Sleepwalker media coverage, lost in automated translation vs. Corruption (automated music)
Artists Marcus Bering and Kim Min Su examined various foreign language titles and quotes from the media coverage. They present a selection of their findings with automated translations— and dreamily imagine travelling with Sleepwalker around the world to pick up his press cuttings on location.
Bob Brown
Marcus Bering
Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity)
Art Design Publicity at ADC | 15 October 2014
Art Design Publicity at ADC | 15 October 2014

—, Thailand [2293] -
Weird News of the Week—, Thailand [2293]
อย่างกับว่าการเดินผ่านลานที่เต็มไปด้วยหิมะจะหนาวจนสั่นสะท้านไม่พอ เพราะศิลปินรายหนึ่งในวิทยาลัยแมสซาชูเซตส์ได้สร้างผลงานประติมากรรมที่ไม่ค่อยเป็นมิตรกับนักศึกษาผู้ขวัญอ่อนทั้งหลาย—, Thailand [2293]
"With a walk through the snowy winter that will not tremble..."—, Thailand [2293]
"The artist in Massachusetts college has created a sculpture that was friendly to students who are nervous."—, Thailand [2293]
- on a flight south to INDONESIA
Patung zombie heboh di kampus AS.
—, Medan [2-1657] -
Zombie sculpture scene in the USA campus.—, Medan [2-1657]
Takut! Karya Seni Patung Manusia "Sleepwalker" Tuai Kecaman.
—, Jakarta [2-1664]- Fear! Human Statue Art Work "Sleepwalker" reap condemnation.
—, Jakarta [2-1664]- on a cargo ship north to VIETNAM
- ”Tượng đàn ông khỏa thân khiến nữ sinh hoảng sợ.”
—, Vietnam [2-3467]Statue of naked man caused panic girl.—, Vietnam [2-3467]- on a creepy night flight to HUNGARY via Moscow
- "Tony Matelli alkotásáról ugyanis első látásra mindenki azt hiszi, hús-vér ember, ezért a legtöbben megijednek az alsónadrágban fagyoskodó alaktól."
— Bors newspaper, Budapest [2477]"Tony Matello of creation is first glance everyone thinks flesh-and-blood people...— Bors newspaper, Budapest [2477]"so most of us are frightened of underwear frosty tale shape."— Bors newspaper, Budapest [2477]- flying north to POLAND
- Zboczeniec w bieliźnie straszy studentki!
— Fakt, Warsaw [K5-007]Pervert in lingerie haunted student!— Fakt, Warsaw [K5-007]- scared out of our minds into BELARUS
- Студенты потребовали демонтировать жуткий памятник лунатику.
— Belarus, multiple placementsHillary love sculpture hard choices scold Bottomly— Just kiddingStudents are required to dismantle the monument creepy lunatic— Belarus, multiple placements"Battles around the sculpture continues."— Belarus, multiple placements- on the slowest train to UKRAINE
- Памятник лунатику пугает девушек.
— So F***ing What? website, Kharkov [2-3768]Monument lunatic scares girls.— So F***ing What?, Kharkov [2-3768]- "що якщо голяка стоїш в заметі кілька діб поспіль, рано чи пізно підхопиш застуду."
—, Kiev [0838]"if you stand naked in the snow for several days in a row, sooner or later pick up colds."—, Kiev [0838]- disco dancing over to MOLDOVA
- Statuie deocheată în campus de fete.
— Jurnal TV, Chişinău, Moldova [2546]Statue dirty girls on campus.— Jurnal TV, Chişinău [2546]- via bus, Romania, bus, taxi, ship to TURKEY
- Kampüste uyurgezer var!
— Haber Dükkâni, Istanbul [2-3695]There are sleepwalking on campus!— Haber Dükkâni, Istanbul [2-3695]- flying to AZERBAIJAN
- Не спи, замерзнешь!
— Azerbaijan News Network, Baku [2704]Do not sleep, freeze!— Azerbaijan News Network, Baku [2704]- flying to SERBIA via Istanbul
- Jezivi čovek u gaćama na snegu seje strah u Bostonu.
— Blic newspaper, Belgrade [2584]Creepy guy in his underwear in the snow inspires terror in Boston.— Blic newspaper, Belgrade [2584]- at 3AM tiptoeing into KOSOVO
- Statuja lakuriqe që shkaktoi trishtim te studentët.
— Gazeta Express, Pristina [2307]Nude statue that caused sadness to the students.— Gazeta Express, Pristina [2307]- in a very fast car to ALBANIA
- po ju si do reagonit me burrin e zhveshur para shkollës?
— IDEA, Tirana [2301]how would you react if husband naked before school?— IDEA, Tirana [2301]- “Vish një palë pantallona për hir të Zotit”.
— Tema, Tirana [2298]"Put a pair of pants for God’s sake."— Tema, Tirana [2298]- on a ferry during a storm to ITALY
- Sonnambulo artistico terrorizza il campus.
— Italy, multiple placementsSleepwalker artistic terrorizes the campus.— Italy, multiple placements [2504]- on a fishing boat to MALTA
- ‘Raġel’ jispiċċa ffriżat waqt ħmar il-lejl.
—, Malta [2262]Male end froze during nightmare.—, Malta [2262]- via Rome, flying to ISRAEL
- הסהרורי: למה הוא עירום בשלג סמוך לקמפוס לנשים?
—, Israel [3367]Lunatic: Why is naked in the snow near the campus women?—, Israel [3367]- הלם בקמפוס גבר ערום הולך מתוך שינה?
—, Israel [3366]Shock campus naked man goes to sleep?—, Israel [3366]- flying into EGYPT
- وأضاف بوتوملي أن العمل الفني "أثار مناقشات حماسية عن الفن والجنس والتجربة الشخصية
— alboslanews, Egypt [1967]Bottomley added that the work of art "sparked passionate discussions about art, sex and personal experience"— alboslanews, Egypt [1967]- bumped up to business class and flying to FRANCE
- Somnambule ou flasheur de petites filles? Telle était la question…
— L’Humanosphère, France [0721]Sleepwalker or flasher little girls? That was the question ...— L’Humanosphère, France [0721]- "Ce slip Diesel de couleur bleu jeans lui aurait donné un look beaucoup plus viril et moderne avec sa ceinture cloutée !"
— online men’s underwear store, Paris [0725]"The Diesel jeans blue slip would have given him a much more manly and modern look with its studded belt!"— online men’s underwear store, Paris [0725]- "Il est vrai que son slip d’un blanc terne peu en effrayer plus d’une !"
— online men’s underwear store, Paris [0725]"It is true that her panties dull white little more than a scare!"— online men’s underwear store, Paris [0725]- on a night flight to BRAZIL
- "Terror" na neve.
— IdeaFixa, São Paulo [2791]Elite psycho girls destroy white male!— Just kidding"Terror" in the snow.— IdeaFixa, São Paulo, Brazil [2791]- on a long flight via Madrid to FINLAND
- Hämmentävän aito patsas herättää kauhua
— IL-TV, Finland [2473]Amazingly authentic statue inspires horror— IL-TV, Finland [2473]- on a night flight to JAPAN
- "皆さんはこの芸術作品、どう思う?"
— Japan, multiple placements [1793]"This work of art, what you guys think?"— Japan, multiple placements [1793]- そのため、嫌悪感を覚え、性的な暴力だと訴える学生サイドは不満を募らせているようだ
— Japan, multiple placements [1793]Therefore, remember the disgust, student side complain that it is sexual violence seems to be frustrated— Japan, multiple placements [1793]"ゾンビのように両手を前にだらんと出し、薄くあけたような目で、彷徨っている雰囲気を見事に醸し出している。"— Japan, multiple placements [1793]"Daranto out before both hands like a zombie, eyes like opened thin, it is beautifully exudes the atmosphere are wandering."— Japan, multiple placements [1793]- flying south to TAIWAN
- 禿頭男穿內褲夢遊!
—, Taipei [1978]Bald male wearing underwear sleepwalking!—, Taipei [1978]- 內褲男雕像太真 女大生不舒服.
— Taiwan, multiple placements [1969]Underwear men and women born too true statue uncomfortable.— Taiwan, multiple placements [1969]- flying north to SOUTH KOREA
- 美 반라 남성 형상화한 ’몽유병 조각상 철거 논란 뜨거워.
— Metro, Seoul [2724]A hot America sleepwalking naked male statues symbolizing demolition controversy.— Metro, Seoul [2724]- 美, 대학, 캠퍼스, ’대낮에, 팬티, 차림으로,…
— JTBC TV, South Korea [2716]America, in the middle of the day, the university, campus, panties, wear, ...— JTBC TV, South Korea [2716]- flying south to HONG KONG SAR
- 内裤梦游男雕塑 吓窒名校女生.
— Apple Daily, Hong Kong [3373]Sleepwalking male underwear sculpture scared off elite girls.— Apple Daily, Hong Kong [3373]- flying west to...
Music selection: Kim Min Su; photo: Bob Brown; text selection/design: Marcus Bering & Kim Min Su. Each title or quote can be located in the media compilation by searching the country and the numbered code in the above entries.
Sleepwalker media coverage: The remixes
Sleepwalker research overview page: A | Sleepwalker remixes overview page: B | Sleepwalking into a North American media storm: 1 | Sleepwalker media coverage vs. Harder: 2 | Sleepwalker media coverage, lost in automated translation vs. Corruption: 3 | Sleepwalker vs. Lava Land: 4 | Sleepwalker media coverage overload vs. Theme from Wrangler: 5
- Fear! Human Statue Art Work "Sleepwalker" reap condemnation.