Glenn Harper

ADC staff

Ruth Laxson at Marcia Wood Gallery, Atlanta (catalogue essay) (2008)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Glenn Harper - 15 Jul 08
1. Artists’ books are a hybrid medium in terms of process (hand-made, letterpress, or offset press; the artist operating the press or regarding it as a print job for others to produce) and in terms of the aesthetic object (the book-as-object, the sequence of pages, the binding, the content). And...

Katherine Mitchell: At the edge of being and doing (2007)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Glenn Harper - 15 Jun 07
Titles, as bits of language, are a particularly unreliable source for considering what a work of art is “about,” but there are several sequences of words that Katherine Mitchell has used over the years to title her abstract works (and the word “abstract” is another unreliable fragment of language...

Art crisis: Call for a new critical language? (2005)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
Glenn Harper - 01 Jun 05
In the early 90s, there was a lot of talk about a “crisis…[of] the loss of convictions that once governed the practice of art and the interpretive enterprise associated with it.” John Gilmour, one of the people announcing the crisis, said in Fire on the Earth: Anselm Kiefer and the Postmodern...

Hands, art, sculpture (2003)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Glenn Harper - 01 Nov 03
Toland Grinnell on curators and dealers, “art-world figures with their hands on the levers of power…who just recently bought cell phones and don’t yet know how to use the speed dial.. They are still trying to impose rules and expectations on art.” A 2001 Panelist in the Computers and Sculpture...

On art criticism (2001)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Glenn Harper - 15 Jul 01
I first became aware of contemporary art in the heyday of the notion of art objects as things, not as pointers to something else either "real" or "ideal". But of course, the mute objects of the ’60s and ’70s were not really mute at all, they were at the center of a whirlwind of words. The art of...

Futur Skulptur (2000)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Glenn Harper - 15 May 01
Essay introduction to exhibition at the McLean Project for the Arts near Washington, DC featuring artwork by Kristin Caskey, Mary Early, Ronald Gonzalez, Tracy Jacobs, Randy Jewart, Joanne Kent, Zoe Leodacki, Paolo Machado, Tim Makepeace, Brendan Morse, Walter Ratzat, Fumihito Sato, Lucy Spencer,...

Public art and public space (2000)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Glenn Harper - 20 Oct 00
Rosalyn Deutsche’s book, Evictions: Art and spatial politics, suggests that art makes its own public space. Art is a social relation, Deutsche insists, but it is a relation of a particular kind, not autonomous but not identical with other forms of everyday life (Deutsche, 1996: p. 237). Deutsche...

Is sculpture dead? Or is sculpture just really, really tired? (2000)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Glenn Harper - 01 Aug 00
An essay by Glenn Harper, the editor of Sculpture ! Is sculpture dead? As the editor, now, of a magazine called Sculpture, capital S, the artist whose name I see referred to most often by our writers is probably Marcel Duchamp— he is usually standing in for the idea that anything can be art....

Technology and art (1999)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Glenn Harper - 15 Feb 99
Art Papers magazine, while I was the editor, did an interview with a puppeteer who had taught puppetry for years, to people from school age to retirement age. He said that he first assigns the class to make a single puppet, from whatever material is at hand, and the results are widely diverse in...

Interventions and provocations introduction (1998)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Glenn Harper - 01 May 98
Introduction Although the discourse on contemporary art has been dominated in the 1980s and ’90s by Postmodern pastiche and a sometimes facile critique of consumerism, throughout the past two decades there have been a number of artists who have been engaged in creating a form of art that...

Kathy Acker: A tribute (1997)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Glenn Harper - 30 Dec 97
Kathy Acker: A tribute Kathy Acker died November 29, 1997, having for some time engaged in a public struggle with breast cancer. Acker was a provocative performance artist and one of the most prominent experimental writers of the 1980s and 90s. Acker’s writing combined three major strains:...

A Voyage Around Art Criticism (1996)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Glenn Harper - 01 Nov 96
My commission for this article was to address the question of how someone becomes an art critic. (What art criticism is is another question that we’ll have to deal with in due course.) The route to criticism is often, as it was in my own case, a series of accidents and wrong turns that, to follow...

Alternative exhibition spaces, alternative futures (1992)

→ Creative Business & Entrepreneurship
Glenn Harper - 01 Jun 92
Alternative exhibition spaces, alternative futures Alternative spaces were born and have survived because of the need felt by artists to take control of their own work, their own lives. In the ’90s, this mandate will force artists’ organizations onto the front lines of other struggles as well....