Colorado Springs, CO) (News section) (website). [0616]
Randall, David. (06 February 2014). Creepy statue controversy. KOAA (NBC 5) (Pueblo / Colorado Springs, CO) (National section) (website). [0502]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Gazette (Colorado Springs, CO) (Section unknown) (website). [0214]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Cañon City Daily Record (Cañon City, CO) (Section unknown) (website). [0905]
Denver area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KMGH (ABC 7) (Denver) (Section unknown) (website). [0411]
Associated Press. (07 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KUSA (NBC 9) (Denver) (Gannett Company) (Sidetracks section) (website). [0008]
Associated Press. (ca. 08 February 2014). News highlights. KTCL (93.3 FM) (Modern rock) (Denver) (Photo and caption in 50-photo gallery) (website). [1322]
(ca. 15 February 2014). News highlights. KIIX (1410 AM) (country music) (Fort Collins, CO) (Photo and caption in 50-photo gallery) (website). [1849]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Broomfield Enterprise (Boulder, CO) (website). [0231]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Denver Post (Section unknown) (website). A second article was released on 06 February 2014 with the title "This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College". [0042; 0009]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Gillette News Record (Gillette & Campbell County, WY: Denver DMA) (Nation/World section) (website). [0204]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Akron News-Reporter (Akron, CO) (Section unknown) (website). [1108]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Brush News-Tribune (Brush, CO) (Section unknown) (website). [0901]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Colorado Daily (Boulder, CO) (University-oriented newspaper) (Section unknown) (website). [0907; K1-070]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Daily Camera (Boulder, CO) (Section unknown) (website). [1113]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Fort Morgan Times (Fort Morgan, CO) (Story section) (website). [0898]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Journal-Advocate (Sterling, CO) (Local news section) (website). [0895]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Lamar Ledger (Lamar, CO) (Story section) (website). [1256]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Reporter-Herald (Loveland, CO) (The Bottom Line section) (website). [0897]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Times-Call (Longmont, CO) (News section) (website). [1320]
Lamm, Dottie (former first lady of Colorado). (09 March 2014). Does this statue belong on campus? Denver Post (Perspect section) (website and hard copy - see quote at top). (On 15 March 2014, they also released "Two views of Wellesley College “Sleepwalker” sculpture (2 letters)" in response - see below, in their Eletters section.) [1738; K2-001; 2469]
In response to Dottie Lamm:
"I’m sorry Dottie Lamm used her considerable platform to lecture young women against speaking up for themselves and their experiences with this pat answer to reality-based fear: Power through it, women, and don’t get in the way of ’free expression.’"
— Ame Lewis in "Two views of Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ sculpture (2 letters)", Denver Post, (15 March 2014)
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. Coloradoan (Ft. Collins, CO) (Gannett Company) (News section) (website). [1297]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Denver (LGBT news focus) (Denver, CO) (National news section) (website). [1742]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Baja Broadband website (cable TV, internet, telecom provider) (HQ: Alamogordo, NM; operating in AZ, CO, NV, NM, TX, UT) (News section). [1283]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Optimum West website (TV, phone, internet provider) (operating in CO, MT, UT and WY) (News section). [0485]
For Fairfield County in southwest Connecticut, see New York area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFSB (CBS 3) (Hartford, CT) (Section unknown) (website). [0376]
NECN / Josh Brogadir. (06 February 2014). Meet the new ’man’ at Wellesley College. New England Cable News (Newton, MA) (3.6 million subscribers in 1050+ cities and towns in all New England states.) (Also, embedded video of news report on webpage.) (Section unknown) (website). [1063]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Sleepwalking man in underwear statue creeps out women’s college. WKCI (101.3 FM) (Top 40) (New Haven, CT) [Perez (DJ) section] (Paragraph and video) (website). [1234]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Statue depicts man in underwear in Massachusetts. The Record-Journal (Meriden, CT) (National news section) (website). [0776]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Register-Citizen (Torrington, CT) (Section unknown) (website). [1148]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes stir on campus. Republican-American (Waterbury, CT) (National news section) (website). [0207]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. New Haven Register (New Haven, CT) (Nation-World section) (website). [2196]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Avon, Berlin, Bethwood, Branford, Canton, Cheshire, Clinton, Durham-Middlefield, East Hampton-Portland, East Haven, Ellington-Somers, Enfield, Farmington, Glastonbury, Granby-East Granby, Groton, Guilford, Hamden, Ledyard, Madison, Manchester, Mansfield-Storrs, Meriden, Middletown, Milford, Montville, Naugatuck, New London, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, Oxford, Rocky Hill, Simsbury, South Windsor, Southbury, Southington, Stonington-Mystic, Suffield, The Haddams-Killingworth, The Lymes, Tolland, Vernon, Wallingford, Waterford, West Hartford, Windsor Locks-East Windsor, Windsor, Woodbury-Middlebury) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1532; 1540; 1551; 1553; 1555; 1580; 1592-93; 1596; 1598-99; 1605-06; 1608; 1628; 1667; 1699; 1701; 1714; 3071-2; 3074; 3076; 3078-82, 3084-90; 3092; 3094-95; 3097-98; 3100-01; 3103; 3105-06; 3108; 3111-13; 3276; 3804; 3815; 3823-24; 4238-39; 4241-43; 4245-46; 4248-50; 4252-60; 4262-63; 4265; 4267-68; 4270-71; 4273; 4275-78; 4280; 4282-85; 4287-89; 4293-95; 4297-98]
"Absolutely! I don’t think anyone saw it coming. I know I didn’t."
For Delaware, see either the Philadelphia, PA area or the Salisbury, MD area.
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Atlantic Broadband website (HQ: Quincy, MA; operating areas: DE, FL, MA, MD, PA, SC) (News section) (website).(Also, "Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir" by AP on 05 February 2014, on their domain.) [0505; 1291]
District of Columbia area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTTG (FOX 5) (Washington, DC) (Section unknown) (website). (A second article was released 06 February 2014 by with the title "Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir".) [1177; 0401]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-underwear causes stir. WDCA (My20) (Washington, DC) (Section unknown) (website). [1188]
Lee, Jolie (USA Today network). (05 February 2014). Statue of man in underwear raises eyebrows at Wellesley. WUSA (CBS 9) (Washington, DC) (Section unknown) (website). [0473]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). News highlights. WFMD (AM 930) (News/Talk/Sports) (Frederick and Hagerstown, MD) (Photo and caption in 50-photo gallery) (website). [0988]
(06 February 2014). CREEPY: Statue Of a sleep-walking man is causing a stir at Wellesley College because it reminds students of sexual assault…. WASH (97.1 FM) (Adult Contemporary) (Washington, DC) (Quinn and Cantara Morning Show section) (Paragraph and link to 05 February 2014 article "Realistic statue of man in his underwear at Wellesley College sparks controversy" at by J. Reiss) (website). [0762]
(06 February 2014). CREEPY: Wellesley College statue of semi-nude sleep walker freaks us out. WIHT (99.5 FM) (Top 40 music) (Washington, DC) (title and photo of Twitter posting) [Kruz (DJ) section] (website). [1215]
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFED (1500 AM) (News talk information) (Washington, DC) (Entertainment news section) (website). [1245]
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTOP (103.5 FM) (News/Traffic/Weather format) (Washington, DC) (Entertainment - arts section) (website). [0298]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Northern Virginia Daily (Shenandoah County, VA) (Section unknown) (website). [1114]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Washington Post (National) (website). [0035]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Washington Times (Washington, DC) (Entertainment section) (website). (On 06 February 2014, the Sleepwalker was shown in their "Photos of the day", and later in their "Photos of the week".) [0281; 0818; 0817]
Fahrenthold, David A. (05 February 2014). Sculpture of near-naked man at Wellesley has its critics. The Washington Post (Politics section) (website). [0129]
Kennicott, Philip. (05 February 2014). Wellesley’s naked older man statue is a lesson in humanity. The Washington Post (Style blog section) (website). [0092]
COMMENT - ariellem: - 2/8/2014 9:23 PM GMT+0100
I find tighty whities repulsive even on attractive live men in my presence. On a statue they’re really gross and nothing I’d want to have to look at often.
COMMENT - RAMJ: - 2/5/2014 11:56 PM GMT+0100
I love it. The reactions are the art. Well done.
— Philip Kennicott in "Wellesley’s naked older man statue is a lesson in humanity" above, and commenters
NEWSY (video). (05 February 2014). Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus. Washington Examiner (political newspaper) (Washington, DC) (video and caption) (website). [1768]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Georgetown) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [2852; 3826]
In Maryland
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Bowie, College Park, Gaithersburg, Germantown, Greenbelt, Hyattsville, Kensington, Laurel, Montgomery Village, North Potomac-Darnestown, Potomac, Riverdale Park-University Park, Rockville, Silver Spring, Takoma Park, Upper Marlboro, Wheaton) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1712; 3031-32; 3035; 3045-46; 3049-51; 3053; 3055; 3062-64; 3066-68; 3070; 3775; 3782; 3797; 4200-01; 4204; 4214; 4216-19; 4221; 4228-30; 4232; 4235; 4237]
In Virginia
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Annandale, Arlington, Ashburn, Burke, Centreville, Chantilly, Clarendon-Courthouse-Rosslyn, Dale City, Del Ray, Fairfax City, Fairfax Station, Falls Church, Fredericksburg, Greater Alexandria, Herndon, Kingstowne-Rose Hill, Lake Ridge-Occoquan, Leesburg, Lorton, Manassas Park, Manassas, McLean, Mount Vernon, Oakton, Old Town Alexandria, Reston, Tysons Corner, Vienna, West End Alexandria, Woodbridge) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1514; 1542; 1565; 1600; 1603; 2966-85; 2987-91; 3774; 3802; 3868-70; 3946-47; 3949-69; 4667; 4675]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Washington, DC (LGBT news focus) (Washington, DC) (National news section) (website). [1754]
Luzer, Daniel. (07 February 2014). Wellesley College doesn’t understand art. Washington Monthly (political magazine) (College guide section) (website). [1779]
Let’s just hope they never stumble upon Peter Paul Rubens’s Rape of the Sabine Women."
— Daniel Luzer in "Wellesley College doesn’t understand art" above
Ft. Myers - Naples area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WINK (CBS 11) (Fort Myers / Naples, FL) (Weird news) (website). [0069]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WBBH (NBC 2) (Fort Myers / Cape Coral / Naples, FL) (Section unknown) (website). [0478]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WZVN (ABC 7) (Naples / Fort Myers / Port Charlotte, FL) (Section unknown) (website). [0352]
Associated Press / Murphy, Andrew. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFTX-TV (FOX 4) (Fort Myers / Naples, FL) (4 in your corner section) (website). (Also on ca. 15 February 2014, a photo and caption was shown in a gallery entitled "Surreal art".) [0065; 1819]
RADIO (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WRXK (96k rock) (Southwest Florida) (Stan and Haney presenters section) (website). [0034]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Marco Island Sun Times (Marco Island, FL) (Gannett Company) (section unknown) (website). [1279]
Gainesville area
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir. WOGX (FOX 51) (Gainesville, FL) (Section unknown) (website). [1188]
Jacksonville area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WJXT (Channel 4) (independent) (Jacksonville, FL) (News section unknown) (website). [0614]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WOKV (104.5 FM) and (690 AM) (News / talk / weather radio) (Jacksonville, FL) (Section unknown) (website). (Another article was released on 06 February 2014 by Rick Couri with the title "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" in their Weird news section.) [0297; 0990]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. Power106.1 FM (Jacksonville, FL) (Hip hop music) (Weird news section) (website). [0982]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. WHJX (106.5 FM) (R&B music) (Jacksonville, FL) (Weird news) (website). [0977]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, FL) (Section unknown) (website). [1147]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The St. Augustine Record (St. Augustine, FL) (Section unknown) (website). [1159]
Miami-Ft. Lauderdale area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSVN (FOX 7) (Miami, FL) (Section unknown) (website). [0435]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WPLG (ABC 10) (Miami, FL) (News section) (website). [0881]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. WEDR (99.1 FM) (Miami, FL) (Hip hop and R&B music) (Weird news section) (website). [0979]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. WHQT (105.1 FM) (Urban adult contemporary music) (Coral Gables, FL) (Weird news section) (website). [0972]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Miami Herald (People Wires) (website). [0053]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Ft. Lauderdale (LGBT news focus) (Ft. Lauderdale, FL) (National news section) (website). [1743]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Miami (LGBT news focus) (Miami, FL) (National news section) (website). [1316]
Orlando area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFTV (ABC 9) (Orlando, Daytona Beach, Melbourne, FL) (Strange news) (website). (Another article by Rick Couri was released on 06 February 2014 with the title "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college".) [0154; 1100]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WOFL (FOX 35) (Orlando, FL) (Section unknown) (website). (Another AP article was released on 06 February 2014.) [1173; 0405]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir. WRBW (My65) (Orlando, FL) (Section unknown) (website). [1187]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. (powered by WKMG - CBS 6) (Orlando, FL) (News section) (website). [0624]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WESH (NBC 2) (Orlando, FL) (National news section unknown) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0644; 1266]
Couri, Rick. (06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. WDBO (FM96.5) (Orlando, FL) (Weird news) (website). [0149]
Couri, Rick. (06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. WMMO (98.9 FM) (adult hits) (Orlando, FL) (Weird news section) (website). [1331]
(06 February 2014). Do tighty-whities freak you out? WMGF (107.7 FM) (adult contemporary) (Orlando, FL) [John and Leslye (presenters) section] (website). [1246]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Orlando (LGBT news focus) (Orlando, FL) (National news section) (website). [1748]
Tampa area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFLA (NBC 8) (Tampa, FL) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article was released on 08 February 2014.) [0474; 1071; 0472]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTVT (FOX 13) (Tampa-St. Petersburg, FL) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional AP article release 06 February 2014.) [0381; 1187]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WMOR (Channel 19) (Independent) (Tampa, FL) (Section unknown) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0640; 0671] (06 February 2014). Statue of man in underwear raises eyebrows on college campus. WTSP (CBS 10) (Tampa, FL) (Section unknown) (website). [0766]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. WHPT (102.5 FM) (Sarasota, FL) (Weird news section) (website). [1103]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. WPOI (Top 40 music) (Tampa, FL) (Weird news section) (website). [1098]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. WWRM (94.9 FM) (Adult contemporary music) (Tampa, FL) (Weird news section) (website). [1106]
(07 February 2014). Super realistic sleepwalking man statue is scaring co-eds at Wellesley College.... WFLA (970 AM) (News radio) (Tampa, FL) (AM Tampa Bay section) (Photo, paragraph and link to article.) (website). [1210]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Sculpture of Man in Underwear Causes Stir at US Campus. WDUV (105.5FM) ("Continuous Lite Favorites") (St. Petersburg, FL) (Embedded video and caption) (News section) (website). [2-5329]
Associated Press. (ca. 08 February 2014). News highlights. WHNZ (AM1250) ( News / talk radio) (Tampa, FL) (Photo and caption in 50-photo gallery) (Photos section) (website). [1227]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Citrus County Chronicle (Section unknown) (website). [1158]
Times Wires. (07 February 2014). The skinny: Underwear-clad statue not a hit on campus. Tampa Bay Times (The Skinny - Bizarre news) (website). (Mention). [0023]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture disturbs Wellesley campus. The Tampa Tribune (Tampa, FL) (Section unknown) (website). (Another AP version was released on the day with the title "Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir". Also a video by Newsfix entitled "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College" was released ca. 08 February 2014.) [0780; 0509; 1993]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Bloomingdale-Riverview, Bradenton, Brandon, Carrollwood-Northdale, Clearwater, Dunedin, East Lake, Gulfport, Land O’ Lakes, Largo, Lutz, New Port Richey, New Tampa, Palm Harbor, Pinellas Beaches, Safety Harbor, Sarasota, Seminole Heights, South Tampa-Hyde Park, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs, Temple Terrace, Westchase) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1523; 1567; 1578; 1635; 1655; 1666; 1692; 1726; 2909-13; 2916-24; 2942; 3792; 3796; 3808; 3810; 3827-29; 4083-98]
West Palm Beach area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFLX (FOX 29) (West Palm Beach, FL) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [1174; 0551]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College man in underwear sculpture (’Sleepwalker’) causing stir. WPTV (NBC 5) (West Palm Beach, FL) (Section unknown) (website). [0469]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WPBF (ABC 25) (West Palm Beach, FL) (Section unknown) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0665; 0666]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, FL) (Strange news) (website) [Article and separate photo and caption in travel section; another article was published on 05 February (updated 06 February) with the title "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" by Rick Couri. All three articles ’reprinted’ on website version]. [0836; 0232; 1400; 1399; 0999; 0997]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Atlantic Broadband website (HQ: Quincy, MA; operating areas: DE, FL, MA, MD, PA, SC) (News section) (website). (Also, "Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir" by AP on 05 February 2014, on their domain.) [0505; 1291]
See also cross-border areas: Chattanooga, TN area; Dothan, AL area; Greenville, SC area; Jacksonville, FL area; and Tallahassee, FL area.
Albany, GA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WALB (10 NBC & ABC) (Albany, Georgia) (Sections unknown) (website). (Article version also published on 06 February 2014 with title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News. A second updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0083; 0161; 0084]
Atlanta area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WAGA (FOX 5) (Section unknown) (website). (Another AP article was released on 06 February 2014. with the title "Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir") [1186; 1165]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WGCL (CBS 46) (Atlanta) (Sections unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and a second updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0066; 1078; 0067]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSB (ABC 2) (Atlanta, GA) (Section unknown) (website). (An article also was released by Rick Couri entitled "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" on 06 February 2014. Also, on ca. 06 February 2014, they released a NEWSY video and caption with the article title "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" in their news section.) [0434; 0995; 1766]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WGAU (1340 AM) (News and talk radio) (Athens, GA) (Section unknown) (website). [0309]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSB (95.5 FM / AM 750) (News / talk radio) (Atlanta, GA) (Section unknown) (website). (Another article was released on 06 February 2014 with the title "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" by Rick Couri in their Weird News section.) [0308; 1102]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. WALR (104.1 "Kiss FM") (R&B music) (Atlanta) (Section unknown) (website). [1104]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. WRFC (960 AM) (Sports radio) (Athens, GA) (Weird news section) (website). [0978]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. WSB (98.5 FM) (Adult contemporary) (Weird news section) (website). [0973]
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WGKA (AM 920) (Atlanta, GA) (Talk radio) (Section unknown) (website). [0305]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies statue at Mass. college causes stir. Athens Banner-Herald (Georgia) (National news) (website). [0032]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta) (Section unknown) (website). [A second article was published on 05 February (updated 06 February) with the title "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" by Rick Couri. These two articles ’reprinted’ on website version. Also, on ca. 06 February 2014, they released a NEWSY video and caption with the article title "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" in their news section on] [0295; 0994; 1086; 1087; 1770]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Acworth, Alpharetta-Milton, Athens, Barrow, Brookhaven, Buckhead, Buford, Canton-Sixes, Cartersville, Cascade, Cumming, Dacula, Dallas-Hiram, Decatur-Avondale Estates, Douglasville, Duluth, Dunwoody, East Atlanta, East Cobb, Gwinnett, Holly Springs-Hickory Flat, Johns Creek, Kennesaw, Lawrenceville, Lilburn-Mountain Park, Loganville-Grayson, Marietta, Midtown, Monroe, Norcross, North Druid Hills-Briarcliff, Northeast Cobb, Peachtree Corners, Roswell, Sandy Springs, Smyrna-Vinings, Snellville, South Cobb, Stone Mountain-Lithonia, Suwanee, Tucker, Virginia Highland-Druid Hills, West Cobb, Woodstock-Towne Lake) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1524; 1544; 1562; 1604; 1641; 1652; 1676; 1678; 1698; 2247; 2992-3015; 3017-26; 3275; 3791; 3800; 3830-32; 4099-4127; 4129-38]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. (Lifestyles section) (website in partnership with Atlanta Journal-Constitution and (Weird news section). [1091]
(ca. 10 February 2014). Statue causes ruckus at Wellesley. (Lifestyles section) (website in partnership with Atlanta Journal-Constitution and (Photo gallery). [0020]
You’re a generation of sheltered children.”
Augusta, GA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WAGT (NBC 26, Augusta, Georgia - Aiken, South Carolina) (Sections unknown) (website). (Article version also published on 06 February 2014 with title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News. (Another AP article was released on 06 February 2014 with the title "Lifelike statue bothers some students", and updated article of the 05 February report was released 08 February 2014.) [0160; 0159; 1286; 0062]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WJBF (ABC 6) (Augusta, GA) (Section unknown) (website). [0331]
Columbus, GA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WLTZ (NBC 38) (Columbus, GA) (Section unknown) (website). [0468]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WRBL (CBS 3) (Columbus, Georgia) (Sections unknown) (website). (A second updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0155; 0071]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTVM (ABC 9) (Columbus, GA) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [1172; 0536]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) (Section unknown) (website). [0243]
Macon area
Associated Press. (17 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. WMAZ (CBS 13) (Macon, GA) (Gannett Company) (Section unknown) (website). [1304]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Telegraph (Macon, GA) (Section unknown) (website). [0257]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Oconee, GA) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [3016; 4128]
Savannah area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTOC (CBS 11) (Savannah, GA) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, an updated AP article was released on 08 February 2014.) [0439; 0438]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSAV (NBC 3) (Savannah, GA) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0443; 0546]
(ca. 15 February 2014). News highlights. WTKS (1290 AM) and (97.7 FM) (news radio) (Savannah, GA) (Photo and caption in 50-photo gallery) (website). [1850]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Island Packet (Hilton Head Island, SC) (Section unknown) (website). [0494]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Atlanta (LGBT news focus) (Atlanta, GA) (National news section) (website). [0932]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KGMB (CBS 5) and KHNL (NBC 13) (Honolulu) (Sections unknown) (website). (Also version published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News. A second updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0098; 0026; 0157]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KITV (ABC 4) (Honolulu) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online [0638; 0660]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Honolulu Star-Advertiser (News section) (website). (A second version was released on the same day with the title "Realistic man-in-undies sculpture causes stir at women’s college campus") [1125; 0771]
Also see cross-border areas: Salt Lake City, UT area and Spokane, WA area.
Boise area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KBOI (CBS 2) (Boise, ID) (News section) (website). (Also, adjoining 3-photo photo gallery section.) [0914; 0913]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KIVI (ABC 6) and KNIN (FOX 9) (Boise) (Photo and caption in photo gallery). (website) [1790]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KJOT (105.1 FM) (Classic rock) (Boise) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1827]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KQXR (100.3 FM) (modern rock) (Payette, ID - Boise area) (Photo and caption in photo gallery). (website) [1791]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KRVB (94.9 FM) (Adult alternative) (Boise) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1829]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KTHI (107.1 FM) (Classic hits) (Boise) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1828]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Idaho Statesman (Boise, ID) (Section unknown) (website). [0249]
Idaho Falls, ID area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks "brief" controversy. KIFI (ABC 8) (Idaho Falls, ID); KIDK (CBS 3) (Idaho Falls, ID) and KXPI (FOX 34) (Pocatello, ID) (News section) (website). [0626]
Also see cross-border areas: Davenport, IA area; Evansville, IN area; Paducah, KY area; St. Louis, MO area.
Champaign, IL area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WAND (NBC 17) (Decatur, IL) (Section unknown) (website). [0460]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Herald & Review (Decatur, IL) (Weird news section) (website). [0292]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The State Journal-Register (Springfield, IL) (News section) (website). [1115]
Chicago area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFLD (FOX 32) (Chicago) (Section unknown) (website). (Another article was released on 06 February 2014 with the title "Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir".) [0382; 1187]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Massachusetts college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WLS-TV (ABC 7) (Chicago) (Section unknown) (website). [0344]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir. my50 (Chicago, IL) (Section unknown) (website). [1188]
Merda, Chad. (05 February 2014). Statue of man in underwear is creepily realistic, yet incredibly cool. Chicago Sun-Times (Chicago) (Clickbait, news section unknown) (website). [1005]
— Chad Merda in "Statue of man in underwear is creepily realistic, yet incredibly cool" above
(06 February 2014). A lifelike outdoor sculpture of a man sleepwalking in nothing. Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL) (News section) (hard copy). [K1-068]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Algonquin-Lake in the Hills, Arlington Heights, Barrington, Batavia, Beverly-Mt Greenwood, Bolingbrook, Bucktown-Wicker Park, Buffalo Grove, Burr Ridge, Channahon-Minooka, Chicago Heights, Crystal Lake-Cary, Darien, Deerfield, Des Plaines, Downers Grove, Elmhurst, Evanston, Evergreen Park, Forest Park, Frankfort, Geneva, Glen Ellyn, Glenview, Grayslake, Highland Park, Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills, Homewood-Flossmoor, Huntley, Joliet, La Grange, Lake Forest-Lake Bluff, Lake View, Lake Zurich, Lemont, Libertyville, Lincoln Park, Lincoln Square, Lisle, Mokena, Montgomery, Naperville, New Lenox, Niles-Morton Grove, North Center-Roscoe Village, Northbrook, Oak Forest, Oak Lawn, Oak Park-River Forest, Orland Park, Oswego, Palatine, Palos, Park Ridge, Plainfield, Romeoville, Shorewood, Skokie, St. Charles, Tinley Park, Vernon Hills, Western Springs, Wheaton, Wilmette-Kenilworth, Winnetka-Glencoe, Woodridge, Yorkville) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1585; 1602; 1622; 1630-32; 1649; 1672; 1682; 1686; 1709; 2986; 3114-68; 3773; 3781; 3801; 3814; 3833-35; 4139-98]
Arciero, Ryan. (06 February 2014). Wellesley sculpture: ’Sleepwalker’ stirs argument, man in underwear unsettling. (Chicago) (Top News) (website). [0027]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Columbia Chronicle (Columbia College Chicago) (Chicago, IL) (News wire section) (hard copy). [K1-102]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Chicago (LGBT news focus) (Chicago) (National news section) (website). [1740]
Peoria-Bloomington area
(07 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mac & Mac pick: Sleepwalking art. WEEK (NBC 25) and (ABC 19) (Peoria / Bloomington / Normal, IL) (News / Top stories section) (website). (With embedded video of news report.) [1236]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Pantagraph (Bloomington-Normal, IL) (Strange news unknown) (website). [0285]
Quincy, IL-MO-IA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WGEM (NBC 10) (Quincy, IL) (Section unknown) (website). [0448]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Quincy Herald-Whig (Quincy, IL) (Section unknown) (website). [0921]
Rockford, IL area
Associated Press. (ca. 05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies causes stir. WREX (NBC 13) (Rockford, IL) (Section unknown) (website). [0924]
Also see cross-border areas: Champaign, IL area; Chicago, IL area; Cincinnati, OH area; and the Louisville, KY area.
Evansville, IN area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFIE (NBC 14, Evansville, IN) (Sections unknown) (website). (Also version published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News. A second updated AP version was released 08 February 2014.). [0089; 0117; 0158]
Fort Wayne, IN area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). ‘Schlumpy guy in underpants’ raises stir at Wellesley. The Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, IN) ("Worth a click" section) (website). [0787]
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). Weekly weird news: Feb. 8 - Massachusetts college’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The News Sentinel (Fort Wayne, IN) (Section unknown) (website). [1776]
Indianapolis area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WRTV (ABC 6) (Section unknown) (website). [0316]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTHR (NBC 13) (Indianapolis) (Section unknown) (website). [0456]
Hughley, D.L. (06 February 2014). All-female college students upset over creepy male statue. WTLC (106.7 FM) (R&B music) (Indianapolis) (6 degrees of randomness section) (website). [1232]
Associated Press. (ca. 06 February 2014). Photos: Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Daily Reporter (Greenfield, IN) (photos and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [0210]
Associated Press. (09 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. The Indianapolis Star (Gannett Company) (Section unknown) (website). [1305]
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. The Star Press (Muncie, IN) (Gannett Company) (Section unknown) (website). [1296]
South Bend-Elkhart, IN area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSJV (FOX 28) (South Bend, IN) (Section unknown) (website). [0399]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WSBT (CBS 22) (South Bend, IN) (Nation / World section) (website). [0629]
"I think it’s bizarre."
Also see cross-border areas: Omaha, NE area; Quincy, IL-MO-IA area; Rochester, MN area; and Sioux Falls, SD area.
Cedar Rapids, IA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KWWL (NBC 7) (Waterloo, IA) (Section unknown) (website). [0052]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Telegraph Herald (Dubuque, IA) (National / World section) (website). [0288]
Associated Press. (ca. 08 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, IA) (Section unknown) (website). [1307]
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. Iowa City Press-Citizen (Iowa City, IA) (Section unknown) (website). [1055]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Cedar Falls, Iowa City, Marion) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1638, 1644, 1669; 3838; 3878; 3880]
Davenport, IA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KWQC (NBC 6) (Davenport, IA) (Section unknown) (website). [0447]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WHBF (CBS 4) (Rock Island, IL) (Section unknown) (website). [0369]
Des Moines-Ames, IA area
Internet Broadcasting. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KCCI (CBS 8) (Des Moines, IA) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0597; 0647]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WOI-DT (ABC 5) (Des Moines - Ames, IA) (Section unknown) (website) (On two station websites: and [0922; 0923]
Associated Press. (09 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. Altoona Herald (Altoona, IA) (Section unknown) (website). [1294]
Associated Press. (09 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. Des Moines Register (News section) (website) (Gannett Company). [0007]
Associated Press. (09 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. Record Herald and Indianola Tribune (Indianola, IA) (Section unknown) (website). [1293]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Ames, Ankeny, Johnston, Urbandale, Waukee, West Des Moines) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [2870-75; 3836-37; 3879; 3278; 3881-82]
Sioux City, IA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KCAU (ABC 9) (Sioux City, IA) (Section unknown) (website). [0325]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTIV (NBC 4) (Sioux City, IA) (Section unknown) (website). [0455]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Daily Freeman-Journal (Webster City, IA) (Section unknown) (website). [0218]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Sioux City Journal (Sioux City, IA) (Weird news section) (website). [0282]
E. Sleepwalker regional & local coverage across the US: KS-MT vs. The Shining
See the coverage
Also see cross-border areas: Joplin, MO area; Kansas City, MO area; Lincoln, NE area; St. Joseph, MO area; and Tulsa, OK area.
Topeka area
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Kansas First News (KSNT 27 NBC; KTKA 49 ABC; KTMJ 43 FOX) (Topeka) (Section unknown) (website). [0047]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Topeka Capital-Journal (Topeka, KS) (Section unknown) (website). [1156]
Wichita area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). College man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KSNW (NBC 3) (Wichita, KS) (Section unknown) (website). [1289]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KWCH (CBS 12) (Wichita, KS) (National news section unknown) (website). [0617]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KFDI (101.3 FM) (country music) (Wichita, KS) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1818]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KFTI (92.3 FM) (country music) (Wichita, KS) (Photo and caption in photo gallery). (website) [1795]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KFXJ (104.5 FM) (Classic rock) (Wichita, KS) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1822]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KICT (95.1 FM) (Mainstream rock) (Wichita, KS) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1808]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Wichita Eagle (Wichita, KS) (Section unknown) (website). [0192]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. (Kansas high school sports website, connected to KWCH) (Wichita, KS) (Section unknown). [0637]
YellowBrix service. (ca. 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. State Bank of Delphos website (Delphos, KS) (News section). [1204]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Nex-Tech website (Kansas) (Wireless communications service provider) (Section unknown) (website). [0498]
Also see Charleston, WV area; Cincinnati, OH area; Evansville, IN area; Knoxville, TN area; Nashville, TN area; and Tri-Cities, TN-VA area.
Lexington area
Associated Press. (ca. 08 February 2014). Fun photos. WKQQ (100.1 FM) (Rock music) (Lexington, KY) (Photos section; 3 photos with captions of 100) (website). [1323]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Lexington Herald-Leader / (Section unknown) (website). [0085]
Louisville area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WAVE (NBC 3) (Louisville, KY) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article on 08 February 2014.) [1183; 0476; 1077; 0475]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WDRB (FOX 41) (Louisville) (Section unknown) (website). [0049]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WLKY (CBS 32) (Louisville, KY) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0613; 0651]
Paducah, KY - MO - IL
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KFVS (CBS 12) (Cape Girardeau, MO) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0371; 0550]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Southern Illinoisan (Carbondale, Illinois) (Weird news) (website). [171]
Baton Rouge area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WAFB (CBS 9) (Baton Rouge, LA) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article on 08 February 2014.) [1185; 1081; 1174]
Lafayette area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KLFY (CBS 10) (Lafayette, LA) (Section unknown) (website). [0422]
Lake Charles area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KPLC (NBC 7) (Lake Charles, LA) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0471; 0534]
Monroe area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KNOE (CBS 8) (Monroe, LA) (Section unknown) (website). [0365]
New Orleans area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WVUE (FOX 8) (New Orleans, LA) (Section unknown) (website). [0400]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WDSU (NBC 6) (New Orleans, LA) (World news section unknown) (website).( A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0604; 0668]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WWL (AM 870 and FM 105.3) (news, talk and sports radio) (New Orleans, LA) (Section unknown) (website). [1149]
MacCash, Doug. (07 February 2014). Eerie Sleepwalker sculpture weirds out Wellesley College. The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA) (Entertainment - Arts section). [0802]
’What I was wanting to do with the work is just present that idea of misplacement, of loss and abandon and of being asleep at the wheel, really. It’s a feeling we all have often, and a feeling we relate to.’"
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE New Orleans (LGBT news focus) (New Orleans, LA) (National news section) (website). [1747]
Shreveport area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KSLA (CBS 12) (Shreveport, LA) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0418; 0549]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTBS (ABC 3) (Shreveport, LA) (Section unknown) (website). [0427]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Man-in-underwear sculpture causes a campus stir. Texarkana Gazette (Texarkana, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [0774]
Associated Press. (09 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. The Times (Shreveport, LA) (Gannett Company) (Section unknown) (website). [1290]
NECN / Josh Brogadir. (06 February 2014). Meet the new ’man’ at Wellesley College. New England Cable News (Newton, MA) (3.6 million subscribers in 1050+ cities and towns in all New England states.) (Also, embedded video of news report on webpage.) (Section unknown) (website). [1063]
Bangor area
WHDH (Boston). (06 February 2014). Creepy statue startling Massachusetts college students. WLBZ (NBC 2) (Bangor, ME) (Section unknown) (website). [1224]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Massachusetts college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFVX (FOX 22) and WVII (ABC 7) (Bangor, ME) (Paragraph and link to (Section unknown) (website). [0390]
(06 February 2014). Wellesley College creeped out by inappropriate statue. WBZN (107.3 FM) (Top 40) (Bangor, ME) (website). [4665]
Portland-Auburn area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WPFO (FOX 23) (Portland, ME) (Section unknown) (website). [0385]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WMTW (ABC 8) (Portland, ME) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0600; 0654]
WHDH (Boston). (06 February 2014). Creepy statue startling Massachusetts college students. WCSH (NBC 6) (Portland, ME) (Section unknown) (website). [1255]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Man-in-underwear statue at Mass. college causes stir. Kennebec Journal (Augusta, ME) (Section unknown) (website). [0930]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Man-in-underwear statue at Mass. college causes stir. Morning Sentinel (Waterville, ME) (Section unknown) (website). [0931]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Man-in-underwear statue at Mass. college causes stir. Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram (Section unknown) (website). [0261]
Also see cross-border areas: Pittsburgh, PA area and Washington, DC area.
Baltimore area
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WBAL (NBC 11) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0603; 0667]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 12 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. website for The Capital (Annapolis, MD), Maryland Gazette (Annapolis, MD), Crofton-West County Gazette and Bowie Blade-News. (Section unknown) (website). [0258]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 12 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Carroll County Times (Westminster, MD) (Section unknown) (website). [0233]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Aberdeen, Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Arbutus, Bel Air, Broadneck, Catonsville, Columbia, Crofton, Dundalk, Edgewater-Davidsonville, Eldersburg, Elkridge, Ellicott City, Essex-Middle River, Fallston, Glen Burnie, Havre de Grace, Hunt Valley-Cockeysville, Lutherville-Timonium, North Baltimore, Odenton-Severn, Owings Mills-Reisterstown, Parkville-Overlea, Perry Hall, Perryville, Pikesville, Severna Park, Towson, Westminster) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1646; 1702; 1728; 3027-30; 3033-34; 3036-44; 3047-48; 3052; 3054; 3056-61; 3065; 3069-70; 3780; 3799; 3839-41; 3948; 4199; 4202-03; 4205-13; 4215; 4220; 4222-27; 4231; 4234; 4236]
Torgerson, Sara. (24 February 2014). Smart Art: Starting the conversation. The Quindecim (Goucher College student newspaper) (Baltimore, MD) (Arts section) (website; hard copy). [1739; K2-003]
Salisbury area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WBOC (CBS 16 and FOX 21) (Salisbury, MD) (Section unknown) (website). [0423]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WMDT (ABC 47) (Salisbury, MD) (Section unknown) (website). [0318]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Atlantic Broadband website (HQ: Quincy, MA; operating areas: DE, FL, MA, MD, PA, SC) (News section) (website). (Also, "Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir" by AP on 05 February 2014, on their domain.) [0505; 1291]
Also see cross-border areas: Duluth, MN area; Green-Bay-Appleton, WI area; South Bend-Elkhart, IN area; and Toledo, OH area.
Detroit area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WJBK (FOX 2) (Detroit) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional AP article release on 06 February 2014.) [0043; 1186]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WDIV (NBC 4) (Detroit) (News section) (website). [0882]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Detroit Free Press (News section) (website). (Another article was released on the day, "Statue of man in underwear raises eyebrows at Wellesley" by Jolie Lee, USA Today Network.) [0031; 1508]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. The Livingston County Daily & Argus (Howell, MI) (Section unknown) (website). [1278]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Massachusetts college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Monroe Evening News (Monroe, MI) (Section unknown) (website). [0236]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Observer & Eccentric newspapers (Suburban Detroit) (Gannett Company) (Section unknown) (website). [0202]
(undated). Tony Matelli’s sculpture causing a stir on Wellesley’s campus. Cranbrook Academy of Art: Alumni news (Bloomfield Hills, MI). (website). (Mention.) [0827]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Birmingham, Bloomfield-Bloomfield Hills, Brighton, Chelsea, Clawson, Clinton Township, Dearborn, Dexter, Farmington-Farmington Hills, Fenton, Ferndale, Grosse Pointe, Hartland, Huntington Woods-Berkley, Macomb Township, New Baltimore-Chesterfield, Northville, Novi, Oakland Township-Lake Orion, Plymouth-Canton, Rochester-Rochester Hills, Royal Oak, Saline, Shelby-Utica, St. Clair Shores, Trenton-Grosse Ile, Troy, West Bloomfield, White Lake-Highland, Wyandotte) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1528; 1535; 1560; 1563; 1626; 1730; 2914-15; 2944-65; 3784; 3789; 3845-47; 4058-82]
Flint-Saginaw, MI area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WJRT (ABC 12) (Flint, MI) (Section unknown) (website). [0340]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WNEM (CBS 5) (Bay City - Saginaw - Flint, MI) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article was released on 08 February 2014) [1184; 0528; 0355]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Morning Sun (Mt. Pleasant, MI) (Nation / World section) (website). [1329]
Grand Rapids, MI area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WWMT (CBS 3) (Kalamazoo, MI) (Local entertainment section) (website). [0366]
Associated Press. (ca. 08 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. WZZM (ABC 13) (Grand Rapids, MI) (Section unknown) (website). [1302)
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Battle Creek Enquirer (Battle Creek, MI) (Gannett Company) (Nation / World news section) (website). [1263]
Lansing, MI area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WLNS (CBS 6) (Lansing - Jackson, MI) (Section unknown) (website). [1175]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Creepy statue controversy. WILX (NBC 10) (Lansing - Jackson, MI) (Section unknown) (website). [1310]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. WSYM (FOX 47) (Mainstream rock) (Lansing / Jackson, MI) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1811]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Lansing State Journal (Lansing, MI) (Gannett Company) (News section) (website). [0206]
Marquette, MI area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Daily Press (Escanaba, MI) (National news section) (website). [0212]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton, MI) (National news section) (website). [0217]
Traverse City, MI area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFQX (FOX 32) (Cadillac / Traverse City, MI) (Section unknown) (website). [0386]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WWTP (CBS 9) (Cadillac / Traverse City, MI) and WWUP (CBS 10) (Sault Ste. Marie, MI) (Section unknown) (website). [0413]
Also see cross-border areas: Fargo-Valley City, ND area; La Crosse-Eau-Claire, WI area; Sioux Falls, SD area.
Mankato, MN area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KEYC (CBS 12) (Mankato, Minnesota) (Section unknown) (website). [0050]
Minneapolis-St. Paul area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KSTP (ABC 5) (Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN) (Section unknown) (website). [0335]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir. WFTC (My29) (Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN) (Section unknown) (website). [1188]
(06 February 2014). Statue of man in tighty-whiteys gets mixed reviews (video of broadcast from WCCO This Morning). WCCO (CBS 4) and also WCCO (830 AM) (News radio) (Videos section) (website). [1229] (06 February 2014; Updated 20 February 2014). Mass. College man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir. KMSP (FOX 9) (Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN) (Section unknown) (website). [0387]
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies causes ruckus. KARE (NBC 11) (Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN) (Section unknown) (website). [1300]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KYCR (1570 AM) (Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN) (Business news radio) (Section unknown) (website). [1134]
Yellow Brix service. (ca. 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. First State Bank of Kiester website (News section) (Kiester, MN). [1203]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Brainerd Dispatch (Brainerd, MN) (Section unknown) (website). [1145]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Pioneer Press (St. Paul, MN) (News section) (website). [0187]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Apple Valley-Rosemount, Burnsville, Eagan, Eden Prairie, Edina, Fridley, Golden Valley, Hopkins, Inver Grove Heights, Lake Minnetonka, Lakeville, Maple Grove, Mendota Heights, Minnetonka, Northfield, Oakdale, Plymouth, Richfield, Roseville, Shakopee, Southwest Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, St. Michael, Stillwater, Woodbury; and Hudson, WI) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1520; 1538; 1556; 1569; 1651; 1654; 1705; 1723; 2841; 2925-41; 3795; 3805; 3813; 3937; 4036-57]
Rochester, MN area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTTC (NBC 10) (Rochester, MN) (Section unknown) (website). [0463]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Globe Gazette (Mason City, IA) (Section unknown) (website). [0289]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Midcontinent Communications website. (TV, internet, telephone provider) (HQ: Sioux Falls, SD; operating in MN, ND, SD and WI.) (News section) (website). [0504]
Also see cross-border aras: Baton Rouge, LA area; Memphis, TN area; Mobile, AL area; and New Orleans area.
Biloxi-Gulfport area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WLOX (CBS 13) and (ABC 13) (Biloxi, MS) (Section unknown) (website). [0408]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) (Section unknown) (website). [0259]
Greenwood-Greenville, MS area
YellowBrix service. (05 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. The Jefferson Bank (Fayette, MS; Greenville, MS; Rosedale, MS) (Breaking news section) (website). [1200]
YellowBrix service. (05 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. Magnolia State Bank (Bay Springs, MS; Flowood, MS; Greenville, MS; Greenwood, MS; Hattiesburg, MS; Heidelberg, MS; Laurel, MS; Lucedale, MS; Petal, MS; Taylorsville, MS) (Section unknown) (website). [1201]
Hattiesburg-Laurel, MS area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WDAM (ABC 7) and (NBC 7) (Laurel - Hattiesburg, MS) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0421; 0547]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WHLT (CBS 22) (Hattiesburg, MS) (Sections unknown) (website). (A second updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0156; 0068]
YellowBrix service. (05 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. Magnolia State Bank (Bay Springs, MS; Flowood, MS; Greenville, MS; Greenwood, MS; Hattiesburg, MS; Heidelberg, MS; Laurel, MS; Lucedale, MS; Petal, MS; Taylorsville, MS) (Section unknown) (website). [1201]
Jackson, MS area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. : WLBT (NBC 3) and WDBD (FOX 40) (Jackson, MS) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0501; 0538]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WJTV (CBS 12) (Jackson, MS) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0362; 1072]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WAPT (ABC 16) (Jackson, MS) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [1264; 1500]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WQNZ (95.1 FM) (Country music) (Natchez, MS) (Section unknown) (website). [1130]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. VIP Jackson Magazine (Jackson, MS) (Section unknown) (website). [1272]
YellowBrix service. (05 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. The Jefferson Bank (Fayette, MS; Greenville, MS; Rosedale, MS) (Breaking news section) (website). [1200]
YellowBrix service. (05 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. Magnolia State Bank (Bay Springs, MS; Flowood, MS; Greenville, MS; Greenwood, MS; Hattiesburg, MS; Heidelberg, MS; Laurel, MS; Lucedale, MS; Petal, MS; Taylorsville, MS) (Section unknown) (website). [1201]
Also see Memphis, TN area; Omaha, NE area; Ottumwa, IA area; Paducah, KY area; and Quincy, IL area.
Columbia, MO area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KMIZ (ABC 17) and KQFX (FOX 22) (Columbia / Jefferson City, MO) (National news section) (website). [0627]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes stir among students. News Tribune (Jefferson City, MO) (Section unknown) (website). [0919]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Columbia Missourian (Columbia, MO) (Art / Entertainment section) (website). [0912]
Joplin, MO - Pittsburg, KS area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KFJX (FOX 14) (Joplin, MO / Pittsburg, KS) (Section unknown) (website). [0384]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KOAM (CBS 7) (Joplin, MO / Pittsburg, KS) (Section unknown) (website). [0363]
Kansas City area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KCTV (CBS 5) (Kansas City) (Sections unknown) (website). (Also published story on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News; a second updated article released 08 February 2014.). [0167; 0168; 0048]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KMBC (ABC 9) (Kansas City, MO) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0601; 0646]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies statue at college causes stir. The Kansas City Star (Kansas City, MO) (Section unknown) (website). [0205]
Springfield, MO area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KSPR (ABC 33) (Springfield, MO) (Nation / World news section) (website). [0620]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KYTV (NBC 3) (Springfield, MO) (National news section) (website). [0611]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KSGF (104.1 FM) and (1260 AM) (News / talk) (Springfield, MO) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1816]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KSPW (96.5 FM) (Top 40) (Springfield, MO) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1798]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KTTS (94.7 FM) (country music) (Springfield, MO) (Photo and caption in photo gallery). (website) [1791]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Massachusetts college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Springfield News-Leader (Springfield, MO) (News section) (website). [0293]
St. Louis area
CBS/AP. (05 February 2014). Sculpture of man turning some heads on college campus. KMOV (CBS 4) (St. Louis, MO) (Offbeat news section) (website). (Another AP article was released with the title "Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir" on 07 February 2014.) [0768; 0079]
(06 February 2014). Statue of man in underwear raises eyebrows at Wellesley. KSDK (NBC 5) (St. Louis) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, on 06 February 2014, an article "Near naked man sculpture gets attention at Wellsley College" [sic] by Tim Caputo/WHDH was released.) [1507; 2187]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Daily Journal (Park Hills, MO) (Weird news section) (website). [0279]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. News Democrat (Belleville / southwestern Illinois) (Section unknown) (website). [0512]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Affton-Shrewsbury, Arnold, Ballwin-Ellisville, Chesterfield, Clayton-Richmond Heights, Creve Coeur, Eureka-Wildwood, Fenton-High Ridge, Florissant, Hazelwood, Kirkwood, Ladue-Frontenac, Maplewood-Brentwood, Mehlville-Oakville, O’Fallon, Olivette, St. Charles, St. Peters, Sunset Hills-Crestwood, Town and Country-Manchester, University City, Wentzville) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1518; 1541; 1566; 1623; 1688; 1721-22; 1727; 2896-2908; 2943; 3848-50; 4017-35]
Also see cross-border areas: Minot, ND area; Rapid City, SD; and Spokane, WA area.
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KFBB (ABC 5; FOX 5) (Great Falls / Helena, MT) (Section unknown) (website). [0333]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KULR (NBC 8) (Billings, MT) (Section unknown) (website). [0450]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTMF (ABC 23, Missoula; ABC 42, Kalispell) and KWYB (ABC 18, Butte; ABC 28 Bozeman) (Section unknown) (website). [0394]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KECI (NBC 13, Missoula); KCFW (NBC 9, Kalispell); KTVM (NBC 6, Butte) - (Local news) (website). [0122]
CBS News. (07 February 2014). Artist defends statue of underwear man at Wellesley College. KTVQ (CBS 2) (Billings, MT) (Offbeat stories section unknown) (website). [0797]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Billings Gazette (Billings, Montana and Wyoming news) (Section unknown) (website). [1318]
Associated Press. (ca. 05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causing a stir. Bozeman Daily Chronicle (Bozeman, MT) (Section unknown) (website). [1333]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Daily Inter Lake (Kalispell, MT) (Section unknown) (website). [1144]
Associated Press. (ca. 05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causing a stir. Missoulian (Missoula, MT) (Weird news) (website). [1332]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Optimum West website (TV, phone, internet provider) (operating in CO, MT, UT and WY) (News section). [0485]
F. Sleepwalker regional & local coverage across the US: NE-OH
See the coverage
Also see cross-border areas: Cheyenne, WY area; Denver, CO area; Rapid City, SD area; Sioux City, IA area; and Sioux Falls, SD area.
Lincoln, NE area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KHGI (ABC 13) (Kearney / Hastings / Grande Island, NE) and KWNB (ABC 6) (Hayes Center, NE), (Section unknown) (website). [0320]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KLKN (ABC 8) (Lincoln, NE) (Section unknown) (website). [0313]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Beatrice Daily Sun (Beatrice, NE) (Weird news section) (website). [0239]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. collegeman-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Grande Island Independent (Grand Island, NE) (Strange section) (website). [0260]
Omaha, NE area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KETV (ABC 7) (Omaha, NE) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0599; 0663]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KMTV (CBS 3) (Omaha) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1813]
Launch Networks. (06 February 2014). Freaky underwear sculpture. KFAB (1110 AM) (News/talk radio) (Omaha, NE) (Scott Vorhees presenter section) (website). [1226]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KEZO (92.3 FM) (Mainstream rock) (Omaha) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1804]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KKCD (105.9 FM) (Classic rock) (Omaha) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1830]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KQCH (94.1 FM) (Top 40) (Omaha) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1825]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Columbus Telegram (Columbus, NE) (Weird news) (website). [0194]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, NE) (Section unknown) (website). [0270]
Also see cross-over areas: Los Angeles, CA area and Salt Lake City area.
Las Vegas area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KLAS (CBS 8) (Las Vegas) (Section unknown) (website). [0367]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KVVU (FOX 5) (Las Vegas) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional articles published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article on 08 February 2014.) [Also, on 06 February 2014 (updated 13 February 2014), the article by WBZ/CNN "Sculpture of man in underwear creates stir at all-female college" was released.] [1184; 1082; 0383; 1786]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Massachusetts college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTNV (ABC 13) (Las Vegas) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, on the day a TV news broadcast) (YouTube). Further, a photo and caption included in "Surreal art" photo gallery.) [1788; 5087; 1809]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KBET (AM 790 talk radio) (Las Vegas) (ABC news section) (website). [0307]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KDWN (AM 720 news radio) (Las Vegas) (Watercooler section) (website). (Article also released 07, 09, 11 February 2014.) [1219; 0300; 0301; 0299]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). In Case You Missed It: Undies sculpture making women’s college a bit uncomfortable. Las Vegas Review-Journal (Section unknown) (website). [0800]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Las Vegas Sun (Section unknown) (website). [0240]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Las Vegas (LGBT news focus) (Las Vegas) (National news section) (website). [1745]
Reno area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KVTN (CBS 2) (Reno) (Section unknown) (website). [0359]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KRXI (Fox 11, Reno, Nevada) (Weird news) (website). [0110]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Wellesley College sculpture of man in underwear causes stir. Reno Gazette-Journal (Gannett Company) (Section unknown) (website). (Another article was released on the day, "Statue of man in underwear raises eyebrows at Wellesley", by Jolie Lee, USA Today Network). [0198; 1511]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Baja Broadband website (cable TV, internet, telecom provider) (HQ: Alamogordo, NM; operating in AZ, CO, NV, NM, TX, UT) (News section). [1283]
New Hampshire
See the following cross-border areas: Boston, MA area; Burlington, VT area; and Portland-Auburn, ME area.
NECN / Josh Brogadir. (06 February 2014). Meet the new "man" at Wellesley College. New England Cable News (Newton, MA) (3.6 million subscribers in 1050+ cities and towns in all New England states.) (Also, embedded video of news report on webpage.) (Section unknown) (website). [1063]
New Jersey
See the Philadelphia area and New York area Designated Marketing Areas.
New Mexico
Also see cross-border areas: Amarillo, TX area; El Paso, TX area and Odessa-Midland, TX area.
Albuquerque-Santa Fe area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KOAT (ABC 7) (Albuquerque) (National news section) (website). A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0610; 0655]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KOB (NBC 4) (Albuquerque) (Section unknown) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, the another AP article "Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir" was released.) [0425; 1785]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Alamogordo Daily News (Alamogordo, NM) (Section unknown) (website). [0899]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Carlsbad Current-Argus (Carlsbad, NM) (Story section) (website). [0889]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Daily Times (Farmington, NM) (Section unknown) (website). [0902]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Deming Headlight (Deming, NM) (Nation section) (website). [1782]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Silver City Sun-News (Silver City, NM) (Story section) (website). [0892]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Baja Broadband website (cable TV, internet, telecom provider) (HQ: Alamogordo, NM; operating in AZ, CO, NV, NM, TX, UT) (News section). [1283]
New York
Albany area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WNYT (NBC 13) (Albany, NY) (Section unknown) (website). [0458]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTEN (ABC 10) (Albany, NY) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, article version updated 08 February 2014.) [0338; 0337]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WRGB (CBS 6) (Albany, NY) (Top Stories section) (website). [0113]
(06 February 2014). CREEPY: Statue Of a sleep-walking man is causing a stir at Wellesley College because it reminds students Of sexual assault…. WPYX (106.5 FM) (Classic rock) (Albany, NY) (Quinn and Cantara Morning Show section) (Paragraph and link to 05 February 2014 article "Realistic statue of man in his underwear at Wellesley College sparks controversy" at by J. Reiss) (website). [1225]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies statue at Wellesley college causes stir. The Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield, MA) (News section) (website). [0221]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Post-Star (Glen Falls, Lake George, Saratoga Springs area) (Weird news) (website). [0056]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Times Union (Albany, NY) (Section unknown) (website). [0061]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Daily Gazette (Schenectady, NY) (Section unknown) (website). [0284]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Bennington Banner (Bennington, VT) (Section unknown) (website). [0900]
Buffalo area
NEWSY (video). (ca. 06 February 2014). Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus. WGRZ (NBC 2) (Buffalo, NY) (video and caption) (website). [1761]
Associated Press. (ca. 05 February 2014). Sleepwalker in snow turns heads on Mass. road. WBEN (930 AM) (News radio) (Buffalo, NY) (Section unknown) (website). [1054]
SteelBoutMoney. (08 February 2014). “Sleepwalker statue” — when keeping it art goes wrong. WBLK (93.7 FM) (Urban contemporary) (Buffalo, NY) (Section unknown) (website). [1218]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Buffalo News (Buffalo, NY) (Section unknown) (website). (A second article was released by Colin Dabkowski with the title "The naked truth about public art" also on 05 February 2014.) [0241; 0572]
"Right on. Hopefully, as the Albright-Knox moves ahead with plans to hire a public art curator and insert more public art into the daily lives of Western New Yorkers, more of those conversations will be taking place here as well."
"I think it’s bizarre."
Elmira area
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. The Star-Gazette (Elmira, NY) (Section unknown) (Gannett Company) (website). (Mention.) [0803]
New York City area
Also see the national coverage as a number of publications are based in New York City.
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WNYW (FOX 5) (New York City) (Section unknown) (website). (Another version was released on 06 February 2014). [0395; 1186]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Massachusetts college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WABC (ABC 7) (New York City) (Section unknown) (website). (A second version was released on the same date in the "Trending" section with the title "College man-in-undies sculpture causes stir".) [0346; 0345]
In Northern New Jersey
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WWOR (My9) (Secaucus, NJ) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article released on 06 February 2014 by with title "Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir".) [1178; 0573]
Taylor, Robyn. (07 February 2014). Creepy campus art. WPDH (101.5 FM) (Album-oriented rock) (Poughkeepsie, NY) (Section unknown) (Paragraph and link) (website). [1195]
"Absolutely! I don’t think anyone saw it coming. I know I didn’t."
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY) (Section unknown) (website). (A second AP article was released on 06 February with the title "This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College".) [1152; 0883]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Sleepwalking statue of man in underwear causes stir at Wellesley College. Newsday (Long Island) (News section) (website). [0229]
Lescaze, Zoë. (05 February 2014). Wellesley College students want to remove Tony Matelli’s ‘disturbing’ sleepwalker sculpture. The New York Observer (Weekly newspaper) (Section unknown) (website). [0837]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Nearly nude sculpture giving college students the creeps. New York Post (News section) (website). [0119]
Naughton, Michael. (06 February 2014). Artist Tony Matelli surprised by ‘Sleepwalker’ sculpture reaction at Wellesley College. Metro (New York City) (News section) (website). (Also on the day another article by Michael Naughton was released with the title "Wellesley College president, students react to ‘Sleepwalker’ naked man sculpture". On 07 February 2014, the sculpture was the ’Photo of the day" with a paragraph entitled "Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir". [0234; 1031; 1007]
Bidgood, Jess. (07 February 2014). A petition takes aim at a statue in briefs. The New York Times (New York City) (Art and design section) (hard copy). [0090; K1-046]
Brown, Stephen Rex. (07 February 2014). Sculptor of spooky "Sleepwalker" statue: Wellesley students don’t GET my art. Daily News (U.S. news section) (website). [1018]
Skenazy, Lenore. (11 February 2014). Fear and Loathing at Wellesley. Wall Street Journal (New York City) (Opinion section) (website). [0792]
Peyser, Andrea. (14 February 2014). Horace Mann overboard (weekly roundup). New York Post (website and hard copy). (Metro section) (Mention.) [0015; K1-001]
"Feminists have lost their minds... Girls, relax".
Bottomly, H. Kim; Miller, Suzanne; Cherbonnier, Laurie. (President, Wellesley College). (18 February 2014). Art at Wellesley: From Sleepwalker to the Headless Man. Wall Street Journal (Letters section) (New York City) (website). [0843]
In Fairfield County, Connecticut
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Connecticut Post (Bridgeport, CT) (Section unknown) (website). [0193]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The News-Times (Danbury, CT) (Section unknown) (website). [0001]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Westport News (CT) (Section unknown) (website). [0182]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Greenwich Time (CT) (Section unknown) (website). [0227]
In northern New Jersey
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. [affilated with The Record and Herald News among others] (Offbeat News section) (website). [2-5112]
In New York
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Babylon Village, Bayside-Douglaston, Bed-Stuy, Bedford-Katonah, Bellmore, Bronxville-Eastchester, Carroll Gardens, Chappaqua-Mount Kisco, Commack, Deer Park, Ditmas Park, East Hampton, East Meadow, Farmingdale, Five Towns, Forest Hills, Fort Greene-Clinton Hill, Garden City, Glen Cove, Great Neck, Half Hollow Hills, Harrison, Hauppauge, Huntington, Kings Park, Larchmont-Mamaroneck, Levittown, Lindenhurst, Long Beach, Malverne-West Hempstead-Lynbrook, Massapequa, Medford, Merrick, Miller Place-Rocky Point, Mineola, Nanuet, New City, New Hyde Park, New Rochelle, North Fork, Northport, Nyack-Piermont, Ossining-Croton-on-Hudson, Oyster Bay, Park Slope, Patchogue, Pearl River, Peekskill-Cortlandt, Pelham, Plainview, Pleasantville-Briarcliff Manor, Port Chester, Port Jefferson, Port Washington, Prospect Heights, Riverhead, Rivertowns, Rockville Centre, Rye, Sachem, Sayville-Bayport, Scarsdale, Smithtown, Southampton, Southeast-Brewster, Syosset, Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow, Three Village, Wantagh-Seaford, West Islip, Westhampton-Hampton Bays, White Plains, Windsor Terrace-Kensington, Yorktown-Somers) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1548; 1557; 1584; 1586; 1629; 1633; 1645; 1648; 1650; 1670; 1675; 1706; 1710-11; 1733; 3277; 3279; 3286-3344; 3771; 3776; 3803; 4596-4664]
In northern New Jersey
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Barnegat-Manahawkin, Basking Ridge, Belleville-Nutley Patch, Berkeley, Bernardsville-Bedminster, Bloomfield, Brick, Bridgewater, Caldwells, Chatham, Clark-Garwood, Cranford, East Hanover-Florham Park, Englewood-Englewood Cliffs, Fair Lawn-Saddle Brook, Fort Lee, Freehold, Hackettstown, Hasbrouck Heights, Hillsborough, Hoboken, Holmdel-Hazlet, Hopatcong-Sparta, Howell, Jefferson, Lacey, Little Silver-Oceanport, Livingston, Long Branch-Eatontown Patch, Long Valley, Madison, Mahwah, Manalapan, Manasquan-Belmar, Manchester, Maplewood, Marlboro-ColtsNeck, Matawan-Aberdeen, Mendham-Chester, Middletown, Millburn-Short Hills, Montclair, Montville, Morris Township-Morris Plains, Morristown, New Brunswick, New Milford, New Providence-Berkeley Heights Patch, Newark, Oakland, Paramus, Parsippany-Troy Hills, Point Pleasant, Ramsey, Red Bank-Shrewsbury, Ridgewood, River Dell, Rumson-Fair Haven, Scotch Plains-Fanwood, South Brunswick, South Orange, Summit, Teaneck, Toms River, Tri-Boro Patch, Verona-Cedar Grove, Wall, Warren, Watchung-Green Brook, Wayne, West Orange, Westfield, Westwood-Hillsdale, Woodbridge, Wyckoff) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1546; 1583; 1588; 1609; 1617; 1620; 1639; 1647; 1671; 1683; 1695; 1717; 1724; 1731; 1736; 3486-94; 3498-3501; 3504; 3506-12; 3514-26; 3528-33; 3535-36; 3538-43; 3545-52; 3554-57; 3790; 3806; 3811; 4510-19; 4522; 4524; 4526; 4528-30; 4533; 4535-42; 4544-59; 4561-67; 4569-71; 4573-80; 4582-89; 4591-95]
In Fairfield County, Connecticut
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Bethel, Brookfield, Danbury, Darien, Fairfield, Greenwich, Monroe, New Canaan, Newtown, Norwalk, Ridgefield, Shelton, Stamford, Stratford, Trumbull, Weston-Redding-Easton, Westport, Wilton) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1244; 1559; 1595; 1680; 1707; 3073; 3075; 3077, 3083; 3091; 3093; 3096; 3099; 3102; 3104; 3107; 3109-10; 3825; 4240; 4244; 4247; 4251; 4261; 4264; 4266; 4269; 4272; 4274; 4279; 4281; 4286; 4290-92; 4296]
(06 February 2014). Bu adam kızlar okulunu karıştırdı! Amerikal Türk ( (Turk-American website) (New York area-focused) (ABD section) [2-3704]
(06 February 2014). La estatua que revoluciona un campus femenino en EEUU. (news and entertainment website) (New York) (Section unknown). [2-3482]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Fire Island (LGBT news focus) (Fire Island, NY) (National news section) (website). [1744]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Edge New York City (LGBT - National news section) (website). [1315]
Chung, Jen. (06 February 2014). Controversial underwear ’Sleepwalker’ sculptor says haters should spend more time with the guy. Gothamist (New York) (Section unknown) (website). [0105]
Joeydacat: "Are you telling sexual assault victims to get a life?"
Friedman, Ellis. (06 February 2014). Art discourse, or community PR? BurrellesLuce - Fresh Ideas blog. (Media monitoring agency) (New York) (Public Relations section) (website). [2-5100]
— Ellis Friedman in "Art discourse, or community PR?" on the BurrellesLuce - Fresh Ideas blog
Lange, Maggie. (05 February 2014). Statue of underdressed man terrorizes Wellesley College. New York magazine (The Cut section) (website). [0134]
Addington, Catherine. (06 February 2014). Half-naked sleepwalking statue causes uproar at Wellesley College. NYU Local (New York University) (Section unknown) (website). [0107]
Bald, Linsey. (06 February 2014). Wellesley sculpture: Near-naked sculpture of ’undies man’ turns heads. (Long Island) (Top news section) (website). [0028]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Kampüste Uyurgezer Tartışması. (Turkish-American news portal) (New York) (5-photo gallery and captions) (website). [2-3687]
Moeller, Robert. (28 February 2014). Sleepwalking through artistic controversy. Hyperallergic (art blog) (New York area) (Section unknown) (website). [2466]
— from petition to remove Sleepwalker from its outdoor installation site at Wellesley College
Rochester, Syracuse and Utica areas
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WHEC (NBC 10) (Rochester, NY) (Section unknown) (website). (A second version was released on 08 February 2014.) [0453; 0452]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Wellesley College buzzing over lifelike sculpture of man sleepwalking in underpants. The Post-Standard / (Section unknown) (website). (Also, 3-photo gallery entitled "Man in underwear statue" on 05 February 2014 in Central New York section. Another photo gallery with 7 photos also released and also entitled "Man in underwear statue".) [0095; 2204-05]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY) (Nation & World section) (website). [2198]
North Carolina
Also see cross-border areas: Atlanta, GA area; Chattanooga, TN area; Greenville, SC area; Myrtle Beach, SC area; Norfolk, VA area.
Charlotte area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WBTV (CBS 3) (Charlotte, NC) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article was released on 08 February 2014.) [1185; 0516; 0354]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WCNC (NBC 22) (Charlotte, NC) (Strange news section) (website). [0445]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir. WJZY (FOX 46) (Charlotte, NC) (Section unknown) (website). [1187]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSOC (ABC 9) (Charlotte, NC) (Section unknown) (website). (Another AP article released on the day in their travel section. Also, an article was released by Rick Couri on 06 February with the title "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college". Also, on ca. 06 February 2014, they released a NEWSY video and caption with the article title "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" in their news section.) [0432; 1422; 1096; 1759]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Charlotte Observer (North Carolina) (Section unknown) (website). [0076]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Enquirer-Herald (York, SC) (Section unknown) (website). [0254]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Herald (Rock Hill, SC) (Section unknown) (website). [0271]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Lake Wylie, Pilot (Lake Wylie, SC) (Section unknown) (website). [0244]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college., affiliated with WSOC (ABC 9) and WAXN (Channel 64) (independent) (Charlotte, NC) (Weird news section) (website). [1105]
Greensboro, NC area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WXII (NBC 12) (Winston-Salem, NC) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0643; 0642]
Associated Press. (ca. 08 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. WFMY (CBS 2) (Greensboro, NC) (Gannett Company) (Section unknown) (website). [1299]
Greenville, NC area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WNCT (CBS 9) (New Bern, NC) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0373; 1070]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WCTI (ABC 12) (New Bern, NC) (Section unknown) (website). [0630]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Daily News (Jacksonville, NC) (section unknown) (website). [1133]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Free Press (Kinston, NC) (Section unknown) (website). [1129]
Raleigh, NC area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTVD (ABC 11) (Raleigh-Durham, NC) (Strange news section) (website). (Another article was released on 06 February 2014 with the title "Sculpture of sleepwalker in underwear causes stir at Massachusetts college" in their National / World section.) [0349; 1254]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WRAL (CBS 5) (Raleigh, NC) (Strange news section) (website). [0433]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus. WNCN (NBC 17) (Raleigh, Durham, Fayetteville: North Carolina) (Sections unknown) (website). (Also story published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News. A second updated article released 08 February 2014.). [0093; 0097; 0169]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC) (Section unknown) (website). [0195]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Fort Bragg, NC) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [2853; 3816]
Wilmington, NC area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WECT (NBC 6) (Wilmington, NC) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article was released on 08 February 2014.) [1183; 0543; 0442]
North Dakota
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KXMB (CBS 12) (Bismarck, ND); KXMC (CBS 13) (Minot, ND); KXMD (CBS 11) (Williston, ND); and KXMA (CBS 2) (Dickinson, ND) (Section unknown) (website). [0356]
Associated Press. (06 february 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Bismarck Tribune (Bismarck, ND) (Wire section) (hard copy). [1423; K1-067]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Minot Daily News (Minot, ND) (National news section) (website). [0211]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Midcontinent Communications website. (TV, internet, telephone provider) (HQ: Sioux Falls, SD; operating in MN, ND, SD and WI.) (News section) (website). [0504]
See cross-border areas: Charleston, WV area; Ft Wayne, IN area; Parkersburg, WV area; and Wheeling, WV area.
Cincinnati area
Associated Press. (ca. 05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WKRC (CBS 12) (Cincinnati) (Section unknown) (website). [0880]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WXIX (FOX 19) (Cincinnati) (Section unknown) (website). (Also article version published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0402; 0526]
(06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WLWT (NBC 5) (Cincinnati) (National news) (website). A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston news report online [0632; 0662]
(ca. 15 February 2014). News highlights. WEBN (102.7 FM) (rock music) (Cincinnati) (Photo and caption in 50-photo gallery) (website). [1856]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Cincinnati Enquirer (Section unknown) (website). [1327]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Journal-News (Hamilton & Middletown, Ohio) (Strange news) (website). [0253]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. Journal-News (Hamilton & Middletown, Ohio) (Weird News) (website). [1097]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Ledger Independent (Maysville, KY) (Weird news) (website). [0266]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. The Oxford Press (Oxford, OH) (Weird news) (website). [0987]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. Today’s Pulse (Butler & Warren counties) (weekly) (Weird news) (website). [0985]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Cincinnati Bell website (telecom, internet, digital TV provider) (News section). [0507]
Cleveland-Akron-Canton area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WEWS (ABC 5) (Cleveland) (Section unknown) (website). [0323]
(06 February 2014). Amazingly realistic statue of a half-naked man unnerves Massachusetts college. WOIO (CBS 19) (Cleveland) (Section unknown) (website). [0890]
(06 February 2014). Students protest ‘scary’ underwear-clad statue. WJW-TV (Fox 8) (Cleveland) (News section) (website). [1109]
Getty images. (ca. 05 February 2014). News highlights (50 photo gallery). 640 WHLO (Akron) (news talk radio) (selected photo and caption) (website). [1160]
Hughley, D.L. (05 February 2014). All-female college students upset over creepy male statue. WERE (AM 1490; news talk radio) (Cleveland) (headlines section) (website). [1223]
Hughley, D.L. / Huffington Post. (05 February 2014). All-female college students upset over creepy male statue. WZAK 93.1 FM (R&B) (Cleveland - radio) (National news) (website). [0968]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. News Journal (Mansfield, OH) (Gannett Company) (News section) (website). [1277]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The News-Herald (Willoughby; Northern Ohio) (Section unknown) (website). (A second version was published on 6 February with the title "This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College".) [1150; 0971]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Repository (Canton) (Section unknown) (website). [1136]
Staff, Associated Press. (05 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH) (News section) (website). [0970]
Associated Press. (19 February 2014). Celebrity odds and ends. The Daily Record (Wooster; Wayne & Holmes County, OH) (Section unknown) (mention) (website). [1139]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Avon-Avon Lake, Beachwood, Brecksville, Cleveland Heights, Cuyahoga Falls, Fairlawn-Bath, Kent, Lakewood, Mayfield-Hillcrest, Mentor, North Canton, Shaker Heights, Solon, Stow, Strongsville, Twinsburg, Westlake) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1516; 1533; 1536; 1545; 1591; 1594; 1627; 1689; 2876-84; 3854-56; 3899-3912]
Columbus area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WBNS (CBS 10) (Columbus) (Local section) (website). [1008]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WCMH (NBC 4) (Section unknown) (Columbus) (website). (Versions published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News on nbc4i and wcmh websites.) [0477; 1017; 0542]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. The Advocate (Newark, OH) (Gannett Company) (News section) (website). [1268]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. (Newark, OH) (Gannett Company) (Section unknown) (website). [1281]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. The Chillicothe Gazette (Chillicothe, OH) (Gannett Company) (News section) (website). [1280]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, OH) (Gannett Company) (News section) (website). [1276]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Lancaster Eagle-Gazette (Lancaster, OH) (Gannett Company) (News section) (website). [1275]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. The Marion Star (Marion, OH) (Gannett Company) (News section) (website). [1273]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Telegraph-Forum (Bucyrus, OH) (Gannett Company) (News section) (website). [1270]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Columbus Dispatch (section unknown) (website). [1110]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014).Mass. college man-in-undies causes stir. WMNI AM920 (Columbus - radio) (golden oldies) (Section unknown) (website). [1128]
Getty images. (ca. 05 February 2014). News highlights (50 photo gallery). 610 WTVN (Columbus) (news radio) (selected photo and caption) (website). [1111]
Hughley, D.L. / Huffington Post. (06 February 2014). All-female college students upset over creepy male statue. Magic 106.3 R&B and Classic Soul (Columbus) (Section unknown) (website). [1112]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WHIO (CBS TV 7, Dayton, Ohio) (Strange news) (website). [An article was also published on 05 February (updated 06 February) with the title "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" by Rick Couri. Also, on ca. 06 February 2014, they released a NEWSY video and caption with the article title "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" in their news section.] [0086; 0983; [1765]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. K99.1FM (radio) (Dayton) (Weird news) (website) [0980]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Dayton Daily News (Ohio) (Strange news) (website). [A second article was published on 05 February (updated 06 February) with the title "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" by Rick Couri. Two articles ’reprinted’ on website version] [0077; 0996; 1093; 1092]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Springfield News-Sun (Springfield, Ohio) (Strange news) (website). (Also, an article was released on 06 February 2014 entitled "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" by Rick Couri.) [0185; 1774]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. (Dayton) (In partnership with (Weird news) (local entertainment website). [0974]
Toledo area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. [WTOL (CBS), WUPW (Fox)] (Toledo, Ohio) (Sections unknown) (website). (Also version published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0523; 0265]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTVG (ABC 13) (Toledo, Ohio) (Sections unknown) (website). (A second updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0339; 0830]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Port Clinton News Herald (Ohio) (Gannett company) (News section) (website). [0828]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Sleepwalker statue an eye-opener. The Blade. (Toledo, Ohio) (Arts & Entertainment) (website). [0829]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Sleepwalker statue an eye-opener. ourtown Perrysburg (Perrysburg, OH) (Powered by The Blade, Toledo) (Arts & Entertainment - Art section) (website). [1067]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Sleepwalker statue an eye-opener. ourtown Sylvania (Sylvania, OH) (Powered by The Blade, Toledo) (Arts & Entertainment - Art section) (website). [0840]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Crescent News (Defiance, OH) (Weird News) (website). [0273]
Youngstown-Warren area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WFMJ (NBC 21) (Youngstown, OH) (Section unknown) (website). [0451]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Tribune Chronicle (Warren, Ohio) (National news) (website). [0174]
(06 February 2014). College causes uproar erecting Tighty Whitey sculpture. 570 WKBN (newsradio) (Youngstown-Warren) (Photo and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [0209]
Splash News. (06 February 2014). Fun photos. Oldies 106.1 (Youngstown - Warren) (radio) (Fun/weird photos section) (Three photos and captions) (website). [1107]
Ohio - other areas
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (WLIO - NBC and others - ABC, CBS, FOX) (Section unknown) (Lima, OH) (website). [0928]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WHIZ (NBC 18) (News section) (Zanesville, OH) (website). [1164]
Associated Press. (ca. 05 February 2014). (AP photo and caption.) The Lima News. [1262]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. The News-Messenger (Zanesville area, Ohio), (Gannett Company) (News) (website). [0003]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Zanesville Times Recorder (News section) (Zanesville, OH) (website). [0969]
G. Sleepwalker regional & local coverage across the US: OK - WY
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Also see cross-border areas: Amarillo, TX area; Ft. Smith, AR area; Joplin, MO area; Sherman ,TX area; Shreveport, LA area; Wichita Falls, TX area.
Oklahoma City area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KOKH (FOX 25) (Oklahoma City) (Section unknown) (website). (A second article was released on 05 February 2014 by Jay Dillon with the title "’Sleepwalker’ statue of man in undies too realistic for some".) [0404; 1162]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KWDT (CBS 9) (Oklahoma City) (Section unknown) (website). [0409]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KOCO (ABC 5) (Oklahoma City) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0623; 0661]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (affiliated with The Oklahoman newspaper) (Oklahoma City) (News: US section) (website). (Also, an article was released on 06 February 2014 authored by entitled "Realistic statue of man in his underwear on college campus sparks controversy".) [0189; 1161]
Yellow Brix service. (ca. 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. People’s Bank and Trust Company website (Oklahoma City; Ryan, OK; Malvern, AR) (News section). [1199]
Tulsa area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KOTV (CBS 6) (Tulsa, OK) (Section unknown) (website). [0420]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTUL (ABC 8) (Tulsa, OK) (Section unknown) (website). [0329]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KRMG (740 AM) and (102.3FM) (news/talk radio) (Tulsa, OK) (Section unknown) (website). (Another article was released on 06 February 2014 by Rick Couri with the title "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" in their weird news section.) [0296; 0991]
Couri, Rick. (06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. KJSR (103.3 FM) (rock music) (Tulsa, OK) (Weird news section) (website). [0976]
Couri, Rick. (06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. KWEN (95.5 FM) (Country music) (Tulsa, OK) (Weird news section unknown) (website). [0975]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KBEZ (92.9 FM) (Tulsa) (classic hits) (1 photo and caption in gallery) (Section unknown) (website). [1796]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KFAQ (1170 AM) (News / talk) (Tulsa) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1823]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KHTT (106.9 FM) (Top 40) (Muskegee, OK - Tulsa area) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1801]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KVOO (98.5 FM) (Tulsa) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1797]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KXBL (99.5 FM) (country music) (Tulsa) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1799]
Also see cross-border areas: Boise, ID area; Spokane, WA area; and Yakima, WA area.
Bend area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KTVZ (NBC 21) (Bend, OR) (News section) (website). [0625]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Bend Broadband website (Central Oregon) (News section). [0483]
Eugene area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KVAL (CBS 13) (Eugene, OR) (News section) (website). [0372]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes stir at elite women’s college. The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR) (National section) (website). [0784]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Corvallis Gazette-Times (Corvallis, OR) (Weird news) (website). [0252]
Portland area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KPTV (FOX 12) (Portland, OR) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article on 08 February 2014.) [1183; 0518; 0380]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Albany Democrat-Herald (Albany, OR) (Weird news section) (website). [0280]
Erie, PA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Erie Times-News (Erie, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [1127]
Harrisburg, PA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WHTM (ABC 27) (Lancaster, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [0341]
CBS. (06 February 2014). Sculpture on college campus is turning heads. WHP (CBS 21) (Harrisburg, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [1288]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WGAL (NBC 8) (Lancaster, PA) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [1065; 0670]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Fun photos. WRW (97.3 FM) (rock music) (Harrisburg, PA) (Photo and caption in 100-photo gallery) (Section unknown) (website). [1324]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Evening Sun (Hanover, PA) (Offbeat section) (website). [0213]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Intelligencer Journal / Lancaster New Era (Lancaster, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [0230]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Public Opinion (Chambersburg, PA) (Offbeat section) (website). [0222]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Sentinel (Lewistown, PA) (National news) (website). [0059]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The York Daily Record (York, PA) (Offbeat section) (website). [0269]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [0896]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The York Dispatch (York, PA) (Lifestyle section) (website). [2190]
Johnstown-Altoona, PA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Altoona Mirror (Altoona, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [0215]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Centre Daily Times (State College, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [0250]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 12 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Daily American (Somerset, PA) (Weird news section) (website). [0276]
Philadelphia area
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). College man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WPVI (ABC 6) (Philadelphia) (Trending section) (website). [0767]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTXF (Fox 29 Philadelphia) (Sections unknown) (website). (A second updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0111; 0112]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). College man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WPVI-TV (ABC 6, Philadelphia) (Trending section) (website). [0104]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WFMZ (Channel 69) (Independent) (Allentown, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [0636]
In Southern New Jersey
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college mani-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WMGM (NBC 40) (Wildwood-Atlantic City, NJ) (Section unknown) (website). [0479]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Daily Local News (Chester County, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [1151]
Naughton, Michael. (05 February 2014). Wellesley College ‘Sleepwalker’ sculpture creates controversy. Metro (Philadelphia) (Local news section) (website). [1251]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Delaware County Daily Times (Primos, PA) (Nation - World section) (website). [2201]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. [Avon Grove Sun (West Grove, PA) and The Kennett Paper (Kennett Square, PA)] (Opinions section) (website). [1212]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Times Herald (Norristown, PA) (Nation - World news section) (website). [0835]
In Southern New Jersey
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ) (Section unknown) (website). Also on 06 February 2014, the article "This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College" by Staff and AP was released.) [1146; 2199]
In Delaware
Associated Press. (09 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. The News Journal (Wilmington, DE) (Section unknown) (website). [1303]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Abington, Ardmore-Merion-Wynnewood, Bensalem, Bethlehem, Bryn Mawr-Gladwyne, Chestnut Hill-Mt. Airy, Doylestown-Buckingham-New Britain, Easton, Emmaus, Hatboro-Horsham, Haverford-Havertown, Hellertown-Lower Saucon, Levittown, Limerick-Royersford-Spring City, Lower Gwynedd-Ambler-Whitpain, Lower Macungie, Lower Moreland, Lower Providence, Lower Southampton, Malvern, Marple Newtown, Media, Montgomeryville-Lansdale, Narberth-Bala Cynwyd, Nazareth, Newtown, Norristown, North Hills, North Whitehall, Northampton, Palmer-Forks, Perkiomen Valley, Phoenixville, Plymouth-Whitemarsh, Pottstown, Radnor, Roxborough-Manayunk, Salisbury, South Whitehall, Springfield, Tredyffrin-Easttown, Upper Dublin, Upper Macungie, Upper Moreland-Willow Grove, Upper Saucon, Upper Southampton, Warminster, West Chester) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1530; 1589; 1601; 1612; 1685; 1732; 1734; 2245; 3169-70; 3172-73; 3176; 3178-79; 3181-85; 3187-97; 3199-3202; 3204; 3207-09; 3211-17; 3219-20; 3783; 3857-58; 3970-72; 3975; 3978-81; 3983-90; 3992-94; 3996-4011; 4014-16; 4678-79; 4681-85]
In Southern New Jersey
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Cherry Hill, Cinnaminson, Collingswood, East Brunswick, East Windsor, Galloway, Gloucester Township, Haddonfield-Haddon Township, Lawrenceville, Moorestown, Ocean City, Princeton, Springfield, West Deptford) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1693; 1719; 3495-97; 3502-03; 3505; 3513; 3527; 3534; 3537; 3544; 3553; 4520-21; 4523; 4525; 4527; 4531-32; 4534; 4543; 4560; 4568; 4572; 4581; 4590]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE - Philadelphia (LGBT - National news section) (website). [1314]
(ca. 07 February 2014). Wellesley students say Matelli’s ‘Sleepwalker’ statue is ‘sexual assault’. (northern Delaware) (news website). [2-1659]
Cox, Briana. (14 February 2014). Sleepwalking through Wellesley. The Phoenix, (Swarthmore College) (Swarthmore, PA) (Opinions section) (website). [0016]
Onifade, Fola. (13 February 2014; Updated February 14, 2014). Higher education round-up: Feb. 15. The Daily Pennsylvanian (University of Pennsylvania) (Philadelphia) (News section) (website). (Mention.) [0017]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Phoenix Reporter & Item (Phoenixville, PA) (Nation - World news section) (website). [1321]
Vadala, Nick. (06 February 2014). Wellesley students say Matelli’s "Sleepwalker" statue is "sexual assault". (connected to The Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News) (Philadelphia) (Section unknown) (website). [0728]
Pittsburgh area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WPXI (NBC 11) (Pittsburgh) (Section unknown) (website). On 06 February 2014, an article was also released by Rick Couri entitled "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" in their Weird News section. Also, on ca. 06 February 2014, they released a NEWSY video and caption with the article title "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" in their news section.) [0437; 0992; 1763]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WTAE (ABC 4) (Pittsburgh) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0602]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Massachusetts college sculpture causes stir. The Indiana Gazette (Indiana, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [0731]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Baldwin-Whitehall, Canon-McMillan, Chartiers Valley, Cranberry, Dormont-Brookline, Forest Hills-Regent Square, North Allegheny, Peters, Pine-Richland, Plum-Oakmont, Robinson-Moon, Sewickley, Upper St. Clair) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [3174-75; 3177; 3180; 3198; 3203; 3205-06; 3210; 3218; 3786; 3859; 3973-74; 3976-77; 3982; 3991; 3995; 4012-13; 4680; 4686]
Wilkes Barre, PA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Daily Review (Towanda, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [1120]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Express (Lockhaven, PA) (National news) (website). [0223]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. News Item (Shamokin, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [1121]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Republican & Herald (Pottsville, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [1118]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Standard Speaker (Hazleton, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [1124]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Times-Tribune (Scranton, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [1117]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Blue Ridge Communications website (Cable, internet, TV company) (HQ: Palmerton, PA; operating in Poconos area and Central PA) (News section). [0508]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Atlantic Broadband website (HQ: Quincy, MA; operating areas: DE, FL, MA, MD, PA, SC) (News section) (website). (Also, "Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir" by AP on 05 February 2014, on their domain.) [0505; 1291]
Rhode Island
NECN / Josh Brogadir. (06 February 2014). Meet the new ’man’ at Wellesley College. New England Cable News (Newton, MA) (3.6 million subscribers in 1050+ cities and towns in all New England states.) (Also, embedded video of news report on webpage.) (Section unknown) (website). [1063]
Providence, RI area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WJAR (NBC 10) (Providence) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News; and an updated AP article on 08 February 2014 [0467; 0291; 1190]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WLNE (ABC 6) (Providence) (Section unknown) (website). A second version was released on the same day with the title "Man-in-undies statue at Mass. college causes stir"; and an updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0037; 1190; 0070]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Providence Journal (News section) (website). [1153]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Sun Chronicle (Attleboro, MA) (News section) (website). [0173]
Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. The Herald News. (Fall River, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1354; 1009]
Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. Taunton Daily Gazette. (Taunton, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1485; 1486]
Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Easton Journal and Enterprise. (Taunton, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1427; 1428]
Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Herald News. (Fall River, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1356; 1046]
Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Mansfield News and Enterprise. (Mansfield, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1447; 1448]
Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / North Attleborough Free Press. (North Attleboro, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1461; 1462]
Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Norton Mirror. (Norton, MA) (Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1346; 1374]
Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Rehoboth / Taunton Daily Gazette. (Rehoboth, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1471; 1472]
Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal Ryanham / Ryanham Call. (Taunton, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1469; 1470]
Bergeron, Chris (Daily News staff). (16 February 2014). Sleepwalking into a storm at Wellesley. wickedlocal / Taunton Gazette. (Taunton, MA) (News / Entertainment & Life section) (website). (A preview article with the same title by Ken McGagh/Daily News Staff, two paragraphs and a photo gallery, was released on 14 February 2014.) [1487; 1488]
(04 March 2014). Tighty-whitey sleepwalker. The Providence Journal (Editorials section) (website). [5072]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Barrington, Bristol-Warren, Coventry, Cranston, East Greenwich, East Providence, Johnston, Middletown, Narragansett-South Kingstown, Newport, North Kingstown, Portsmouth, Smithfield, Tiverton-Little Compton, Woonsocket) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1522; 1527; 1597; 1607; 2885-95; 3812; 3860-62; 3925-35]
In Bristol County, Massachusetts
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Easton, Mansfield, Norton, Seekonk-Swansea) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [3237; 3246; 3263; 3274; 4448; 4460; 4476; 4483]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Providence (LGBT news focus) (Providence, RI) (National news section) (website). [1750]
Barnes, Kiki. (12 February 2014). This week in higher ed: Feb. 12, 2014. Brown Daily Herald (Brown University) (Providence) (University news section) (website and hard copy). [1206; K1-005]
Finneran, Tom. (15 February 2014). Tom Finneran: The Whiny Women of Wellesley. GoLocalProv (Providence) (Politics section) (website). [1049]
South Carolina
See cross-border areas: Augusta, GA area; Charlotte, NC area; Savannah, GA area.
Charleston, SC area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WCBD (NBC 2) (Charleston, SC) (Section unknown) (website). [0462]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WCIV (ABC 4) (Charleston, SC) (Section unknown) (website). [0353]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WCSC (CBS 5) (Charleston, SC) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0370; 0532]
Associated Press. (ca. 08 February 2014). News highlights. WSC-FM (94.3 FM) (News radio) (Charleston, SC) (Photo and caption is 50-photo gallery) (Section unknown) (website). [1238]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Charleston, Goose Creek, Mount Pleasant, Summerville) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [2863-64; 2867; 2869; 3863; 3892; 3896; 3898]
Columbia, SC area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WIS-TV (NBC 10) (Columbia, SC) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0466; 0522]
Associated Press. (ca. 08 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. WLTX (CBS 19) (Columbia, SC) (Section unknown) (website). [1298]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The State (Columbia, SC) (Section unknown) (website). [0283]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Columbia, Irmo-Seven Oaks, Lexington) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1519; 1696; 2866; 3864; 3893-94]
Greenville, SC area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WHNS (FOX 21) (Greenville, SC) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article was released on 08 February 2014.) [1184; 0519; 0392]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSPA (CBS 7) (Spartanburg, SC) (Sections unknown) (website). (A second updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0072; 0073]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WYCW (CW 62) (Asheville, NC) (Section unknown) (website). [0246]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WYFF (NBC 4) (Greenville, SC) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0634; 0659]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Asheville Citizen-Times (Asheville, NC) (Gannett Company) (Section unknown) (website). [1269]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. Black Mountain News (Black Mountain, NC) (Section unknown) (website). [1271]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Easley, Greer-Taylors, Mauldin, Simpsonville) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1534, 1539; 2865; 2868; 3794 ; 3871; 3895; 3897]
Myrtle Beach, SC area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WBTW (CBS 13) (Florence, SC) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0361; 0545]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WMBF (NBC 32) (Myrtle Beach / Florence, SC) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0446; 0530]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Morning News (Florence, SC) (News section) (website). [0186]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Myrtle Beach Online (The Sun News) (South Carolina) (Section unknown) (website). [0054]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Atlantic Broadband website (HQ: Quincy, MA; operating areas: DE, FL, MA, MD, PA, SC) (News section) (website). (Also, "Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir" by AP on 05 February 2014, on their domain.) [0505; 1291]
South Dakota
See cross-border areas: Minot, ND area and Sioux City, IA.
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KSFY (ABC 13) (Sioux Falls, SD). (Also includes KABY-TV (Aberdeen, SD) and KPRY-TV (Pierre, SD). (Section unknown) (website). [0319]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KOTA (ABC 3) (Rapid City, SD). Also includes KDUH-TV (Scottsbluff, NE); KHSD-TV (Lead, SD); and KSGW-TV (Sheridan, WY). (Section unknown) (website). [0336]
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. Argus Leader (Sioux Falls, SD) (News section) (Gannett company) (website). (Mention.) [1292]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 12 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan (South Dakota) (Strange news) (website). [177]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Midcontinent Communications website. (TV, internet, telephone provider) (HQ: Sioux Falls, SD; operating in MN, ND, SD and WI.) (News section) (website). [0504]
Also see cross-border areas: Huntsville, AL area and Paducah, KY area.
Chattanooga area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WRCB (NBC 3) (Chattanooga, TN) (Section unknown) (website).( An updated AP article was released on 08 February 2014.) [1183; 0459]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Sleepwalker in underwear sculpture causes a stir. WTVC (ABC 9) (Chattanooga, TN) (News section) (website). [0801]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EPB website (electric power company) (HQ: Chattanooga, TN; operating in Chattanooga area and north Georgia) (News section). [0484]
Knoxville area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WATE (Knoxville, TN) (ABC 6) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0330; 0515]
CBS. (05 February 2014). Sculpture of man in underwear turning heads on college campus. WVLT (CBS 8) (Knoxville, TN) (Section unknown) (website). [1258]
Associated Press. (09 February 2014). The week’s odd news: College man-in-undies sculpture causes ruckus. WBIR (NBC 10) (Knoxville, TN) (Section unknown) (website). [1306]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. KMXZ (102.1 FM) (Top 40) (Knoxville, TN) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1815]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. WCYQ (100.3 FM) (Country music) (Knoxville, TN) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1810]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. WKHT (104.5 FM) (Rhythmic top 40) (Knoxville, TN) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1824]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. WNOX (93.1 FM) (classic hits) (Knoxville, TN) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1820]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of sleepwalking man wearing underpants causes stir at Mass. college. Knoxville News Sentinel (Knoxville, TN) (Section unknown) (website). [0770]
Memphis area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WMC (NBC 5) (Memphis, TN) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0417; 1080]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WHBQ (Memphis, TN) (FOX 13) (Section unknown) (website). (An additional AP version was released on 06 February 2014 with the title "Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir".) [0391; 1187]
Nashville area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WKRN (ABC 2) (Nashville, TN) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0315; 1079]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSMV (NBC 4) (Nashville, TN) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article was released on 08 February 2014.) [1183; 0525; 0465]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTVF (CBS 5) (Nashville, TN) (Section unknown) (website). [0081]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. WTVF (CBS 5) (Nashville) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1802]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes a stir at all-girls college. The Tennessean (Nashville, TN) (Section unknown) (website). [1239]
(05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir. (Cookeville, TN) (US news section) (website). [0238]
Tri-Cities area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WJHL (CBS 11) (Johnson City, TN) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0360; 1069]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WCYB (NBC 5) (Bristol, VA) (Section unknown) (website). [0608]
Also see Shreveport, LA cross-border area.
Abilene-Sweetwater, TX area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KTXS (ABC 12) (Abilene, TX) (World news section) (website). [0641]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Massachusetts college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Abilene Reporter-News (Abilene, TX) (AP news section) (website). [0264]
Amarillo, TX area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KFDA (CBS 10) (Amarillo, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [0368]
Austin, TX area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTBC (FOX 7) (Austin) (Section unknown) (website). (Another AP article was released on 06 February 2014 with the title "Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir".) [0393; 1187]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Austin American-Statesman (Austin, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [A second article was published on 05 February (updated 06 February) with the title "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college" by Rick Couri. Two articles ’reprinted’ on website version] [0004; 1089; 1090; 1088]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. (In partnership with Austin American-Statesman) (Austin, TX) (Weird news section) (website). [1095]
Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX area
Bentley, Delaney (CBS News). (08 February 2014). Students petition to get sculpture removed on all girls college campus. KBMT ( ABC 12) and K-JAC (NBC) (Beaumont, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [1755]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Beaumont Enterprise (Texas) (News) (website). [0039]
Corpus Christi, TX area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Creepy statue controversy. KRIS (NBC 6) (Corpus Christi, TX) (Embedded WHDH Boston video only) (Video section) (website). [1312]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KIII (ABC 3) (Corpus Christi, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [Also, on 08 February 2014, they published an article "Students petition to get sculpture removed on all girls college campus" by Delaney Bentley (CBS News)]. [0415; 1756]
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX area
TV (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue on Wellesley College campus causes controversy. KDFW (FOX 4) (Dallas-Fort Worth, TX) (Section unknown) (website). (Another article by AP was released on 06 February 2014 with the title "Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir", and updated AP article was released on 08 February 2014.) [0786; 1186; 0078]
Dean, Jody. (06 February 2014). The Sleepwalking Man. KVLU (FM98.7) (Dallas) (Jody Dean radio presenter section) (website & radio broadcast). [0102]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at women’s college. The Dallas News (Dallas, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [0783]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Texas) (Entertainment section) (website). [0082]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Burleson Star (Burleson, TX) (Local news section) (website). [1325]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Crowley Star (Crowley, TX) (Story section) (website). [0759]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Dallas (LGBT news focus) (Dallas, TX) (National news section) (website). [1741]
El Paso, TX area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KVIA (ABC 7) (El Paso, TX) (News section) (website). [0628]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. El Paso Times (Weird news) (website). [0220]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 12 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. El Paso Inc. (Weekly business newspaper) (Strange news) (website). [0224]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. Las Cruces Sun-News (Las Cruces, NM) (Education section) (website). [1781]
Harlingen, TX area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTGV (ABC 5) (Weslaco, TX) (National news section) (website). [0328]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 12 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Brownsville Herald (Texas) (Strange news) (website). [0226]
Houston, TX area
CBS News. (06 February 2014; Updated 07 February 2014). Statue of man in underwear turns heads at female college. KHOU (Houston, TX) (Section unknown) (website; YouTube). (See embedded video of news report at top.) [0761; 0711]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KRIV (FOX 26) (Houston, TX) (Section unknown) (website). (On 06 February 2014, another AP article was released with the title "Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir".) [0398; 1187]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTRK (ABC 13) (Houston, TX) (Strange news section) (website). (Another AP article was released 06 February 2014 with the same title.) [1141; 0116]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-underwear sculpture causes stir. my20 (Houston, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [1189]
(08 February 2014). USA - Sleepwalker statue. BYN TV news (Independent) (Vietnamese language) (Houston) (Video of TV broadcast - see above). [5091]
Newsfix. (ca. 08 February 2014). Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College. KIAH (CW 39) (Houston, TX) (Video report and paragraph) (website). [1995]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. KAMP (97.1 FM) (Houston, TX) (Country music) (Weird news section) (website). [1101]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. KHPT (106.9 FM) (Houston, TX) (Classic rock) (Weird news section) (website). [0986]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Houston Chronicle (News) (website). [0046]
Newton, Paula. (06 February 2014). Realistic sculpture of man in underwear causes stir on college campus. Glasstire (Texas visual art) (Houston-based) (News) (website). [0121]
Lubbock, TX area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KCBD (NBC 11) (Lubbock, TX) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional AP article published on 06 February 2014, and also on the day"Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News was released.) [0440; 0441; 0553]
Odessa-Midland, TX area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KWES (NBC 9) (Odessa / Midland, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [0461]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 12 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Odessa American (Odessa, TX) (Strange news) (website). [0190]
San Angelo, TX area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Man-in-undies statue at Mass. college causes stir. San Angelo Standard Times (San Angelo, TX) (Section unknown) (website). (An article with videos was also released with the title "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" on 06 February 2014 by Erik Shute / NEWSY.) [0245; 1163]
San Antonio, TX area
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KENS (CBS 5, San Antonio) (Weird news) (website). [0114]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KSAT (ABC 12) (San Antonio, TX) (News section unknown) (website). [0622]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. KISS (99.5 FM ) (Mainstream rock) (San Antonio, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [1099]
Couri, Rick. (05 February 2014; Updated 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college. KONO (101.1 FM) (San Antonio, TX) (Classic hits) (Section unknown) (website). [0981]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTSA (AM 550) (News / talk / traffic / weather) (San Antonio, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [1116]
(06 February 2014). Students petition to remove lifelike sculpture of man in underwear from campus. WOAI (AM1200) (San Antonio, TX) (News radio) (The Joe Pags show section) (website). (Also, photo in 50-photo gallery in "Fun photos" article.) [1237; 1241]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. San Antonio Express-News (San Antonio, TX) (News section) (Section unknown) (website). [0216]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. / San Antonio Express-News (San Antonio, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [0188]
Sherman, TX - Ada, OK area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTEN (NBC 10) (Ada, Oklahoma) (Section unknown) (website). [0464]
Tyler-Longview, TX area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KLTV (ABC 7) (Tyler, TX) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article on 08 February 2014.) [0436; 0544; 1165]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KTRE (ABC 9) (Satellite of KLTV in Tyler) (Lufkin, TX) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News, and an updated AP article was released on 08 February 2014.) [1184; 0535; 0317]
CBS News. (08 February 2014). Students petition to get sculpture removed on all girls college campus. KYTX (CBS 19) (Tyler, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [1047]
Waco-Temple-Bryan, TX area
(05 February 2014). Sculpture of sleepwalking man in his undies raises eyebrows. KWTX (CBS 10) (Waco, TX) (Offbeat section) (website). [0742]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KRHD (ABC 40) (Bryan, TX) (satellite of KXXV in Waco) (Section unknown) (website). [0351]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KXXV (ABC 25) (Waco, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [0311]
Bentley, Delaney (CBS News). (08 February 2014). Students petition to get sculpture removed on all girls college campus. KCEN (NBC 9) (Temple / Waco, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [1757]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Killeen Daily Herald (Killeen, TX) (Odd news section) (website). [1157]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Waco Tribune-Herald (Waco, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [1137]
Wichita Falls, TX area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KAUZ (CBS 6) (Wichita Falls, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [0428]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KSWO (ABC 7) (Lawton, OK & Wichita Falls, TX) (Section unknown)(website). [0080]
Yellow Brix service. (ca. 06 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. People’s Bank and Trust Company website (Oklahoma City; Ryan, OK; Malvern, AR) (News section). [1199]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Baja Broadband website (cable TV, internet, telecom provider) (HQ: Alamogordo, NM; operating in AZ, CO, NV, NM, TX, UT) (News section). [1283]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Grande Communications website (telecom; HQ: San Marcos, TX; operating in Texas) (News section). [0497]
Croghan, Allison - WTVR/CNN. (06 February 2014). Bizarre campus sculpture bothers students. FOX 13 News (Salt Lake City) (News section) (website). [1012]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KSL (NBC) (Salt Lake City) (Odds & Ends section) (website). [0470]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Daily Herald (Provo, UT) (Section unknown) (website). [0040]
Scribner, Herb. (07 February 2014). ’Sleepwalker’ braves the cold at Massachusetts college. Deseret News (Salt Lake City) (Owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) (Section unknown) (website). [0826]
Staff, Associated Press. (06 February 2014). This sculpture is creeping out students at Wellesley College. The Park Record (Section unknown) (Park City, UT) (website). [0909]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Salt Lake Tribune (News section) (website). [1001]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Baja Broadband website (cable TV, internet, telecom provider) (HQ: Alamogordo, NM; operating in AZ, CO, NV, NM, TX, UT) (News section). [1283]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Optimum West website (TV, phone, internet provider) (operating in CO, MT, UT and WY) (News section). [0485]
Also see cross-border areas: Albany, NY area and Boston, MA area.
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WCAX (CBS 3) (Burlington, VT) (Section unknown) (website). [0412]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WPTZ (NBC 5) (Burlington, VT / Plattsburgh, NY) (National news section) (website). (A small, second article with photo was released on 07 February 2014, entertainment section, with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation". This linked to a WCVB Boston TV news report online.) [0609; 0650]
NECN / Josh Brogadir. (06 February 2014). Meet the new ’man’ at Wellesley College. New England Cable News (Newton, MA) (3.6 million subscribers in 1050+ cities and towns in all New England states.) (Also, embedded video of news report on webpage.) (Section unknown) (website). [1063]
Sim, Laura. (10 February 2014). Frame of Reference. The Dartmouth (Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH) (Arts section) (website and hard copy). [1042; K1-018]
See cross-border areas: Bluefield, WV area; Greensboro, NC area; Raleigh, NC area; Tri-Cities, TN area; and Washington, DC area.
Charlottesville, VA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WVIR (NBC 29) (Charlottesville, VA) (Section unknown) (website). [1176]
Norfolk, VA area
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WAVY (NBC 10) (Portsmouth, VA) (Section unknown) (website). [0431]
Richmond-Petersburg, VA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WRIC (ABC 8) (Richmond, VA) (Section unknown) (website). [0321]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WWBT (NBC 12) (Richmond, VA) (Section unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News.) [0481; 0548]
Wise, Scott. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). What’s up with this creepy statue of a nearly naked man walking across campus? WTVR (CBS 6) (Richmond, VA) (News section) (website). (Embedded video of news report.) [0753]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Progress-Index (Petersburg, VA) (Section unknown) (website). [1132]
Roanoke-Lynchburg, VA area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSET (ABC 13) (Lynchburg, Danville, Roanoke, VA) (Section unknown) (website). [0327]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WSLS (NBC 10, Roanoke / Lynchburg, VA) (Sections unknown) (website). (Article version also published on 06 February 2014 with title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News. A second updated article released 08 February 2014.) [0163; 0164; 0033]
Internet Broadcasting. (07 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WDBJ (CBS 7) (Roanoke/Lynchburg, VA) (National and world section) (website). [0612]
Also see cross-border Portland, OR area.
Seattle-Tacoma area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KOMO (ABC TV 4 and news radio, Seattle) (Weird news) (website). [0002]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KIRO (CBS 7) (Seattle, WA) (Section unknown) (website). (An article was also released on 06 February 2014 by Rick Couri entitled "Realistic statue of man in underwear freaks out women’s college". Also, on ca. 06 February 2014, they released a NEWSY video and caption with the article title "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" in their news section.) [0426; 1094; 1767]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KIRO (97.3 FM) (sports radio), (710 AM ESPN Seattle), and KTTH (770 AM) (talk radio) (Seattle) (Odd news section) (website). [1209]
(ca. 15 February 2014). News highlights. KKBW (104.9 FM) (rock music) (Seattle-Tacoma, WA) (Photo and caption in 50-photo gallery) (website). [1848]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Longview Daily News (Longview, WA) (website). [0191]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Peninsula Daily News (Port Angeles, WA) (World & Nation news section) (website). [1126]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The News Tribune (Tacoma, WA) (Section unknown) (website). [0274]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The Olympian (Olympia, WA) (Section unknown) (website). [0255]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Wellesley campus abuzz over sculpture of man in underwear. The Seattle Times (Seattle, WA) (Nation & World section) (website). [0775]
Associated Press. (07 February 2014). Man-in-undies statue causes stir. The Herald (Everett, WA) (Section unknown) (website). [0208]
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Section unknown) (website). [0196]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Bellevue, Bonney Lake-Sumner, Edmonds, Enumclaw, Gig Harbor, Kirkland, Lakewood-JBLM, Mercer Island, Puyallup, Redmond, Renton, Sammamish-Issaquah Patch, Shoreline-Lake Forest Park, University Place, Woodinville) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1549; 1554; 1558; 1619; 1716; 2842-51; 3872-74; 3913-24]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Click! Network (Cable TV supplier) (Tacoma, WA) (Top news section) (website). [1253]
Graves, Jen. (05 February 2014). Sleepwalking man in underwear sculpture is unpopular at a women’s college. (city paper) (Seattle, WA) (Slog - Art section) (website). [2-0750]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Wellesley College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. EDGE Seattle (LGBT news focus) (Seattle, WA) (National news section) (website). [1753]
Spokane area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KHQ (NBC 6) (Spokane, WA) (Section unknown) (website). [0454]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. KXLY (ABC 4) (Spokane, WA) (News section) (website). [0635]
(05 February 2014). Huckleberries Online: ‘Sleepwalker’. The Spokesman-Review (newspaper) (Spokane, WA) (Photo, paragraph, and question requesting comments) (website). [1789]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. SWX Right Now - Sports (Spokane, WA) (regional sports website) (Section unknown). [1180]
Yakima area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KIMA (CBS 29) (Yakima, WA) (News section) (website). (Also, a 3-photo photo gallery with the same article title.) [1376; 0915]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KNDO (NBC 23) (Yakima, WA) (Section unknown) (website). [1176]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). College’s man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KEPR (CBS 19) (Pasco, WA) (News section) (website). (Also, a 3-photo photo gallery with the same title accompanies the article.) [0911; 1377]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Tri-City Herald (Kennewick, WA) (National Entertainment News section) (website). [0262]
West Virginia
Also see cross-border areas: Harrisonburg, VA area; Pittsburgh, PA area; Roanoke-Lynchburg area; and Washington, DC area.
Bluefield area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WVNS (CBS 59) (Lewisburg / Bluefield, WV) (Section unknown) (website). [0375]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WVVA (NBC 6) (Bluefield, WV) (Section unknown) (website). [0449]
Charleston, WV area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WOWK (CBS 13) (Huntington, WV) (Section unknown) (website). [0364]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. The State Journal (Charleston, WV) (Business newspaper covering West Virginia) (Section unknown) (website). [0268]
Yellow Brix service. (ca. 05 February 2014). Realistic statue of man in undies irks Wellesley students. Whitesville State Bank website. (Whitesville, WV) (News & extra section). [1205]
Clarkburg-Weston, WV area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WBOY (NBC 12) (Clarksburg, WV) (Section unknown) (website). [0414]
Wheeling, WV area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WTRF (CBS 7) (Wheeling, WV) (Section unknown) (website). [0410]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Herald Star (Steubenville, OH area) (Section unknown) (website). [0487]
Also see cross-border areas: Duluth, MN area, Marquette, MI and Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN area.
Green Bay-Appleton, WI area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WBAY (ABC 2) (Green Bay, Wisconsin) (Sections unknown) (website). (Additional article published on 06 February 2014 with the title "Naked sleepwalker statue stirring controversy at college campus" and attributed to NBC News. Also, a second updated AP article released 08 February 2014.) [0063; 0529; 0064]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. WGBA (NBC 26) (Green Bay / Appleton, WI) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1803]
La Crosse-Eau Claire, WI area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WQOW (ABC 18) (Eau Claire, WI) (Section unknown) (website). [0332]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WXOW (ABC 19) (La Crosse, WI) (Section unknown) (website). [0312]
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WKBT (CBS 8) (La Crosse, WI) (News section) (website). [0621]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. La Crosse Tribune (La Crosse, WI) (Weird news section) (website). [0235]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Winona Daily News (Winona, Minnesota) (Weird news) (website). [0180]
Madison, WI area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WKOW (ABC 27) (Madison, WI) (Section unknown) (website). [0322]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. TDS Telecom (headquartered in Madison, WI) (News section) (website). [0511]
Milwaukee area
Internet Broadcasting. (06 February 2014). Statue of near-naked man sparks ’brief’ controversy. WISN (ABC 12) (Milwaukee) (Entertainment section) (website). (Another article, a photo, paragraph, and link to video was released on 07 February 2014 with the title "Wellesley College ’sleepwalker’ becomes national sensation".) [0607 0664]
Wagner, John. (07 February 2014). Who is the man in the tighty whities? WTMJ (620 AM) (News / talk radio) (Milwaukee) (The Jeff Wagner Show section) (website). (Included embedded soundcloud recording of broadcast.) [1220]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. WLWK (94.5 FM) (Adult hits) (Milwaukee) (Photo and caption in gallery) (website). [1826]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Surreal art. WTMJ (620 AM) (news/talk) (Milwaukee) (Photo and caption in photo gallery). (website) [1791]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee) (National section) (website). [0225]
Staff. (07 February 2014). Artist’s sculpture raises eyebrows, discussions. Walworth County Today (website with Janesville Gazette content) (Delavan, WI, where Matelli grew up) (Section unknown) (website). [0025]
Nelesen, Marcia. (12 February 2014). Artwork by Delavan-Darien graduate hits the big time, causes controversy. The Janesville Gazette (Janesville, WI, a small city near where Matelli grew up) (Entertainment news section) (website and hard copy). [0018; K1-007]
Masterson, Danielle. (05 February 2014). What is this nearly naked man doing at this college campus? (news and localized information portal: Brookfield, Caledonia, Fox Point-Bayside, Greendale, Greenfield, Menomonee Falls, Mount Pleasant-Sturtevant, Muskego, Oak Creek, Port Washington-Saukville, Shorewood, Sussex, Waukesha, Wauwatosa, Whitefish Bay) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, a daily round-up article "Trending: Nearly Nude Sleepwalker Inspires Selfies, Disgust" by Brian Slupski was released with link to article "Wellesley’s nearly-nude Sleepwalker has everyone talking about art" at [1515, 1543, 1621, 1634, 1642, 2831-40, 3772, 3779, 3793, 3865-67, 3866-67, 3936, 3938-45]
Wausau-Rhinelander, WI area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. WAOW (ABC 9) (Wausau, WI) (Section unknown) (website). [0310]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Midcontinent Communications website. (TV, internet, telephone provider) (HQ: Sioux Falls, SD; operating in MN, ND, SD and WI.) (News section) (website). [0504]
See cross-border areas: Billings, MT area; Denver area; Idaho Falls, ID area; Rapid City, SD area; and Salt Lake City area.
Cheyenne area
Associated Press. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. KDUH (ABC 4) (Scottsbluff, NE) (Satellite of KOTA in Rapid City, SD) (Section unknown) (website). [0324]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Optimum West website (TV, phone, internet provider) (operating in CO, MT, UT and WY) (News section). [0485]
H. Sleepwalker media coverage in Canada

North of the US border, the Sleepwalker controversy was reported at the national, regional and local level, including on radio station websites across the country.
See the coverage

Your attention, please. Wire service reports and photographs:
(05 February 2014). Sculpture of man sleepwalking in his undies freaks out Wellesley women. Postmedia Breaking News (Canada) (Online section) (website). [K1-115]
(05 February 2014). Realistic sculpture of man sleepwalking in his undies freaks out college students. Postmedia Breaking News (Canada) (Online section) (website). [K1-116]
(06 February 2014). Creepily lifelike sculpture of undies-clad sleepwalker prompts "freaked out" students to launch petition. Postmedia Breaking News (Canada) (World section) (website). [K1-087]
(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (ca. 8 photos and captions on offer) (Section unknown) (website). [1833; 1834]
National coverage
(06 February 2014). Creepy statue causes a stir at US college campus. Global News - The Morning Show. (Global News Television Network) (Canada) (Video of TV broadcast) (YouTube). [5075] (07 February 2014). Realistic sculpture of sleepwalker in underwear stirs controversy. CTV News Channel (Section unknown) (website). (Embedded video of CTVNews broadcast on the webpage.) [0791]
Sathiyanathan, Lakshine. (06 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of near-naked man spurs controversy at women’s college. CBC News (national) (Your community blog) (website). (Also, photo and caption of sculpture including in article "10 odd and amazing winter sculptures" released ca. 08 February 2014. [0806; 1216]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). U.S. college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. Metro (national) ("Scene" section) (website). [0587]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US college. (Art section) (website). [0109]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Creepily lifelike sculpture of undies-clad sleepwalker prompts ‘freaked out’ students to launch petition. National Post (News section) (website). [0554]
SECTOR-ORIENTED SITES / PUBLICATIONS - ENTERTAINMENT / LIFESTYLE / STYLE ORIENTATED (07 February 2014). Realistic sculpture of sleepwalker in underwear stirs controversy. The Loop : (lifestyle website) (Section unknown). (Also "OpEd: Ignoring students’ wishes now carved in stone" was released on 10 February 2014 by Nevil Hunt with a voting box ("keep", "move", or "remove entirely".) [1051; 2186]
Resnick, Gideon. (09 February 2014). Tony Matelli doesn’t believe his ’Sleepwalker’ statue is terrorizing Wellesley College. Vice (Q&A) (Section unknown) (website). [1022]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Telus website (telecommunications provider) (HQ: Burnaby, BC; operates throughout Canada) (Top headlines section). (Also released in Oddities section on the day with the title "Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college") [1011; 0940]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. (News section) (website). (Also, on 06 February 2014, Gallery: Today’s best pictures" was released, including a photo and caption in a photo gallery.) [0958; 2488]
Associated Press, Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. (Canada) (Section unknown) (website). [0277]
Associated Press, Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. (Canada) (Section unknown) (website). [0588]
唐嘉麗. (06 February 2014). 校園展裸男雕像 衛斯理女生請願. World Journal (newspaper) ( ("largest Chinese-language newspaper in North America") (section unknown) (website). [2-3375]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college (video)"; "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live - see above); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live). ("on" section) [2131; 2130; 2036; 2-5152-55]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college" (video); "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Realistic Statue Of Almost-Naked Man Freaks Out Women’s College" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation" (video of WCVB TV Boston news report); "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live). (Now! section) (website). [2244; 3399; 2-5156-60]
Alberta coverage
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CFFR (AM 660) (Calgary, AB) (World section) (website). [0935]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. Lethbridge Herald (Lethbridge, AB) (Section unknown) (website). [0955]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Realistic sculpture of man sleepwalking in his undies freaks out college students. Calgary Herald (Calgary, AB) (News section) (website). (Also, on 06 February 2014, G"allery: Today’s best pictures" was released, including a photo and caption in a photo gallery.) [1013; 2482]
(06 February 2014). Gallery: Today’s best pictures. Edmonton Journal (newspaper) (Photo and caption in photo gallery) (Section unknown) (website). [2481]
British Columbia
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CKWX (1130 AM) (News, traffic, weather) (Vancouver) (Section unknown) (website). [0933]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. The Daily Courier (Kelowna, BC) (Section unknown) (website). [0963]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. Penticton Herald (Penticton, BC) (Section unknown) (website). [0962]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Realistic sculpture of man sleepwalking in his undies freaks out college students. The Province (Vancouver) (News section) (website). [1058]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Realistic sculpture of man sleepwalking in his undies freaks out college students. The Vancouver Sun (News section) (website). [1053]
That’s the point of art."
Associated Press / Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CKXA (101.1 FM) (Country music) (Brandon, MB) (Oddities section) (website). [0961]
Associated Press / Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. Brandon Sun (Brandon, MB) (International breaking news section) (website). [0926]
Associated Press / Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. Winnipeg Free Press (Winnipeg, MB) (World section) (website). [0591]
New Brunswick
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CKNI (91.9 FM) (Moncton, NB) (News, talk, sports) (World news section) (website). [0951]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CHNI (88.9 FM) (News, talk, sports) (Saint John, NB) (Section unknown) (website). [0949]
Associated Press / Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CFXY (105.3 FM) (Fredericton, NB) (Oddities news section) (website). [0934]
Associated Press / Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CIBX (106.9 FM) (Top 40 music) (Fredericton, NB) (Oddities news section) (website). [0954]
Associated Press / Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CKHJ (1260 AM) (Fredericton, NB) (Country music) (Oddities news section) (website). [0941]
Associated Press / Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CIKX (93.5 FM) (Grand Falls, NB) (Oddities news section) (website). [0937]
(06 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man in underpants causes stir. The Daily Gleaner (Fredericton, NB) (International section) (hard copy). (Mention in international news.) [K1-071]
Nova Scotia
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CJNI (95.7 FM) (News, talk, sports radio) (Halifax, NS) (World section) (website). [0947]
Associated Press / Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CKTO (110.9 FM) (rock music) (Truro, NS) (Oddities news section) (website). [0953]
Associated Press / Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CKTY (99.5 FM) (country music) (Truro, NS) (Oddities news section) (website). [0946]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CFTR (680 AM) (News radio) (Toronto) (World news section) (website). [0248]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CHRE (105.7 FM) (St. Catherines, ON) (Oddities news section) (website). [0950]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CHVR (96 FM) (country music) (Pembroke, ON) (Oddities news section) (website). [0943]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CIWW (1310 AM) (News / Sports / Talk radio) (Ottawa, ON) (World news section) (website). [0952]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CJBK (1290 AM) (News / talk radio) (London, ON) (Oddities news section) (website). [0945]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CJBX (92.7 FM) (country music) (London, ON) (Oddities news section) (website). [0959]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CKGL (570 AM) (Kitchener, ON) (World news section) (website). [0939]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CKQB (106.9 FM) (Ottawa, ON) and (99.9 FM) (Pembroke, ON) (rock music) (Section unknown) (website). [0965]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CKTB (610 AM) (News / Talk radio) (St. Catherines, ON) (News section) (website). [0938]
Associated Press, Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Oddities News. CFRA (580 AM) (News / Talk radio) (Ottawa, ON) (Oddities news section) (website). [0942]
Associated Press / The Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. The Chronicle Journal (Thunder Bay, ON) (News section) (website). [0594]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. Fort Frances Times (Fort Frances, ON) (Global section) (website). [0948]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man in underpants causes stir at U.S. women’s college. The Globe and Mail (Toronto) (Section unknown) (website). [0569]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalking man wakes up U.S. college. The Hamilton Spectator (Hamilton, ON) (World news section) (website). [0769]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. Ottawa Citizen (Ottawa, ON) (News section) (website). (Another AP article version on the day was released with the title "Realistic sculpture of man sleepwalking in his undies freaks out college students". Also, on 06 February 2014, Gallery: Today’s best pictures" was released, including a photo and caption in a photo gallery.) [0956; 1052; 2483]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalking man wakes up U.S. college. Toronto Star (Toronto) (World news section) (website). [0920]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Sculpture of man in underpants causes stir at women’s college. Waterloo Region Record (Kitchener, ON) (World news section) (website). [0765]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. The Windsor Star (Windsor, ON) (World news section) (website). [0503]
For rough foreign language translations, see Google translate.
AFP. (06 February 2014). Stressées par la statue d’un homme en slip. TVA (television network) (Quebec) (Le Buzz section) (website). [0710]
(06 February 2014). Sleepwalking statue at Wellesley College. CHOM (97.7 FM) (rock music) (Montréal) (Photo and caption) (website). [1211]
(06 February 2014). Une statue d’un homme perturbe les étudiantes du Wellesley College. CFGL (105.7 FM) (adult contemporary) (Laval, QC) (Section unknown) (website). [0701]
(06 February 2014). Une statue d’un homme perturbe les étudiantes du Wellesley College. CIME (103.9 & 101.3 FM) (Saint-Jérôme, Québec) (Section unknown) (website). [0712]
Radio-Canada with AFP. (07 February 2014). Oeuvre troublante sur un campus américain. ICI Radio-Canada (Arts et divertissement section) (website). [0714]
(ca. 05 February 2014). Photo du jour. La Presse (Montréal) (Photo of the day section) (website). [0824]
AFP. (05 February 2014; Updated 08 February 2014). La statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi dans une université. Le Journal de Montréal (Montréal) (Section unknown) (website). [0678]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. The Gazette (Montréal) (Section unknown) (website). [0936]
AFP. (06 February 2014). É.-U.: la statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi. (web portal) (Quebec) (Unusual news section) (website). (Also, on ca. 05 February 2014, they released a NEWSY video and caption with the article title "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" in their news section.) [0689; 1772]
AFPQC2. (06 February 2014). USA: la statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi dans une université. Le Huffington Post (Quebec) (Section unknown) (website). [0680]
Alain, Mélanie. (06 February 2014). Une statue plus vraie que nature d’un gars en petite culotte, ça fait jaser! (Quebec) (Section unknown) (website). [0703]
Radio Canada. (07 February 2014). Arts visuels - Oeuvre troublante sur un campus américain. Yahoo! Divertissement (Quebec) (Celebrity section) (website). [0722]
Associated Press / Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. CJME (980 AM) (News talk) (Regina, SK) (Section unknown) (website). (This on the domain; a photo and paragraph also appears to have been released on their parallel domain, [0590; 0966]
Associated Press / Canadian Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture ofman wearing underpants causes stir at US college. CHBD (92.7 FM) (Regina, SK) (Country music) (World news section) (website). [0957]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Realistic sculpture of man sleepwalking in his undies freaks out college students. Leader Post (Regina, SK) (News section) (website). [1015]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon, SK) (News section) (website). [0960]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. SaskTel website (telephone, internet and TV provider) (HQ: Regina, SK) (Section unknown). [0967]
I. La estatua de un sonámbulo aterra a estudiantes universitarios: Sleepwalker media coverage in Dominican Republic, Mexico and South America

South of the US border, the controversy at Wellesley College was announced, and the sculpture in the snow became a photo of the day and week.
See the coverage
For rough foreign language translations, see Google translate.
(07 February 2014). El ’sonámbulo’ semidesnudo que provocó rechazo en la Universidad de Boston. (news / media website) (Santo Domingo) (Embedded RT Ruptly video and caption) (El Mundo section). [2-5313]
(05 February 2014). Escultura de hombre semidesnudo causa polémica. (pop culture website) (Mexico City) (Actualidad section) (website). [2742]
(05 February 2014). Este hombre en calzones no es lo que parece. (pop culture & sports website) (Mexico City) (Section unknown). [2743]
(05 February 2014). La foto del día. (Photo and caption in 382-photo gallery) (Musica section) (website). (Also in their news section; a second photo and caption was released in their TV section; on 07 February 2014 a photo and caption was released in a 56-photo gallery "Fotos de la semana"; on ca. 15 February 2014, a photo and caption includes in 150-photo gallery entitled "El día en imágenes" in their Noticias section.) [2752; 2733-35; 2-5315]
(05 February 2014). ¿Qué hace este sonámbulo caminando entre la nieve? Vertigo Político (Political and analysis newspaper) (México City) (Curiosidades section) (website). [2739]
(06 February 2014). Este hombre en calzones no es lo que parece. (newspaper or news website) (Chihuahua state) (Section unknown). [2-5320]
(06 February 2014). Hombre en calzones provoca pánico en Colegio de Massachusetts. telenews ( (Mexico) (Entretenimiento section) (website) [2748]
(06 February 2014). La estatua que revoluciona un campus femenino en EEUU. ("Ciencia, Curiosidades e investigación" website) (Location unknown) (Section unknown). [2-5318]
AP/Norte Digital. (06 February 2014). Sonámbulo bajo la nieve. Periódico Norte (newspaper) (Ciudad Juárez, Mexico) (3 photo gallery) (Imagen del Día section) (website). [2736]
RT. (06 February 2014). Sonámbulo semidesnudo provoca rechazo en la Universidad de Boston. Diario Cambio (newspaper) (Puebla, Mexico) (Section unknown) (website). [2740]
(07 February 2014). Créalo: Escultura en EU aterroriza a estudiantes universitarios. (news website) (Ciudad Juárez) (Créalo section). [2747]
(07 February 2014). Créalo: Escultura en EU aterroriza a estudiantes universitarios. (news website) (Chihuahua) (Créalo section). [2744]
(07 February 2014). Escultura de sonámbulo causa polémica en Universidad. Expresiones BC (news website) (Mexicali, Baja California, México) (Section unknown). [2750].
(07 February 2014). Escultura de sonámbulo causa polémica en Universidad. Noticieros Televisa (division of the Televisa radio and television network) (Mexico City) (Estados Unidos section) (website). [2737]
(07 February 2014). Escultura de sonámbulo causa polémica en Universidad. XHQH (Ke Buena 106.7 FM) (part of Televisa Radio) (Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo, Mexico) (Section unknown) (website). [2754]
(07 February 2014). Estatua de hombre en calzones levanta polémica en universidad femenina de Massachusetts, EU. C3N - Cadenatres Noticias (TV news) (Mexico City) (Video of TV news report) (YouTube). [5086]
(07 February 2014). Las mejores esculturas hiperrealistas. (Internet portal) (México) (ca. 3 photos with captions in 30-photo gallery) (Mundo section) (website). [2735]
(08 February 2014). Polémica en Massachusetts. La Crónica de Hoy (newspaper) (Mexico City) (World section) (website). [0631]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Las fotos de la semana. (news website) (Chihuahua) (Photo and caption in gallery). [2751]
Noticieros Televisa. (ca. 08 February 2014). Escultura de sonámbulo causa polémica en Universidad. (media coverage analysis and advising website) (San Luis Potosí, Mexico) (Curiosidades section) . [2746]
(ca. 15 February 2014). 17 amazing surrealist works. El Financiero (business-focused newspaper "in alliance with Bloomberg") (Mexico City) (Photo and caption in gallery) (Fotogalerías section) (website). [2745]
(27 February 2014). Man in underwear statue. (art, design and lifestyle website) (Mexico City) (Section unknown). [2-5321]
(ca. 05 February 2014). La estatua de un sonámbulo aterra a estudiantes universitarios. Diario Registrado (Buenos Aires) (Mundo-Bizarro section) (website). [0566]
(06 February 2014). Una estatua "zonámbula" asusta a jóvenes estudiantes en Boston. Cuatro Vientos ( (news website or newspaper) (Buenos Aires) (Friki section). [2728]
(07 February 2014). El ’sonámbulo’ semidesnudo que provocó rechazo en la Universidad de Boston. (entertainment website) (Argentina) (Embedded RT Ruptly video and caption) (Section unknown). [2-5308]
(07 February 2014). ¿Son humanos o esculturas? Las mejores obras hiperrealistas. Terra (Argentina) (web portal) (News - Society section) (4 photos and captions in 31-photo gallery) (website). (This photo gallery was also released on the same day in their "Vida y estilo" section.) [2727; 2729]
(07 February 2014). Una estatua de un sonánmbulo aterroriza a todos. Nuevo Diario (news website or newspaper) (Santiago del Estero, Argentina) (El Mundo section) (website). [2730]
(ca. 08 February 2014). El día en imágenes. Yahoo! Noticias Argentina (Photo and caption in 150-photo gallery) (website). (Also, on 10 February 2014 a photo and caption were released in "Las fotos de la semana".) [2725; 2732]
EFE. (05 March 2014). Imagen de un hombre en la nieve causa molestias. El Sol de Santa Cruz (newspaper) (Santa Cruz, Bolivia) (Section unknown) (website) [2281] (08 February 2014). EE.UU: Polémica estatua de sonámbulo aterra a estudiantes universitarios. e! TV ( (Bolivia) (Section unknown) (website). [2283]
(05 February 2014). La foto del día. (1 photo in 333 photos gallery) (World section) (website). [2276]
(06 February 2014). Estátua de sonâmbulo seminu revolta estudantes de universidade nos EUA. (São Paulo) (Internet portal) (Section unknown) (website). [2282]
(06 February 2014). Estátua se Sonambulo seminu revolta estudantes. Folha de Colider Jornal (Colider, Brasil) (Art and Culture section) (website). [2783]
(06 February 2014). Estátua super real de peladão assusta alunas nos EUA. Universo Online ( (Notícias section) (website). [2784]
(06 February 2014). Estudantes exigem retirada de escultura de sonâmbulo por medo de estupro. Pop ( (Youth culture website) (São Paulo, Brazil) (Pop Trash - WTF section) (website). [2800]
AP. (06 February 2014). Estátua de homem seminu assusta estudantes de universidade dos EUA. iG (internet services provider) ( (O Dia - Notícia - Mundo & Ciência section) (website). (This article also released in their Último Segundo - Mundo section. Further, on 07 February 2014, they released an article "Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes" in their TV section.) [2794; 2798; 2796]
AP. (06 February 2014). Estátua de homem seminu assusta estudantes de universidade dos EUA. Paraíso Web (entertainment website) (Paraíso do Tocantins, Brazil) (Section unknown). (Also, on 07 February 2014 the article "‘Sonâmbulo de cuecas’ provoca susto em campus dos EUA" by BBC Brasil was released.) [2799; 2-5291]
Facchi, Cleber. (06 February 2014). Estátua hiperrealista de um homem seminu assusta estudantes. Brasil Post (Brazil) (news website) (Section unknown) (website). [2726]
IG. (06 February 2014). Estátua de homem seminu assusta estudantes de universidade dos EUA. Jaru On-line (Jaru municipality, Rondônia, Brazil) (news website) [2795]
Moreira, Fernando. (06 February 2014). ’Sonâmbulo de cueca’ causa controvérsia nos EUA. O Globo (newspaper) (Rio de Janeiro) (Mundo section) (website). [2785]
Terra. (06 February 2014). Estátua de sonâmbulo seminu revolta estudantes de universidade nos EUA. O Rio Branco (newspaper) (Rio Branco, Brazil) (Mundo section) (website). [2786]
Terra/GA. (06 February 2014). Estátua de sonâmbulo seminu revolta estudantes de universidade nos EUA. Midiamax News (newspaper or news website) (Campo Grande, Brazil) (World section). [2782]
(07 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas Universo Online ( ( video and caption — see above) (Mais section) (website). (Also, in their "TV", "Dieta e boa forma" and "Entretenimento" sections.) [2806; 2804; 2808-09]
(07 February 2014). ’Sonâmbulo de cuecas’ provoca susto em campus dos EUA. Primeira Hora (news and entertainment website) (Rondonópolis, Brazil) (Internacional section) (website). [2787]
(07 February 2014). ‘Sonâmbulo de cuecas’ provoca susto em campus de universidade do EUA. Rede Fonte (news website) (Goiânia, Brazil) (Section unknown). [2788]
BBC Brasil. (07 February 2014). Sonâmbulo de cuecas provoca susto em câmpus dos EUA. (Notícias and BOL Notícias - international sections) [2-5288; 2-5290]
BBC Brasil. (07 February 2014). ’Sonâmbulo de cuecas’ provoca susto em campus dos EUA. (News and Mundo sections) (website). [2792; 2-5289]
BBC Brasil. (07 February 2014). ’Sonâmbulo de cuecas’ provoca susto em campus dos EUA. R7 (radio and TV) (Notícias section) (website). [2801]
Terra. (07 February 2014). Estátua de sonâmbulo seminu revolta estudantes de universidade nos EUA. (news website) (Nova Andradina, Brazil) (Section unknown). [2-5268]
Terra. (07 February 2014). Estátua de sonâmbulo seminu revolta estudantes de universidade nos EUA. Paraí (news website) (João Pessoa, Brazil) (Institucional section). [5076]
(08 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca causa espanto em estudantes. Portal do Holanda (news website) (Manaus, Brazil) (Internacional section). [2789]
(08 February 2014). Imagens da semana (03 a 07 de fevereiro). Veja (weekly news magazine) (São Paulo) (Photo and caption in 25-photo gallery) (Internacional section) (website). [5083]
BBC Brasil. (08 February 2014). Sonâmbulo de cuecas provoca susto em câmpus dos EUA. NE10 - Universo Online ( (focused on northeast Brazil) (International section) (website). [2793]
(ca. 08 Febuary 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas. ( video with caption) (News - Video and News - Fotos section) (website). (Also in their "Screen" and "Financas" sections.) [2803; 2-5272; 2807; 2805]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas. Mundo Positivo (new / entertainment portal integrated with website of Positivo Informática, seller of computers, software and IT services) (São Paulo, Brazil) ( video and caption) (International section) (website). [2797]
(ca. 08 February 2014) . ’Sonâmbulo de cuecas’ provoca susto em campus dos EUA. (online radio) (Brazil) (news section). [2-5292]
(09 February 2014). Escultura de homem seminu causa polêmica nos EUA. Metro (newspaper) (São Paulo) (Mundo section) (website). [2790]
Pezte, Pedro. (11 February 2014). "Terror" na neve. IdeaFixa ("a place for inspiration and expression") (São Paulo) (Section unknown) (website). [2791]
(05 February 2014). El día en imágenes. (1 photo and caption in 150-photo gallery) (Section unknown) (website). (Also a photo and caption in a 33-photo gallery entitled "Las fotos de la semana".) [2329-30]
(05 February 2014). Living sculpture in underwear turns some heads on US Massachusetts. El Murcurio (newspaper) (Photo and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [2334]
(06 February 2014). EEUU: Estatua de un sonámbulo asusta y se presta para bromas en universidad. Publimetro (newspaper) (Santiago) (Section unknown) (website). [2335]
(06 February 2014). Polémica por escultura de sonámbulo en ropa interior. (TV news program, TVN network) (Santiago) (Cultura section) (website). [2331]
(08 February 2014). ¿Realidad o ficción? Las mejores esculturas hiperrealistas. (Santiago) (Internet portal) (3 photos in 28 photo gallery) (Mundo section) (website). [2332]
(10 February 2014). Escultura de sonámbulo en calzoncillos tiene la escoba en universidad estadounidense. Universitarios (website for university community and future professionals) (Blogs section) (website). [2336]
(10 February 2014). Escultura de un hombre sonámbulo. El Mensajero (news website) (Antofagasta, Chile) (Videos section). [2333]
(05 February 2014). Las fotos de la semana. (1 photo in 87 photos gallery) (Internacionales section) (website). (Also a photo and caption in a 500-photo gallery entitled "Photo of the day" and photo and caption in 150-photo gallery.) [2285-87]
(06 February 2014). Estatua de un hombre en ropa interior y sonámbulo causa revuelo en universidad de Estados Unidos. (TV) (Bogotá) (Curiosidades section) (website) [2259]
(06 February 2014). Estudiantes aterrados por estatua de hombre semidesnudo que parece real. Publimetro (newspaper) (Bogotá) (Section unknown) (website). [2292]
(06 February 2014). Son esculturas, aunque usted... no lo crea. (Internet portal) (Colombia) (Photo and caption). (Section unknown) (website). (Also on 08 February, an article "No se confunda: son esculturas, aunque usted... no lo crea" was released.) [2290-91]
(06 February 2014). Un tipo en calzoncillos está aterrorizando a las universitarias americanas. La Checa (Pop culture website) (Barranquilla, Colombia) (Noticias section). [2289]
(ca. 08 February 2014). El ’Sonámbulo’, la controversial escultura exhibida en una universidad femenina. El Tiempo (newspaper) (Bogotá) (8 photos and captions) (Galeria de fotos section) (website). [2288]
USA Today. (05 February 2014). Estatua de un hombre en ropa interior levanta quejas. GamaTV (Ecuador) (Channel 2, Quito; Channel 8, Guayaquil; Channel 9, Cuenca) (Section unknown) (website) [2273] (07 February 2014). Polémica por escultura de sonámbulo en ropa interior. Teleamazonas (TV network) (Quito / Guayaquil) (Sociedad section) (website). [2274]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Estatua de un hombre en ropa interior y sonámbulo causa revuelo en universidad de Estados Unidos. El Diario Extra (newspaper) (Guayaquil) (News section) (website) [2275]
(ca. 09 April 2014). La imagen que causa escalofríos en una universidad de EEUU. RTU Noticias (Radio and Television) (Quito, Ecuador) (Curiosidad section) (website). [2472]
(07 February 2014). El Sonámbulo: la escultura realista que atemoriza a cientos de jóvenes universitarias. e360 (news and lifestyle website) (Lima)(Curiosidad section) (website). [2267]
(07 February 2014). Polémica por estatua de sonámbulo semidesnudo en campus universitario. (online music social network) (Includes embedded RT Ruptly video) (Actualidad section) (website). [2266]
(08 February 2014) ¿Realidad o ficción? Las mejores esculturas hiperrealistas. Terra (internet portal) (Peru) (3 photos and captions in 28-photo gallery) (International section) (website). (Also, on 08 February 2014, the article "No se confunda: son esculturas, aunque usted... no lo crea" was released.) [2265; 2269]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Las fotos de la semana. Yahoo! Noticias Peru (Photo and caption in 51-photo gallery) (International section) (website) [2264] (08 February 2014). EE.UU: Polémica estatua de sonámbulo aterra a estudiantes universitarios. (internet portal) (Includes embedded RT Ruptly video) (Other news section) (website) [2263]
(09 February 2014). Polémica estatua de sonámbulo aterra a estudiantes universitarios de EE.UU. La Noticia (news website) (Peru) (with embedded RT Ruptly video) (Mundo section) (website). [2268]
(06 February 2014). Este hombre en interiores y en la nieve no es lo que parece. Confirmado (news website or newspaper) (Caracas) (Section unknown) (website). [2260]
RT. (06 February 2014). "Sonámbulo" semidesnudo provoca rechazo en la Universidad de Boston. Correo del Orinoco (newspaper) (Caracas) (Avances, Comunicación y Cultura, Multipolaridad section) (website). [2258]
(08 February 2014). ¿Es ese un sonámbulo caminando en interiores en una universidad para mujeres? Venezuela al Día (news website or newspaper) (based in Miami, FL) (plus 8 photos and captions on separate pages) (Arte y espectáculos section) (website). [1836-44]
(ca. 09 February 2014). Las fotos de la semana. Yahoo! Noticias Venezuela (Photo and caption in 51-photo gallery) (website). (Also, a photo and caption in "El día en imágenes" 150-photo gallery.) [2256; 2257]
J. Sleepwalker media coverage in Western Europe

News about the Sleepwalker controversy crossed the Atlantic quickly, and became news reports, some opinion pieces, TV broadcasts, and photos in galleries on various websites in various languages.
See the coverage
See entry 5082 below
For rough foreign language translations, see Google translate.
(07 February 2014). CNN Newsroom broadcast. CNN International Europe. (TV broadcast). [5090]
(07 February 2014). Creepy sleepwalker statue in underwear triggers controversy at US women’s college. Euronews (TV) (HQ: Lyon-Écully, France) (Video of TV broadcast) (YouTube; TV broadcast). [2810]
(07 February 2014). Creepy sleepwalker statue in underwear triggers controversy at US women’s college. Euronews (TV) (HQ: Lyon-Écully, France) (Video with no presenter) (YouTube). [2-2470]
(07 February 2014). Une statue hyperréaliste de somnambule en slip sur un campus terrifie les étudiantes aux USA. Euronews (TV) (HQ: Lyon-Écully, France) (Video of TV broadcast - See above) (YouTube; TV broadcast). [5082]

(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (ca. 8 photos and captions on offer) (Section unknown) (website). [K4-005]
(ca. 06 February 2014). "Schlafwandler" verstört Studentinnen. Kurier (Vienna) (Kultur section) (5 photo-gallery and captions) (website) [2449]
(06 February 2014). US-Mädels laufen gegen ’Nackten im Schnee’ Sturm. Heute (Vienna) (Kultur section) (website). (Also, 3-photo gallery with captions with title "Aufregung um Schlafwandler-Statue"). [2451; 2452]
(07 February 2014). Halbnackter Schlafwandler stresst Studentinnen an US-Frauenuni. Tiroler Tageszeitung (Innsbruck, Austria) (Curious section) (website). [K4-002]
(07 February 2014). Nackter Mann in Unterhose im Schnee. (Vienna) (4-photo gallery and captions) (Panorama section) (website). [K4-003]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Die stärksten Bilder des Tages. Österreich (newspaper) (Vienna) (1 photo in 136 photo gallery at bottom of page) (Section unknown) (website). [2681]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Die stärksten Bilder des Tages. Antenne Salzburg (radio station) (1 photo in 144 photo gallery at bottom of page) (Section unknown) (website). [2682]
(ca. 15 February 2014). Februar 2014: Die Wetterbilder des Monats (Photo and caption in 31-photo gallery) (website). [2459]
(05 February 2014). ’Slaapwandelaar’ jaagt studentes stuipen op het lijf. Het Laatste Nieuws (newspaper) (Brussels) (Bizar section) (website). [2519]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. New Europe (European political newspaper) (Brussels) (Section unknown) (website). [1503]
(06 February 2014). Bijna naakte slaapwandelaar jaagt studentes de stuipen op het lijf. (student-oriented website) (Student news section) (website). [2523]
(06 February 2014). La statue d’un homme en slip choque et stresse. (Belgium) (Section unknown) (website). [0695]
(06 February 2014). USA: la statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi dans une université (vidéo). (part of RTL TV group) (Belgium) (International news section) (website). [0679]
AFP. (06 February 2014). Un faux homme en slip... un peu trop vrai. La Libre (newspaper) (Brussels) (Section unknown) (website) [0694]
AFP. (06 February 2014). Un somnambule en slip provoque l’émoi dans une université. L’Avenir newspaper (Namur, Belgium) (Monde section) (website). [0687]
Belga (Belgian News Agency). (06 February 2014). USA: une sculpture hyperréaliste d’un homme en slip sème le trouble chez les étudiantes. Le Vif / L’Express (Belgium) (Unusual news section) (website). [0707]
Huffington Post. (06 February 2014). Halfnaakte slaapwandelaar zorgt voor ophef op campus. Nieuwsblad (Belgium) (international news section) (website) [1498]
Huffington Post. (06 February 2014). Halfnaakte slaapwandelaar zorgt voor ophef op campus. De Standaard (newspaper) (Beroemd & Bizar section) (website). [2521]
Knevels, Edmond. (06 February 2014). "Zet die enge man terug in het museum". (news website; part of VRT Nieuws group) (Ook Dat Nog section) (website). [2520]
Belga (Belgian News Agency). (07 February 2014). USA: la statue d’un homme en slip "source de stress" chez les étudiantes d’une université. (Belgium) (Section unknown) (website). [0716]
Belga (Belgian News Agency). (07 February 2014). USA: la statue d’un homme en slip "source de stress" chez les étudiantes d’une université. (Belgium) (Internet provider) (News - showbizz section) (website). [0726]
(08 February 2014). Inappropriate Art: Statue of semi-naked male sleepwalker draws student ire at all-female college. JewishNewsOne (JN1) (TV satellite news channel) (Brussels) (Video) (YouTube). [2-5099]
Whittaker, Francis. (ca. 26 February 2014). De mooiste weerfoto’s van februari. (Photo and caption in 31-photo gallery) (Bizar section) (website) [2522]

(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (8+ photos and captions) (website). [1857]
Warren, Ann Katrine. (06 February 2014). Protest: Denne uhyggelige mand i undertøj skræmmer livet af studerende. (news / media website) (Denmark) (Abroad section). [2320]
(07 February 2014). Søvngænger i underbukser skræmmer studerende. Fyens Stiftstidende (newspaper) (Embedded video report by Ritzau/ Reuters with title "Flere af eleverne på et amerikansk college vil have den livagtige skulptur fjernet") (Odense, Denmark) (Foreign section) (website). [2323]
(07 February 2014). Søvngænger i underbukser skræmmer studerende. Nordjyske Stifttidende (newspaper) (Aalborg, Denmark) (WebTV section) (website). [2321]
(07 February 2014). Søvngængeren. Politiken (newspaper or news website) (Denmark) (Section unknown) (hard copy). (Mention). [K1-049]
(07 February 2014). TV: Søvngænger i underbukser skræmmer studerende. Ekstra Bladet (newspaper) (Copenhagen) (With embedded video by Ritzau/Reuters with title "Flere af eleverne på et amerikansk college vil have den livagtige skulptur fjernet") (News section) (website). [2319]
(07 February 2014). Uhyggelig søvngænger skræmmer studerende. Jyllands-Posten (newspaper) (with embedded JP video) (Aarhus) (International section) (website). [2455]
Holm, Emil Broo. (07 february 2014). Se billedet: Halvnøgen statue skaber frygt hos kvindelige studerende. BT (newspaper) (Copenhagen) (Section unknown) (website).[2445]
Nyhedsbureauet Newspaq (press agency). (07 February 2014). Søvngænger i underbukser skræmmer studinder. Avisen (news website) (Embedded video report by Ritzau/ Reuters with title "Flere af eleverne på et amerikansk college vil have den livagtige skulptur fjernet") (Copenhagen) (News section) (website). [2322]
RT. (07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (news website) (Copenhagen) (Section unknown) (website) [2348]

(06 February 2014). USA: la statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi dans une université. Agence France Presse (France) (Section unknown) (hard copy). [K1-061]
(05 February 2014). Diaporama - Regardez l’actualité. Libération (newspaper) (Phot0 and caption in 30-photo gallery) (Photo section) (website). [0708]
(05 February 2014). La foto del día. (Finance section) (Spanish language) (Photo and caption in 357-photo gallery) (Section unknown) (website) [0696]
(05 February 2014). Image du jour. Paris Match (weekly magazine) (Photo and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [0697]
(06 February 2014). Au secours maman, il y a un Monsieur en slip dans la neige. Brain Magazine (pop culture, music and society website) (Paris) (Section unknown). [0713]
(06 February 2014). Cette statue vous fait-elle peur? Metronews (newspaper) (Monde section) (website). [0724]
(06 February 2014). Etats-Unis: "la statue de l’homme en slip" choque les étudiantes. Charante Libre newspaper (Charante, France) (Section unknown) (website). [0692]
(06 February 2014). États-Unis: une statue hyperréaliste d’un homme en slip sème le trouble dans un campus. (national TV station / radio) (International section) (website). [0688]
AFP. (06 February 2014). La statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi aux Etats-Unis. BFM TV (national news channel) (Paris) (USA section) (website). [0684]
Le Figaro with AFP. (06 February 2014). Une statue provoque l’émoi sur un campus. Le Figaro (France) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, on 07 February 2014, the article "Une oeuvre d’art choque dans une université entièrement féminine" was released in their étudiant section.) [0691; 0700]
Le Huffington Post. (06 February 2014). Une statue hyperréaliste d’un homme en slip perturbe les étudiantes. (telecommunications provider) (News - Insolite section) (website). [0702]
Sandron, Ema. (06 February 2014). Somnambule ou flasheur de petites filles? Telle était la question… L’Humanosphère ( "Une bulle de créativité, d’infos positives et de solutions"; art, design, science / tech, society section). (Section unknown) (website). [0721]
(07 February 2014). Etats-Unis: Un homme en slip fait parler de lui dans une université pour filles. 20 minutes (newspaper) (T’as vu? section) (website). (Also, photo and caption in 284-photo gallery entitled "Bizarre, vous avez dit bizarre".) [2830; 0704]
(07 February 2014). Etats-Unis: Un somnambule en slip provoque l’émoi dans une université. (news / entertainment website) (Paris) (Section unknown). [0690]
(07 February 2014). Le faux somnambule effraie tout un campus. Direct Matin (national newspaper) (Section unknown) (website) [0683]
(07 February 2014). Petitie tegen halfnaakte man op Amerikaanse campus. Nord Littoral (newspaper) (Calais) ( (Embedded video and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [2-5323]
(07 February 2014). Une statue hyperréaliste d’un homme en slip perturbe les étudiantes. Le Huffington Post (Paris) (Section unknown) (website). [0698]
Bourge, Mathilde. (07 February 2014). La statue d’un homme en slip effraie un campus américain. Réponse à Tout ( (news / media website) (Paris) (society and culture website) (Insolite section). [0552]
Culturebox / AFP. (07 February 2014). USA: la statue en silicone d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi. France TV (Culturebox section) (website). (Also on 07 February 2014, they released a 38-photo gallery entitled "Un œil sur l’actu" with a photo and caption of Sleepwalker in their Monde section by Elodie Drouard.) [0681; 0715]
Duponchelle, Valérie. (07 February 2014; updated 14 February 2014). Tony Matelli, créateur de l’abominable homme des neiges. Le Figaro (Paris) (Culture - Art exhibitions section) (website). [0022]
Guichaoua, Virginie. (07 February 2014). La statue d’un somnambule en slip placée sur un campus universitaire fait polémique. (men’s website) (Lille area) (Actualités section). [0719]
Bonnet, Ludovic. (08 February 2014). Une statue de somnambule en slip fait la polémique aux Etats-Unis. (men’s fashion and entertainment e-magazine) (Saint-Genis Laval, France) (Buzz & Insolites section) (website). [0723]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas. (France) (Embedded video and caption) (News - World, Finance, and Women sections). (Also "Sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US campus" (Embedded video and caption). [2-5285; 2-5275-6; 2-5331]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Insolite: Un homme nu terrorise un campus. (university student-oriented website) (Section unknown). [0709]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Sonnambulo artistico terrorizza il campus. (telecommunications provider) (France) (embedded video with caption). (Also, an embedded video with caption "Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas" was released ca. 08 February 2014.) [2-3758; 2-5284]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Un somnambule crée la panique dans un campus universitaire. Midi Libre newspaper (Montpellier, France) (Section unknown) (website). [0693]
ITN. (ca. 08 February 2014). Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college. (Video and caption) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, other videos and captions entitled "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" by NEWSY); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US campus"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation" by WCVB Boston; [0686; 2241; 2749; 2753; 2-5161-63]
(10 February 2014). Polémique sur un campus féminin autour de la statue d’un homme en slip. Le Dauphiné libéré (newspaper) (Rhône-Alpes region) (Section unknown) (website) [0717]
(11 February 2014). Une statue en slip dérange dans un campus féminin ! (online store - men’s underwear) (Paris) (Section unknown) (website). [0725]
Peut-être que si son auteur l’avait vêtu d’un des sous-vêtements de la collection de, les étudiantes auraient été moins perturbé: [photo]
Ce slip Diesel de couleur bleu jeans lui aurait donné un look beaucoup plus viril et moderne avec sa ceinture cloutée ! Comment en avoir peur ?" [photo]
(13 February 2014). (Untitled article.) Presse Océan (Nantes, France) (Section unknown) (hard copy). (Mention.) [K1-003]

(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (ca. 8 photos and captions of offer) (Section unknown) (website) [2683]
(06 February 2014). USA: Nearly naked statue of man shocks women’s college. Ruptly TV (RT) (Berlin) (Video) (website; YouTube). [2284; 1062]
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية Ruptly TV (RT) ( (Berlin) (Video) (website). [2345]
(06 February 2014). Halb nackter "Schlafwandler" erschreckt Studentinnen. Huffington Post (German version) (Section unknown) (website). [2448]
(06 February 2014). HochschulPosse; Studentinnen wollen Schlafwandler vertreiben. Berliner Morgenpost (Berlin, Germany) (Mixed section) (website). [K1-066]
(06 February 2014). Hochschul-Posse; Studentinnen wollen Schlafwandler vertreiben. Welt Online (Germany) (Panorama section) (website). (Also, a 4-photo gallery with captions entitled "Der Halbnackte, der Studentinnen nervt" on the day was released.) [1424; K1-095; 2673]
(06 February 2014). Kunststreit am Frauen-College: Unterhosen-Statue stresst Studentinnen. Der Spiegel (Hamburg) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, there was a photo gallery (3 photos) entitled "Kunst am Frauen-College: Schlafwandler im Schnee" released on 06 February 2014.) [0841; 2675]
(06 February 2014). Studentinnen fühlen sich von Nackt-Schlafwandler belästigt. Focus (Munich) (Aus aller Welt section) (website). [2450]
(06 February 2014). Unterhosen-Statue stresst Studentinnen. ("in cooperation mit Speigel Online") (Internet portal - lifestyle-oriented) (Leben section) (website). [2680]
(06 February 2014). Unterhosen-Statue stresst Studentinnen. (Germany) ("in cooperation with Spiegel Online") (Email and news website) (Leben section). [2672]
(06 February 2014). Unterhosen-Statue stresst Studentinnen. ("in cooperation mit Speigel Online") (Internet portal) (Leben section) (website). [2680]
(ca. 06 February 2014). Bilder des Tages. Süddeutsche Zeitung (newspaper) (Munich) (Photo and caption in 198-photo gallery) (Leben section) (website) ([2677]
(07 February 2014). Umstrittener Herrenbesuch. Welt Kompakt (Germany) (Weather section) (hard copy). [K1-055]
(07 February 2014). Verstoßung eines HalbnacktenSchlafwandler in Unterhose verstört Studenten. Focus (Munich) (Photo and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [0564]
(07 February 2014). Wrap your mind around these quirky art pieces. (Finance section) (Photo and caption in 7-photo gallery) (website). [2671]
(ca. 08 February 2014). USA: Nackter Schlafwandler Verstört Studentinnen. (video) (Section unknown). [2-3463]
(12 February 2014). Bilder der Woche. Sächsische Zeitung (Dresden) (Photo and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [2447]
(ca. 15 February 2014). 6. Februar - Schlafwandler im Schnee. (Photo and caption in gallery) (Section unknown) (website). (Another photo and caption were included in the 31-photo gallery "Februar 2014: Die Wetterbilder" des Monats".) [2678-79]

(06 February 2014). Sculpture Exhibit At Wellesley College Causes A Stir : News Photo. Getty Images - Ireland (1 of ca. 9 images) (website). [2255]
(07 February 2014). Odd stories in the news. Press Association Mediapoint (United Kingdom and Ireland) (Section unknown) (website). (Mention). [K1-050]
Byrne, Shuki. (06 February 2014). Creepy statue of nearly-nude ’Sleepwalker’ is terrifying some students. Sunday World (Dublin) (Section unknown) (website). [0764]
(07 February 2014). Row over sculpture; IN BRIEF. Irish Independent (Ireland) (Business section) (hard copy). [K1-040]
Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy naked sleepwalker statue causes protests at Boston’s all-women Wellesley College. Irish Independent (Dublin) (Lifestyle section) (website). (Also, embedded video entitled "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college" on webpage in "Have you seen" section.) [0789; 2214]
(07 February 2014). QUIRKY WORLD ... A daily look at some of the world’s stranger stories. Irish Examiner (Cork, Ireland) (World stories section) (website and hard copy). (Mention.) [0816; K1-041]
(06 February 2014). Nearly-naked sleepwalker - creepy or crafty? (Cork, Ireland) (Section unknown) (website; as of 7 DEC 2021, now "Irish Examiner). [0120]
(ca. 06 February 2014). Creepy sleepwalking statue in US college gets the photoshop treatment. (Dublin) (high-traffic, men’s lifestyle site) (World Affairs section) (website). [1228]
(06 February 2014). This creepy statue of a man in his Y-fronts is freaking out college students. Daily Edge (Dublin) (Section unknown) (website). [1140]
(08 February 2014). The week in photos: Wonderland. (Dublin) (Photo and caption in 11-photo gallery) (Section unknown) (website). (Also photo, title and link to sister publication Daily Edge appears in their search structure.) [0812; 1330]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Sonnambulo artistico terrorizza il campus. (music news and video website) (based in Dublin, Ireland) (embedded video) (Section unknown). [2-3740]
(ca. 08 February 2014). The strangest thing... (Photo and caption in photo gallery) (Photos section) (website). [2254]
(06 February 2014). La scultura dell’uomo in mutande e altre foto del giorno. Panorama (weekly magazine) (8 photos and captions) (Foto section) (website). [2457]
(06 February 2014). Le foto del Giorno. Vanity Fair (Italy) (lifestle magazine) (section unknown) (website). [2508]
(06 February 2014). Massachusetts, un sonnambulo spaventa le studentesse. L43 ( (news website) (Milan) (Photo and caption in 1066-photo gallery) (website). [2493]
AFP. (ca. 06 February 2014). Usa, polemica sulla statua nel college: ’’Evoca gli stupri sulle donne’’. La Repubblica (Rome) (7-photo gallery) (website). (Also, La Repubblica-branded video entitled "Usa: polemiche per la statua del sonnambulo nel college femminile" was released on 07 February 2014.) [0821; 2499]
(07 February 2014). Sonnambulo artistico terrorizza il campus. (Naples) (news website) (video, photo and caption) (website) [2504]
(07 February 2014). Sonnambulo artistico terrorizza il campus. (internet services and news website) (Italy) (Embedded video and caption) (Video news - Curiosità section). (Also on the day, another video was released "Usa, polemiche per statua di sonnambulo in mutande fuori da campus" in their Video News -Esteri section). [2-3733; 2-5109]
(07 February 2014). Sonnambulo artistico terrorizza il campus. (internet services, news website, etc.) (Italy) (Embedded video) (News and sections). [2-3476; 2-3723]
(07 February 2014). Statua sonnambulo in mutande nel campus, polemiche: “Sembra uno stupratore”. ( (news website) (Rome) (BlitzTV section) (website) [2496]
(07 February 2014). Usa, studentesse contro statua sonnambulo in campus: evoca paura stupri. La Presse (news website) (Nord America section). (Also, another page with article text and embedded video with "LaPresse" branding, entitled " Usa, polemiche per statua di sonnambulo in mutande fuori da campus".) [2509; 2507]
LaPresse. (07 February 2014). Usa, polemiche per statua di sonnambulo in mutande fuori da campus. Corriere dell’Umbria (newspaper) (Perugia) ( (LaPresse branded video and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [2-5246]
La Presse/AP. (07 February 2014). Usa, studentesse contro statua sonnambulo in campus: evoca paura stupri. (Mondo section) (website). (Also, 7-photo gallery of Sleepwalker images on 05 February 2014 in Curiosità section entitled "L’inquietante apparizione del sonnambulo nudo". Similar photo gallery also in TV section. And undated photo and caption in 12-photo gallery entitled "Quando l’arte diventa provocazione" in their news section.) [2512; 2495; 2513; 2515]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas. (Italy) (Embedded video and caption) (Celebrity - Video & TV sections). [2-5278; 2-5282]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Sonnambulo artistico terrorizza il campus. (news website) (Italy) (Embedded video and caption) (Section unknown). [2-3470]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Sonnambulo artistico terrorizza il campus. (newspaper) (Bologna) (Embedded video and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [2-3727]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Usa, polemiche per statua di sonnambulo in mutande fuori da campus. Corriere Adriatico (newspaper) (Ancona) (Branded video and caption) (website). [2506]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Usa, polemiche per statua di sonnambulo in mutande fuori da campus. Il Messaggero (newspaper) (Rome) (Branded video and caption) (Società, Spettacoli e Cultural, and Sport sections) (website). [2492; 2-4995; 2-5103; 2-5247]
LaPresse. (09 February 2014). Arte: studentesse chiedono la rimozione della scultura “Sleepwalker” di Tony Metelli dal college. Tafter ("culture and development") (Rome) (Arte - news section) (website). [2505]
(ca. 10 February 2014). La statua di un uomo che cammina nella neve come uno zombie terrorizza il Wellesley College. (film information website) (Italy) (news section). [2-3742]
L’essentiel / AFP. (08 February 2014). La statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi. L’essential (Differdange, Luxembourg) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, 4-photo gallery with captions and title "Une statut d’un homme en slip fait scandale".) [0685; 2272]
L’essentiel. (10 February 2014). Halbnackter Mann sorgt an Schule für Zoff. L’essentiel (Luxembourg) (Panorama section) (website). (Also, 4-photo gallery with captions and title "Unbeliebte Schlafwandler-Statue bei Mädchenschule".) [0374; 2271]
Schembri, Gabriel. (06 February 2014). Ritratti: ‘Raġel’ jispiċċa ffriżat waqt ħmar il-lejl. (news website) (Malta) (International section). [2262]
Associated Press. (07 February 2014). World briefs: Sleepwalking sculpture ‘is pants’. The Times (Valleta, Malta) (World news section) (website). [0815]
The Netherlands

Darren McCollester / Boston Globe. (06 February 2014.) Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (10+ images and captions on offer). [4673]
(07 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas. (video news distributor) (Amsterdam) (Portuguese language - Brazil) (Video with caption) (Section unknown) (website; YouTube). [2802; 2-5324]
(07 February 2014). Petitie tegen halfnaakte man op Amerikaanse campus. (video news distributor) (Amsterdam) (Dutch language) (Video with caption) (website; YouTube). [2686; 2-5325]
(07 February 2014). Sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US campus. (video news distributor) (Amsterdam) (English language - UK) (Video with caption) (website; YouTube). [2-5326; 2-5102]
(07 February 2014). Sonnambulo artistico terrorizza il campus. (video news distributor) (Amsterdam) (Italian language) (Video with caption) (website; YouTube). [2-3744; 2-3473]
(ca. 07 February 2014). Sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US campus. (Embedded video and caption) (Amazing section). [2-5336]
(11 February 2014). Estatua de hombre en ropa interior causa furor en EEUU. (video news distributor) (Amsterdam) (Spanish language) (Video with caption) (website; YouTube). [5094; 2-5327]
(06 February 2014). Beeld van slaapwandelaar laat vrouwen schrikken. Linda (Pop culture) (The Netherlands) (Snacks section) (website). [K6-006]
(06 February 2014). Slaapwandelende man. Beeld jaagt vrouwen schrik aan. NRC - NEXT (The Netherlands) (Knowledge section) (website and hard copy). [1499; K1-086]
(06 February 2014; Updated 07 February 2014). Studentes in VS bang voor beeld van halfnaakte slaapwandelaar. (news website) (The Netherlands) (Remarkable section). [K6-004]
(ca. 06 February 2014). Dit slaapwandelende standbeeld wil niemand tegenkomen. (high-traffic art / design website) (The Netherlands) (Section unknown). [K6-001]
(ca. 06 February 2014). Studentes in VS vrezen halfnaakt beeld van slaapwandelaar. (news website) (The Netherlands) (General section) (website). (Also on 07 February 2014, they released an embedded video with caption with article title "Petitie tegen halfnaakte man op Amerikaanse campus".) [2811; K6-009; 2684]
Ensing, Merlijn. (06 February 2014). De engste slaapwandelaar ooit? (newspaper) (pop culture) (The Netherlands) (Boundless section) (website). [K6-003]
(07 February 2014). Petitie tegen halfnaakte man op Amerikaanse campus. (ethnic-focused news website) (Amsterdam) (Embedded video with caption) (Foreign section) (website). [2689]
(07 February 2014). Petitie tegen halfnaakte man op Amerikaanse campus. Noordhollands Dagblad (newspaper) (Alkmaar, NL) (Embedded branded video with caption) (Foreign section) (website). [2685]
(07 February 2014). Petitie tegen halfnaakte man op Amerikaanse campus. (part of network) (Embedded video with caption) (website). [2526]
Van Beusekom, Janneke. (07 February 2014). Petitie tegen halfnaakte man op Amerikaanse campus. IJmuider Courant (newspaper) (Haarlem, NL) (Embedded video with caption) (Foreign section) (website). [2687]
Van Beusekom, Janneke. (07 February 2014). Petitie tegen halfnaakte man op Amerikaanse campus. Leidsch Dagblad (newspaper) (Leiden, NL) (Embedded video with caption) (Foreign section) (website). [2688]
(10 February 2014). Slaapwandelende man zorgt voor ophef op campus. Kunstbeeld (art magazine) (The Netherlands) (News section) (website) . [K6-002]
(11 February 2014). Weinig bedekkend standbeeld niet welkom. Metro (newspaper) (The Netherlands) (News section) (hard copy). (Paragraph-long article.) [K1-017]
(17 February 2014). Standbeeld halfnaakte man jaagt studentes stuipen op het lijf. (higher education students website) (The Netherlands) (News section) (website). [K6-005]

(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (USA) (ca. 8 photos and captions on offer) (website). [2433]
Torgersen, Hans O. (05 February 2014). Kampanje mot skulptur av mann i underbukse. Aftenposten (national newspaper) (Oslo) (Section unknown) (website). [2446]
(06 February 2014). Denne mannen skremmer vettet av folk. VG (newspaper) (News report on branded video) (Oslo) (Section unknown section) (website). [2429]
(06 February 2014). Denne «søvngjengeren» skaper trøbbel ved kvinne-college. Dagbladet (newspaper) (Oslo) (Also, embedded dbTV video report - see above) (Nyheter section) (website). (On both their and domains.) [2427; 2428]
Schjetlein, Miriam. (06 February 2014). Underbuksemannen gir «ekle følelser». ABC Nyheter (newspaper) (with embedded video) (Oslo) (Culture section) (website). [2430]
Thue, Karen. (06 February 2014). Søvngjenger skremmer studiner i USA. Hegnar (women’s focus) (Oslo) (Section unknown) (website). [2431]
Schjetlein, Mirjam. (06 February 2014). Underbuksemannen gir «ekle følelser». (Includes embedded report on video by ABC Nyheter) (website). [2434]
Stakkestad, Margaret. (09 February 2014). Ukens blinkskudd. TV2 (Photo and caption in 14-photo gallery) (website). [2432]

(06 february 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (ca. 9 photos and captions on offer) (website). [2715]
(06 February 2014). Estátua hiper-realista de homem nu assusta nos EUA. Diário Digital (Portugal) (Sociedade section) (website). [0929]
(06 february 2014). Escultura de homem nu causa embaraço em universidade. Noticias ao Minuto (Very high-traffic news website) (Cascais, Portugal) (Cultura section) (website). [2280]
(06 february 2014). Estátua de homem seminu causa polémica em universidade só para mulheres. TSF Rádio Notícias (News radio) (Lisbon) (Vida section) (website). [2713]
(06 February 2014). Homem em cuecas traz desconforto a universidade feminina. Fancy (News/lifestyle website) (Portugal) (3 photos) (Actualidade section) (website). [2710]
Henriques, Ana Maria. (06 February 2014). Escultura de homem em cuecas causa furor em universidade. Público (national newspaper) (Lisbon) (Culture section) (website). [2711]
Oliveira, Tiago. (06 February 2014). Universidade em furor por causa da escultura de um homem em cuecas. Expresso (newspaper) (Portugal) (website). [1497]
Henriques, Ana Maria. (07 February 2014). Escultura de homem em cuecas causa furor em universidade. Journalismo Porto Net (JPN) (University of Porto communications and journalism website magazine) (Porto, Portugal) (Opinião Impressa section) (website). [2712]
(ca. 26 February 2014). O tempo em imagens: Fevereiro de 2014. (Portugal) (1 photo in 31 photos gallery) (Galleries section) (website). [2714]
(06 February 2014). La estatua que revoluciona un campus femenino en EEUU. Telecinco (Tele 5) (TV station) (Madrid, Spain) (International section) (website). [2463]
(06 February 2014). Una escultura d’un home en roba interior espanta un campus femení. Televisió de Catalunya: TV3 (Barcelona) (Video and paragraph) (Programació section) (website). [2757]
Agencias. (06 February 2014). La estatua que revoluciona un campus femenino en EEUU. (TV network) (Spain) (Noticias section) (website). [2-5312]
(07 February 2014). Recogen firmas para que retiren la estatua de ’el sonámbulo’ del campus de Boston. antena 3 (national TV channel) (Cultura section) (website). (Also, on the day a TV broadcast on Antena 3 Noticias news program) (YouTube).[2771; 5088]
(06 February 2014). Una escultura d’un home en roba interior espanta un campus femení. (Portal including Channel 3 Catalunya and Catalunya radio) (With embedded Channel 3 Catalonia-branded video) (Societat section) (website). [2756] (07 February 2014). Recogen firmas para que retiren la estatua de ’el sonámbulo’ del campus de Boston. Radio Ondacero (National radio station) (News section) (website). [2775]
(07 February 2014). Polémica en un campus universitario por la escultura ’El sonámbulo’. Ideal (newspaper) (Peligros, Granada) (Más Actualidad section) (website). [2776]
AFP. (07 February 2014). Una universidad femenida de EE.UU., indignada con la escultura de un hombre semidesnudo. ABC (newspaper) (Madrid) (With embedded branded video) (Sociedad section) (website). [2774]
(ca. 10 February 2014). Las imágenes de la semana. Diario de Mallorca (newspaper) (Palma de Mallorca) (1 photo and caption in 24 photos gallery) (Multimedia section) (website). [2767]
(ca. 10 February 2014). Las imágenes de la semana. Faro de Vigo (newspaper) (Vigo, Spain) (1 photo and caption in 24 photos gallery) (Multimedia section) (website). [2765]
(ca. 10 February 2014). Las imágenes de la semana. Información (newspaper) (Alicante) (1 photo and caption in 24 photos gallery) (Multimedia section) (website). [2766]
(ca. 10 February 2014). Las imágenes de la semana. La Opinión A Coruña Mallorca (newspaper) (A Coruña) (1 photo and caption in 24 photos gallery) (Multimedia section) (website). [2768]
(ca. 10 February 2014). Las imágenes de la semana. La Opinión de Málaga (newspaper) (Málaga) (1 photo and caption in 24 photos gallery) (Multimedia section) (website). [2770]
(ca. 10 February 2014). Las imágenes de la semana. La Opinión de Tenerife (newspaper) (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) (1 photo and caption in 24 photos gallery) (Multimedia section) (website). [2777]
(ca. 10 February 2014). Las imágenes de la semana. La Opinión - El Correo de Zamora (newspaper) (Zamora) (1 photo and caption in 24 photos gallery) (Multimedia section) (website). [2772]
(ca. 10 February 2014). Las imágenes de la semana. La Nueva España (newspaper) (Oviedo) (1 photo and caption in 24 photos gallery) (Multimedia section) (website). [2778]
(ca. 10 February 2014). Las imágenes de la semana. La Provincia (newspaper) (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain) (1 photo and caption in 24 photos gallery) (Multimedia section) (website). [2764]
(ca. 10 February 2014). Las imágenes de la semana. Levante-El Mercantil Valenciano (newspaper) (Valencia, Spain) (1 photo and caption in 24 photos gallery) (Multimedia section) (website). [2763]
(05 February 2014). La foto del día. Yahoo! España (News section) (Photo and caption in 323-photo gallery). (website). (Photo and caption in 323-photo gallery in Tendencias section and in Finanzas section. Also a photo and caption in a 500-photo gallery entitled "Insólitas" released ca. 15 February 2014.) [2759; 2761-62; 2-5328]
(06 February 2014). Una escultura d’un home en roba interior espanta un campus femení. (Portal including Channel 3 Catalunya; Catalunya radio) (Barcelona) (With embedded Channel 3 Catalonia-branded video) (Societat section) (website). [2758]
Berrocal, Jordi. (06 February 2014. Un tipo en calzoncillos está aterrorizando a las universitarias americanas. Playground Magazine (music focus) (Barcelona) (News - Curiosidades section) (website). [2779]
Mister Quid. (06 February 2014). A realistic sculpture of a sleepwalker in his underwear is terrifying students. (arts website) (Nice, France) (Blog section) (website). [2781]
(07 February 2014). ¿Son humanos o esculturas? Las mejores obras hiperrealistas. (Internet portal) (Photo and caption in 31-photo gallery) (Entretenimiento and Cultura section) (website). [2769]
RT. (07 February 2014). ’Sonámbulo’ semidesnudo provoca rechazo en la Universidad de Boston. Sign of the Times ( ("Independent unbiased alternative news") (Section unknown) (website). [2773]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas. (Spain) (Embedded video and caption) (Cine & TV - Videos sections). [2-5286; 2-5281]
Montanez, Rafa. (13 February 2014). El acoso del hiperrealismo: ‘The Sleepwalker’. MalaTínta magazine (art, design and creative pop culture website) (Spain) (Section unknown) (website). [2760]

(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (ca. 8 photos and captions on offer) (website). [2444]
(06 February 2014). Avklädd staty upprör. TV4 (Sweden) (Embedded video) (News and debate section) (website). [2438]
Epstein, Mimmi. (06 February 2014). Nakenstaty utanför högskola upprör. Metro (newspaper) (Stockholm) (3-photo gallery) (Section unknown) (website). [2440]
Granlund, John. (06 February 2014). Avklädd sömngångare väcker rädslor i USA. Aftonbladet (newspaper) (Stockholm) (Also, 6-photo gallery) (News section) (website). [2443]
Holender, Robert. (06 February 2014). ”Sömngångare” väcker uppståndelse i USA. Dagens Nyheter (newspaper) (Stockholm) (World section) (website). [2442]
(07 February 2014). Frusen man-staty orsakar protest. Svenska Dagbladet (newspaper) (Stockholm) (Section unknown) (website). [2525]
(07 february 2014). ’Uyurgezer’ heykeli üniversiteyi karıştırdı! Ísveç Postasi (News website) (Sweden) (Section unknown). [2441]
Andersson, Sofia. (08 February 2014). Elever rasar mot naken sömngångare. Göteborgs-Posten (newspaper) (Goteborg, Sweden) (World section) (website). [2439]

(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (ca. 9 photos and captions on offer) (Section unknown) (website). [1852]
(06 February 2014). Unterhosen-Statue stresst Studentinnen. GMX Schweitz ("in cooperation with Spiegel Online") (Email and news website) (lifestyle section). [2563]
AFP/Le Matin. (07 February 2014). L’homme en slip qui choque les filles de l’uni. Le Matin (newspaper) (Lausanne) (Société section) (website). [0706]
(08 February 2014). Unterhosen-Mann an Schule sorgt für Zoff. 20 minuten (newspaper) (Switzerland) (Panorama section) (website) [2562]
AFP. (08 February 2014). La statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi. 20 minutes (newspaper) (Section unknown) (Lausanne) (website). [0682]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Statue eines Schlafwandlers erregt bei Studentinnen Anstoss. (part of Swisscom, telecommunications provider) (News section) (website). [2560]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Une statue de somnambule effraie des étudiantes. (part of Swisscom, telecommunications provider) (News section) (website). [2564]
Whittaker, Francis. (ca. 26 February 2014). Februar 2014: Die Wetterbilder des Monats. (1 photo and caption in 31-photo gallery) (News - Art and culture section) (website) [2561]
Whittaker, Francis. (ca. 27 February 2014). Les plus belles photos météo du mois. (1 photo and caption in 31-photo gallery) (News - Art and culture section) (website) [2565]
United Kingdom

(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (8+ photos and captions) (website). [1846]
(07 February 2014). Odd stories in the news. Press Association Mediapoint (United Kingdom and Ireland) (Section unknown) (website). (Mention). [K1-050]
(ca. 15 February 2014) Surreal art. (Photo and caption in 36-photo gallery) (Section unknown) (website) [2555]
(06 February 2014). Half-naked man statue scares female college students. ITV News (national) (World - USA section) (website). [0754]
(06 February 2014). Patung zombie heboh di kampus AS. BBC - Indonesia (TV broadcaster) (Majalah section) (website). [2559]
(06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما BBC - Arabic (Section unknown) (website). [2341]
(07 February 2014). Sleepwalker statue at US campus awakens art debate. BBC News (national) (US and Canada section). [0099]
(07 February 2014). ’Sonâmbulo de cuecas’ provoca susto em campus dos EUA. BBC - Brasil (includes BBC Brasil report on video) (Video e fotos section) [2-5287]
(07 February 2014). Üniversite kampüsünde çıplak bir adam BBC - Turkish (included embedded BBC Türkçe report on video) (Multimedya section) (website; YouTube). [2-5293; 2-5295]
(07 February 2014). US sleepwalker statue sparks college petition. BBC News (national) (US and Canada section). [1347]
(07 February 2014). US sleepwalker statue sparks college petition. BBC (BBC branded video with no presenter) (Section unknown) (YouTube). [2-5105]
Morris, Mark. (07 February 2014). Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college ITN News (TV program) (Video of TV news report - See above) (And Finally section) (website; YouTube) [2208; 5081]
(09 February 2014). Студентки не в восторге от скульптуры неодетого мужчины. BBC - Russian (including BBC Russian report on video) (Видео и аудио section). [2-5304]
McQueeney, Kerry. (06 February 2014). Students demand sleepwalker sculpture is removed over ‘sexual assault’ fears. Metro (UK) (Section unknown) (website). [0124]
Krishnan, Joe. (06 February 2014). Creepy naked sleepwalker statue causes protests at Boston’s all-women Wellesley College. The Independent (UK) (Student - news section) (website, plus Independent video; hard copy: front page section). [0106; K2-006]
Blundy, Rachel. (06 February 2014). The most lifelike - and creepy - statue you will ever see: US students campaign to have half-naked sleepwalker removed. Evening Standard (UK) (News section) (website and hard copy). [0125; K1-091]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Daily Mail (UK) (Wires home section) (website). [0041]
Daily Mail Reporter. (05 February 2014). Put some pants on! Incredibly realistic statue of man sleepwalking in his underwear causes a stir at all-female Wellesley College. Daily Mail (UK) (News section) (website). Plus DM video. [0011]
(07 February 2014). A statue of a man [...]. Western Daily Press (West Country) (News section) (hard copy). [K1-056]
(07 February 2014). ’Creepy’ half-naked statue appears at US college. The Telegraph (Includes Telegraph-branded video) (News section) (website). (Also, a photo and caption was included in their "Pictures of the day: 6 February 2014" gallery, and also in their "The week in pictures: 7 February 2014".) [2550; 2553; 2551]
(07 February 2014). Pants art piece "triggers fear"; weird WORLD. Daily Post (North Wales) (News section) (hard copy). [K1-034]
BBC. (07 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما. (news website) (London, England) (Section unknown). [2-2389]
Binns, Daniel. (07 February 2014). A piece by Pantony Gormley?; It may not be the Angel of the North but it’s attracting plenty of attention... Metro (UK) (News section) (hard copy). [K1-044]
Daily Mail Reporter. (07 February 2014). Sculptor who created incredibly realistic statue of naked sleepwalking man says it was meant to elicit sympathy. Daily Mail (News section) (website). [0788]
Burrow, Ben. (07 February 2014). Meet the sleepwalking sculpture of man in UNDERPANTS who is scaring female students. Daily Mirror (London) (News / Weird news / Art sections) (website). [0795]
Engineer, Cyrus. (07 February 2014). Naked sleepwalking man sculpture slammed for triggering ’fears of sexual assault’. Daily Star (London) (News section) (website). [0878]
Pavia, Will. (07 February 2014). Meet the college creep that sparked row at all-woman college. The Times (London) (US & Americas News section) (website). [1045]
(09 February 2014). Sculpture is "pants". Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, UK) (News section) (hard copy). (Mention.) [K1-021]
(10 February 2014). Przerażająca rzeźba— półnagi lunatyk straszy studentów. Polish Express (United Kingdom) (News section) (website). [K5-001]
Filipovic, Jill. (11 February 2014.) Let’s unpack the debate over a nearly-naked man statue at a women’s college. The Guardian (Comment is Free section) (website). [0676]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. (News - World section) (website). (Also, another webpage with embedded video by entitled "Sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US campus" in their "Oddly Enough" section.) (Also, a photo and caption included in their UK & Ireland Sport section entitled "A statue by Tony Matelli titled ’Sleepwalker’ stands in the snow on …" Another photo and caption in a photo gallery in their Cars section.) [0964; 1502; 2548-49]
(06 February 2014). Picture of the Day: Sleepwalking in the snow. Asian Image (Blackburn, England) (News section) (hard copy). (Mention.) [1510; K1-062]
(06 February 2014). Sleepwalker statue scares students. Orange UK (mobile network operator and internet service provider) (News section) (website). [0148]
Bacchi, Umberto. (06 February 2014). Statue of nearly-naked sleepwalker divides US women’s college. International Business Times (UK) (Weird world section) (website). (Also, on 06 February 2014, they released the article "Hot shots photos of the day", a 17-photo gallery, including image and caption of Sleepwalker.) [0744; 2557]
Pellatt, Corey. (06 February 2014). This half-naked sculpture is drawing protests at an all-female college. SQ (United Kingdom) (youth culture publication) (website). [2468]
Brewer, David. (07 February 2014). This Week’s Top PR Campaigns - 7th February 2014. Energy PR website. ( (Holwell, Burford, Oxfordshire) (Blog section) (website). [2-2558]
Butler, Mark. (07 Febuary 2014). Life-like ‘man in pants’ sculpture terrifies students on university campus. Wow 24/7 ( (Edinburgh-based, UK-wide) (Localized events and entertainment guide) (Art - News - Photos section) (website). [2-2556]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college" (video); "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley" (video by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" (video by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College" (video); "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation" (video of WCVB TV Boston news report); "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus" (video by HuffPost Live). (Videos and "on" sections) (website) [2124; 2072; 2-2221; 2-2213; 2-5173-76; 2-5208-13]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college" (video); "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV Boston news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live). and (Video sections). [2-2225; 2-2243; 2-5220-31]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college" (video); "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation (video of WCVB TV Boston news report)"; "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live). (Cars section; Cars - latest section; and Cars - reviews section) (website) [2-1987; 2053; 2145; 2016; 2146; 2074; 2-2230; 2-2240; 2-5177-89]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college"; "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley" (video by HuffPost Live); "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College" (video); "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation" (video of WCVB TV Boston news report); "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus" (video) (by HuffPost Live). (website). [2048; 2159; 2-5190-95]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college" (video); "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley" (video by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" (video by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College" (video); "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus" (video) (by HuffPost Live); "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation" (video of WCVB TV Boston news report). (website). [2-2236; 2-5196-5201]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college" (video); "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley" (video by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" (video by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College" (video); "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus" (video) (by HuffPost Live); "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation" (video of WCVB TV Boston news report). (website). [2-2242; 2-5202-07]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college" (video); "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley" (video by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" (video by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College" (video); "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus" (video) (by HuffPost Live); "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation" (video of WCVB TV Boston news report). (Video section) website). [2-2237; 2-5214-19]
(ca. 05-08 February 2014). "Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college" (video); "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley" (video by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus" (video by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (by HuffPost Live); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College" (video); "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus" (video) (by HuffPost Live); "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation" (video of WCVB TV Boston news report). (Video and Lifestyle - video sections) (website). [2-5232-45]
(ca. 06 February 2014). Boston students complain about half-naked sculpture. HUH. magazine (London) (Art & Design section) (website). [0793]
ITN. (07 February 2014). Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college. (embedded video report) (News section) (website). (Same video also in their Video section.) [2211; 2216]
(08 February 2014). Pathetic students are scared of this nearly naked man statue. Anorak (London) (high-traffic blog) (Section unknown) (website). [1048]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas. (UK & Ireland) (Embedded video and caption) (Celebrity - Video section). [2-5277]
K. Sleepwalker media coverage in Central & Eastern Europe and Turkey

More, more news coverage as we move east.
See the coverage
For rough foreign language translations, see Google translate.
(06 February 2014). Një statujë e zhveshur që tremb studentët! 77News (newspaper) (Tirana) (Section unknown) (website) [2303]
(06 February 2014). Statuja që ngjalli polemika… po ju si do reagonit me burrin e zhveshur para shkollës? IDEA (news website with environmental orientation) (Tirana) (Section unknown) (website). [2301]
(06 February 2014). Statuja lakuriqe që shkaktoi trishtim te studentët. (news website) (Tirana) (Section unknown) (website). [2305]
(06 February 2014). Statuja që tremb studentët. Shekulli (newspaper) (Tirana) (Soft section) (website). [2299]
(06 February 2014). “Vish një palë pantallona për hir të Zotit”. Tema (newspaper) (Tirana) (lifestyle section) (website). [2298]
(06 February 2014). Американские студентки выступили против скульптуры голого лунатика. (news website) (Culture section). (Other articles were released: "Boston Globe: ’Лунатик’ вызвал переполох в женском колледже в США" (06 February 2014); "Студенты потребовали демонтировать жуткий памятник лунатику" (07 February 2014); "Американские студенты потребовали убрать памятник полуголому лунатику" (07 February 2014); "Скульптура: Заснеженный лунатик в студенческом городке: смелая скульптура Tony Matelli" (15 February 2014); "Феминистки выступили против «сексистского» концерта Робина Тика" (22 February 2014, mentioned in article with Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams); "Живая статуя мужчины вызвала неоднозначную реакцию зрителей" (26 February 2014); "Скульптура лунатика пугает студентов университета" (04 March 2014). [2527-34] (07 february 2014). Студенты потребовали демонтировать жуткий памятник лунатику. (News website) (Mogilev, Belarus) (Section unknown). [2536]
(07 February 2014). Студенты потребовали демонтировать жуткий памятник лунатику. (News website) (Culture section). [2535]
(07 February 2014). Студенты потребовали демонтировать жуткий памятник лунатику. (Internet portal) (Belarus) (Section unknown) (website) [2501]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Лунатик своим появление на улице возмутил девушек. (computer services company) (Belarus) (News section) (website). [2537]
(10 February 2014). «Лунатик» стал звездой Instagram. (radio station) (Moscow) (Новости section) (website). (Broadcasting in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates.) [2-3736]
Bosnia and Herzegovina
(06 February 2014). Jezivi čovjek u gaćama na snijegu sije strah u Bostonu. (News website) (Sarajevo) (Sve Vijesti section) (website). [2314]
(06 February 2014). Muškarac koji na sebi nema ništa osim donjeg veša izazvao zaprepaštenje. (News website) (Sarajevo) (Section unknown). [2313]
(06 February 2014). Muškarac koji na sebi nema ništa osim donjeg veša izazvao zaprepaštenje. (News website) (Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina) (Magazin section) (website). [2317]
(06 February 2014). Studenti ostali u šoku kada su ga ugledali ELTA (national TV channel) (Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina) (Section unknown) (website). [2318]
(06 February 2014). Studenti ostali u šoku kada su ga ugledali... (News website) (Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina) (Section unknown) (website) [2316]
(06 February 2014). Studenti ostali u šoku kada su ga ugledali. (News website) (Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina) (Fun corner section) (website). [2315]

(06 February 2014). Sleepwalker statue at US campus awakens art debate. Focus News Agency (Sofia, Bulgaria) (Beyond belief section) (website). [3485]
(06 February 2014). Американски колежанки стресирани от скулптура на полугол мъж. (Art news portal) (Bulgaria) (World section) (website). [2538]
(06 February 2014). Статуя на сомнамбул плаши студенти в Масачузетс. ПРЕСА Daily (News portal) (Bulgaria) (World section) (website). [2540]
(09 February 2014). Лунатик тормози и забавлява колежанки. Монитор (News portal) (Bulgaria) (Section unknown) (website). [2539]
(06 February 2014). Jezivi šetač prestravio studente. (News website) (Zagreb) (Black section). (Article also in the following website sections: Auto, Like, Sport and Xmag.) [2324-28]
(06 February 2014). «Γυμνός υπνοβάτης» προκαλεί αντιδράσεις σε κολέγιο θηλέων. Antenna Cyprus (media/news/publishing) (Nicosia) ( (Παράξενα section). [2-2625]
(06 February 2014). Σπέρνει το φόβο: Γυμνός υπνοβάτης… στο προαύλιο κολλεγίου θηλέων! Βίντεο. Αρχική ( (Cyprus) (Παράξενα section) (website). [2609]
(06 February 2014). Ο γυμνός υπνοβάτης στο χιόνι που προκαλεί τους φοιτητές. (news website) (Nicosia) (Παράξενες Ειδήσεις section) (website). [2600]
(06 February 2014). «Γυμνός υπνοβάτης» προκαλεί αντιδράσεις σε κολέγιο θηλέων. (ANT1 FM Cyprus) (102.7 and 103.7 FM) (Παράξενα section) (website). [2606] (06 February 2014). Ο γυμνός υπνοβάτης στο χιόνι που προκαλεί τους φοιτητές. Socialista ( (women-oriented website) (Cyprus) (Section unknown) (website). [2601]
(07 February 2014). Έρχεται να σκανδαλίσει κολέγιο θηλέων. ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ (newspaper and radio) ( (Nicosia, Cyprus) (Ειδήσεις section) (website). [2608]
(07 February 2014). Ένας «γυμνός υπνοβάτης» έρχεται να σκανδαλίσει κολέγιο θηλέων. Philenews ( (newspaper) (Nicosia, Cyprus) (ΕΥΡΩΕΚΛΟΓΕΣ section) (website) [2605] (08 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (Greek internet radio network) (Athens - Thessaloniki - Nicosia, Cyprus) (Section unknown). [2-2624]
(10 February 2014). Το άγαλμα που τρομοκρατεί ένα κολέγιο θηλέων. Astra Radio ( (Cyprus) (92.8 FM) (Ειδήσεις section) (website). [2607]
Czech Republic
(06 February 2014). Лунатик своим появление на улице возмутил девушек. Novosti.Respublika.CZ (news website or newspaper) (Prague) (Section unknown) (website) [3764]
(08 February 2014). Skoro nahý náměsíčník děsí studentky v USA. ČT24 (Česká televize) (Culture section) (website) (Also embedded news report by this TV station). [0822] (08 February 2014). Skoro nahý náměsíčník děsí studentky v USA. (News website) (Photo and caption). [2270]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Pildid ja video: naiskolledži õpilased nõuavad aluspükstes uneskõndija kuju eemaldamist. (Tallinn) (section unknown) (website). [2475]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Pildid ja video: naiskolledži õpilased nõuavad aluspükstes uneskõndija kuju eemaldamist. elu24 - (Tallinn) (section unknown) (website). [2476]

(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (8+ photos and captions) (website). [1845]
(10 February 2014). Hämmentävän aito patsas herättää kauhua, IL-TV (Finland) (IL-TV video and caption) (IL-TV section) (website). [2473]
(05 February 2014). Γυμνός υπνοβάτης σοκάρει φοιτητές κολεγίου -Ο άντρας που ενόχλησε με το εσώρουχό του. (news website) (Athens) (ΖΩΗ section). [2-2667]
(06 February 2014). Ο γυμνός υπνοβάτης που κόβει βόλτες σε σχολή θηλέων. (sports website) (Greece) (Section unknown). [2-2614]
(06 February 2014). Ένας «γυμνός υπνοβάτης» έρχεται να σκανδαλίσει κολέγιο θηλέων. (news/media website) (Patras, Greece) (Section unknown). [2-2657]
(06 february 2014). Ένας «γυμνός υπνοβάτης» έρχεται να σκανδαλίσει κολέγιο θηλέων. (news/media website) (Vólos, Greece) (ΔΙΕΘΝΗ section). [2-2616]
(06 February 2014). Ένας «γυμνός υπνοβάτης» έρχεται να σκανδαλίσει κολέγιο θηλέων. (news and lifestyle website) (Athens) (News section). [2-2649]
(06 February 2014). Και όμως είναι άγαλμα.Δείτε φωτό. (news website) (Kos, Greece) (Κόσμος section). [2-2650]
(06 February 2014). Ο «Υπνοβάτης» που σοκάρει. LIFO (news / media website) (Athens) ( (Section unknown). [2-2654]
(06 february 2014). Τι κάνει αυτός ο άντρας γυμνός μέσα στο κρύο. (news/media website) (Greece) (Article with embedded One Minute News video) (Section unknown). [2-2617]
(06 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (news website) (Athens area) (Κόσμος section). [2-2623]
(06 February 2014). «Γυμνός υπνοβάτης» σκανδαλίζει κολέγιο θηλέων. (sports website) (Greece) (Sports section). [2-2640]
(06 February 2014). Σπέρνει το φόβο: Γυμνός υπνοβάτης… στο προαύλιο κολλεγίου θηλέων! Star Channel (TV network) (Greece) (Title and embedded One Minute News video; also photo and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [2-2613]
(06 February 2014). Μασαχουσέτη: Ενας «γυμνός υπνοβάτης» σκανδαλίζει κολέγιο θηλέων. (newspaper) (Athens) (Κόσμος section) (website). [2622]
(06 February 2014). ΗΠΑ: Αντιδράσεις προκαλεί το άγαλμα «Υπνοβάτης». ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΟΣ (newspaper) (Vólos) ( (ΔΙΕΘΝΗ section) (website). [2-2637]
(06 February 2014). Ένα γυμνό γλυπτό προκαλεί τρόμο στις γυναίκες! (health/wellness website) (Greece) (Section unknown). [2-2669]
(06 February 2014). Ένας «γυμνός υπνοβάτης» έρχεται να σκανδαλίσει κολέγιο θηλέων. (news website) (Location unknown) (Section unknown). [2-2638]
(06 february 2014). Κι όμως… Αυτό που βλέπετε δεν είναι άνθρωπος! (newspaper) (Athens) (ΑΡΧΙΚΗ section) (website). [2-2619]
(06 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (lifestyle / entertainment website) (Greece) (Κοσμος section). [2-2656]
(06 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (TV information website) (Greece) (Section unknown). [2-2643]
BBC. (06 February 2014). ΗΠΑ: Αντιδράσεις προκαλεί το άγαλμα «Υπνοβάτης». ( (newspaper) (Athens) (ΑΛΛΗ ΟΨΗ section) (website). [2620] (06 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (News section) (website). [2648] (06 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός. (local blog news / media website) (Section unknown). [2-2630] (06 February 2014). Γυμνός υπνοβάτης σπέρνει το φόβο στο προαύλιο κολεγίου θηλέων! (news website) (Greece) (ΚΟΣΜΟΣ section). [2-2645]
(07 February 2014). «Υπνοβάτης» τρομοκρατεί φοιτήτριες σε κολέγιο. ANT1 News (TV network) ( (Athens) (Παράξενα section). [2-2629]
(07 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (news website) (Greece) (Section unknown). [2-5261]
(07 February 2014). Κι όμως… Αυτό που βλέπετε δεν είναι άνθρωπος! (news-oriented website) (Athens) (Plus section). [2-2636]
(07 February 2014). Κι όμως… Αυτό που βλέπετε δεν είναι άνθρωπος! (news and tourism website) (ΔΙΑΦΟΡΑ section). [2-2658]
(07 February 2014). Το άγαλμα που τρομοκρατεί ένα κολέγιο θηλέων. (news website) (Greece) (section unknown). [2618]
(07 February 2014). Το άγαλμα που τρομοκρατεί ένα κολέγιο θηλέων. (news website) (Athens area) (Περιφερειακά section). [2-2653] (07 February 2014). Ένας ...γυμνός υπνοβάτης έρχεται να σκανδαλίσει κολέγιο θηλέων. 24wpo (pop culture-oriented website) (Greece) ( (Section unknown). [2-2628]
Nooz. (07 February 2014). Το άγαλμα που τρομοκρατεί ένα κολέγιο θηλέων. CEBIL (news website) ( (Greece) (Section unknown). (07 February 2014). Κι όμως… Αυτό που βλέπετε δεν είναι άνθρωπος! (news website) (Aridaia, Greece) (ΔΙΑΦΟΡΑ section). [2-2633]
(08 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (news/media website) (Greece) (Section unknown). [2-2655] (08 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (news / media website) (Greece) (Section unknown). [2-5262] (08 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (Greek internet radio network) (Athens - Thessaloniki - Nicosia, Cyprus) (Section unknown). [2-2624] (08 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (Greek internet music radio) (Athens) (NEA unknown). [2-2635] (08 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (internet radio station) (Athens) (Section unknown). [2-2639] (08 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (online radio portal) (Greece) (Section unknown). [2-2642] (08 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (news/media website) (Greece) (Section unknown). [2-5260] (08 February 2014). Κι όμως… Αυτό που βλέπετε δεν είναι άνθρωπος! (news website) (Greece) (Real Life section). [2-2652]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Ημίγυμνο ζόμπι τρομοκρατεί φοιτητές. (entertainment section) (Includes 5-photo gallery) (Athens) (Art Gallery section). [2-2627]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Ένας «γυμνός υπνοβάτης» έρχεται να σκανδαλίσει κολέγιο θηλέων. (online radio stations) (Messinia, Greece) (Section unknown). [2-2641]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Κι όμως… Αυτός ο άνθρωπος, δεν είναι άνθρωπος! (news/media website) (Greece) (Section unknown). [2-2631]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. Skai Patras (news and radio website) (Achaia) ( (Section unknown). [2-5257]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Υπογραφές για την απομάκρυνση ενός… υπνοβάτη. (newspaper) (Filiatra, Greece) (Fun & Bizarre section) (website). [2632]
(ca. 08 February 2014). «Γυμνός υπνοβάτης» σκανδαλίζει κολέγιο θηλέων. (news website) (Amarousion, Greece) (Πρωτοσέλιδα section). [2-2615]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Παραξενα :: «Γυμνός υπνοβάτης» σκανδαλίζει κολέγιο θηλέων. (news website) (Athens, Greece) (Παραξενα section). [2-2662] (ca. 08 February 2014). Τι έπαθε αυτός ο άνδρας. (news website) (Greece) (Section unknown). [2-5263] (ca. 08 February 2014). Ενας «γυμνός υπνοβάτης» σκανδαλίζει κολέγιο θηλέων. (news/media website) (Crete) (Section unknown). [2-2644]
(09 February 2014). Είναι ο πιο διάσημος υπνοβάτης των Η.Π.Α. Στέκεται ημίγυμνος σε προαύλιο κολεγίου θηλέων (!) (news website - "politics and sports") (Athens) (Section unknown). [2-2612]
(11 February 2014). Άγαλμα ημίγυμνου άντρα προκαλεί αντιδράσει σε κολλέγιο θηλέων. (news website) (Greece) (International section). [2-2666]
(11 February 2014). Άγαλμα ημίγυμνου άντρα προκαλεί αντιδράσει σε κολλέγιο θηλέων. (news website) (Greece) (ΚΟΣΜΟΣ section). [2-2665]
(11 February 2014). Το δίλημμα μνημόνιο/αντιμνημόνιο είναι ψεύτικο. Unfollow (news and politics magazine) (Athens) ( (section unknown) (website). [2-2664] (11 February 2014). Άγαλμα ημίγυμνου άντρα προκαλεί αντιδράσει σε κολλέγιο θηλέων. (news website) (Thessaloniki) (ΑΛΛΟΚΟΤΑ section). [2-2670]
(12 February 2014). Κι όμως… Αυτός ο άνθρωπος, δεν είναι άνθρωπος! (news / media website) (Greece) (ΔΙΕΘΝΗ section). [2-2647]
(12 February 2014). Κι όμως … Αυτός ο άνθρωπος , δεν είναι άνθρωπος! (pop culture / celebrity website) (Greece) (Περιοδικό section). [2-2621] (13 February 2014). Κι όμως… Αυτό που βλέπετε δεν είναι άνθρωπος! (online news and culture website) (Lamia, Greece) (Culture section). [2-2651]
(14 February 2014). Νομίζετε ότι αυτό που βλέπετε είναι άνθρωπος. (online news and lifestyle magazine) (Δεν υπαρχει! section). [2-2634]

(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (Press agency) (Budapest, Hungary) (Photo and caption on offer) (Section unknown) (website). [2480]
Herczeg, Márk. (05 February 2014). Meztelen férfi szobrától retteg a lányfőiskola. 444 (News website) (Budapest) (Culture section). [2478]
(07 February 2014). ALSÓGATÁYS ALVAJÁRÓ RIOGATJA A DIÁKOKAT. Bors (newspaper) (Budapest) (Section unknown) (website). [2477]
(07 February 2014). Egy alsógatyás férfi dermedt meg a hóban. (News website) (Debrecen, Hungary) (Section unknown). [2479]
(05 February 2014). Statuja lakuriqe që shkaktoi trishtim te studentët. Gazeta Express (Pristina) (newspaper) (Section unknown) (website). [2307]
(06 February 2014). Statuja që tremb studentët. (news website) (Mitrovica, Kosovo) (Lifestyle section). [2304]

(06 February 2014). (3 photos and captions). LETA (News agency) [4668]
(06 February 2014). ГОЛЫЙ ЛУНАТИК "ПОДНЯЛ НА УШИ" ЖЕНСКИЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ В США. (News website) (Riga) (Section unknown) (website). [3747]
(06 february 2014). Голый лунатик напугал американских студенток. Delfi (internet portal) (Riga) (Showtime section) (website). (Also ca. 08 February 2014, they released the article "’Sleepwalker’ by sculptor Tony Matelli" in the Galerijas section.) [2544; 2489] (07 February 2014). Cтудентки выступили против голого лунатика. TV NET ( (News website) (Riga) (Kultura section). (Article also in their Showbiz section.) [2542-43]
(10 February 2014). «Лунатик» стал звездой Instagram. (radio station) (Moscow) (Новости section) (website). (Broadcasting in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates.) [2-3736]
(07 February 2014). Skulptūra, žaibiškai tapusi Bostono įžymybe. (travel website) (7-photo gallery and captions) [2453]
(09 February 2014). Įspūdingiausi savaitės kadrai (Photos of the week). LRT (national public broadcasting - TV and radio) (Photo and caption in photo gallery) (Worldwide section) (website). [2454]
(05 February 2014). ФОТО: Ова не е човек, туку морничава статуа. (business news website) (4-photo gallery and captions) (Section unknown). [2-2693]
(05 February 2014). Статуа на гол маж ги плаши студентките. (news website) (Skopje) (Section unknown). [2692]
(05 February 2014). Ова не е човек, туку морничава статуа. (website - articles to "make you think"!) (Skopje) (Section unknown). [2-2695]
(06 February 2014). Морничава глетка - човек по гаќи на студот во Бостон. Channel 5 ( (national TV channel) (Skopje) (Entertainment section) (website). [2696]
(06 February 2014). Човек во гаќи на снег сее страв меѓу студентите. (news website) (Skopje) (3 photos and captions) (Section unknown) (website). [2-2697]
(06 February 2014). Морничав човек во гаќи на снегот ги плаши жителите на Бостон. Macedonian News ( (news website) (Skopje) (News section). [2-2698]
(06 February 2014). Морничав човек во гаќи на снегот сее страв во Бостон. (news website) (Skopje) (МАГАЗИН section) (website). [2-2699]
(06 February 2014). Гол маж ги плаши студентките. Sitel TV (TV channel) (Skopje) (Section unknown) (website). [2691]
(06 February 2014). Statuja që tremb studentët. (Tetova, Macedonia) (news website) (Section unknown). [2308]
BOTA (Albanian news agency). (06 February 2014). “Vish një palë pantallona mos u mbërdhi” (Foto). Republika (newspaper) (website). [2306]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Гол маж на улица ги вознемирува студентките. (news website) (Skopje) (Section unknown) (website). [2690]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Фото: Гол маж ги вознемирува студентките! Puls 24 (news website) ( (Skopje) (3 photos) (Галерии section). [2-2694]
(10 February 2014). Гол месечар ги преплаши студентките. (news website) (Skopje) (Омнибус section). [2-2700]
Павел Халабуденко / (06 February 2014). Американские студентки выступили против скульптуры голого лунатика. (news website) (Moldova) (Arts section) (website). [2545]
(07 February 2014). Barbat dezbracat, in stare de transa, in curtea unui colegiu de fete. Explicatia pentru aparitia care a bagat groaza in fete. Pro TV Chișinău (Including embedded video) (Chisinau, Moldova) (Bizarre section) (website). [2547]
(07 February 2014). Statuie deocheată în campus de fete. Jurnal TV (Romanian language) (Including embedded TV news report on video.) (Chişinău, Moldova) (News section) (website). [2546]
(10 February 2014). «Лунатик» стал звездой Instagram. (radio station) (Moscow) (Новости section) (website). (Broadcasting in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates.) [2-3736]

Reuter, Dominick (Reuters). (05 February 2014). (Sleepwalker photo. Forum Polska Agencja Fotografow (Poland) (News section) (website). [K5-005]
(06 February 2014). Lunatyk na mieście. (Poland) (Pop culture website) (Culture section) (website). [K5-002]
(06 February 2014). Zboczeniec w bieliźnie straszy studentki! Fakt (Warsaw) (newspaper) (World section) (website). [K5-007]
(07 February 2014). Mężczyzna w bieliźnie straszy studentki. (Wrocław, Poland) (higher education students website) (World section) (website). (Also, a linked 5-photo gallery.) [K5-006]
(19 February 2014). Kontrowersyjny lunatyk. Journal (Poland) (8-photo gallery and captions) (Culture sector website) (Culture section). [K5-004]

Your attention, please. News agency photographs:
AFP/Mediafaxfoto. (06 February 2014.) US sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (news agency) (8 photos and captions on offer) ("for newspapers, internet, telcos & television use only") (Section unknown) (website). [1847; 2599]
(06 February 2014). Cum arata statuia unui barbat somnambul care a speriat un campus intreg de fete. (Very high traffic culture/lifestyle website) (Romania) (Section unknown) (website). [2597]
(ca. 06 February 2014). Lumea în imagini, fotografiile zilei de 6 februarie. Adevărul (newspaper) (Bucharest) (Photo and caption in photo gallery) (website) [2485]
(07 February 2014). Barbat dezbracat, in stare de transa, in curtea unui colegiu de fete. Explicatia pentru aparitia care a bagat groaza in fete. Stirile Pro TV (TV news) (Romania) (Embedded 3 video reports branded by Stirile Pro TV) (Bizar section) (website). [2596]
Nasui, Cosmin. (12 February 2014). Tony Matelli’s realistic Sleepwalker sculpture terrorizes college campus. (Online art magazine) (Romania) (Gallery talk section) (website). [2598]
(06 february 2014). Boston Globe: «Лунатик» вызвал переполох в женском колледже в США. газета.ru (newspaper) ( (Moscow) (общество section) (website). [2-3732]
(06 February 2014). "Лунатик" своим появление на улице возмутил девушек. (news website) (Russia) (Section unknown). [2-3754]
(06 February 2014). Лунатик в снегу. Русский Репортёр (social-political magazine) (Moscow) ( (ФОТО ДНЯ section) (website). [2-3725]
(06 February 2014). Лунатик своим появление на улице возмутил девушек. Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Siberia website (Irkutsk region, Russia) (News section). [2-3760]
(06 February 2014). Американские студентки выступили против скульптуры голого лунатика. (News website) (Moscow) (Искусство section) (website). [2516]
(06 February 2014). Гиперреалистичная статуя мужчины в трусах переполошила женский колледж в США. (newspaper) (Moscow) (Новости section) (website). [2-3724]
(06 February 2014). Лунатик своим появление на улице возмутил девушек. (local news-focused and business website) (Gorno-Altaysk, Russia) (Главная section). [2-3756]
(06 February 2014). ’Sonámbulo’ semidesnudo provoca rechazo en la Universidad de Boston. RT (Moscow) (Actualidad section) (website). [0820]
(06 February 2014). Студенты американского колледжа собирают подписи против скульптуры «Лунатика». (news website) (Moscow) (Новости section). [2-3737]
(06 February 2014). Гиперреалистичная статуя мужчины в трусах переполошила женский колледж в США. (Russia) (entertainment portal) (Новости section). [2-3741] (06 February 2014). Американские студентки выступили против скульптуры голого лунатика. (новости section) (Web portal) (Moscow) (Embedded BBC Russia video) (website). [2-3418]
(07 February 2014). El ’sonámbulo’ semidesnudo que provocó rechazo en la Universidad de Boston. (Moscow) (RuptlyTV video and caption) (website). [2-5316]
(07 February 2014). Зрители требуют удалить скульптуру с выставки Тони Мателли. Артгид (Art news / information website focused on Moscow and St. Petersburg) ( (Moscow) (Новости section). [2-3715]
(07 February 2014). Фото дня. (magazine) (Russia) (Photo and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [2-3739]
(07 February 2014). Американские студенты потребовали убрать памятник полуголому лунатику. Полит.ру (News / Media website) (Moscow) ( (новости section) (website). [2-3717]
Казакова, Анастасия. (07 February 2014). Заснеженный лунатик напугал студентов. (TV Channel) (Moscow) (НОВОСТИ section) (website). (Via satellite, transmission across Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Latvia, Estonia.) [2-3734]
(07 February 2014). Женский колледж напуган гиперреалистичной статуей мужчины в плавках. Ридус (citizen journalism website) (Russia) ( (Section unknown) (website). [2-3718]
(07 February 2014). Американские студентки против скульптуры лунатика в трусах. (News website) (Saint Petersburg, Russia) (Общество section). [2-3419]
(07 February 2014). Скульптура «Лунатика» Тони Мателли вызвала на себя огонь критики и лавину фото-самострелов. Art Info (Russia) ( (Ссылки section) (website). [3721]
(07 February 2014). Студенты потребовали демонтировать жуткий памятник лунатику. ВЕСТИ (news website) (Moscow) ( (Section unknown). [2-3400]
(07 February 2014). Лунатик на улицах США. (entertainment website) (Russia) (Section unknown). [2-3746]
(07 February 2014). Не спи, замерзнешь! (News website) (Moscow) (11 photo galley) (Люди section) (website). [2517]
(07 February 2014). Лучшие фото недели. 1 - 7 февраля. (news website) (Russia) (Photo and caption) ( is now, part of RIA Novosti) (Secton unknown). [2-3730]
(07 February 2014). Памятник голому лунатику возмутил американских студенток. (news website) (Volgograd) (Общество section). [2-3735]
(07 February 2014). Памятник лунатику пугает студентов. (news website) (Russia) (Section unknown). [2-3738].
(07 February 2014). Жуткий голый лунатик бродящий по Бостону. Ультрамарин (pop culture website) ( (Section unknown). [2-3716]
(08 February 2014). ПАМЯТНИК-МАНЬЯК В МАССАЧУСЕЦКОМ КОЛЛЕДЖЕ ДЛЯ ДЕВУШЕК. LiveInternet: Best Day (diverse internet portal: blogs, dating, etc.) ( (Moscow) (Section unknown). [2-3722]
Reuters. (08 February 2014). Best photos of the week Feb 1-7. The Voice of Russia (radio) (Photo and caption in 18-photo gallery) (website). [0798]
(ca. 08 February 2014). ЗАСНЕЖЕННЫЙ ЛУНАТИК В СТУДЕНЧЕСКОМ ГОРОДКЕ: СМЕЛАЯ СКУЛЬПТУРА TONY MATELLI. (pop culture website) (Russia) (6 photos and captions) (Section unknown). [2-3714]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Памятник лунатику пугает девушек. (news / pop culture / lifestyle website) (Russia) (Section unknown). [2-3767]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Заснеженный лунатик в студенческом городке: смелая скульптура Tony Matelli. (6 photos and captions) (arts / humanities website) (Russia) (Section unknown). [2-3719]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Реалистичная скульптура Тони Мателли. (online lifestyle magazine) (Russia) (Section unknown). [2-3743]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Памятник лунатику пугает девушек. (news website) ( (Section unknown). [2-2541]
BBC Russian. (ca. 08 February 2014). Студентки не в восторге от скульптуры неодетого мужчины. (online video website) (Ukraine) (BBC Russian video) (Section unknown). [2-5306]
BBC Russian. (ca. 08 February 2014). Студентки не в восторге от скульптуры неодетого мужчины. (online videos website) (BBC Russian video) (Russia) (Section unknown). [2-5305]
(09 February 2014). "Обмороженный мужчина в трусах" стал звездой Instagram. Fast Cult (pop culture / lifestyle website) (Russia) ( (Section unknown). [2-3720]
(09 February 2014). Лунатик из Массачусетса нашел друзей и стал звездой Instagram. (photo-focused news and lifestyle website) (Russia) (ПРОИСШЕСТВИЯ section). [2-3765]
(09 February 2014). Лунатик на улицах США. (comedy website) (3 photos and captions) (Russia) (Реклама section). [2-3726] (09 February 2014). Студентки потребовали демонтировать памятник лунатику. (K-12 education news website) (Moscow) (Section unknown). [2-3761]
(10 February 2014). Памятник лунатику пугает девушек. (baby-themed information website) (Russia) (Журнал section). [2-3731]
(10 February 2014). «Лунатик» стал звездой Instagram. (radio station) (Moscow) (Новости section) (website). (Broadcasting in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates.) [2-3736]
(10 February 2014). Голый лунатик напугал учениц колледжа. (news website) (Moscow) (Section unknown). [2-3769]
(11 February 2014). В Бостоне установили памятник лунатику. Top News (news website) (Russia) ( (Section unknown). [2-3750]
(12 February 2014). Мужчина в одних трусах пугает студенток. Знакомьтесь - Sleepwalker. (news / entertainment website) (Blagoveshchensk) (Section unknown). [2-3757]
(21 February 2014). Феминистки выступили против «сексистского» концерта Робина Тика. (News website) (Музыка section) (website) (Mention). [2518]
(26 February 2014). "Живая статуя мужчины вызвала неоднозначную реакцию зрителей. Metro ( (newspaper) (Russia) (Мировые новости section) (website). (Also, an article entitled was released on 04 March 2014: "Скульптура лунатика пугает студентов университета".) [2-2646; 3728]
(05 February 2014). Jezivi čovek u gaćama na snegu seje strah u Bostonu. Blic (newspaper) (Belgrade) (Leisure section) (website). [Also on 07 February 2014, they released a 28-photo gallery, entitled "Oko sveta" ("Around the world") with one photo and caption showing Sleepwalker]. [2584; 2585]
(05 February 2014). Jezivi čovek u gaćama na snegu seje strah u Bostonu. Radio S ( (radio station) (Belgrade) (Zanimljivosti section) (website). [2592]
(06 February 2014). Čovek u donjem vešu seje strah među studentkinjama u Bostonu. Dnevne (News website) (Serbia) (Svet section) (website). [2591]
(06 february 2014). Jezivi čovek u gaćama na snegu seje strah u Bostonu. Beo News (News website) (Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina) (Svet section). [2595]
Blic. (06 February 2014). Jezivi čovek u gaćama na snegu seje strah u Bostonu. (news website) (Section unknown). (Also, on 07 February 2014, another article released "Jezivo: Sklonite ga odavde!" by Mondo.) [2586; 2587]
(07 February 2014). Jezivo: Sklonite ga odavde! (news website) (mad world section). [2611]
(07 February 2014). Statua koja plaši studentkinje. Novi Magazin (Weekly magazine) (Belgrade) (Opušteno section) (website). [2588]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Studentkinje neće mesečara! Mesečar ispod prozora. Basta Balkana (Web magazine) (Belgrade) (Section unknown). [2589]
(09 February 2014). Jezivo: Sklonite ga odavde! (News website) (Nakovo, Serbia) (Početna section). [2594]
(06 February 2014). Fotografije dneva (6.2.). DELO (newspaper) (Ljubljana) (national) (Photos of the Day section) (photo and caption) (website). [0813]
(7 February 2014). Študentke s podpisi proti kipu. Slovenske novice (newspaper) (Ljubljana) (Bizarno section) (website). (Also, posted on their partner brand.) [2435-36]
(06 February 2014). Bu heykel Boston’da sadece kız öğrencilerin gittiği bir üniversiteyi karıştırdı. (News website) (Istanbul) (Dipnot’un Radarı section). [2-3698]
(06 February 2014). Bu heykel üniversiteyi karıştırdı! Bursada Bugün (newspaper) (Bursa) (World news) (website). [2-1860]
(06 February 2014). Bu heykel üniversiteyi karıştırdı! CNN Türk (TV channel) (Istanbul) (6-photo gallery) (Foto haber section) (website). (Also, on the day the short article "Bu heykel sadece kız öğrencilerin gittiği üniversiteyi karıştırdı!" in their Hablerer section was released.) [3676; 2-5310]
(06 February 2014). Bu heykel üniversiteyi karıştırdı! Cumhuriyet (newspaper) (Istanbul) (6-photo gallery) (Photo gallery section) (website) [2461]
(06 February 2014). Bu heykelden herkes korkuyor. Meydan (news website) ( (Istanbul) (YAŞAM section) (website). [2-3705]
(06 February 2014). Bu heykelden herkes korkuyor. Milliyet (newspaper) (Istanbul) (Dünya section) (website). (Also, on ca. 08 February 2014, a BBC Türkçe report on video was released entitled "Üniversite kampüsünde çıplak bir adam" in their Nevidyo section.) [2-3679; 2-5294]
(06 February 2014). Bu heykelden herkes korkuyor. (local news website) (Merkez) (Video Haber section). [2-3709]
(06 February 2014). Kampüste uyurgezer var! Haber Dükkâni ( (news website) (Istanbul) (6-photo gallery and captions) (website). [2-3695]
(06 February 2014). Onu gören korkuyor. (news website or newspaper) (Ankara) (World section) (website). [2-3707]
(06 February 2014). Onu gören korkuyor. Radikal ( (newspaper) (Istanbul) (Dünya section). [3675]
(06 February 2014). Onu gören korkuyor. (news website) (Istanbul) (Section unknown). [2-3685]
(06 February 2014). Uyurgezer Adam Üniversiteyi Birbirine Kattı. (TV channel / video-sharing website) (Turkey) (Section unknown). [2-5311]
Radikal. (06 February 2014). Onu gören korkup kaçıyor! (news website) (Istanbul) (World section) (website). [2-3699]
(07 February 2014). Bu heykelden herkes korkuyor. Haber Gündem (Turkey) (newspaper or news website). (Also, on the day, "Üniversite Kampüsünde Çıplak Bir Adam" by BBC Türkçe, video and caption, was released.) [2460; 2-5301].
(07 February 2014). Kampüste uyurgezer var. HaberKita ( website) (Istanbul) (World section) (website). [2-3690]
(07 February 2014). Kampüste uyurgezer var. (news website) (Istanbul) (World section). [2-3702]
(07 february 2014). Üniversitede ’uyurgezer heykel’ tartışması. (News website) (Istanbul) (Haberler section). [3673]
(07 February 2014). ‘Uyurgezer’ adlı heykel okulu karıştırdı. Habere Dikkat (news and pop culture website) ( (Istanbul) (Section unknown) (website). [2-3700]
(07 February 2014). Wellesley Üniversitesi’nde Heykel Krizi Yaşandı. (news website) (Istanbul) (with branded video report) (Section unknown) (website). [3684]
(07 February 2014). Wellesley Üniversitesinde Heykel Krizi Yaşanıyor. (news website) (Trabzon) (Section unknown). [2-2464]
(07 February 2014). Wellesley Üniversitesinde Heykel Krizi Yasanıyor. Mevcudiyet (news website) ( (Antalya) (Section unknown). [2-3712]
(07 February 2014). Wellesley Üniversitesinde Heykel Krizi Yaşanıyor. Sancaktepe Haber ( (Istanbul) (news website or newspaper) (World section) (website). [2-3708]
(07 February 2014). Wellesley Üniversitesi’nde Heykel Krizi Yaşandı. Son Dakika ( (news website) (Istanbul) (section unknown). (Also, on the day, "Üniversite Kampüsünde Çıplak Bir Adam", attributed to, a video and caption, in their Haber section, was released.) [2-3678; 2-5298]
BBC Türkçe. (07 February 2014). Üniversite kampüsünde çıplak bir adam. (news website) (Turkey) (Video Haberler section). [2-5303]
BBC Türkçe. (07 February 2014). Üniversite kampüsünde çıplak bir adam. (pop culture website) (Istanbul) (Haberler section). [2-5299]
BBC Türkçe. (07 February 2014). Üniversite kampüsünde çıplak bir adam. Mynet Haber (news website) ( (Istanbul) (Haber - Dunya section). [Also, on ca. 08 February 2014 "Kampüste uyurgezer var" was released, a 5-photo gallery and captions. On 10 February 2014, "Üniversite kampüsünde çıplak bir adam", a BBC Türkçe report on video, TV section, was released.] [2-5297; 2-3677; 2-5296]
Radikal. (07 February 2014). Kampüste tartışma yaratan görüntü. Hürriyet Kampus (university market news website) (Istanbul) (Section unknown). [2-3680]
Sabah. (07 February 2014). Kız kolejine dikilen yarıçıplak heykel kriz yarattı. (news website) (Istanbul) (Güncel section) (website). [2-3686]
(08 February 2014). Kız kolejinde isyan ettiren heykel. Internet Haber ( (news website) (Istanbul) (World section). [2-3696]
(08 February 2014). Kız kolejinde isyan ettiren heykel. Sabah (newspaper) (Istanbul) (Section unknown) (website). [2-3681]
(08 February 2014). Kız kolejinde isyan ettiren heykel. Seviyeli Haber (news website) ( (Ankara) (World section). [2-3691]
(08 February 2014). Kız üniversitesinde heykel krizi. (news website) (Section unknown). [2462]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Bu heykel üniversiteyi karıştırdı! Malatya Güncel Haber ( (Malatya) (news website) (5-photo gallery and captions). [2-3701]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Kampüsteki çıplak adam! Sozcu (newspaper) (Istanbul) (5 photos and captions) (website). [2-3693]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Kampüste uyurgezer tartısması. (news website) (Istanbul) (5-photo gallery and captions). [2-3683]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Kampüste uyurgezer tartışması. NTV - MSNBC ( (national TV channel) (5-photo gallery with captions) (Section unknown) (website). [3674]
BBC Türkçe. (ca. 08 February 2014). Üniversite Kampüsünde Çıplak Bir Adam. (news / media website) (Istanbul) (video and caption) (TV section). [2-5300].
BBC Türkçe. (ca. 08 February 2014). Üniversite kampüsünde çıplak bir adam. ("internet TV" app/website) (based in San Francisco) (Section unknown). [2-5302]
(12 February 2014). Kız kolejinde isyan ettiren heykel. ( (Istanbul - Podolsk, Russia) (news website) (World section). [2-3711]
Whittaker, Francis. (ca. 15 February 2014). Hava durumunun hayata etkileri. (Photo and caption in 31-photo gallery). [3689]
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
(06 February 2014) Bu heykel üniversiteyi karıştırdı! Havadis Gazetesi (newspaper) ( (Lefkosa Kibris) (World section) (website). [2-2602]
(06 February 2014). Bu heykel üniversiteyi karıştırdı! Kibris Haber (news website) (4-photo gallery and captions) (Section unknown) (website). [2-3710]
Cumhuriyet. (06 February 2014). Bu heykel üniversiteyi karıştırdı! Haber Kibris (news website) ( (Lefkoşa) (Section unknown). [2-2603]
(08 February 2014). Kiz Kolnejinde İsyan Ettiren Heykel. Kibris 7/24 (news website) ( (Lefkoşa Kıbrıs) (World section) (website). [2-2604]
(06 February 2014). Студентки в США выступили против скульптуры голого лунатика. (News website) (Kiev) (мир section). [2567]
(06 February 2014). Этот день в фотографиях, 06.02.2014. (lifestyle website) (Ukraine) (photo and caption in 32-photo gallery) (Section unknown). [2-3753]
(06 February 2014). Голый Лунатик «поднял на уши» женский колледж в США. (tabloid-like news website) (Ukraine) (Section unknown). [2-3763]
Христиченко, Юлия. (06 February 2014). Американские студентки выступили против скульптуры голого лунатика. Индустриалка ( (News website) (Kiev) (Мир section). [2570]
(07 February 2014). Американский лунатик стал звездой Instagram. (news/media website) (Simferopol) (was .ua, now .ru) (Includes 8-photo gallery) (Section unknown). [2-2583]
(07 February 2014). Штат Массачусетс напугал мужчина в трусах. NikLife (magazine - news/entertainment/society) (Ukraine) ( (Мир section) (website). [2-2582]
(07 February 2014). Американские студентки выступили против скульптуры голого лунатика. Pavlograd News ( (News website) (Pavlograd, Ukraine) (Section unknown). [2574]
(07 February 2014). В США установили гиперреалистичную скульптуру мужчины в трусах, которая нагоняет страх на окружающих. (News website) (Kiev) (Section unknown). [2572] (07 February 2014). Лунатик из Массачусетса нашел друзей и стал звездой Instagram. TimeNews (news/media website) (Zaporizhia, Ukraine) ( (Section unknown). [2-3752] (07 February 2014). Новини освіти та науки в Україні та світі: В США студенты потребовали убрать памятник полуголому лунатику. Освітній портал (Educational website) ( (Cherkasy, Ukraine) (Section unknown) (Mention). [2-2581]
ЧАЛБАШ, ЛИЛИЯ. (07 February 2014). Голый лунатик "поднял на уши" женский колледж. 15 Минут (news website) ( (Simferopol, Ukraine) (В МИРЕ section). [2-2576]
Юрчук, Саша. (07 February 2014). Сновида став зіркою Instagram. Преса України ( (news website) (Kiev) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, the article "Лунатик стал звездой Instagram" released on the day.) [0838; 3755]
(08 February 2014). Скульптура художника Тони Мателли «Лунатик» в кампусе женского колледжа свободных искусств Уэллсли. (Internet portal) (Photo and caption) (Kharkov, Ukraine) (Фото section). [2566]
(08 February 2014). Памятник лунатику пугает девушек. So F***ing What? (pop culture website) ( (Kharkov, Ukraine) (Section unknown). [2-3768]
(08 February 2014). Памятник лунатику пугает девушек. (news website) (Ukraine) (Section unknown). [2-3759]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Нереальный переполох произошёл в женском колледже из-за скульптуры голого мужчины. CBIT 24 ( (News website) (Kiev) (Курйози новини section) (website). [2575]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Лунатик (причем – голый) напугал всех в колледже. (News website) (Kharkov, Ukraine) (Главная section). [2571]
(09 February 2014). Памятник лунатику пугает девушек. (news/media website) (Ukraine) (Section unknown). [2-2579]
(10 February 2014). «Лунатик» стал звездой Instagram. (radio station) (Moscow) (Новости section) (website). (Broadcasting in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates.) [2-3736]
(11 February 2014). Арт-скандал: скульптура голого мужчины вызвала негодование. Арт-Новости ( (Kiev) (Арт-Новости section). [2-3420] (11 February 2014). Арт-скандал: скульптура голого мужчины вызвала негодование. Gigamir (News and pop culture website) (Kiev) (Главная section). [2-2578]
(16 February 2014). В США установили гиперреалистичную скульптуру мужчины в трусах, которая нагоняет страх на окружающих. Репортер (news website or newspaper) ( (Ukraine) (Society section). (Article with the same title also released in their technology section on 18 February 2014.) [2-2352; 2-2573]
(18 February 2014). Лунатик (причем – голый) напугал всех в колледже. новостей Харькова (News and community website) (Kharkiv) ( (Общество section). [2-2580]
Казайкин, Александр. (18 February 2014). Лунатик (причем – голый) напугал всех в колледже. (News website) (Kharkov, Ukraine) (НОВОСТИ section). [2569]
L. Sleepwalker media coverage in Africa

From Morocco to South Africa, the Sleepwalker was in the news.
See the coverage
Whittaker, Francis. The Month In Weather - February. (Photo and caption in 31-photo gallery) (News section) (website) [2339]
Angola (06 February 2014). Escultura de homem nu causa embaraço em universidade. (News and information website) (Luanda) (Cultura section). [2279]
Cote d’Ivoire
AFP. (06 February 2014). La statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi aux Etats-Unis. (Cote d’Ivoire) (Section unknown). [2297]
Democratic Republic of the Congo
(ca. 08 February 2014). USA: une sculpture hyperréaliste d’un homme en slip sème le trouble chez les étudiantes. Ba Sango Ya Congo Kinshasa (news and information website) (Democratic Republic of the Congo) (Section unknown). [2524]
(06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (business news website) (Egypt) (Section unknown) (website) [2344]
(06 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية Misrday (newspaper) (Giza, Egypt) (Section unknown). [2-2346]
(06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (news website) (Cairo) (Culture section). [2-2398]
BBC. (06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (Section unknown) (website) [2406]
(07 February 2014). تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (news website) (Damietta, Egypt) (Embedded RT Ruptly video) (Latest videos section). [2-2371]
(07 February 2014). فيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية Almashhad newspaper ( (Giza, Egypt) (Including embedded RT Ruptly video) (Section unknown). [2-2823]
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (news website) (Egypt) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, photo and caption also released entitled "بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية" on 07 February 2014.) [2351; 2381]
(07 February 2014). تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (news website) (Egypt) (Section unknown) (website) [2379]
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (newspaper or news website) (Cairo) (Embedded RT Ruptly video and caption) (Section unknown). [2-5322].
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية . (news website) (Cairo, Egypt) (World News section). [2-2372]
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية Elfagr News (newspaper) ( (Cairo, Egypt) (Including embedded RT Ruptly video) (Section unknown). [2-2411]
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (news-oriented website) (Egypt) (Section unknown). [2-5319].
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. رجل "عاري" يثير الذعر بمدرسة بنات أمريكية (Cairo, Egypt) (news website) (Section unknown). [2-2386]
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (women-oriented website) (Cairo) (Text including embedded RT Ruptly video). (News - Photos section). [2-2374]
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (news website or newspaper) (Giza, Egypt) (Text including embedded RT Ruptly video). [2-2363]
BBC. (07 February 2014). [article]. alboslanews (business-oriented news) (Egypt) ( منوعات section) (website). [1967]
BBC Arabic. (07 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما Shorouk News (newspaper) ( (Cairo) (Culture section) (website). [2-1980]
ITN. (07 February 2014). Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college. (Video section) (website). [2222]
(08 February 2014). تمثال لرجل شبه عارٍ يُثير جدلًا في أميركا (news website) (Location unknown) (Section unknown). [2-2391]
(08 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (newspaper or news website) (Giza, Egypt) (Embedded RT Ruptly video and caption) (Section unknown). [2-5317]
(ca. 08 February 2014). تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في (News website) (Egypt) (Section unknown). [2402]
(ca. 08 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (news website) (Egypt) (Section unknown). [2-2392]
(ca. 08 February 2014). بالفيديو ..تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية. Radio Horytna (internet-based radio / news website) ( (Egypt) (Section unknown). [2-2365]
(ca. 08 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (Location unknown) (news website) (Section unknown). [2-2394]
Daily Mail Reporter. (05 February 2014.) All-female Wellesley College under fire for Tony Matelli statue of man in underwear. (Popular culture website) (World News section). [2279]
(06 February 2014). Undies Sculpture: ’I find it disturbing, but in a good way’. (Odd news and gossip website) (Ghana) (Section unknown). [2311]
BBC Arabic. (07 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما . Libyan News Network (Libya) ( (Section unknown) (website). [2261]
BBC. (07 February 2014). Sleepwalking statue angers students. MBC (Malawi Broadcasting Corporation: radio and TV) (Paragraph and photos) (Blantyre, Malawi) (International section) (website). [1233]
(07 February 2014). La statue d’un somnambule en slip placée sur un campus universitaire fait polémique. Ora Web ( (news website) (Bamako) (Section unknown). [2296]
(06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عار يسير نائما All Press ( (news website) (Rabat, Morocco) (Section unknown) (website). [3666]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Le somnambule de Tony Matelli sème l’effroi sur le campus. (entertainment website) (Casablanca, Morocco) (Art - Culture section). [0699]
(09 February 2014). بالفيديو: تمثال لرجل عاري يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات. (pop culture website) (Roubaix, France domain; Morocco and Egypt focus) (Including embedded RT Ruptly video) (Section unknown). [2-3668]
(05 February 2014). Put some clothes on, creepy sleepwalker statue. Lagos Television (Section unknown) (website). [2337]
(08 February 2014). USA: une sculpture hyperréaliste d’un homme en slip sème le trouble chez les étudiantes. (news and entertainment website) (Dakar) (Buzz section) (website). [0720]
South Africa
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. (South Africa) (News section) (website). [1504]
Whittaker, Francis. The Month In Weather - February. (South Africa) (Photo and caption in 31-photo gallery) (News section) (website) [2338]
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (sports website) (Section unknown). [2359]
(09 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرج ل عا ر يسير نائم ا. (news website) (Doha, Qatar domain; Sudan content) (Section unknown). [2-2812]
M. Sleepwalker media coverage in Asia

From Armenia to Japan to the Philippines and Indonesia, various Asian media reported on Tony Matelli’s Sleepwalker.
See the coverage
For rough foreign language translations, see Google translate.
(06 February 2014). «Лунатик» вызвал переполох в женском колледже в США. (News website) (Yerevan, Armenia) (Section unknown) (website). [3751]
(07 February 2014). Պահանջել են ապամոնտաժել լուսնոտի սարսափազդու արձանը. (newspaper) (Armenia) (website). (Also, article in Russian, title: "Студенты потребовали демонтировать жуткий памятник лунатику".) [2-2577; 2-3766]
(08 February 2014). Памятник лунатику пугает девушек. (news website) (Yerevan, Armenia) (Section unknown) (website). [3748]
(10 February 2014). Лунатик из Массачусетса нашел друзей и стал звездой Instagram. (News website) (Yerevan, Armenia) (Досуг / Стиль жизни section) (website). [3749]
(06 February 2014). Реалистичная скульптура мужчины напугала обитательниц кампуса женского колледжа в США. (Business directory) (Baku) (Section unknown). [2706]
(08 February 2014). Не спи, замерзнешь! Azerbaijan News Network ( (Baku) (Section unknown) (website). [2704]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Памятник лунатику пугает девушек. (Social news network) (Section unknown) (website). [3762]
BBC Russian. (ca. 08 February 2014). Студентки испугались голого мужика. (news/media website) (Azerbaijan) (Section unknown). [2-5307]
BBC. (ca. 08 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (Bahrain) (Section unknown) (website). [2421]
China - Mainland
Attention, news agency reports and photographs:

(06 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. China News Service (news agency) (5 photos and captions on offer) (big 5 and HD sections) (website). [1893; 1858]
(06 February 2014). “半裸梦游男”现身女校吓坏学生 实为雕塑. China News Service (news agency) (Section unknown) (website). [1918]
(06 February 2014). “半裸梦游男”现身女校吓坏学生 实为雕塑(图). Xinhua News Agency. (Politics section) (website). [2-1940]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生. Xinhua news agency (Publisher and news agency) (International section) (website). (Also, this article in their Photos section; and 5-photo gallery of sculpture and artist portrait shot on their English-language section.) [0823; 2-1859; 0733]
(08 February 2014). La sculpture Sleepwalker suscite des craintes dans un collège aux États-Unis. Xinhua news agency (5-photo gallery with caption) (Section unknown) (website). [0705]
(06 February 2014). 闹哪样?美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (Wuhan) (5-photo gallery and captions) (News section) (website) [2-1908]
(06 February 2014). “半裸梦游男”现身女校吓坏学生 实为雕塑. CNINTNET ( (home decoration website) (Shanghai) (News section) (website). [2-3392]
(06 February 2014). Creepy campus art. Global Times (Beijing) (Section unknown) (Photo and caption) (website and hard copy). [1194; K1-036]
(06 February 2014). 内裤男雕像太真 女大生不舒服. (Shanghai radio and TV network) (Shanghai) [Middle East section (!)] (website). [2-1975]
(06 February 2014). 女子学院现梦游裸男雕塑 学生被吓坏校方赞伟大. (news website or newspaper) (Beijing) (Education section) (website). [2-1861]
(06 February 2014). 女校惊现裸男塑像 学生不安要求撤走. (Location unknown) (News section) (website). [2-3713]
(06 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (5-photo gallery and captions) (Hohhot, Inner Mongolia region) (News - Photos section) (website). [2-1872]
(06 February 2014). 效果太逼真 “半裸夢遊男”現身女校嚇壞女學生. (pop culture website) (Location unknown) (Section unknown). [2-3386]
(06 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Wenzhou News Network ( (5-photo gallery and captions) (Wenzhou) (News section) (website). [Two additional articles at different lengths also released on the day entitled ’“半裸梦游男”现女校吓坏学生 实为雕塑(图)’]. [2-1935; 2-5120-21]
(06 February 2014). “半裸梦游男”现女校吓坏学生实为雕塑(图). (Internet portal) (Chongqing) (Hot news section) (website). (Another article version released on the day by Net Ease News in their Hot News section; also photo and captions entitled "美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生" in their Hot News section on the day.) [2-1942; 2-1931; 2-1896]
Agencies. (06 February 2014). US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. Shanghai Daily (World section) (website). [0589; K1-089] (06 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. China National Radio ( (Beijing) (3-photo gallery and captions) (Section unknown) (website). [2-1957] (06 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (news website) (Shanghai) (News section) (website). [2-1922] (06 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (news website or newspaper) (Fuzhou, Fujian) (5-photos and captions) (News section) (website). [2-1890] (06 February 2014). “半裸梦游男”现身女校吓坏学生 实为雕塑(图). Global Times newspaper (Simplified Chinese domain: (Beijing) (World section) (website). (Also 5-photo gallery with captions in their World and Finance sections.) [2-1932; 2-1869; 2-1882] (06 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Heilongjiang TV network ( (Harbin) (News - International - Photos section) (website). [2-1898] (06 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (news website) (Hangzhou) (5-photo gallery and captions) (SEction unknown) (website). [2-1883] (06 February 2014). ’“半裸梦游男”雕塑现身俄女校吓坏学生(图)’. Liaocheng News Network ( (news website) (Liaocheng) (News section). (Another article was released on 07 February 2014 entitled "美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生" also in their News section.) [2-1906; 2-1944] (06 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (Jinhua network television) (Jinhua - Hangzhou) (3-photo gallery and captions) (Photo News section) (website). [2-1956] (06 February 2014). “半裸梦游男”现身女校吓坏学生实为雕塑(图). People’s Daily (newspaper) (Beijing) (International section) (website). [2-1928] (06 February 2014). “半裸梦游男”现身女校吓坏学生 实为雕塑(图). Tencent QQ (instant messaging software services provider and web portal) (International section) (website). (Also, article with 5 photos entitled "美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生" in their Finance section on the day; 5-photo gallery with captions in their News and Education sections; and a video entitled "美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生". [2-1862; 2-1924; 2-1863; 2-1879; 2-1900] (06 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (4-photo gallery and captions) (Location unknown) (News section) (website). [2-1889] (06 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Yanzhao Metropolis Daily newspaper ( (Yanzhao) (5-photo gallery and captions) (International news section) (website). [2-1909]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (real estate-oriented website) (Chengdu) (5-photo gallery and captions) (News section) (website). [2-1917]
(07 February 2014). 梦游男现身女校吓坏学生 实为雕塑太逼真引关注. (subsidiary of China Telecom) (She section) (website). (Also on 08 February 2014, an article entitled "美国校园半裸梦游男雕塑引学生不安" in their news section.) [2-1933; 2-1921]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (skin, make-up and lifestyle website with odd soft porn adverts under Sleepwalker!) (5-photo gallery and captions) (Section unknown). [2-1904]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (women’s lifestyle website) (5-photo gallery and captions) (Digital section) (website). (Also photo gallery in their fashion section.) [2-1884; 2-1901]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Beijing Daily Group ( (newspaper or news website) (Beijing) (3 photos and captions). [2-1936]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Beijing Qianlong News Network ( (International News section) (website). [2-1965]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生. China Daily (newspaper) (Beijing) (Also, photo gallery) (Section unknown) (website). [1959; 1914]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. China Internet Information Center ( (news website) (Beijing) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, 5-photo gallery and captions released on the day entitled "美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生".) [1905; 1886]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生. China Taiwan Network ( (news website) (Beijing) (Travel section) (website). [2-1950]
(07 February 2014). 美校园雪中现“半裸梦游男” 逼真雕塑吓坏学生. China Weather Network ( (very high-traffic website) (China) (5-photo gallery and captions) (section unknown). [1865]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生. Dazhong News Group ( (Jinan, Shandong) (5-photo gallery and captions) (International Photos section) (website). [2-1910]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生. Economic Daily ( (Beijing) (Education section) (Education - News section) (website). [2-1867]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生. Guiyang Education Information ( (Location unknown) (Photo section) (website). [2-1068]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生. Hainan Television (HNWTV) ( (Hainan) (5-photo gallery and captions) (News - Photo - Domestic and International section) (website). [2-1920]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (news website or newspaper) (3-photo gallery and captions) (Xingyi) (News section) (website). [2-1952]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Linhai city network ( (real estate-oriented website) (Linhai) (3-photo gallery and captions). [2-1946]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生. (Lishui news portal) (Lishui) (News section) (website). [2-1948-49]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (young women’s pop culture website) (Nanning) (3 photos and captions) (Photos section). [2-1923]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (Zhuhai Television station) (Xiangzhou, Guangdong) (Section unknown) (website). [1912]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Network Broadcasting Television (NBTV) (Ningbo) (5-photo gallery and captions) (website). [2-1891]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑 惊呆我和我的小伙伴(组图). Shaanxi Daily Media Group ( (Shaanxi province) (3-photo gallery and captions) (Section unknown) (website). [2-1937]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (pop culture website) (Hangzhou) (5-photo gallery and captions) (Life section). [2-1899]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生. ( (news website or newspaper) (Zhejiang province) (5-photo gallery and captions) (News section) (website). [2-1958]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生. Xianju News Network ( (Xianju) (World News section) (website). [2-1945]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (Military news-oriented website) (Beijing) (5-photo gallery and captions) (Headlines section) (website). [2-1887]
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Zhanjiang Daily newspaper ( (Zhanjiang) (3-photo gallery and captions) (News section) (website). [2-1962] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (news website) (Beijing) (5-photo gallery and captions) (Section unknown) (website). [2-1961] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Beijing Times ( (Beijing) (4-photo gallery and captions) (News section) (website). [2-1880] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. CCTV (TV network) (Beijing) (5-photo gallery and captions) (News - Photos section) (website). [2-1903] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Changshu Daily ( (newspaper or news website) (Changshu) (5-photo gallery and captions) (International section) (website). [2-1881] (07 February 2014). 美校园现"半裸梦游男"逼真雕塑吓坏学生(组图). China Economic Net ( (Beijing) (Photo Gallery section) (website). [2-1892] (07 February 2014). 逼真雕塑吓坏学生美校园现“半裸梦游男”. (Beijing) (IT industry news website) (5-photo gallery and captions) (Internet section). [2-1876] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生, Chongqing Evening News ( (5-photo gallery and captions) (Photos section) (website). [2-1925] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (news website) (Chongqing) (5-photo gallery and captions) (Section unknown) (website). [2-1929] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (news website) (Harbin) (5-photo gallery and captions) (Legal section) (website). [2-1934] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (art and business website) (Beijing) (5 photos and captions) (website). [2-1966]. (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Future Net ( (youth-oriented website) (Beijing) (5-photo gallery and captions) (News section). (Another 5-photo gallery with captions on their "klcb" sub-domain.) [2-1947; 2-1875] (07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学. Guangming Daily ( newspaper (Beijing) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, 5-photo gallery with captions in Education section). [2-1866; 2-1878] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生(组图). (Guizhou province) (5-photo gallery and captions) (News section) (website). [2-1964] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (lifestyle / entertainment website) (Beijing) (5 photos and captions) (综合 section). [2-1943] (07 February 2014). 美国校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生(组图). (radio and television news) (Shandong) (Qingdao section) (5-photo gallery with captions) (website). (Also, photo and caption on the day in their News section; and a 4-photo gallery and captions in their Education section.) [2-1913; 2-1916; 2-1888] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Net Ease / (Internet portal) (Guangzhou) (Finance section) (website). (Also 5-photo galleries in their travel and news sections.) [2-1874; 2-1907; 2-1895] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”雕塑吓坏学生. North Youth ( (youth-oriented news website) (Beijing) (4-photo gallery and captions) (Education section) (website). [2-1927] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生(组图). People’s Daily (newspaper) (Beijing) (5 photos and captions) (Finance, International; Shandong, Weather sections) (website). [2-1864; 2-1926; 2-1897; 2-1894] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑 吓坏学生!Shanxi News Network (Xi’an) ( (5-photo gallery and captions) (Travel section) (website). [2-1954] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”雕塑吓坏学生. Shenyang Daily Newspaper Group ( (Shenyang) (5-photo gallery and captions) (Education section) (website). [2-5123] (07 February 2014). 组图:美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (news website) (Xiamen) (5-photo gallery and captions). [2-1953] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (Internet portal) (Beijing) (News section) (website). (Other articles include: on the same day an article was released in their ’roll’ section; an article on the day entitled ’“半裸梦游男”现身女校吓坏学生 实为雕塑(图)’ was released in their news section; a 4-photo gallery with captions entitled "美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生" was released on the day in their men’s section; and another photo gallery entitled ’美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生’ with 5 photos and captions was released in their learning section on the day.) [2-1902; 2-1911; 2-1939; 2-1877; 2-1871] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Xinju News Network ( (newspaper or news website) (Xinju) (5-photo gallery and captions) (Photo section) (website). [2-1963] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (Xinjiang) (4-photo gallery and captions) (website). [2-1960] (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Yingtan Daily News ( (Section unknown) (website). [2-5117] (07 February 2014). “半裸梦游男”只穿内裤现身美校园 太逼真吓坏学生. Zhongyuan Network ( (Zhengzhou) (5-photo gallery and captions) (News section) (website). [2-1919]
Tencent News. (07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. " Southwest Guizhou Education Network ( (Guiyang) (3-photo gallery and captions) (website). [2-1951]
Xinhua. (07 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男雕塑吓坏学生(组图). Ningbo Network Media ( (Section unknown) (website). [2-1955] (08 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男吓坏学生. (newspaper or news website) (Qingdao) (Photo and caption) (website). [2-1938]
ChinaNews.Com. (ca. 08 February 2014). 美校园现半裸梦游男 雕塑逼真吓坏学生. (Internet portal) (Shanghai) (5-photo gallery and captions) (Section unknown) (website). [2-1870]
(09 February 2014). 半裸男雕塑现身女校. (young men’s website focused on women) (Location unknown) (Section unknown) (website). [2-3389] (09 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”. YOKA fashion network ( (women’s lifestyle website) (Beijing) (Men section) [2-1941]
(10 February 2014). 女子学院校园现"半裸梦游男" 逼真雕塑吓坏学生. (fashion and lifestyle website) (Nanning) (4 photos and captions) (Section unknown). [2-5122]
(14 February 2014). “裸男”梦游校园 吓坏卫斯理学院女生. Dynaweb (news website- "anti-censorship portal") ( (based in Columbus, OH) (Section unknown). [2-3697]
(14 February 2014). 「裸男」夢遊校園 嚇壞衛斯理學院女生. (newspaper) (New York) (3-photo gallery and captions) (News section) (website). [2-1974]
Epoch Times. (14 February 2014). 「裸男」夢遊校園 嚇壞衛斯理學院女生. (location unknown) (audio - video - photo sharing website) (Section unknown). [2-3688]
China - Hong Kong SAR
Attention, news agency report: (06 February 2014). “半裸夢游男”雕塑現身女校嚇壞學生. Hong Kong China News Agency (Hong Kong) (World News section) (website). [2-3384]
(06 February 2014). 麻省女校嚇現半裸男雕像遭投訴. (Section unknown) (website). [3378]
(06 February 2014). “半裸梦游男”现女校吓坏学生 实为雕塑. Ta Kung Pao (newspaper) (Hong Kong) (Section unknown) (website). [3385]
(06 February 2014). 每日一圖:嚇人的雪地夢遊男. 主場新聞 ( (news website) (Hong Kong) (Section unknown) (website). [2-3377]
(06 February 2014). 麻省女校嚇現半裸男雕像遭投訴. Sing Tao Daily newspaper ( (Hong Kong) (News section) (website). [2-3381]
(06 February 2014). “半裸梦游男”雕塑现身俄女校吓坏学生(图). (youth entrepreneurship network) (Hong Kong) (News section) (website). (Article also released on 07 February 2014.) [2-3391; 2-3393] (06 February 2014). “半裸梦游男”现女校吓坏学生 实为雕塑(图). 紫荆网 ( (news website) (Hong Kong) (Education section) (website). [2-3387]
Sing Tao Daily. (06 February 2014). 麻省女校嚇現半裸男雕像遭投訴. (Internet portal) (Finance section) (website). (Another report was released on 08 February 2014 with the title "內褲男雕像太逼真 女校生促撤" by Ming Pao, and also a 5-photo gallery with captions by Ming Pao.) [2-3379-80; 2-3372]
(ca. 06 February 2014). (Photo and caption). The Standard (newspaper) (Hong Kong) (Section unknown) (website). [3370]
(07 February 2014). 內褲夢遊男雕塑 嚇窒名校女生. Apple Daily (newspaper) (Section unknown) (website). [3373] (07 February 2014). “梦游男”雕像太逼真. Phoenix Television ( (Hong Kong) (3-photo gallery and captions) (News section) (website). (Also, a 5-photo gallery and captions in another section.) [2-1868; 2-1873] / CNA. (07 February 2014). 內褲男雕像太逼真 女校生促撤. (News section) (website). [3376]
(08 February 2014). 美校园现 "半裸梦游男". Hong Kong Commercial Daily (newspaper or news website) ( (3 photos and captions) (Section unknown) (website). [2-3388]
(10 February 2014). 内裤梦游男雕塑 吓窒名校女生. (elderly-oriented website) (Hong Kong) (Section unknown) (website). [2-3374]
China - Macau SAR
(07 February 2014). 美校园现“半裸梦游男”逼真雕塑吓坏学生. Macau Asia Satellite Television (MASTV) (TV station) (Macau) (Two photos and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [1915]
Associated Press. (10 February 2014). Offbeat: US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. Macau Daily Times (World section) (website). [0593]
(06 February 2014). შიშველმა რეალურმა ქანდაკებამ დიდი რეზონანსი გამოიწვია. Prime Time News. (Tbilisi) (Section unknown) (website). [2702].
(ca. 08 February 2014). Лунатик своим появление на улице возмутил девушек. (Georgia) (internet portal) (Russian and Georgian language) (Section unknown) (website). [2701]
Attention, news agency photos:

(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (ca. 8 photos and captions on offer) (Section unknown) (website). [1853; 4669]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture in college campus makes students uncomfortable. (India) (their partner is CNN) (Buzz section) (website). [3662]
Bidgood, Jess / New York Times. (07 February 2014). A petition takes aim at a statue in briefs. New Delhi Television (Offbeat section) (website). [0790]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Sculpture of a sleepwalking man causes stir. The New Indian Express (World section) (Chennai, India) (website). [0772]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. The Times of India (Mad, mad world section) (website). [0563]
(07 February 2014). మహిళా కాలేజీలో నగ్నవిగ్రహం ("Sculpture of a sleepwalking man causes stir"). Andhra Prabha. (Andhra Pradesh region; Telugu language). [0779]
Jacobs, Peter. (05 February 2014). There is a terrifying statue of a nearly naked man on Wellesley College’s campus. Business Insider India (Education section) (website). [1059]
(06 February 2014). (Untitled photo and caption). Yahoo! News India (News section) (website). (Also, another photo and caption on 06 February 2014 on an untitled page in their "lifestyle" section. Another photo and caption was released on 06 February 2014 in a 13-photo gallery entitled "Top news photos of the day".) [3659; 3661; 2474]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college. (high-traffic higher education student-oriented site, owned by AOL Online India) (embedded video) (Videos and Weird News section) (website). (Also, videos entitled "On Campus: Naked man at Wellesley (video)" (by HuffPost Live); "Realistic half-naked statue causes controversy on campus (video)" (by Newsy); "Realistic statue of almost-naked man freaks out women’s college" (a HuffPost Live video); "Sculpture of half-naked man turns heads at Wellesley College (video)"; "Sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US campus"; "Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ becoming a national sensation" (video of WCVB TV Boston news report); "Wellesley students address naked male statue of campus (video)" (by HuffPost Live). [0718; 2224; 2-2226-29; 3371; 2-5164-72]
Mohan, Keerthi. (08 February 2014). Near nude statue of sleepwalking man ‘freaks out’ students; should the statue be removed? International Business Times (Bangalore) (Section unknown) (website). [0794]
Whittaker, Francis. (28 February 2014). Weather pictures of the month: February 2014. MSN (India) (1 photo and caption in 31-photo gallery) (Weather section) (website). [3663]
(06 February 2014). Kampus di Amerika Dihebohkan Patung Zombie Manusia. WartaNews (Jakarta) (Section unknown) (website). [0825]
(06 February 2014). Patung Mirip Manusia Betulan Bikin Ratusan Mahasiswa Takut. Riau Pos (newspaper) ( (Pekanbaru) (website). [2-3346]
(06 February 2014). Pria Bercelana Dalam
Jalan Sambil Tidur Resahkan para Mahasiswi. (news website) (Jakarta) (Section unknown). [3349]
(06 February 2014). Patung zombie heboh di kampus AS. (news website) (Medan) (Section unknown) (website). [2-1657]
(06 February 2014). ’Sleepwalker’, Patung Zombie di Kampus AS. (news website) (Jakarta) (International section) (website). [3350]
(06 February 2014). Takut! Karya Seni Patung Manusia "Sleepwalker" Tuai Kecaman. (Jakarta) (social media website) (News section) (website). [2-1664]
(06 February 2014). Wow!! Patung Mirip Manusia Betulan Bikin Ratusan Mahasiswa Takut. ( (news website) (Pekanbaru) (Section unknown). [2-3363]
Agustine, Firda Puri. (06 February 2014). Patung Pria Setengah Telanjang Bikin Heboh Satu Kampus. (very high-traffic Internet portal) (Jakarta) (Ramadan and Art & Culture sections) (website). [2-3353; 2-3356]
BBC. (06 February 2014). Patung Mirip Manusia Betulan Bikin Ratusan Mahasiswa Takut. Posmetro Batam (News website) (Batam) (News section). [2-2554]
BBC Indonesia. (06 February 2014). Patung Zombie Heboh di Kampus AS. (very high-traffic Internet portal) (Jakarta) (International and Election sections) (website). [2-1660; 2-3359]
BBC Indonesia. (06 February 2014). Patung zombie heboh di kampus AS. Tempo (magazine) ( (Jakarta) (BBC section) (website). [2-3360]
BBC Indonesia. (06 February 2014). Patung zombie heboh di kampus AS. Tribun (newspaper or news website) (national) (International section) (website). [1665]
BBC Indonesia. (06 February 2014). Patung Zombie Hebohkan Kampus di AS. (Medan, Indonesia) (news website) (Section unknown) (website) [2-3361] (06 February 2014). Patung zombie heboh di kampus AS. (youth culture news and information website) (Indonesia) (News section). [2-5270]
(07 February 2014). Mahasiswa Protes, Takut Karena Patung Ini Persis Manusia Hidup. Tribun Jateng (newspaper) (Semarang, Indonesia) (International section) (website). [3345]
(07 February 2014). Patung zombie di Wellesley College menuai protes. (news website) (Surabaya) (Section unknown). [2-3355]
(07 February 2014). ’Pria’ Nyaris Telanjang di Tengah Salju Bikin Takut Mahasiswa. ( (pop culture / entertainment website) (Jakarta) (News section). [2-3351]
BBC. (07 February 2014). Mahasiswa pun Ketakutan Melihat Patung Ini. (news website) (Jakarta) (Lifestyle section). [2-1656]
Farhan, Afif. (07 February 2014). Patung Pria Bugil di Tengah Salju Hebohkan AS. (very high-traffic Internet portal) (Jakarta) (Ramadan and Travel sections) (website). [2-3354; 2-3357]
Junita, Nancy. (07 February 2014). Patung Cowok Berkolor Putih Diprotes Mahasiswi. (news and lifestyle website) (Jakarta) (Oh Dunia section). [2-1661]
(08 February 2014). Lelaki Ini Telanjang di Tengah Salju. (news website) (Jakarta) (Section unknown). [2-1663]
(08 February 2014). Pria Hampir Bugil di Tengah Salju Ini Bikin Takut Para Mahasiswa. Fakta Paling Seru ( (lifestyle website) (Pontianak) (website). [2-3347]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Patung Zombie Ini Bikin Heboh. Republika Penerbit ( (book publisher website) (Jakarta) (Religion section). [2-3348]
BBC Indonesia. (09 March 2014). Patung zombie heboh di kampus AS. (Bandung) (News section) (website). [2-3362]
Low Xing Ling (Joselin). (09 February 2014). ’Pria’ Nyaris Telanjang di Tengah Salju Bikin Takut Mahasiswa. (social media website) (Location unknown) (Section unknown). [2-3365]
(10 February 2014). Patung Pria Berkolor Putih Diprotes Mahasiswi. (news website) (Jakarta) (Section unknown) (website). [3352]
(10 February 2014). Pria ini Takuti Mahasiswa dengan Berjalan Telanjang di Tengah Salju. (city news and lifestyle website) (Jakarta) (Weird section). [2-1662]
(07 February 2014). تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية. (news website) (Zurich, Switzerland domain; Iraq-focused content) (Section unknown). [2-2383]
(07 February 2014). ! تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة (radio station) (Sulaimaniyah, Iraq) (Photo, caption and embedded RT Ruptly video) [2-2354]
(08 February 2014). تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (Iraq-centred news) (Section unknown) (website). [2360]
(06 February 2014). (Article in Hebrew) (news website) (Section unknown) [3366]
(06 February 2014). הסהרורי: למה הוא עירום בשלג סמוך לקמפוס לנשים? (news website) (Section unknown). [3367]
(07 February 2014). تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (social media website) (Nazareth, Israel) (Embedded RT Ruptly video) (Section unknown). [2-2364] (07 February 2014). США: студентки потребовали демонтировать жуткий памятник. (news website for Russian-speakers in Israel) (Наше Кафе section) (website). [3369]
(08 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما. Bokra Net ( (Nazareth, Israel) (Section unknown). [2-2404]
(07 February 2014). 雪上に佇む“パンツ一丁の男”、不気味すぎる芸術作品に批判殺到。 (mobile search portal) (Tokyo) (News section) (website) [2-2212]
(07 February 2014). 雪上に佇む“パンツ一丁の男”、不気味すぎる芸術作品に批判殺到。 (Osaka) (high-traffic pop culture website) (Section unknown). [0555]
(07 February 2014). 雪上に佇む“パンツ一丁の男”、不気味すぎる芸術作品に批判殺到。Yomerumo News (Tokyo) ( (Part of GMO Internet Group) (海外 section) (website). [1812] (07 February 2014). 雪上に佇む“パンツ一丁の男”、不気味すぎる芸術作品に批判殺到。BIGLOBE ( (Internet service provider) (Tokyo) (News section) (website). [2-1800] (07 February 2014). 雪上に佇む“パンツ一丁の男”、不気味すぎる芸術作品に批判殺到。 (Internet portal) (News section) (website). [1793] (07 February 2014). 雪上に佇む“パンツ一丁の男”、不気味すぎる芸術作品に批判殺到。livedoor ( (Internet service provider) (Tokyo) (News section) (website). [2-1784] (07 February 2014). 雪上に佇む“パンツ一丁の男”、不気味すぎる芸術作品に批判殺到。 Mixi (Social networking service) ( (Tokyo) (News section) (website). [2-1805] (07 February 2014). 雪上に佇む"パンツ一丁の男"、不気味すぎる芸術作品に批判殺到。 (social media services; social game services) (Tokyo) (News section). [2-2246] (07 February 2014). 雪上に佇む“パンツ一丁の男”、不気味すぎる芸術作品に批判殺到。 Niconico (video sharing website) ( (News section) (website). [2-0814]
(16 February 2014). 「パンツ一丁」の男性像が女子大に出現 現代アート作品を「気持ち悪い」と撤去できる?Huffington Post (Japan) (Entertainment section) (website). [4666]
(03 March 2014). 米女子大のパンイチおじさん像撤去騒動のその後→超人気者になってました! (Netallica section) (website). [0810]
(16 March 2014). この芸術作品どう思う? “パンツ一丁の男”像に批判殺到. (summary website with giant Manga girl graphic!) (Tokyo) (website). [2-2300]
(06 February 2014.) جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما Al Hussam News (news website) (Amman) (Section unknown) (website). [2424]
(06 February 2014). بالصور : جدل حول تمثال رجل عاري يسر نائماً JBC News (TV; in JBC Group) (Amman) (Section unknown) (website). [2422]
(07 February 2014). تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية JBC News (TV; in JBC Group) (Amman) (Includes embedded RT Ruptly video in Arabic) (Section unknown) (website). [2347]
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (Amman, Jordan) (website). [2-2377]
(09 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (Jordan) (Section unknown) (website). [2-2423]
(06 February 2014). Лунатик своим появление на улице возмутил девушек. (website with news section) (Kazakhstan) (NewZ section). [2-3414]
(06 February 2014). Лунатик своим появление на улице возмутил девушек. Oil & Gas Kazakhstan (oil and gas sector news and information website) ( (Aktobe, Kazakhstan) (Общество section) (website). [2-2610]
(06 February 2014). Лунатик своим появление на улице возмутил девушек. (transportation company website) (Almaty) (Новости section). [2-3415]
(06 February 2014). Американские студентки выступили против скульптуры голого лунатика. (News website) (Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan) (НОВОСТИ section). [3413]
(06 february 2014). Американские студентки выступили против скульптуры голого лунатика. (News website) (Almaty, Kazakhstan) (Общество section). [3407]
(06 February 2014). Американские студентки выступили против скульптуры голого лунатика. (news website) (Almaty, Kazakhstan) (News section). (Also posted in their sports section on the day.) [3405; 3409]
(06 February 2014). Лунатик своим появление на улице возмутил девушек. (News website) (Almaty, Kazakhstan) (Общество section). [3406]
Marat, Usmanov. (06 February 2014). Статуя мужчины в нижнем белье терроризирует американский колледж. (News website) (Astana) (Section unknown). [3408]
(07 february 2014). Статуя мужчины в нижнем белье терроризирует американский колледж. (News and entertainment website) (Kazakhstan) (Новости section) (website). [2-3412]
(10 February 2014). «Лунатик» стал звездой Instagram. (radio station) (Moscow) (Новости section) (website). (Broadcasting in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates.) [2-3736]
(11 February 2014). Әлем айшықтары - АЙКЕЗБЕНI КИIНДIРIП.... Жас Алаш ( (newspaper) (Almaty, Kazakhstan) (Әртүрлі section) (website). [3403]
Айнур. (12 February 2014). Лунатик из Массачусетса нашел друзей и стал звездой Instagram. Диапазон (newspaper) (Aktobe, Kazakhstan) (World section) (website). [2-3411] (12 February 2014). Лунатик из Массачусетса нашел друзей и стал звездой Instagram. (news website) (Kazakhstan) (Section unknown). [2-3417]
(06 February 2014). Лунатик своим появление на улице возмутил девушек Источник. (City website) (Kemin, Kyrgyzstan) (World news section) (website). [3402]
(07 February 2014). Американские студентки выступили против скульптуры голого лунатика. (newspaper or news website) (Kant, Kyrgyzstan) (World section). [3401]
(10 February 2014). «Лунатик» стал звездой Instagram. (radio station) (Moscow) (Новости section) (website). (Broadcasting in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates.) [2-3736]
(06 February 2014). بالصور: جدل واسع حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما ويبدو كأنه حي! al-khabar press (news website) (Beirut) (Section unknown) (website). [2408]
(06 February 2014). بالصور: جدل واسع حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما ويبدو كأنه حي! (news website) (Section unknown). [2407]
AFP. (06 February 2014). USA : la statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi dans une université . L’Orient Le Jour (Beirut, Lebanon) (Latest news section) (website). [0672]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). U.S. college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. Naharnet (Lebanon) (Section unknown) (website). [0595]
(07 February 2014). تمثالٌ لرجلٍ عارٍ في مدرسة للفتيات Aljadeed Entertainment ( (Beirut) (RT video and caption) (Section unknown) (website). [1983]
(07 February 2014). تمثال لرجل نائمٍ وعارٍ يثير بلبلة في كليّة أميركيّة NOW news (news website) ( (Lebanon) (غـرائـب العـالـم section). [2-2342]
BBC. (07 February 2014). بالصور.. جدلٌ حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائمًا (news website) (Beirut) (Section unknown). [2-2385]
OLJ. (07 February 2014). Aux États-Unis, la statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi dans une université. L’Orient Le Jour (Beirut, Lebanon) (Middle East and World section) (website and hard copy). [0673; K1-048]
(08 February 2014). ! رجل يسير وهو نائم وسط الثلوج Al Balad News AR ( (news website) (Beirut) (Section unknown) (website). [2405]
(ca. 08 February 2014). تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة. El Marada political party website ( (news and party platform website) (Lebanon) (Including embedded RT Ruptly video) (Video section). [2-2343]
(09 February 2014). تمثال لرجل عاري يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات (News and entertainment website) (Lebanon) (Section unknown). [2367]
(09 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (news website) (Lebanon) (Section unknown) (website). [2362]
(14 February 2014). الرئيسية / منوعات / بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات Sham Times (newspaper or news website) ( (Beirut). (Section unknown). [2-2340]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Yahoo! News Malaysia (Malaysia section) (website). (Also photos on other pages in Malaysia and Home sections). [3395-97]
ETtoday. (08 February 2014). 裸体男穿内裤梦游女校雕像学生抗议不舒服. (youth-oriented site) (Kuala Lumpur) (World News section) (website). (Another article entitled "大家可以讨论新闻里的大刚及给意见留言" was released on the day.) [2-1976-77]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas. (Malaysia) (Embedded video and caption) (News - World & Entertainment - Videos sections). [2-5280; 2-5283]
Ram, Sadho. (ca. 10 February 2014). This nearly naked ’man’ Sleepwalking at this college has women losing sleep. Here’s why. (high-traffic social media news website) (Selangor, Malaysia). [3394]
Whittaker, Francis. (ca. 26 February 2014). Weather pictures of the month: February 2014. (News section) (website). [3398]
Associated Press. (07 February 2014). US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. (radio station, magazine and website) (Malé) (Section unknown) (website). [0596]
(06 February 2014). [Article with photo in Burmese (language unsupported at ADC)]. (news website) (domain registered in Ohio) (News section). [2825]
(06 February 2014 ). [Article with photo in Burmese (language unsupported at ADC)]. (news website) (domain registered in London) (News section). [2824]
(15 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما وهج الخليج (news website) (Muscat) (Section unknown) (website). [2414]
(06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما . (TV channel) (Nablus, Palestine) (Section unknown) (website). [2419]
(07 February 2014). تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية Palestine 24 ( (news agency or news website) (Ramallah) (Section unknown). [2370]
(08 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (news website) (Ramallah) (Arts and culture section) (website). [2417]
(ca. 08 February 2014). !!.. بالصور: جدل فني حول تمثال لـ”رجل عارٍ” يسير نائماً (news website) (Gaza) (بانوراما section). [2-2418]
Agencies. (08 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (Ramallah) (Entertainment section) (website). [2-2420]
The Philippines
(06 February 2014). A statue by Tony Matelli titled "Sleepwalker" stands in the snow on the campus of Wellesley College in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Yahoo! She - Philippines (women’s focus) (Photo and caption) (website). [2826]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Lifelike sculpture of man wearing underpants causes stir at US college. Yahoo! Sports Philippines (The Philippines) (Section unknown) (website). (Also, photo and caption in this sports section on a separate webpage.) [1506; 2829]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Yahoo! News Philippines (Philippines - The Nation section) (website). (Also, on the day a photo and caption were also released entitled "A statue by Tony Matelli titled ’Sleepwalker’ stands in the snow on the campus of Wellesley College in Wellesley, Massachusetts".) [2827-28]
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Tempo News (Manila) (World news section) (website). [0799]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas. (Philippines) (Embedded video and caption) (News - World section). [2-5279]
BBC Arabic. (ca. 08 February 2014). (article in Arabic). جريدة.قطر (news website) (Qatar) (Section unknown) (website). [2413]
Saudi Arabia
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (news website) (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) (Section unknown) [2378]
(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكي (Saudi Arabia) (Section unknown) (website). [2368]
(07 February 2014). Today in Pictures, Feb 7, 2014. Asia Report (online magazine) in connection to The Straits Times (Singapore) (Photo and caption in gallery) (News section). [2-2250]
Staff, Associated Press. (07 February 2014). Today in Pictures, Feb 7, 2014. The Straits-Times (Singapore) (Photo and caption on page) (News section) (website). [2197]
Associated Press. (08 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. TODAY (Singapore) (Quirky world section) (website). [0176]
Oakey, Thomas. (07 February 2014). Weird news of the week: 07 February - Eerie statue creeps out campus residents. (Singapore) (Section unknown) (website). [1243]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies causes stir. Yahoo! Singapore (news & Singapore section) (website). (Also, a photo and caption entitled "A statue of a man sleepwalking in his underpants is surrounded by snow on the campus of Wellesley College" was released on 06 February 2014 in the News & Singapore section. Another photo on 06 February 2014 was released in the Entertainment section and also the Finance section.) [2251-53; 1835]
South Korea
(07 February 2014). 美 대학 캠퍼스 ’대낮에 팬티 차림으로…’ JTBC (cable TV network) (South Korea) (5-photo gallery) (국제 section) (website). [Comparable photo galleries also in their (news website) partner site in 최신기사, style, money, pic, live and living sections.] [2716-21; 2713]
(15 February 2014). 美 반라 남성 형상화한 ’몽유병’(Sleepwalker) 조각상 철거 논란 뜨거워. Metro ( (Seoul) (Section unknown) (website). [2724]
(07 February 2014). تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية (news website) (Aleppo, Syria) (Embedded RT Ruptly video) (Section unknown). [2-2355]
Attention, news agency report:

(06 February 2014). 內褲男雕像太真 女大生不舒服. Central News Agency (Taipei) (International focus section) (website) (Mention). [0811]
(06 February 2014). 內褲男雕像太真 女大生不舒服. China Times (newspaper) (Taipei) (News section) (website). [1969]
(06 February 2014). 禿頭男穿內褲夢遊!知名女校雕像 學生抗議不舒服. (associated with ETTV TV) (Taipei) (News section) (website). (Also on 07 February 2014, the article "知名女校「禿頭夢遊男」被惡搞 背上都蘭國中書包" in their news and travel sections was released. [1978-79; 1981]
Associated Press. (06 February 2014). US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. Taiwan News (Newspaper) (Taipei) (Section unknown) (website). [2249]
Central News Agency. (06 February 2014). 內褲男雕像太真女大生不舒服. (Section unknown) (website). [1970]
Central News Agency. (06 February 2014). 內褲男雕像太真 女大生不舒服. (News section) (website). [1968]
Central News Agency. (06 February 2014). 內褲男雕像太真 女大生不舒服. ("student community website") (Taipei) (News section) (website). [2-1972]
Reuters. (06 February 2014). A statue by Tony Matelli titled Sleepwalker stands in the snow on … PageSay (lifestyle website) ( (Chiayi, Taiwan) (Photo and caption) (News section) (website). [2-3383]
(07 February 2014). 內褲男雕像太真 女大生不舒服. Keng Sheng Daily News (newspaper) ( (Hualian City, Taiwan) (website). [2-1971]
Oakey, Thomas. (05 February 2014). รวมข่าวแปลกประจำสัปดาห์. (Weekly weird news). (website). [2293]
(06 February 2014). ศิลปินมะกันทำอึ้ง เอาหุ่นคนเดินละเมอเสมือนจริงจัดแสดงกลางหิมะ. ( (Entertainment / news website) (Bangkok) (Section unknown) (website). [2294]
(09 February 2014). ศิลปินมะกันทำอึ้ง เอาหุ่นคนเดินละเมอเสมือนจริงจัดแสดงกลางหิมะ. (Music, movies and celebrities website) (Bangkok) (Section unknown) (website). [2295]
United Arab Emirates
Attention, news agency photographs:

(06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir (ca. 8 photos and captions on offer) (website). [2388]
Associated Press. (05 February 2014). Mass. college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. Yahoo! Maktoob (HQ - Dubai) (Oddly enough section) (website). [1505]
BBC Arabic. (06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما Yahoo! Maktoob (HQ - Dubai) (News section) (website). (Also, a photo and caption in a 7-photo gallery, ca. 15 February 2014, entitled " شاهد: قطع فنية غريبة واقعية جدا ".) [3665; 3664]
Malhotra, Lavanya. (08 March 2014). I don’t know much about public art but I know what I like. The National (Abu Dhabi, UAE) (Lifestyle - Family section) (website). (Mention.) [0850]
(10 February 2014). «Лунатик» стал звездой Instagram. (radio station) (Moscow) (Новости section) (website). (Broadcasting in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates.) [2-3736]
(06 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. Báo Người Lao Động Online (newspaper) (Ho Chi Minh City) ( (Quốc tế section). (Also on 09 February 2014, an 11-photo gallery was released entitled "Không ngờ!" including a photo and caption in their International News and Money sections.) (Mentions). [2-3437; 2-2486; 2-3453]
(06 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. (news and business listings website) (Ho Chi Minh City) (Tin tức section). [2-3479]
(07 February 2014). Sinh viên tá hỏa vì bức tượng khỏa thân giữa sân trường. (fashion, celebrity, lifestyle website) (Location unknown) (Trang chủ section). [2-3475]
(07 February 2014). Sinh viên tá hỏa vì bức tượng khỏa thân giữa sân trường. (news website) (Hanoi) (Văn hóa section). [2-3483]
(07 February 2014). Sinh viên tá hỏa vì bức tượng khỏa thân giữa sân trường. (youth-oriented news / lifestyle / entertainment website) (Hanoi) (Học sesction). [2-3446]
(07 February 2014). Tượng người bán khỏa thân gây sợ trong trường học. (news and lifestyle website) (Ho Chi Minh City) (Section unknown). [2-3472]
(07 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. (news website) (Hanoi) (Tin tức trong ngày section). [2-3460]
(07 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. (Đà Nẵng business website) (Đà Nẵng) (Tin tức - Sự kiện section) [3480]
(07 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. (news website) (Ho Chi Minh City) (Thế giới section). [2-3434]
(07 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. (Vietnam) (mobile games website) (Section unknown). [2-3458]
(07 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. (news website) (Vietnam) (Giáo dục - Du học section). [2-3429]
(07 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. (news website) (Vietnam) (Thế Giới section). [2-3433] (07 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. (Vietnam) [news, gaming, dictionary website (!)] (Tổng hợp section). [2-3442] (07 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân khiến nữ sinh hoảng sợ. (News section) (website). [3462]
(08 February 2014). Bức tượng “mộng du” đáng sợ. An Ninh Thủ Đô (news website) (Hanoi) ( (Section unknown). [2-3441]
(08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. Bình Chọn Bóng Đá (sports website) (Vietnam) ( (Bóng Đá Ý section). [2-3436]
(08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (news website) (Ho Chi Minh City / Saigon) (Section unknown). [2-3449]
(08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. Báo Dân trí ( (news website) (Hanoi) (Văn hóa section) (website). [1982]
(08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (news website) (Hanoi) (Xã hội section) [1990]
(08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (communications-oriented news and information website) (Hanoi) (Section unknown). [2-1989]
(08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (news and lifetsyle website) (Vietnam) (Trang chủ section). [2-3447]
(08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (news and lifestyle website) (Hanoi) (Văn hóa section). [2-3426]
(08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (news website) (Hanoi) (Văn hóa section). [2-3478]
(08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (news website) (Hanoi) (Văn hóa section). [2-2353]
(08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (News website) (Ho Chi Minh City) (Văn hóa - Nghệ thuật section) [1988]
(08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân khiến nữ sinh hoảng sợ. (news website) (Vietnam) (Section unknown). [2-3467]
Dân trí. (08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. Lac Hong University website ( (Biên Hòa) (News & Education news sections). [2-1985-6]
Dân trí. (08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (news-oriented website) (Hanoi) (Section unknown). [2-3425]
Dân Trí. (08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (high school website) (Vietnam) (News section). [2-3435] (08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (news website) (Vietnam) (Văn Hóa - Giải trí section). [2-3431]
Huffington Post. (08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân khiến nữ sinh hoảng sợ. (pop culture website) (Vietnam) (section unknown). [2-3481]
(ca. 08 Febuary 2014). Mỹ: Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. (Higher education-focused website) (Vietnam) (Section unknown). [2-3477]
(ca. 08 February 2014). Estátua de homem de cueca assusta estudantes femininas. (Possible posting error in yahoo system as Spanish language posted in Vietnam sub-domain) (News - Video section) (website). [3456]
Dân trí. (ca. 08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (import/export company website) (Hanoi) (Tin tức section). [2-3457] (ca. 08 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (news and business information portal) (Ho Chi Minh City) (Tin tức section). [2-3484]
Huffington Post. (ca. 08 February 2014). Không di chuyển tượng khỏa thân trong trường. Tin nhahn (news website) ( (Vietnam) (Section unknown). [2-3450]
(09 February 2014). Không ngờ! (news website) (Vietnam) (photo and caption in 11-photo gallery) (Section unknown). [2-2487]
(09 February 2014). Không ngờ! Báo Mới ( (News website) (Hanoi) (Thế giới section) (Mention). [2484]
(09 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (news website) (Vietnam) (Văn hóa section). [2-3451]
(09 February 2014). Không ngờ! Lướt Báo (news website) (Vietnam) ( (photo and caption in 11-photo gallery) (Thế giới section). [2-3448]
Dân Trí. (09 February 2014). Tượng người đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. (news website) (Hanoi) (Văn hóa section). [2-3423]
(10 February 2014). Không ngờ! VTV Can Tho (TV station or network) ( (Cần Thơ) (Mention). (On 19 February 2014, an article entitled "Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học" was released in their "Trang chủ" section.) [2-3452; 2-3445]
(10 February 2014). Những sự kiện thế giới nóng bỏng tuần qua. (health care-oriented website) (Ho Chi Mihn City) (Photo and caption in 10-photo gallery) (Thời sự section). [2-3430]
Datviet. (10 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. (pop culture / entertainment website) (Vietnam) (Lạ & vui section). [2-3464]
DM. (10 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. Leo Media (entertainment website) ( (Phú Mỹ) (Section unknown). [2-1991]
(ca. 12 February 2014). Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân gây sốc. V.Star Minerals Company Limited website (Yên Bình, Vietnam) ( (News section). [2-3465]
Huffington Post. (26 February 2014). Không di chuyển tượng khỏa thân trong trường. (news website) (Hanoi) (Giáo dục section). [2-3428]
(27 February 2014). Không di chuyển tượng khỏa thân trong trường. (education website) (Hanoi) (Tuyển sinh section). [2-3466]
Huffington Post. (27 February 2014). Không di chuyển tượng khỏa thân trong trường. VNPT (post and telecommunications company) (Vietnam) (website). (On 11 sub-domains: angiang; bariavungtau; binhduong; dienbien; hatinh; kiengiang; nghean; sonla; tuyenquang; vinhphuc; yenbai). [2-3390; 2-3416; 2-3421; 2-3424; 2-3427; 2-3432; 2-3438-40; 2-3454; 2-3459]
Attention, news agency video:

(07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية Alwan Press Agency ( (Yemen) (Video and caption) (website). [2-2387]
(06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (news website) (Yemen) (Section unknown). [2816]
(06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (news website) (Yemen) (Section unknown) (website). [2813]
(06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائماً (Yemen) (news website) (Section unknown). [2814]
(06 February 2014). "Controversial naked-man sculpture" (in Arabic). (news website) (Yemen) (Section unknown). [2-2410]
(06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما (business news) (Sana’a, Yemen) (Entertainment News section) (website). [2-2817]
BBC. (06 February 2014). جدل فني حول تمثال لرجل عارٍ يسير نائما . (news website) (Yemen) (Section unknown). [2403]
RT Ruptly + RT. (07 February 2014). بالفيديو.. تمثال لرجل نصف عار يثير صدمة في مدرسة بنات أمريكية PWAQ (news website) ( (Location unknown) (Section unknown). [2-2376]
See the art, design and music journalism takes on the Sleepwalker sculpture media coverage. Above: visualization by Marcus Bering for artdesigncafe expressing feeling of international publicity overload (15 October 2014).
N. Sleepwalker media coverage in Australia & South Pacific![]() From Perth to Sydney to Auckland and Tahiti, media reported on the Sleepwalker. See the coverage Australia
Your attention, please. News agency photograph:
![]() (05 February 2014). Statue of sleep-walking man triggers controversy at Wellesley College. (Photo and caption). [1854] National TV ninemsn staff. (06 February 2014). ’Sleepwalking’ statue scares students. 9news (national - Sydney, NSW) (World section) (website). [0778] NEWSPAPER (06 February 2014). He’s actually a lot stiffer than you think. MX (Australia) (General news section) (hard copy). [K1-084] OTHER MEDIA (06 February 2014). Undie-clad Sleepwalker statue stresses out students at Wellesley College. (national) (National news section) (news website). (Another article version was released on the same day with the title "How creepy is this weird and almost nude sculpture?" and in the travel section.) [1056; 0867] Jacobs, Peter. (06 February 2014). There is a terrifying statue of a nearly naked man on Wellesley College’s campus. (business news website) (Australia) (Briefing section). [2-5251] Fairfax Media. (07 February 2014). Is this too scary? (housing website) (Australia) (Embedded Fairfax Media video). [2-5259] Fairfax Media. (07 February 2014). Is this too scary? (auto website) (Australia) (Embedded Fairfax Media video). [2-5254] Fairfax Media. (07 February 2014) Is this too scary? (parenting website) (Embedded Fairfax Media-branded video) (Section unknown). [5095] Fairfax Media. (07 February 2014) Is this too scary? (food website) (Embedded Fairfax Media-branded video) (Section unknown). [5098] Fairfax Media. (07 February 2014). Is this too scary? (Australia) (Embedded Fairfax Media-branded video) (Federal Politics section). [2-5255] Vitto, Laura. (07 February 2014). Creepy Sleepwalker Statue is freaking students at Wellesley college out. Daily Life (Australian women’s lifestyle magazine) (Celebrity news section) (website). (Also on 07 February 2014 an embedded Fairfax Media video entitled "Is this too scary?" was released.) [0024; 5096] Watts, Richard. (07 February 2014). Sleepwalking sculpture alarms American students. artsHub (Visual arts - bits and blogs section) (website). [1221] (ca. 08 February 2014). Stiffer than you’d think. MXnet (mobile news website) ( (national website) (Section unknown). [2-5253]
"Motorists reportedly have been slamming on their brakes as they approach and pass the 175-centimetre fibreglass and epoxy sculpture, entitled Sleepwalker..."
— Megan Levy reporting in "Sleepwalker: the undressed sculpture causing undue stress" (07 February 2014), in multiple Australian news outlets
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) NEWSPAPER Levy, Megan. (07 February 2014). Sleepwalker: the undressed sculpture causing undue stress. The Canberra Times (Entertainment) (website). (Also on 07 February 2014, an embedded Fairfax Media video entitled "Is this too scary?" was released.) [0757; 2456] New South Wales NEWSPAPERS (06 February 2014). He’s actually a lot stiffer than you think. Sydney MX (Australia) (World section) (hard copy). [K1-092] (06 February 2014). Undie-clad Sleepwalker statue stresses out students at Wellesley College. The Daily Telegraph (newspaper) (Sydney) (Travel news section). [2-5248] (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Tweed Daily News (newspaper) (Tweed Heads South, NSW) (news section) (website). [2-5252] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Ballina Shire Advocate (Ballina, NSW) (APN News & Media) (Section unknown) (website). [0855] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Byron Shire News (Byron Shire area, NSW) (APN News & Media) (Section unknown) (website). [0874] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Coffs Coast Advocate (Coffs Harbour, NSW) (APN News & Media) (Section unknown) (website). [0853] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW) (APN News & Media) (Section unknown) (website). [0854] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Northern Rivers Echo Northern Rivers area, NSW (APN News & Media) (Section unknown) (website). [0870] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Northern Star (Lismore, NSW) (APN News & Media) (Section unknown) (website). [0859] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Tweed Daily News (Tweeds Head, NSW) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0847] Levy, Megan. (07 February 2014). Sleepwalker: the undressed sculpture causing undue stress. The Sydney Morning Herald (Entertainment) (website). (Also on 07 February 2014 an embedded Fairfax Media video entitled "Is this too scary?" was released.) [0758; 5092] NEWS WEBSITE (07 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học. (news website) (Cabramatta, NSW, Australia) (Trang Nhất section). [2-3444] OTHER MEDIA Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. ("local classified for NSW and Qld" website) (Section unknown). [2-5250] Queensland NEWSPAPERS (06 February 2014). He’s actually a lot stiffer than you think. MX Brisbane (Queensland, Australia) (MX section) (hard copy). [K1-083] (06 February 2014). Undie-clad Sleepwalker statue stresses out students at Wellesley College. The Courier-Mail (Brisbane) (Travel news section) (website). [2590] Associated Press. (07 February 2014). World. The Gold Coast Bulletin (Gold Coast, Australia) (News section) (Photo and caption) (hard copy). (Mention.) [K1-037] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Caboolture News (Caboolture, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0860] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Central Queensland News (Emerald area, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0848] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Central Telegraph (Biloela, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0865] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Coolum News (Coolum Beach area, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0873] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Daily Mercury (Mackay, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0851] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Fraser Coast Chronicle (Hervey Bay, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0858] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Gatton Star (Gatton, Lockyer and Brisbane Valley, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0763] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Gympie Times (Gympie, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0856] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Ipswich Advertiser (Ipswich, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0876] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0852] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The NewsMail (Bundaberg, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0863] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Noosa News (Noosa area, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0872] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Observer (Gladstone, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0861] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0565] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Range News (Beerwah area, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0869] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Reporter (Logan City, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0864] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Satellite (Ipswich, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0875] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. South Burnett Times (Kingaroy, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0862] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Stanthorpe Border Post (Stanthorpe, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0868] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Sunshine Coast Daily (Maroochydore, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0849] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. (Surat Basin area, Qld) (Website for Balonne Beacon, Chinchilla News, Dalby Herald, Western Star, and Western Times. (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections). [0871] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. The Toowoomba Chronicle (Toowoomba, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0846] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Warwick Daily News (Warwick, Qld) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0857] Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. Whitsunday Times (Airlie Beach, Ql) (APN News & Media) (News - art / offbeat / students sections) (website). [0866] Levy, Megan. (07 February 2014). Sleepwalker: the undressed sculpture causing undue stress. Brisbane Times (Entertainment) (website). (Also on 07 February 2014 an embedded Fairfax Media video entitled "Is this too scary?" was released.) [0741; 2277] OTHER MEDIA Krishnan, Joe. (07 February 2014). Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints. ("local classified for NSW and Qld" website) (Section unknown). [2-5250]
"’I honestly didn’t even want to get too close to him,’ Wellesley College student Laura Mayron told the Boston Globe. ’It’s odd.’"
— Joe Krishnan reporting in "Creepy statue of zombie sleepwalker sparks complaints" (07 February 2014), in multiple Australian news outlets
South Australia NEWSPAPER (06 February 2014). Undie-clad Sleepwalker statue stresses out students at Wellesley College. The Advertiser (Adelaide) (Travel news section) (website). [1050] Victoria RADIO (07 February 2014). Tượng người mộng du gây hoảng sợ trong trường học ở Mỹ. (online Vietnamese-language radio station) (Melbourne) (Tin tức section). [2-5256] NEWSPAPERS (06 February 2014). Undie-clad sleepwalker statue stresses out students at Wellesley College. Herald Sun (Melbourne) (Travel news) (website). [0567] Levy, Megan. (07 February 2014). Sleepwalker: the undressed sculpture causing undue stress. The Age (Entertainment section) (Melbourne) (website). (Also on 07 February 2014 an embedded Fairfax Media video entitled "Is this too scary?" was released.) [0808; 5093] OTHER MEDIA (07 February 2014). Tượng người gây hoảng sợ trong trường học ở Mỹ. (news website) (Dandenong, Victoria) (Tin tức section). [2-5258] Western Austalia NEWSPAPER (06 February 2014). Undie-clad Sleepwalker statue stresses out students at Wellesley College. (associated with The Sunday Times newspaper) (Perth, WA) (Travel News section) (website). [2-5249] Levy, Megan. (07 February 2014). Sleepwalker: the undressed sculpture causing undue stress. (Perth, WA) (Entertainment - Art and Design section) (newspaper website). (Also on 07 February 2014 an embedded Fairfax Media video entitled "Is this too scary?" was released.) [0879; 5097] New Zealand
Your attention, please. News agency photographs:
![]() (06 February 2014). Sculpture exhibit at Wellesley College causes a stir. (At least 8 photos and captions). [1851] TV Associated Press. (08 February 2014). Man-in-undies sculpture causes stir. 3 News (TV, radio, internet) (Auckland, NZ) (Entertainment section) (website). [0877] NEWSPAPERS AND NEWS WEBSITES Times of India. (06 February 2014). US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. New Zealand Star. (Section unknown) (website). [2248] Associated Press. (06 February 2014). US college sculpture of underwear man causes stir. The New Zealand Herald (World - United States section) (website). [A second article was released online on 07 February 2014 with the title "Creepy statue causes protest at women’s college" in the World - arts & literature section. (website and hard copy.) [0656; 0657; K1-047] (07 February 2014). Around the world. Waikato Times (Hamilton, New Zealand) (News section) (hard copy). (Mention.) [K3-017] INTERNET PORTAL ITN. (07 February 2014). Odd half-naked statue pops up at US college. (Video section) (website). [2222] TahitiFor rough foreign language translations, see Google translate. NEWSPAPERS AFP. (06 February 2014). USA: la statue d’un homme en slip provoque l’émoi dans une université. Tahiti Infos (Papeete, Tahiti) (Unusual section) (website). [0675]
O. Sleepwalker in April: Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower - Associated PressOn April 26, AP released an article referring to the Sleepwalker and Wellesley College controversy. Below is the media coverage that we gathered, sprinkled with some sensational quotes from the overall coverage. See the coverage
Your attention, please. Wire service report:
![]() Leff, Lisa. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Associated Press (Big Story section) (website) (Mention). [2309]
Scan below for coverage in Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Taiwan and the UK. USA national coverageTV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. ABC News (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4729A] RADIO Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. NPR (national radio) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2503] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. AT&T Internet Services website ( (web portal) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4746H] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. CNSnews (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2708] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Cox communications (cable TV, telecom and wireless services provider) (HQ: Atlanta area) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4721B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. (Internet portal) (US News section) (website) (Mention). [4726I] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Mediacom website (Cable TV and telecommunications provider: AL, AZ, CA, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MD, MN, MO, MS, NC, OH, SD, TN, VA, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4752C] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. (US section) (website) (Mention). [2497] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. (US News section) (website) (Mention). [2738] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4721A] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Xfinity website (cable TV, internet and telephone company) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4747B] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement on US campuses takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. US News and World Report (News section) (website) (Mention). [2498] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. (News section) (website) (Mention). [2491] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. TWC Central (Time Warner Cable Media - news) (Home section) (website) (Mention). [4697] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trigger warnings: Should college professors give them to students? The Christian Science Monitor (USA section) (News website) (Mention). [4757] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trigger warnings become a source of conflict in higher ed. Huffington Post (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4784] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. (Higher education website with diversity focus) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4725G] Associated Press. (29 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. (higher education website) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4743J]
“Man up, Wellesley:
You’re a generation of sheltered children.” — title of Charlotte Alter’s article in Time magazine
Alabama TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WBMA (ABC 58) (Birmingham, AL); WCFT (ABC 33) (Tuscaloosa, AL) and WJSU (ABC 40) (Anniston, AL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4730E] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WBRC (FOX 6) (Birmingham, AL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4739A] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WKRG (CBS 5) (Mobile, AL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4735I] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WVTM (NBC 13) (Birmingham, AL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4735E] Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WAFF (NBC 48) (Huntsville, AL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4819] NEWSPAPER Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Colleges wrestle with ‘trigger warnings’. The Tuscaloosa News (Tuscaloosa, AL) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4775] Alaska NEWSPAPER Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Anchorage Daily News (Anchorage, AK) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4692] Arkansas TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KATV (ABC 7) (Little Rock, AR) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4728F] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Little Rock, AR) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4722A] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Log Cabin Democrat (Conway, AR) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4724B] Arizona TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KSAZ (FOX 10 Phoenix) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4726E] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KSWT (CBS 13) (Yuma, AZ) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4731I] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KMSB (FOX 11) (Tucson) (National News section) (website) (Mention). [4422] RADIO Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KTAR (92.3) (News / talk) (Phoenix) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4747J] NEWSPAPER Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Yuma Sun (Yuma, AZ) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4827] California TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KTTV (FOX 11) (Los Angeles) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4726C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KTVU (FOX 2) (Oakland, CA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4749A] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KMPH (FOX 26) (Visalia / Fresno, CA) and KFRE (CW 59) (Sanger - Fresno, CA) ( (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4738E] RADIO Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KSRO (AM 1350) (Santa Rosa, CA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4848] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Daily Republic (Fairfield, CA) (US/World section) (website) (Mention). [4755] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Monterey Herald (Monterey, CA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4739G] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Press Enterprise (Riverside, CA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4723H] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. San Jose Mercury News (San Jose, CA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4739B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Santa Cruz Sentinel (Santa Cruz, CA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4747C] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Merced Sun-Star (Merced, CA) (National section) (website) (Mention). [4496] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Orange County Register (Santa Ana, CA) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4829] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Record Searchlight ( (Redding, CA) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4832] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. San Diego Union-Tribune (San Diego) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4699] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4707]
“None of them have any need to man up, and I hope and trust, for women’s sake, that none of them will ever shut up.”
— Wellesley College President H. Kim Bottomly in The Wall Street Journal
Colorado NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Daily Sentinel (Grand Junction, CO) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4722I] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Daily Camera (Boulder, CO) (Nation & World News section) (website) (Mention). [4689] Connecticut TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WFSB (CBS 3) (Hartford, CT) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4728H] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. New Canaan News (New Canaan, CT) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4750G] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The News-Times (Danbury, CT) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4752E] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. New Haven Register [ (second domain)] (New Haven, CT) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4803] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Westport News (Westport, CT) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4852] Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Hour (Norwalk, CT) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2780F] District of Columbia TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WTTG (FOX 5) (Washington, DC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4747I] RADIO Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WTOP (103.5 FM) (Washington, DC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4742I] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WTOP (103.5 FM) (Washington, DC) (Education News section) (website) (Mention). [4670] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Washington Post (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4729I] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Washington Times (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4738A] Florida TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WFLA (NBC 8) (Tampa, FL) (Section unknown) (website). (Mention). [4728D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WTVT (FOX 13) (Tampa) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4785] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WFTV (ABC 9) (Orlando) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4850] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WFLX (FOX 29) (West Palm Beach, FL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4744E] RADIO Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WGUL (AM 860) (conservative news talk) (Tampa) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4741D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WORL (660 AM) (news / talk radio) (Altamonte Springs, FL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2676] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Citrus County Chronicle (Crystal River, FL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4723C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, FL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4723D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The St. Augustine Record (St. Augustine, FL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4724A] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Tampa Bay Times (St. Petersburg, FL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4749G] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Tampa Tribune (Tampa, FL) (National News section) (website) (Mention). [4718] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Pensacola News Journal (Pensacola, FL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4804] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. (Stuart, FL; covers Treasure Coast) (partnered with Sun-Sentinel newspaper and WPTV (NBC 5 - West Palm Beach) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4771]
“Girls, relax."
— Journalist Andrea Peyser in the New York Post
Georgia TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WAGA (FOX 5) (Atlanta) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4743C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WAGT (NBC 26) (Augusta, GA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4742A] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WALB (ABC 10 & NBC 10) (Albany, GA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4736B] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WGCL (CBS 46) (Atlanta) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4745G] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WRBL (CBS 3) (Columbus, GA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4777] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WRDW (CBS 12) (Augusta, GA) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4700] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WSAV (NBC 3) (Savannah, GA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4736I] RADIO Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WGAU (1340 AM) (news / talk) (Athens, GA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4747H] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Athens Banner-Herald ( (Athens, GA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4737C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4736H] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Savannah Morning News (Savannah, GA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4723J] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. (Internet service provider) (HQ in Atlanta) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4772] Hawaii TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KGMB (CBS 5) and KHNL (NBC 13) (Honolulu) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4727J] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Honolulu Star-Advertiser (Honolulu) (News section) (website) (Mention). [2511] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Lahaina News (Lahaina, Maui, HI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4730G] Idaho TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. KTVB (NBC 7) (Boise, ID) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4753A] NEWSPAPER Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Idaho Statesman (Boise) (National / World News section) (website) (Mention). [4713] Illinois TV Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WREX (NBC 13) (Rockford, IL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4736G] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. Rockford Register Star (Rockford, IL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4754A] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Dispatch / Rock Island Argus (Moline, IL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4774] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Belleville News-Democrat (Belleville, IL) (National section) (website) (Mention). [4820] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Daily Ledger (Canton, IL) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4690] Indiana NEWSPAPERS Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Elkhart Truth (Elkhart, IN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4717] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The News-Sentinel, The Journal Gazette and Fort Wayne (monthly) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4744C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. News-Sentinel (Fort Wayne, IN) (Local section) (website) (Mention). [4703] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement on US campuses takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. Daily Journal (Franklin, IN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4846] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement on US campuses takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. The Republic (Columbus, IN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4767] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement on US campuses takes ’trigger warnings’ from Internet to ivory tower. The Tribune ( (Seymour, IN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4853] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Herald Bulletin (Anderson, IN) (Breaking News section) (website) (Mention). [4423]
"It might be creepy, but is it really that threatening?"
— Liza Fromer, Canada’s Global News - The Morning Show presenter quoted in TV broadcast
Iowa TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KTTC (NBC 10) (Rochester, IA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4735B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KWQC (NBC 6) (Davenport, IA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4732A] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KWWL (NBC 7) (Waterloo, IA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4734C] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WOI-TV (ABC 5) (Ames - Des Moines, IA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4737F] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Daily Freeman-Journal (Webster City, IA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4743I] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Estherville News (Estherville, IA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4745A] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Times-Republican (Marshalltown, IA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2780E] Kansas NEWSPAPER Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Wichita Eagle (Wichita, KS) ( (News section) (website) (Mention). [4704] Kentucky TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WAVE (NBC 3) (Louisville, KY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4732F] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WDRB (FOX 41) (Louisville) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4729D] NEWSPAPERS Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Lexington Herald-Leader / (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4710] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The News-Enterprise (Elizabethtown, KY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4723E] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The State Journal (Frankfort, KY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4824] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Armstrong (cable, telecom, and internet service provider) (HQ: Butler, PA; service in KY, MD NY, OH, PA, and WV.) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4750H] Louisiana TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KLFY (CBS 10) (Lafayette, LA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4740B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KPLC (NBC 7) (Lake Charles, LA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4731B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KTBS (ABC 3) (Shreveport, LA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4735G] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KNOE (CBS 8) (Monroe, LA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4735D] Maryland TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WBOC (CBS 16 and FOX 21) (Salisbury, MD) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4745F] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Armstrong (cable, telecom, and internet service provider) (HQ: Butler, PA; service in KY, MD NY, OH, PA, and WV.) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4750H] Massachusetts TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WSHM (CBS 3) (Springfield, MA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4747G] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WFTX (FOX 25) (Boston) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4781] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WFXT (FOX 25) (Boston) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4729H] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Boston Herald (National section) (website) (Mention). [4701] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Daily Hampshire Gazette (Northampton, MA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4722D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Recorder (Greenfield, MA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4724C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. The Standard-Times ( (New Bedford, MA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4751G] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, MA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4837] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4769]
"Your claim that Sleepwalker is passive is spoken in privilege and without regards to the many students who have faced and survived assault, racism and many other forms of violent oppression."
— Commenter on to Wellesley Museum Director Lisa Fischman
Michigan TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WJBK (FOX 2) (Detroit, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4734I] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WJRT (ABC 12) (Flint, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4733E] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WLNS (CBS 6) (Lansing - Jackson, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4731C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WNEM (CBS 5) (Bay City, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4737A] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WTXF (FOX 29) (Detroit, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4744B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WWTP (CBS 9) (Cadillac / Traverse City, MI) and WWUP (CBS 10) (Sault Ste. Marie, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4736D] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Alpena News (Alpena, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4743D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Daily News (Iron Mountain, MI) (National News section) (website) (Mention). [4830] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Daily Press (Escanaba, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4742G] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Mining Journal (Marquette, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [3368] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Petosky News-Review (Petosky, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4732B] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Ludington Daily News (Ludington, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4826] Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Cadillac Evening News (Cadillac, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4752D] Minnesota TV Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KAAL (ABC 6) (Austin, MN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4801] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KSTP (ABC 5) (St. Paul, MN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4816] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Fairmont Sentinel (Fairmont, MN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4687] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Faribault County Register (Blue Earth, MN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4744H] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Journal (New Ulm, MN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4783] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement on US campuses takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4831] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Free Press (Mankato, MN) (State / National News section) (website) (Mention). [4705] Mississippi TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. : WLBT (NBC 3) and WDBD (FOX 40) (Jackson, MS) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4730B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WJTV (CBS 12) (Jackson, MS) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4732J] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WLOX (CBS 13) and (ABC 13) (Biloxi, MS) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4732G] Missouri TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KFVS (CBS 12) (Cape Girardeau, MO) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4732C] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KOAM (CBS 7) (Pittsburg, KS - Joplin, MO) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4739F] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Colleges debate ’trauma warnings’. Columbia Daily Tribune (Columbia, MO) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4790] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Southeast Missourian (Cape Girardeau, MO) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4749F] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Kansas City Star (Kansas City) (National News section) (website) (Mention). [4708] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Springfield News-Leader (Springfield, MO) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4836] Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Missourian (Columbia, MO) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4843] Montana TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KFBB (ABC 5; FOX 5) (Great Falls / Helena, MT) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4730A] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KULR (NBC 8) (Billings, MT) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4731F] Nebraska TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KLKN (ABC 8) (Lincoln, NE) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4732E] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KDUH (ABC 3) (Scottsbluff, NE) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4844] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KHGI (ABC 13) (Kearney / Hastings / Grande Island, NE) and KWNB (ABC 6) (Hayes Center, NE) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4738F] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, NE) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4855] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Star-Herald (Scottsbluff, NE) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4748J] Nevada TV Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KLAS (CBS 8) (Las Vegas, NV) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4854] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KTVN (CBS 2) (Reno, NV) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4842] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. Reno Gazette-Journal (Reno, NV) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4751F] New Hampshire NEWSPAPERS Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Concord Monitor (Concord, NH) (News section) (website) (Mention). [3729] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Valley News (Lebanon, NH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4745E] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. - (Portsmouth Herald, New Hampshire; Exeter News-Letter, NH; Hampton Union, NH; York County Coast Star, Kennebunkport, Maine; York Weekly, York, ME) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4835] New Jersey NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. New Jersey Herald (Newton, NJ) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4742C]
"The hysterical overreaction of so many young women leads me to wonder, what are they being taught in feminist theory, in their gender studies classes, that leads so many of them to be so frightened and demand we censor and remove a work of art."
— Christina Hoff Sommers, the American Enterprise Institute on FOX News
New Mexico TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KOB (NBC 4) (Albuquerque, NM) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4738C] NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (26 April 2014). ‘Trigger’ warnings can protect trauma survivors. Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, NM) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4813] New York TV Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WHEC (NBC 10) (Rochester, NY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4821] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WNYT (NBC 13) (Albany, NY) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4789] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. The Daily Gazette (Schenectady, NY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4751D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. The Observer-Dispatch (Utica, NY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4753D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Buffalo News (Buffalo) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4712] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Lake Placid News (Lake Placid, NY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4745C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Leader Herald (Gloversville, NY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4786] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Observer (Dunkirk, NY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4741B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4723F] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Westfield Republican and Mayville Sentinel News (Westfield and Mayville, NY) (National News section) (website) (Mention). [4809] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. New York Post (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4840] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Plattsburgh Press-Republican (Plattsburgh, NY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4800] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Saratogian (Saratoga Springs, NY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4807] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Armstrong (cable, telecom, and internet service provider) (HQ: Butler, PA; service in KY, MD NY, OH, PA, and WV.) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4750H] North Carolina TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WECT (NBC 6) (Wilmington, NC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4741F] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WNCN (NBC 17) (Raleigh, Durham, Fayetteville: North Carolina) (Section unknown) (website). (Mention). [4727D] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WRAL (CBS 5) (Raleigh, NC) (National News section) (website) (Mention). [4672] NEWSPAPERS Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Charlotte Observer (Charlotte, NC) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4716] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC) (News section) (website) (Mention). [2500] North Dakota TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KXMB (CBS 12) (Bismarck, ND); KXMC (CBS 13) (Minot, ND); KXMD (CBS 11) (Williston, ND); and KXMA (CBS 2) (Dickinson, ND) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4732H]
"He ’appears’ like a creepy pervert!... This is not art! It’s sexual assault!"
— Commenter on petition
Ohio TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. (WLIO - NBC and others - ABC, CBS, FOX) (Section unknown) (Lima, OH) (website) (Mention). [4727I] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WTVG (ABC 13) (Toledo, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4776] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WXIX (FOX 19) (Cincinnati, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4740F] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WCMH (NBC 4) (Columbus, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4766] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Advertiser-Tribune (Tiffin, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2780J] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Barnesville Enterprise (Barnesville, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4722F] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4721C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Gateway News (Streetsboro, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4750C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Herald-Star (Steubenville, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4741J] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Marietta Times (Marietta, OH) (National News section) (website) (Mention). [4825] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Morning Journal (Lisbon, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2780G] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. News Leader (Nordonia Hills, OH) (Detroit, MI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4740C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Press News (Stark County, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4750D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Review (East Liverpool, OH) (National News section) (website) (Mention). [4787] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Salem News (Salem, OH) (National News section) (website) (Mention). [4828] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Stow Sentry (Stow, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4750I] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Tribune Chronicle (Warren, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4795] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings in college lecture halls spark debate. Akron Beacon Journal ( (Akron, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4768] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Alliance Review (Stark, Portage and Mahoning, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4814] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Aurora Advocate (Aurora, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4794] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Courier (Findlay, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4770] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Crescent News (Defiance, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4810] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Dayton Daily News (Dayton, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4694] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Hudson Hub-Times (Hudson & Summit County, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4796] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Lima News ( (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4765] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The News-Herald ( (Willoughby, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4834] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Record-Courier (Portage County, Ohio) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4802] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Tallmadge Express (Tallmadge, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4849] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Twinsburg Bulletin (Twinsburg, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4841] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Armstrong (cable, telecom, and internet service provider) (HQ: Butler, PA; service in KY, MD NY, OH, PA, and WV.) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4750H] Associated Press. (02 May 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower.Akron Legal News (Akron, OH) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4733I] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (02 May 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Daily Legal News (legal newspaper) (Youngstown, OK) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4764] Oklahoma TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KOTV (CBS 6) (Tulsa, OK) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4733D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KTUL (ABC 8) (Tulsa, OK) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4728A] Oregon NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Bulletin (Bend, OR) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4723I] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. The World (Coos Bay, OR) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4753G] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Baker City Herald (Baker City, OR) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4838] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Content warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Register Guard (Eugene, OR) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4780] Pennsylvania TV Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WPXI (NBC 11) (Pittsburgh, PA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4719] RADIO Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WNTP (AM 990) (news / talk) (Philadelphia) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4746J] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KQV (ABC news radio) (AM 1410) (Pittsburgh) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4792] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Express ( (Lock Haven, PA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4688] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Lewistown Sentinel (Lewistown, PA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2741] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The News-Item (Shamokin, PA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4723G] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Observer-Reporter (Washington, PA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4706] Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Students request advance warning. Pocono Record (Stroudsburg, PA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4797] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Reading Eagle (Reading, PA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4746B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Standard Speaker (Hazleton, PA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4722B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Warren Times-Observer (Warren, PA) (National News section) (website) (Mention). [4421] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Williamsport Sun-Gazette (Williamsport, PA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2510] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. York Dispatch (York, PA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4740E] Lisa Leff/ Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Centre Daily Times (State College, PA) (News section) (website) (Mention). [2514] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Delaware County Daily Times (Upper Darby Township, PA) (Education section) (website) (Mention). [4702] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. New Pittsburgh Courier (weekly newspaper) (Pittsburgh) (Youth section) (website) (Mention with Sleepwalker photo). [2302] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Armstrong (cable, telecom, and internet service provider) (HQ: Butler, PA; service in KY, MD NY, OH, PA, and WV.) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4750H]
"Everyone brings to a work of art their own interpretation, their own history and their own baggage. I think people might be seeing things in that work that just aren’t there."
— Tony Matelli in interview with Jaclyn Reiss in "Q&A with Tony Matelli, artist behind Wellesley College’s scantily-clad sleepwalking statue", 06 February 2014.
Rhode Island TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WJAR (NBC 10) (Providence) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4726D] NEWSPAPERS Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Call (Woonsocket, RI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4839] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Kent County Daily Times ( (West Warwick, RI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4806] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Providence Journal (Providence, RI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4721H] South Carolina TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WBTW (CBS 13) (Florence, SC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2780B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WCBD (NBC 2) (Charleston, SC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4738B] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WCIV (ABC 4) (Charleston, SC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4736J] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WMBF (NBC 32) (Myrtle Beach, SC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4740H] RADIO Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WGTK (94.5 FM) (talk / radio) (Greenville, SC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4763] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Aiken Standard (Aiken, SC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4741A] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Morning News ( (Florence, SC) (Nation section) (website) (Mention). [4847] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Anderson Independent Mail (Anderson, SC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4778] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Fort Mill Times (Fort Mill, SC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4815] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Sun News ( (Myrtle Beach, SC) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4799] South Dakota TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KSFY (ABC 13) (Sioux Falls, SD) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4812] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KOTA (ABC 3) (Rapid City, SD) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4749B] NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Rapid City Journal (Rapid City, SD) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4698] Tennessee TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WJHL (CBS 11) (Johnson City, TN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4731D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WRCB (NBC 3) (Chattanooga, TN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2780A] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WMC-TV (NBC 5) (Memphis, TN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4845] NEWSPAPERS Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4833] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). College students increasingly asking professors to provide ’trigger warnings’ for upsetting content. Kingsport Times-News (Kingsport, TN) (Regional and National - Education section) (website) (Mention). [4758] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Knoxville News Sentinel (Knoxville, TN) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4696] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trigger warnings for trauma move from internet to ivory tower. Jackson Sun (Jackson, TN) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4818]
"Ms. Fischman is exploiting her position at Wellesley in order to generate gratuitous publicity for herself."
— Commenter on petition
Texas TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KCBD (NBC 11) (Lubbock, TX) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4734D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KIII (ABC 3) (Corpus Christi, TX) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4735F] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KLTV (ABC 7) (Tyler, TX) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4733F] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KTBC (FOX 7) (Austin, TX) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4734F] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KXXV (ABC 25) (Waco, TX) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4737B] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KABB (Fox 29) (San Antonio) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4714] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WOAI (NBC 4) (San Antonio, TX) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4691] RADIO Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KNTH (AM 1070) (Houston, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4730F] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. Midland Reporter-Telegram (Midland, TX) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4753C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Valley Morning Star (Harlingen, TX) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4735H] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Abilene Reporter-News (Abilene, TX) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4808] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Corpus Christi Caller Times (Corpus Christi) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4720] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4715] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from Internet to Ivory Tower. Graham Leader (Graham, TX) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4817] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Houston Chronicle (Houston) (US & World section) (website) (Mention). [4709] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. San Antonio Express-News (Crime News section) (website) (Mention). [4851] Utah TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KSL-TV (NBC 5) (Salt Lake City) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4737H] NEWSPAPERS Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Deseret News (Salt Lake City) (US & World section) (website) (Mention). [2502] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Park Record (Park City, UT) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4693] Vermont TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WCAX (CBS 3) (Burlington, VT) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4729G] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Barre Montpelier Times Argus (Barre, VT) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4342] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Brattleboro Reformer (Brattleboro, VT) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [3745] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Rutland Herald (Rutland, VT) (Home section) (website) (Mention). [3660] OTHER MEDIA Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. (Rutland Herald and Times Argus newspapers) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4782] Virginia TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KALB (NBC 2) (Alexandria, VA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4779] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WSLS (NBC 10, Roanoke / Lynchburg, VA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4728E] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WRIC (ABC 8) (Petersburg, VA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4760] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Northern Virginia Daily (Shenandoah County, VA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4721F] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The News Virginian (Waynesboro, VA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4805] Washington TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KHQ-TV (NBC 6) (Spokane, WA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4822] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. KIRO (CBS 7) (Seattle) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4811] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Bellingham Herald (Bellingham, WA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2780I] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Kitsap Sun (Bremerton, WA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4733A] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The News Tribune (Tacoma, WA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4735J] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Tri-City Herald (Pasco-Richland, WA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4791] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The News Tribune (Tacoma, WA) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4711] West Virginia TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WBOY (NBC 12) (Clarksburg, WV) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4729J] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WOWK (CBS 13) (Huntington / Charleston, WV) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4773] Associated Press. (ca. 26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WVVA (NBC 6) (Bluefield, WV) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [2780D] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Daily Times (Weirton, WV) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4737G] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Parkersburg News and Sentinel (Parkersburg, WV) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4739C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Tyler Star News (Sistersville, WV) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4746C] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Wetzel Chronicle (New Martinsville, WV) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4733C] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Intelligencer & Wheeling News-Register (Wheeling, WV) (National News section) (website) (Mention). [4823] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Armstrong (cable, telecom, and internet service provider) (HQ: Butler, PA; service in KY, MD NY, OH, PA, and WV.) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4750H]
"Nina, were you surprised by the full-on regional, national and international media coverage?"
"Absolutely! I don’t think anyone saw it coming. I know I didn’t."
Wisconsin TV Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WBAY (ABC 2) (Green Bay, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4730D] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower.WKOW (ABC 27) (Madison, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4733H] Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. WQOW (ABC 18) (Eau Claire, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4788] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Student-led movement takes ’trigger warnings’ from internet to ivory tower. Walworth County Today (Delavan, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4753E] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI) (National section) (website) (Mention). [4793] Lisa Leff / Associated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Waukesha Freeman (Waukesha, WI) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4760] AustraliaAssociated Press. (29 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. The Australian (newspaper) (Higher Education section) (website) (Mention). [4759] CanadaAssociated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Telus website (telecommunications provider) (HQ: Burnaby, BC; operates throughout Canada) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4744J] ChinaAssociated Press. (27 April 2014). Trigger warnings become a source of conflict in higher ed. China Daily (Newspaper) (Beijing) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4798] Germany(23 May 2014). Lesen auf eigene Gefahr. Die Tageszeitung (Berlin) (Gesellschaft section) (website) (Mention). [5060] TaiwanAssociated Press. (26 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Taiwan News (Newspaper) (Taipei) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4753J] United KingdomAssociated Press. (27 April 2014). Trauma warnings move from internet to ivory tower. Daily Mail (Wires Home section) (website) (Mention). [4233]
P. In May, Sleepwalker vandalized vs. Burning down the house![]() Tony Matelli’s Sleepwalker after the yellow paint vandalism incident at Wellesley College. Photo and courtesy: Bob Brown.wellesley sleepwalker
The tone definitely changed when it was announced that Sleepwalker and the hyper-realistic lost dog sculpture had been vandalized with yellow paint, in addition to other properties at Wellesley College. Shortly afterwards, Sleepwalker was removed for a good scrubbing at a nearby spa, or rather the artist’s studio. As of 25 June, he has reportedly not yet returned. Dear Matelli and Wellesley, please bring Sleepwalker back! See the coverage Click the music clip to have the full intended effect. Here’s our compilation of the third wave of media coverage. Scroll down to see super-sexy quotes generated from the overall installation.
Your attention, please. Wire service report:
![]() (22 May 2014, 4:31 PM EST). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Associated Press (Big story section) (website). (Also, in Domestic News section; and State & Local section.) [2399; 5067-70]
Scan below for coverage in Belgium, Canada, Guam (U.S. territory), India, Ireland, Japan, the Philippines, and the UK.
US nationalTV CBS News / Associated Press. (22 May 2014). "Man in Underwear" statue vandalized at Wellesley College. CBS News (Crimesider section) (website). [5053] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. FOX news (Odd News section) (website). [4909] NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Infamous Wellesley ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. USA Today (College section) (website). [4984] OTHER MEDIA (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. (news website) (Section unknown) (website). [2-5115G] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Huffington Post (Section unknown) (website). [2821] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. (Section unknown) (website). [4894] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Cox communications (cable TV, telecom and wireless services provider) (HQ: Atlanta area) (News section - Strange News) (website). [4942] Gallagher, Danny. (22 May 2014). CAMPUS CRIME: Wellesley’s Sleepwalker statue vandalized. (18-25 y.o.-focused website) (Section unknown) (website). [5062] Jacobs, Peter. (22 May 2014). Controversial nearly naked ’Sleepwalker’ statue at Wellesley College vandalized. Business Insider (Education section) (website). [5015] Harden, Nathan. (23 May 2014). Infamous naked man statue vandalized at Wellesley. The College Fix ("’Right’-minded campus news") (Section unknown) (website). [5043] Harden, Nathan. (23 May 2014). Infamous naked man statue vandalized at Wellesley. Townhall magazine (conservative news, political commentary and analysis) (link to College Fix article) (Around the Web section) (website). [5033] Munro, Cait. (23 May 2014). Wellesley College’s Sleepwalker Sculpture Vandalized. (In Brief section) (website). [5052]
"This is hardly artistic... No woman should have to look at this ever. It makes me sick and if I went to school there I would deface the disgusting thing."
— Commenter on petition in February
Alabama OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Today in Pictures: May 23, 2014. (partners include The Birmingham News, The Huntsville Times and Mobile’s Press-Register) (Photo and caption in 18-photo gallery) (Photo Essays section) (website). [5058] Alaska NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Anchorage Daily News (National news section) (website). [4928] Arizona TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. KTVK (Channel 3) (Independent) (Phoenix) (National News section) (website). [4949] Arkansas NEWSPAPER (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Baxter Bulletin (Mountain Home, AR) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4989] California NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Chico Enterprise-Record (Chico, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [4962b] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Daily Democrat (Woodland, CA) (News section) (website). [4870] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Ft Bragg Advocate-News (Fort Bragg, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [4882] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Fresno Bee (Fresno, CA) (Weird News section) (website). [4932] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Humboldt Beacon (Fortuna, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [4918] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Lake County Record-Bee (Lakeport, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [4873] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Mendocino Beacon (Mendocino, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [2409] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Merced Sun-Star (Merced, CA) (Weird News section) (website). [4895] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Modesto Bee (Modesto, CA) (National section) (website). [4892] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Monterey Herald (Monterey, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [4871] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Website for Oakland Tribune, Alameda Journal, The Daily Review, The Argus (Bay Area, northern California). (Section unknown) (website). [4934] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Oroville Mercury-Record (Oroville, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [2490] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Paradise Post (Paradise, CA) (Business section) (website). [4887] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Redwood Times (Garberville, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [4885] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Reporter (Vacaville, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [4964b] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, CA) (Nation / World section) (website). [4869] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. San Francisco Chronicle (US & World section) (website). [4951] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. San Francisco Chronicle (via (News section) (website). [4897] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Creepy statue vandalized on Wellesley campus. San Jose Mercury News (San Jose, CA) (Weird news section) (website). [5047] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Times-Standard (Eureka, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [4962a] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Tribune (San Luis Obispo, CA) (Weird news) (website). [4936] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. U-T San Diego (News section) (website). [4859] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Ukiah Daily Journal (Ukiah, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [4963b] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Vallejo Times Herald (Vallejo, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [4877] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Ventura County Star (Camarillo, CA) (Local news section) (website). [4924] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Willits News (Willits, CA) (Section unknown) (website). [4986] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Salinas Californian (Salinas, CA) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5010] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Visalia Times Delta (Visalia, CA) and Tulare Advance-Register (Tulare County, CA) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5013]
"Wellesley President H. Kim Bottomly said in a statement that the acts of vandalism are ’criminal in nature and carry potentially serious consequences.’"
— In "College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized", Associated Press wire, 22 May 2014 Colorado NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Akron News Reporter (Akron, CO) (Opinion section) (website). [4913] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Brush News-Tribune (Brush, CO) (Section unknown) (website). [4901] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Burlington Record (Burlington, CO) (Section unknown) (website). [4927] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Cañon City Daily Record (Cañon City, CO) (Section unknown) (website). [4977b] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Denver Post (Section unknown) (website). [2703] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Estes Park Trail-Gazette (Estes Park, CO) (News section) (website). [4904] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Journal-Advocate (Sterling, CO) (Section unknown) (website). [4959a] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Julesburg Advocate (Julesburg, CO) (Section unknown) (website). [4907] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Lamar Ledger (Lamar, CO) (Community News section) (website). [4886] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Loveland Reporter-Herald (Loveland, CO) (Section unknown) (website). [4980] Connecticut TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. CBS (Connecticut) [including WTIC (1080 AM) (News / talk)] (Section unknown) (website). [4861] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). ’Sleepwalker’ vandalized on college campus. NECN (New England Cable News) (broadcast in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont) (Section unknown) (website). [5019] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Advocate (Stamford, CT) (Section unknown) (website). [4940] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Connecticut Post (Bridgeport, CT) (Section unknown) (website). [4938] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Fairfield Citizen (Fairfield, CT) (Section unknown) (website). [4950] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Greenwich Time (Greenwich, CT) (Section unknown) (website). [4948] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The News-Times (Danbury, CT) (Section unknown) (website). [4943] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Record-Journal (Meriden, CT) (News section) (website). [4860] Associated Press. (23 May 2014). Sleepwalker statue vandalized. Republican American (Waterbury, CT) (Offbeat section) (website). [5044] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Westport News (Westport, CT) (Section unknown) (website). [4953]
"I changed my mind. Liberalism isn’t a mental illness. Actual mental illness is more reasonable than this."
— Daniel Greenfield in "Wellesley students denounce white male privilege of statue" at, (07 February 2014)
District of Columbia TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. WTTG (FOX 5) (Washington, DC) (Section unknown) (website). [4990c] RADIO Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. WTOP (103.5 FM) (news radio) (Washington, DC) (Education News section) (website). [4858] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Washington Post (Education section) (website). [4880] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Washington Times (News section) (website). [4893] Florida NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Bradenton Herald (Bradenton, FL) (Entertainment - Weird News section) (website). [4883] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Daily Commercial (Leesburg, FL) (Section unknown) (website). [4925] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Miami Herald (Miami, FL) (Weird News section) (website). [3672] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The News-Press (Fort Myers, FL) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5011] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Tampa Tribune (Tampa, FL) (Offbeat section) (website). [4866]
"He ’appears’ like a creepy pervert!... This is not art! It’s sexual assault!"
— Commenter on petition
Georgia TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. WGXA (FOX 24) and (ABC 16) (Macon, GA) (Section unknown) (website). [2819] NEWSPAPERS (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. The Citizen News newspaper (Fayetteville, GA) (Section unknown) (website). [2-5115J] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Telegraph (Macon, GA) (Weird section) (website). [4889] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) (Weird News section) (website). [4891] Idaho TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. KTVB (NBC 7) (Boise, ID) (National section) (website). [4946] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. NWCN (Northwest Cable News) (Washington - Oregon - Idaho - northwest Montana) (National News section) (website). [4939] Illinois NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Belleville News Democrat (Belleville, IL) (Section unknown) (website). [4874] Indiana NEWSPAPERS (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Palladium-Item (Richmond, IN) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5001] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Star Press (Muncie, IN) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4988a] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Daily Reporter (Greenfield, IN) (Section unknown) (website). [4967b] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. The Republic (Columbus, IN) (News section) (website). [5021]
"It’s startling, yes. But it’s not threatening. Not threatening at all. He looks very weak and a vulnerable figure to me."
— Rosey Edeh, Canada’s Global News - The Morning Show presenter quoted in TV broadcast
Kansas TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. KSNW (NBC 3) (Wichita, KS) (Section unknown) (website). [4761] NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Wichita Eagle (Wichita, KS) (Section unknown) (website). [3706] Kentucky NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Lexington Herald-Leader ( (Lexington, KY) (Weird News section) (website). [4929] Louisiana TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. WWL-TV (CBS 4) (New Orleans, LA) (National News section) (website). [4945] NEWSPAPERS (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Daily World (Opelousas, LA) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5003] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The News-Star (Monroe, LA) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4987f] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Times (Shreveport, LA) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4987g] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4988d] Maine TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). ’Sleepwalker’ vandalized on college campus. NECN (New England Cable News) (broadcast in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont) (Section unknown) (website). [5019] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Campus man in underwear statue vandalized. - (Portsmouth Herald, New Hampshire; Exeter News-Letter, NH; Hampton Union, NH; York County Coast Star, Kennebunkport, Maine; York Weekly, York, ME) (News section) (website). [5046] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Foster’s Daily Democrat (Dover / Rochester, NH; Sanford, ME) (News section) (website). [4872]
"Is he a predator,
or is it art?" — Fox News presenter Doug McKelway
Massachusetts TV (22 May 2014). Controversial statue at Wellelsey [sic] College vandalized. WHDH (Boston) (NBC 7) (Section unknown) (website). [1984] (22 May 2014). Wellesley College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. WCVB (ABC 5) (Boston) (Local News section) (website). [3667] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. WFXT (FOX 25) (Boston) (Section unknown) (website). [4990d] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). ’Sleepwalker’ vandalized on college campus. NECN (New England Cable News) (broadcast in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont) (Section unknown) (website). [5019] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Wellesley College ‘Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. WBZ [(CBS 4), AM 1030 News radio, 98.5 FM] (Boston) (World News section) (website). [5054] (28 May 2014). Controversial Sleepwalker sculpture at Wellesley College vandalized. WellesleyChannelTV (local TV) (Youtube). [5079] NEWSPAPERS Tedesco, Austin. (21 May 2014). Wellesley College “Sleepwalker” statue vandalized by yellow spray paint. (Section unknown) (website). [2312] Tempera, Jacqueline. (21 May 2014). Statue of man in underwear vandalized at Wellesley College. The Boston Globe (Metro section) (website). (21 May 2014). [2278] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Daily Hampshire Gazette (Northampton, MA) (News section) (website). [5057] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [2458] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Boston Herald (Local Coverage section) (website). [3671] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [4990a] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Lowell Sun (Lowell, MA) (News - local section) (hard copy & website). [5066; 2415] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Sentinel & Enterprise (Fitchburg, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [4878] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Worcester Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [2568] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Wellesley College sleepwalker statue vandalized. Daily Item (Lynn, MA) (News section) (website). [2416] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Wellesley College sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Standard-Times ( (New Bedford, MA) (News section) (website). [5051] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. Valley Dispatch (Dracut, MA) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4961b] Mayblum, Jordan (Wellesley Townsman). (22 May 2014). Vandals hit Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ statue. The Enterprise (Brockton, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [2350] Mayblum, Jordan (Wellesley Townsman). (22 May 2014). Vandals hit Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ statue. The Herald News (Fall River, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [2-5343] Mayblum, Jordan (Wellesley Townsman). (22 May 2014). Vandals hit Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ statue. The MetroWest Daily News (Framingham, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [2358] Mayblum, Jordan (Wellesley Townsman). (22 May 2014). Vandals hit Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ statue. Milford Daily News (Milford, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [3404] Mayblum, Jordan (Wellesley Townsman). (22 May 2014). Vandals hit Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ statue. The Patriot Ledger (Quincy, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [2349] Mayblum, Jordan (Wellesley Townsman). (22 May 2014). Vandals hit Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ statue. Taunton Gazette (Taunton, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [2397] Mayblum, Jordan. (22 May 2014). Wellesley sleepwalker statue vandalized. Wellesley Townsman (Wellesley, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [4996] PATCH NETWORK Claffey, Jason. (22 May 2014). Controversial Wellesley College Statue Vandalized. (Wellesley, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [3422] 81 additional, localized placements in Massachusetts are estimated to have also ran the story. These are in the Boston and Providence, RI DMAs as shown on the first webpage of this compilation. MORE WICKED LOCAL NETWORK Mayblum, Jordan (Wellesley Townsman). (22 May 2014). Vandals hit Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ statue. Wicked Local Cape Cod (Cape Cod, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [2-5344] Over 150 additional, localized websites are estimated to have run Jordan Mayblum’s article "Vandals hit Wellesley College ’Sleepwalker’ statue" on 22 May 2014. See the Boston and Providence, RI DMA’s Wicked Local coverage on the first webpage of this compilation for details on the local media outlets. OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Nashoba Publishing (Devens, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [4864] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Wellesley College sleepwalker statue vandalized. (partnered with CBS 3 in Springfield, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [5056] Brown, Bob. (22 May 2014). Wellesley Sleepwalker, dog sculptures vandalized. The Swellesley Report (blog) (Wellesley, MA) (Section unknown) (website). [4994] Landry, Lauren. (22 May 2014). Wellesley’s near-naked ’Sleepwalker’ has been vandalized. (Boston) (Section unknown) (website). [5055] Michigan NEWSPAPERS (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Battle Creek Enquirer (Battle Creek, MI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4972] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Livingston County Daily Press & Argus (Howell, MI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5007] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Observer & Eccentric newspapers (Suburban Detroit) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4999] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Times-Herald (Port Huron, MI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4987d]
"Everyone brings to a work of art their own interpretation, their own history and their own baggage. I think people might be seeing things in that work that just aren’t there."
— Tony Matelli in interview with Jaclyn Reiss in "Q&A with Tony Matelli, artist behind Wellesley College’s scantily-clad sleepwalking statue", 06 February 2014.
Minnesota NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN) (Nation section) (website). [5024] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). The week’s odd news. St. Could Times (St. Cloud, MN) (News section) (website) (Mention). [4952] Mississippi NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Sun Herald (Gulfport, MS) (Section unknown) (website). [4920] Missouri TV Associated Press. (23 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. KMOV (CBS 4) (St. Louis, MO) (Offbeat News section) (website). [4856] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Kansas City Star (Kansas City, MO) (Weird News section) (website). [2818] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Lebanon Daily Record (Lebanon, MO) (Weird News section) (website). [4933] Montana TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. NWCN (Northwest Cable News) (Washington - Oregon - Idaho - northwest Montana) (National News section) (website). [4939] Nebraska NEWSPAPER (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. (connected to Omaha World-Herald) (3-photo gallery) (Nation section) (website). [2705; 2707; 2709] Nevada NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Las Vegas Sun (Las Vegas, NV) (Section unknown) (website). [4916] New Hampshire TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). ’Sleepwalker’ vandalized on college campus. NECN (New England Cable News) (broadcast in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont) (Section unknown) (website). [5019] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Campus man in underwear statue vandalized. - (Portsmouth Herald, New Hampshire; Exeter News-Letter, NH; Hampton Union, NH; York County Coast Star, Kennebunkport, Maine; York Weekly, York, ME) (News section) (website). [5046] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Foster’s Daily Democrat (Dover / Rochester, NH; Sanford, ME) (News section) (website). [4872] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Telegraph (Nashua, NH) (Section unknown) (website). [4976] New Jersey NEWSPAPERS (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Courier-Post (Cherry Hill, NJ) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5014] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Daily Journal (Vineland, NJ) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4986] New Mexico NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Alamogordo Daily News (Alamogordo, NM) (Section unknown) (website). [4973] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Carlsbad Current-Argus (Carlsbad, NM) (Section unknown) (website). [4875] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Daily Times (Farmington, NM) (Four Corners News section) (website). [4912] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Deming Headlight (Deming, NM) (Section unknown) (website). [4879] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Las Cruces Sun-News (Las Cruces, NM) (Las Cruces News section unknown) (website). [4862] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Ruidoso News (Ruidoso, NM) (Section unknown) (website). [4884] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Silver City Sun News (Silver City, NM) (Section unknown) (website). [4881]
"As an alum, I am dismayed that Wellesley College and the Davis Museum prioritized provocative publicity over sensitivity to students and solidarity with survivors of sexual assault. I am particularly disappointed by the (white male) artist’s dismissal of our concerns as ’baggage’ (quoted in the Boston Globe on 2/6/14)."
— Commenter on petition New York NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Newsday (Melville, NY) (Section unknown) (website). [4990b] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Times Union (Albany, NY) (Section unknown) (website). [4931] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Underwear-clad ‘Sleepwalker’ statue at Wellesley College vandalized with yellow paint. Daily News (New York, NY) (Section unknown) (website). [2357] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. Democrat & Chronicle (Rochester, NY) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4964b] North Carolina TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. WLOS (ABC 13) (Asheville, NC) (Section unknown) (website). [4977a] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. WRAL (CBS 5) (Raleigh, NC) (Strange News section) (website). [4899] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Charlotte Observer (Charlotte, NC) (Section unknown) (website). [4991] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC) (Section unknown) (website). [3670] Ohio NEWSPAPERS (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Advocate (Newark, OH) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4987h] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Bucyrus Telegraph-Forum (Bucyrus, OH) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5009] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. (Newark, OH) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4987c] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Chillicothe Gazette (Chillicothe, OH) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4998] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, OH) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5008] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Lancaster Eagle Gazette (Lancaster, OH) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4992] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Mansfield News Journal (Mansfield, OH) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4982] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Marion Star (Marion, OH) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4988c] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The News-Messenger (Fremont, OH) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4997] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Port Clinton News Herald (Port Clinton, OH) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4988g] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4971] Associated Press. (23 May 2014). College sleepwalker statue vandalized. Record-Courier (Kent, OH) (Section unknown) (website). [5018]
"It’s gross. My best friend goes to Wellesley and this is disturbing her and a lot of other young women. It’s not right. Take it down!"
— Commenter on petition
Oregon TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. NWCN (Northwest Cable News) (Washington - Oregon - Idaho - northwest Montana) (National News section) (website). [4939] NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Controversial Wellesley College sleepwalker statue 1 of several areas on campus vandalized. The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR) (Oddities section) (website). [5059] Pennsylvania NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Centre Daily Times (State College, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [2593] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Chambersburg Public Opinion (Chambersburg, PA) (Local News section) (website). [2426] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Evening Sun (Hanover, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [4966b] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [4981] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. York Daily Record (York, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [4867] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. York Dispatch (York, PA) (Oddities section) (website). [4865] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. website (connected to York Daily Record and The York Dispatch) (York, PA) (Section unknown) (website). [4964b] Rhode Island TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. WJAR (NBC 10) (Providence, RI) (Section unknown) (website). [4898] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. WLNE (ABC 6) (Providence, RI) (Section unknown) (website). [4922] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). ’Sleepwalker’ vandalized on college campus. NECN (New England Cable News) (broadcast in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont) (Section unknown) (website). [5019] South Carolina NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Herald (Rock Hill, SC) (Section unknown) (website). [4906] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Island Packet (Bluffton, SC) (Section unknown) (website). [4923] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The State (Columbia, SC) (Section unknown) (website). [4917] Tennessee NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Statue of sleepwalker in underpants vandalized at Massachusetts college campus. Chattanooga Times Free Press (Chattanooga, TN) (News section) (website) (Also on their domain). [5045; 5062] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Daily News Journal (Murfreesboro, TN) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4965] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Jackson Sun (Jackson, TN) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4988e] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Leaf-Chronicle (Clarksville, TN) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4988f]
“Girls, relax."
— Journalist Andrea Peyser in the New York Post
Texas TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. KENS (CBS 5) (San Antonio, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4974] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. KHOU (CBS 11) (Houston, TX) (National News section) (website). [4919] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. KOSA (CBS 7) (Odessa / Midland, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4930] Associated Press. (23 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. KTRK (ABC 13) (Houston, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4888] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. KVUE (ABC 24) (Austin, TX) (National News section) (website). [4941] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. KWTX (CBS 10) (Waco, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [5017] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. WFAA (ABC 8) (Dallas-Ft Worth, TX) (National News section) (website). [4935] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Alvarado Star (Alvarado, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4914] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Beaumont Enterprise (Beaumont, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4921] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Breckenridge American (Breckenridge, TX) (News section) (website). [4905] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Burleson Star (Burleson, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4963a] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. (connected to the Houston Chronicle) (Houston, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4926] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Crowley Star (Crowley, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4910] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. El Paso Times (El Paso, TX) (Weird News section) (website). [4911] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, TX) (Weird News section) (website). [3682] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Graham Leader (Graham, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4915] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Houston Chronicle (Houston, TX) (US & World section) (website). [4947] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Jacksboro Newspapers (Jacksboro, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4902] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Joshua Star (Joshua, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4956] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Keene Star (Keene, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4908] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Lake Country Sun (Graford, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4890] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (Lubbock, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4917] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Olney Enterprise (Olney, TX) (Section unknown) (website). [4900] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. San Antonio Express-News (San Antonio, TX) (Crime News section) (website). [4937] Utah NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Park Record (Park City, UT) (Section unknown) (website). [4863]
"Tony, what do you think of the media frenzy?"
"I think it’s bizarre."
Vermont TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). ’Sleepwalker’ vandalized on college campus. NECN (New England Cable News) (broadcast in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont) (Section unknown) (website). [5019] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Bennington Banner (Bennington, VT) (Section unknown) (website). [4958] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Brattleboro Reformer (Brattleboro, VT) (Section unknown) (website). [4979] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Manchester Journal (Manchester, VT) (Section unknown) (website). [4868] Virginia NEWSPAPER (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The News Leader (Staunton, VA) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5012] Washington TV Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. KREM (CBS 2) (Spokane, WA) (Section unknown) (website). [4959b] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. NWCN (Northwest Cable News) (Washington - Oregon - Idaho - northwest Montana) (National News section) (website). [4939] RADIO Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Bonneville Seattle website [KIRO (97.3 FM); ESPN (AM 710); KTTH (AM 770)] (Odd News section) (website). [5048] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Bellingham Herald (Bellingham, WA) (Section unknown) (website). [4903] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Seattle, WA) (Section unknown) (website). [4944] West Virginia NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Charleston Daily Mail (Charleston, WV) (Section unknown) (website). [4959c] (23 May 2014). Nation & world. Charleston Daily Mail (Charleston, WV) (News section) (Hard copy) (Mention). [5064] Wisconsin NEWSPAPERS (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Daily Tribune (Wisconsin Rapids, WI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4987b] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Green Bay Press-Gazette (Green Bay, WI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4985] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Herald Times Reporter (Manitowoc, WI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4987e] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Marshfield News-Herald (Marshfield, WI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5004] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Post-Crescent (Appleton, WI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4987a] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Reporter (Fond du Lac, WI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5000] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. The Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, WI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5006] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Stevens Point Journal (Stevens Point, WI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5005] (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Wausau Daily Herald (Wausau, WI) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [5002] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. Daily Tribune (Wisconsin Rapids, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4975a] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. Door County Advocate (Sturgeon Bay, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4960a] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. Green Bay Press Gazette (Green Bay, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4969a] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. The Herald Times Reporter (Manitowoc, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4968] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. Marshfield News-Herald (Marshfield, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4969e] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. Oshkosh Northwestern (Oshkosh, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4977c] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. The Post-Crescent (Appleton, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4969c] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. The Reporter (Fond du Lac, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4961a] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. The Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4967a] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. Stevens Point Journal (Stevens Point, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4969d] Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. Wausau Daily Herald (Wausau, WI) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4969b] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (ca. 23 May 2014). The week’s odd news. (Green Bay, WI) (Packers football team-focused news) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4970]
"Nina, were you surprised by the full-on regional, national and international media coverage?"
"Absolutely! I don’t think anyone saw it coming. I know I didn’t."
BelgiumOTHER MEDIA Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. New Europe (European political newspaper) (Brussels) (Section unknown) (website). [2-2494] CanadaCanada national coverage NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Sleepwalker statue vandalized on U.S. campus. Metro (Canada) (Section unknown) (website). [3703] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press / Canadian Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. (World section) (website). [3474] Associated Press / Canadian Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. (News - Canada section) (website). [4983] Associated Press / Canadian Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. (News section) (website). [2722] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Telus website (telecommunications provider) (HQ: Burnaby, BC; operates throughout Canada) (News section) (website). [5040] Alberta NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Calgary Herald (Calgary, AB) (World News section) (website). [5039] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Edmonton Journal (Edmonton, AB) (Vancouver, BC) (News section) (website). [5026] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Lethbridge Herald (Lethbridge, AB) (Section unknown) (website). [5022] British Columbia NEWSPAPERS (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Penticton Herald newspaper (Penticton, BC) (World News section) (website). [2-1029] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Alberni Valley Times (Port Alberni, BC) (News section) (website). [5028] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Bridge River Lillooet News (Lillooet, BC) (News section) (website). [5029] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Campbell River Courier-Island (Campbell River, BC) (Section unknown) (website). [5061] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Coast Reporter (Sechelt, BC) (Section unknown) (website). [5031] (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. The Daily Courier (Kelowna, BC) (Photo and caption) (World News section) (website). [5037] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Nanaimo Daily News (Nanaimo, BC) (News section) (website). [5035] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. The Prince George Citizen (Prince George, BC) (News section) (website). [5027] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. The Province (Vancouver, BC) (News section) (website). [5025] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. The Squamish Chief (Squamish, BC) (News section) (website). [5036] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Times Colonist (Victoria, BC) (World News section) (website). [5041] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Vancouver Sun (Vancouver, BC) (News section) (website). [5020] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Whistler Question (Whistler, BC) (News section) (website). [5030] Manitoba NEWSPAPERS Associated Press / Canadian Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Brandon Sun (Brandon, MB) (Section unknown) (website). [5023] Associated Press / Canadian Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Winnipeg Free Press (Winnipeg, MB) (Section unknown) (website). [2820] New Brunswick NEWSPAPER (23 May 2014). In brief: Statue of sleepwalker in underpants vandalized. The Daily Gleaner (Fredericton, NB) (International section) (Hard copy). [5065] Ontario RADIO Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. CHRE (105.7 FM) ( St. Catharines, ON) (Photo and caption) (World News section) (website). [5038] NEWSPAPERS (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. The Chronicle-Journal (Thunder Bay, ON) (Section unknown) (website). [4966a] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Ottawa Citizen newspaper (Ottawa, ON) (Section unknown) (website). [2-5113] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. The Windsor Star (Windsor, ON) (World News section) (website). [5032] Quebec NEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. The Gazette (Montreal, QC) (Section unknown) (website). [5016] Saskatchewan RADIO (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. CJME (980 AM) (News / talk) (Regina, SK) (Section unknown) (website). [4957] NEWSPAPERS (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Estevan Mercury newspaper (Estevan, SK) (Section unknown) (website). [2-5115E] (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Humboldt Journal newspaper (Humboldt, SK) (Section unknown) (website). [2-5116G] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. Leader-Post (Regina, SK) (News section) (website). [5034] Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. The StarPhoenix newspaper (Saskatoon, SK) (News section) (website). [2-5104] OTHER MEDIA Associated Press / Canadian Press. (22 May 2014). Lifelike statue of sleepwalker in underpants is vandalized; criticized by some as threatening. SaskTel website (telecommunications provider) ( (HQ: Regina) (Section unknown) (website). [2-5114] Guam (a U.S. Territory)NEWSPAPER (22 May 2014). Infamous college ’Sleepwalker’ statue vandalized. Pacific Daily News (Hagåtña, Guam) (Photo and link to USA Today article) (Section unknown) (website). [4988b] IndiaNEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. FirstPost (Mumbai, India) (Section unknown) (website). [4964a] IrelandNEWSPAPER Associated Press. (22 May 2014). Quirky World... Irish Examiner (Cork, Ireland) (Section unknown) (website) (Mention). [4993] JapanNEWSPAPER Associated Press. (23 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Mainichi Newspapers (Japan) (Section unknown) (website). [4954] The PhilippinesNEWSPAPER Associated Press. (23 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Philippine Daily Inquirer (Manila) (World section) (website). [3669] United Kingdom
Your attention, please. Wire service report:
![]() (24 May 2014). Odd stories in the news. Press Association Mediapoint (Home News section) (Hard copy) (Mention). [5063] NEWSPAPERS Associated Press. (22 May 2014). College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized. Daily Mail (UK) (Section unknown) (website). [4857] (24 May 2014). In the NEWS Not so slow: A pair of [...]. Nottingham Post (Weekender News section) (Hard copy) (Mention). [5050] would like to thank K. Kocia for her assistance in processing several entries in this media coverage compilation. Notes about the compilation: |